Saturday, September 26, 2020

Give Up: The Battle for Good

Like a foghorn from a lighthouse, you say give up. Upon a wing and a wave, you hear a message for no one but you.

that's the hook line and sinker of it

'till velvet seats are lined by it

this roller coaster's not through with us

be still for morrow's still for us

Give Up: The Battle for Good


It's just for you.

Personal responsibility.

It's just for them.


Words are a waste. Even though words have brought you and them to this point. This exhausting point. This exultant point. This unendurable point. This disbelieving point. Right now.


Don't give up

because you're protesting.

Don't give up

because you don't care.

Don't give up

because it doesn't matter.


Own it. How fed up you are. Of being shamed. For overextending yourself on leased I've made it wheels. For lying to hustle fudge figure commissions. For double dipping on tax breaks.


Own it. How blood boiling mad you are. At the self-absorbed who live beyond their means. At liars who scam for a living. At frauds who rob taxpayers.

Own it. How forgiveness runs thick as butter. If it was what Jesus done, then it be what you done. Because that be the glory of God. Salvation for nothing but believing.


Own it. How no sin done be unpunished. There be God's judgment and there be justice in the now. Because lawlessness cannot be had. Not in the here where injustice be.


There be no talking. Because there be no agreeing. Because you share nothing with them. Neither common ground. Nor common goal. Nor common future.

Because they sick and tired of cooperating with you. Sick and tired of tolerating. Sick and tired of unifying.

It's time for you done talking. Because real solutions to real problems of real people for the real world is they done talking.


Give up

because you want to.

Give up

because only God forgives hypocrites who hypocrisy; owns harms after words; and parleys with mortal judges.

Give up

because nothing good ever comes of giving a shit.


On Giving Up and Giving In

In the battle for good and evil, there's much ado about not giving in.

To communism. To socialism. To regimes that are so-called "exemplars" of oppressive corruption. That subject party members to investigations of loyalty. That pull no punches to punish dissenters as traitors against party and nation.

Not unlike, say, democracies or republics or democratic republics. That subject party members to tests of fealty. That retaliate against disloyalty as betrayals of party and nation.

Which is to say, the battle for good and evil isn't a battle about not giving in to one ideology over an other. The battle for good and evil is a battle about not giving in to regimes of integrity for sale. Because there's nothing principled about licking the hand that signs the checks you cash.


Moreover, there's much ado about not giving in.

To religious rule. To regimes that are so-called "exemplars" of radical extremism. That subject citizens to morality policing against godless offenses. That sanction military crackdowns of civil protests against undemocracy.

Not unlike, say, democracies or republics or representative democracies. That empower the morality policing of citizens qua "conscience" denials of health care, justice, education, services. That threaten military enforcement of law and order against civilians at civil protests.

Which is to say, the battle for good and evil isn't a battle about not giving in to one canon over an other. The battle for good and evil is a battle about not giving in to regimes immune to mortal judgment. For a divine right to immunity without limits is endowed no one.


In other words, what's in name only is your much ado about not giving in.



On Giving Up and Checking Out

In the battle for good and evil, there's much ado about not checking out.

Leveraging viciousness. Not letting any fish, no matter how small, go. Flinging every stone. The hotter the heat, the better. The muddier the mud, the better than better. Because the stakes are too high.

After all, it's all for you.

Checking out?

It's just for them

Meanwhile, you whinge and wail: unfair! when viciousness leveraged is hostile; when fish, no matter how small, won't let go; when every stone without mercy is flung; when heat that's hotter, charbroils; when mud that's muddier, tars and feathers you

After all, it's all for you.

Not much ado about sticky flagpole running?

It's just for them.

Because the stakes are too high.


Which is to say, giving up the battle for good is the common ground and the common goal and the common future of them. And you.




Suppose I say:

Trust no one but me! They don't want me to tell you the truth, but I'm telling you: you can't trust them! Would they say that? No! Because they're liars! They know it! You know it! Everybody knows it!

Would you believe me?

Am I standing up to "them"? Because I'm saying this? Are you standing up to "them"? Because you're grinning and roaring and eating this up?

Suppose I say:

Who'd believe a fake who says: Trust no one but me! A loser and everybody knows: losers get what they deserve!

Am I giving "them" hell? Because I'm saying "fake" and "loser"? Are you giving "them" hell? Because you're flying the words in my mouth on your flags unfurled?


You say this speech is your voice because [fill in the blank]. 

Tell me:

Are words that pretend to be true just as good as being true?


You say this speech is the truth because [fill in the blank].

Tell me:

Do you believe the truth? Or do you believe words that pretend to be just as good?


If only I was born yesterday!