responses to posted comments below (MG V) and: here (MG IV)here (MG III)here (MG II); and here (MG) ~

Mille Grazie (V)

from 2020:

selected comments (in grayscale) and 
my responses (in purple)
(in chronological order by blog post, comment, or response)

{ ~ }

An Unsayable Letter (4/1/20)

TheTimelessDragon (4/2/20)

see Illuminare below

WanderingTheVoid (4/2/20), BenLewis (4/2/20)


there are four groups on a sinking ship

the first group is told: Jump! You are survivors! God does not give you more than you can bear! Your tireless arms and your unwearied feet and your strong back shall you carry to the Shore!

the second group is told: Jump! You are hustlers who rise up with your eyes on the prize! Nothing keeps you down or holds you back! In fact, your can-do boot straps shall lift you to the Shore!

the third group is told: Jump! You are not wretched; you have nothing to fear; this moment is what preparing for the worst is for! Your reserve shall float you to the Shore!

the fourth group is told: For each of you, there shall be lifeboats; for each of you, there shall be rescue; for each of you, there shall be plenty!

lifeboats are for the needy; rescue is for the wage earner; plenty is for everyone
my ass

BenLewis (4/2/20)

not only is it no small irony that too many captains of "sinking" ships choose to be "lean" and  "mean" during crises of iceberg-size proportion, but how too many "sinking" ships become "investment worthy" (that is, the reversal of "sinking") after "temporarily" doubling down on "leanness" and "meanness", isn't any less ugly

reply to BenLewis (4/2/20) by TheRealKW (4/4/20)

"... so why... seethe... Why... blame..."

that's like asking: "why tell the truth?"
because I can't not tell the truth

or: "why care?"
because only heartless humbugs don't care

that's why
you godforsaken pestilence walking

ThornsWithoutPricks (4/4/20)

in other words

the bitter irony is although the fourth group reserves and stockpiles lifeboats, rescue, and plenty for crises of iceberg-size proportion, the fourth group dictates that crises of iceberg-size proportion are hoaxes

until who shall need reserves and stockpiles of lifeboats, rescue, and plenty without oversight or covenants?
the fourth group, that's who

Sneaker (4/4/20)

the tears are here, right next to the fury, but never, ever giving in; I leave my beating heart pumping fire through my bones, here, and may all who stand before me with anything less than the same, be godforsaken pestilence walking

thank you

MagicMountain (4/4/20)

you are not "at the mercy of" such "fiend";
that is death talking

If I could, rewrite magic history
If I could, heal the hurted you
I would move, every cragged mountain
To lift you up, anew

I am here, always and forever
I am here, vested and true
Listen to, the words that speak in riddles
I am here, with you

Never fear that you're alone
Lost and woebegotten
Never weary of the road
Ill and Godforgotten

Listen to, the heart that breaks to pieces
Ebbing me from you

(set to the tune of "I See the Light" (Tangled (Disney)))

PlayingToWin (4/4/20)

the low-hanging fruit is, of course, to reply: do I not have power and fame?
after all, you are here

needless to say, "[being] sad" that "[myself]" is not "[broader]" (1) by way of going along with "perception... has become more important than the truth" (2) and by "not [going] out of [my] way to correct a false perception if it plays to [my] advantage" (3) is, when examined with care, akin to "[being] sad" that "[myself]" is not as good as it could be (4) by way of not being good

unsurprisingly, this is the "classic" Machiavellian rationalization of being heartless and soulless and human

to which, the low-hanging fruit is, of course, to reply: why "use" "[being] one of the smartest people that [you] have ever read" to be human?
after all, am I not am?

reply to PlayingToWin (4/4/20) by JokeyPunster (4/4/20)

is the "joke" tasteless because "a very rich man" is a joke?
or is the "joke" tasteless because the butt of such tastelessness is you?

ACaptain AParrot (4/4/20)

@acaptain is worth following, @aparrot is not

4/23/2020 (updated 4/24/20, 4/25/20)

reply to PlayingToWin (4/4/20) by WhatIAmIsWhatIAm (4/6/20)

"...there are only three kinds of intelligence and thought..."

it requires neither intelligence nor thought to be pulled by the nose by "instinct"
fern to fowl, beast to bevy, no trait is more abundant than intelligence, more new than thought

SifIsLovingNorway (4/7/20)


Gehenna and Perdition
a hell of the living and a hell of the dead

Keep Earth Great
Gehenna Perdition 2020
The Real Parrot King Needs You

reply to SifIsLovingNorway (4/7/20) by TheRealKW (4/7/20)

"...jealous... of your other half..."

we are not half; we are whole; and no one who is whole is jealous of an other whole

can the same be said of an asshole?
well, you tell us, are you jealous?

reply to TheRealKW (4/7/20) by SifIsLovingNorway (4/7/20)


FrederickTheGreat (4/7/20)

"...Mount Parnassas..."

if memory serves, not only were you willing to walk but not willing to do, the telling afterwards was:

Two paths of action there stood, and I -
I took the one that got me by,
And what has made all the difference
Was just a pretense,
Just a lie.

(see "The Road Not Taken" (Robert Frost); substitutions are mine)

TheRealKW (4/7/20)

see The Hypothetical Parrot King (tvfs)

The Hypothetical Parrot King (4/20/20)

Maximilian (4/24/20)

beware the seat of judgment
its power corrupts

Sneaker (4/24/20)

it feels a pitiful meagre thing, to say thank you
after all, thank you is an empty courtesy, a pretense of gratitude, an affectation of manner, a nothing to it

but, a real thank you, a sincere thank you, an honest thank you
is a hug with words

thank you

(and fuck the mille grazie of humans who coulda, woulda, shoulda)

BlueInTheWest (4/24/20)

when you wish upon a liberator, know this:

Makes no difference who you are,
A wannabe TV celebrity star,
Fate is not your hand to command,
By wish or dream or big brass band.

(see "When You Wish Upon a Star" (Pinocchio (Disney)); substitutions are mine)

SofiaTheFirst (4/24/20)

if what you hear is what the real parrot king makes you hear
and what you see is what parrots and tools and puppets make you see,

case in point:
ads and briefings and tweets
and communications thereof,

is what you are made to know
for you?
or for bulls and matchsticks and pawns, taunted and lit and played,
for the hypothetical parrot king?

TheMessengerGod (4/24/20)

what strategic and opportunistic war or two or three?

as if
to be bombarded with what the real parrot king makes you hear,
with wall to wall validation of what parrots and tools and puppets make you see,
until what you know is what you are made to know,

until who you mimicry, clap, and praise is:

the real parrot king,

is to be "liberated" and "free"

BabylonLouie (4/24/20)

"Mi rendo... etc."

who you could be and who you would be and who you should be,
is the real parrot king 
but for godforsaken pestilence walking,
you are some kind of hypothetically stupid
and a miracle

whether or not you know what you are made to know or you know what there is to know,
is not up to the shepherd

it is up to the flock

WebLifeMatters (4/24/20)

disgust with whiff of heartlessness and soullessness
rejects the razor's edge
to live for nothing,
to save no one

AlphaCentauriOrBust (4/25/20)

"Be careful what you ask for..." " happy parrot nation..."

You are to blame and they are to blame and that is to blame
is easy.

if I too shouted "Hoax!" "Hoax!" "Hoax!" when real is real is real, then I too am to blame;
if I too voted not to impeach an impeached liar when a lie is a lie is a lie, then I too am to blame;
if I too endorsed a wannabe TV celebrity star when bankrupt is bankrupt is bankrupt, then I too am to blame.

parrots and tools and puppets, in the business of easy,
aren't in business with the people;
parrots who shout easy and tools who vote easy and puppets who endorse easy,
are in business with the real parrot king.

My Plate Is Full, My Table Laden (7/20/20)

MyPlateIsEmptyForYou (7/24/20)

there is a craving for credit, a desire to own - like a craving for discredit, a desire to disown
that has nothing to do with acts that act for good and nothing to do with speech that speaks the truth

and I rest within the comfort of:

while acts that act for good and speech that speaks the truth
stand the test of time,

houses that craving and desire build
burn like matchsticks

lit and thrown away

Sneaker (7/24/20)

I hear:

God will provide?
It is I who provide: for myself; for here; for now; for me.
When my number is up, I will be daises up dead.
So I live come hell or high water. As if nothing matters but living one life once.
If I am blessed, it is because every ounce and every pound is my right mine.
It is my pride and my privilege to feast on the marrow of my right mine without a give or a care in the world.
Morality is for suckers afraid to break the rules to win.
So why not me to take what's for the taking for myself and I?

I hear:

prayers and thoughts and words
answered by houses that craving and desire build.

I hear


Esswa (8/2/20)

there is a parable lost to soup
that is, Sumer and Akkadia and Babel

that sets God against human "imagination"

that would the hand of God be responsible for
that which is human

that is, responsibility

TheWolfAteMyHand (8/2/20)

I am humbled by the feat of you finding great solace after having fed your hand to the wolf

a self-serving self-superior self would have found self-pity
that is, wassailing

ThornsWithoutPricks (8/2/20)

when prayers and words
are synonymous with uncaring and greed

what do you stand for
you humans who stand with faithless sausage mongers?

the "freedom" to "believe" a really bad parking lot penny is "the savior"?


TwinsOrBust (8/2/20)

as if "freedom" to live by
pseudo religious worship cum determinism cum pseudo ideological axiom of deserving cum nihilism
is "freedom"

much less, "freedom" to live by "real" truth

BenLewis (8/2/20)

if sausage buyers can believe they like buying sausage
shit eaters can believe they love eating shit


NoSoupForYou (8/2/20)

like dime store psychology, dime store philosophy is a tell-tale of trifling smugness

after all
it isn't a tell-tale of heart

SifIsLovingNorway (8/2/20)

Now that it's all said and done,
Tell them how I'm defying gravity, I'm the one.

I'll bring thunder, I'll bring rain,
And a hundred percent reason to remember the name.

'Cause I'm not afraid to take a stand,
Fuck castles of salt on pillars of sand.

And I don't really care if nobody else believes,
I make no apologies, this is me.


TheRealKW (8/2/20)
"yet these people..."

yet "these people" laugh... at all people... who care

because laughing at houses on fire is "these people" wannabeing &TheRealKW

8/22/20, 8/23/20
BridgesMustFall (8/6/20)
"his", "your", "us"

you don't wonder
you "pray"

for "God's will be done" be Your will be done

a plaster fraud, your stand for "us"
is a tell-tale of sham piety

after all
a fake cross isn't a tell-tale of faith

reply to above by TheRealKW (8/6/20)

who sees with equal eye a bubble burst and now a world

none who see as God of all
perish or fall

FrederickTheGreat (8/6/20)

what's the point of giving - if, in return, gift takers give you ingratitude?
therefore, gift takers who prove their gratitude - with loyalty at the expense of integrity, for example - are the only gift takers worth gifting

after all, what's the point of giving - if, in return, you get nothing?
therefore, the price of generosity from me is generosity for me
tat for my tit, if you will

so, how much is your integrity worth?
I bet I can buy it for really bad parking lot pennies on the dollar

I hear honesty is so cheap it's free

AMarqueeDeHodur (8/6/20)

the truth

has spawned religions, theories, axioms to live and die by

so has lies

TimesTest (8/6/20)

neither is paucity

sausage mongers who "tell it like it is"
sell every lie and then some

including the lie that apathy and indifference is "enlightenment and awakening"

because a lie
that spawns religions, theories, axioms to live and die by
is as good as a truth

TheRealKW (8/6/20)

because you rule the world;
start the fire;
burn it down;
are the devil?



Sneaker (9/27/20)
if there is a fine line between "I feel your pain" and "I pretend to feel your pain"
it is not surprising that even a pretense of feeling is
an anthem

TopThis (9/27/20)

glib from anarchists and glib from nihilists
is glib that would the last "one" standing be "winner" take all

self-interest "wears" every face and every hand that serves self-gain
the two-faced face and the double-dealing hand

SifIsLovingNorway (10/3/20)

I beat though I am no drum
I drum though I am no band

I stand without feet
I whip without hands

neither horse nor rider nor crown
quarters me

{ ~ }


My ideas are everywhere. But my ideas are rarely put forth everywhere, as I have spoken them. Which is to say, my ideas are all too often, spoken sideways. Needless to say, it goes without saying that I do not endorse, in any way whatsoever, the sidewaysing of my ideas, much less, the sidewaysing of my ideas to put forth agendas I oppose.

Which is to say, finding my ideas everywhere, is easy. Finding the truth is not. In other words, a truth spoken sideways is not telling the truth, because a truth spoken sideways, is lying.

It is as easy as ever, to lie, simply by telling a truth sideways. After all, speaking sideways, is a language called being human.

But: so long as my ideas are here, as I have spoken them, the truth exists to be found.

As always, thank you for your patience and understanding as comments and responses are posted to this blog and this page.



  1. Humans have no... King.
    Just noise... Loud
    Not so just... Language
    Always over they... Talk
    It is that... Good
    That Pestilence is... Free

  2. Everyone wants to... rule the world...
    Everyone wants to... set the fire...
    Everyone wants to... bring it down...
    Everyone wants to... run the devil...
    Except the one... that is me...

  3. In a time where the sun descends alone,
    I ran a long way from home,
    Darkness on the edge,
    Shadows where I stand,
    This bloody road remains a mystery,
    But all I remember are the dreams in the mist.

    This shattered dream you can’t justify
    Use every alibi and words you deny,
    As long as the wheels are turning,
    As long as your prayers are coming true,
    It’s not what you believe those prayers will make you bleed,
    While you are on your knees.

    I’ve been a restless soul
    From the truth of a thousand lies,
    Let mercy come and wash away,
    All that I have done,
    Digging up fool’s gold
    Nobody learns without getting it wrong.

    We belong to the light,
    We belong to the thunder,
    Out of the darkness and into the sun,
    We cannot afford to be innocent,
    Stand up and face the enemy,
    Break those chains that bind you.
