Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Testament of Act

from Testament
Is the Truth the Truth.  
Is the Truth belief otherwise. Is the Truth fact otherwise. Is the Truth proof otherwise. Is the Truth knowledge otherwise. Is the Truth faith otherwise.  

(Testament of) Act

Will is... act

Free Will is... (1) act that wrongs and (2) act that rights.

Without strings.


Not without price. Nor without cost.


To live as... one of free will... is to pay the price exacted by the cost of... (1) acts that wrong and (2) acts that right.



Acts of wrong and acts of right are... 'seen'/'unseen'; 'known'/'unknown'; 'deliberate'/'accidental'; 'purposeful'/'random'; 'motivated by virtue'/'motivated by vice'; etc.


One such price is... waiving intercession.

After all.

Intercession is... by definition... the suspension of free will. And. Intercession is... by definition... the dispensation of 'favor'... per the will of intercessors.

(usage note: note that 'favor' conveys the intent of the petition for intercession; as for the intent of dispensation and the will of intercessors, 'favor' is profoundly imprecise)  


One such cost is... some of free will exercise their freedom to limit the freedom of others and themselves. For example. Contracts. Agreements. Directives.

Likewise... some of free will relinquish their freedom to limit the freedom of others and themselves. For example. Civilization. Government. Assembly.


Some of free will... belief... fact... proof... knowledge... faith... that... without such limits upon freedoms, such as, contracts, agreements, directives, civilization, government, assembly, etc... some of free will... act that wrongs.



Some of free will... empowered... limit the freedom of all but the some of free will like the empowered.


Transforming free will into freedoms allotted and forfeited, such as, rights, liberties, etc., at the exclusive favor of the empowered.


Indeed. Free will is without strings. But. Not without price. Nor cost.


continued from (Testament of) War (tvfs), Testament (tvfs)


a letter of good


If... you were empowered...

     to act that wrong
     to act that right

how would you... act?


If... you were empowered...

     to relinquish the freedom of yourself
     to limit the freedom of others and yourself

how would you... act?


If... you were empowered...

     to limit the freedom of all but you and your kind
     to transform free will into freedoms allotted and forfeited
     (at the exclusive favor of you and your kind)

how would you... act?


To act... without strings... is the freedom that we enjoy... that betters and that worsens... our lot and our world.


     such freedom is exploited... to empower acts that wrong... 
     what price exacted by the cost of such act... is enough to empower acts that right?


     enough is enough... for acts that right to prevail?


     are we the empowered who wrong to favor our selves (and our kind)?


Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Testament of War

from Testament
In the end... it matters not if a million peoples testify beliefs that are blind... it matters not if there are a million facts that are fictions... it matters not if a million proofs that are illogic are replicated a million times... it matters not if knowledge that is err is iterated and reiterated via a million publications... it matters not if a million faiths that are bad are testified across a million lands... 

(Testament of) War

The war of truth is a war of no beginning nor end.


It is not won. Because. Antipodes of truth are.

It is not lost. Because. Truth is.

In other words...

... the war of truth is neither won nor lost...

... the war of truth is.





Antipodes of truth are anathema. To anathema is to devote to antipodes of truth. To devote to antipodes of truth is to advance antipodes of truth.

Truth is faith. To faith is to devote to truth. To devote to truth is to advance truth.


To cease is to surrender, to cede... advancing antipodes of truth and truth... devotion to antipodes of truth and truth... anathema and faith... and... antipodes of truth and truth.


If. Truth is. If. Antipodes of truth are.

If. Truth is to faith is to devote to truth is to advance truth. If. Antipodes of truth are to anathema are to devote to antipodes of truth are to advance antipodes of truth.

How. Exactly. Is. The war of truth to cease. If. To cease is to surrender, verily, cede antipodes of truth and truth.


If truth and antipodes of truth are akin to... 'universes', for example, 'anchored', verily, 'pillared' by 'mirrors' of 'absolute' 'horizons', verily, 'twins' of 'limitless' and 'perpetual' 'power'...

... what. happens. exactly.

... when. one mirror ceases.

... when. one twin cedes.


There are 'universes' across the 'grandverse'... then and now... that belief... that fact... that proof... that knowledge... that faith... that...

... what. happens. exactly. is. victory.



When. One mirror, verily, twin escalates. When. One twin, verily, mirror amplifies. When. Armaments intensify. When. Battlements and fortifications burgeon. Vis a vis parades that magnify, for example. Vis a vis engagements that frequent, et cetera.

What. Happens. Exactly. Is. Extinction.


When. One mirror, verily, twin ceases. When. One twin, verily, mirror cedes.

What. Happens. Exactly. Is. Extinction. In. The. Name. Of. Victory.

Verily. Advancement of one in the name of victory. Devotion of one in the name of victory. The salvation, verily, vivo of... the liberty, verily, liber of... one and only one in the name of victory.


In. The. Name. Of. Victory.

Judgement. Of. Extinction. Unto. 



Advanced. Devoted. Saved. Freed. One and only one.



The war of truth is.

Limitless. Perpetual.


The war of truth is.


Finite. Mortal.


continued from Testament (tvfs)


a letter of good


Let's wonder...

... if antipodes of truth won the war of truth?


Surely we are neither so naive nor so stupid as to assume such victory lossless. (Begging such question, indeed, as to what is lost.) Surely we are neither so naive nor so stupid as to assume such victors categorically magnanimous. (Begging such question, indeed, as to the devil in the details of such magnanimity.) For such naivete, for such stupidity... is surely blind at best and lethal at worst... no?

Or. Is it true, indeed, is it fact that victors of war indiscriminately identify opposers as victors too and opposition as victorious too? Or. Is it true, indeed, is it fact that victors of war liberally dispense generosity upon opposers and victors alike and opposition and victorious alike?


Oh such victory! Imagine... such antipodes of truth thenceforth advanced! Beliefs! Facts! Proofs! Knowledge! Faith! Woven of whole cloth! Independent of truth! Sovereign!

What then... of opposers and opposition? And. What then... of truth?


Like monuments of marble razed to dust and ash in the wake of victories and victors... surely the truth too is razed in the name of victory.

Indeed, such is the nature of victories and victors that testaments of opposition and opposers are categorically heretical... regardless if such testament is testament of truth.


Dissent is unequivocally sacrilege... regardless if that which is sacred is beliefs, facts, proofs, knowledge, faith, woven of whole cloth, verily, antipodes of truth... no?

Oh such victory! Imagine... anathema as sacred! devotion to antipodes of truth as exalted! advancement of antipodes of truths as noble!

What then... of questions that seek the truth? What then... of doubt?

Indeed, such is the nature of sovereignty and sanctity vis a vis victories and victors... that transparency is vilified... 'fore the favor of opacity that suppresses every seed that sows dissent and every flame that emboldens opposition... including doubt and the truth.



Sovereignty and sanctity... in the name of Victories! and Victors!... are equivalent to... Absolute! Supremacy!


Such supremacy absolute... in tandem with Right! Divine!... is verily indeed... Tyranny! of Totalitarianism! by Divine! Right!


If antipodes of truth won the war of truth...

... let's wonder...

... if to the victor belong the spoils...

... what spoils verily belong to antipodes of truth?