Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Testament of War

from Testament
In the end... it matters not if a million peoples testify beliefs that are blind... it matters not if there are a million facts that are fictions... it matters not if a million proofs that are illogic are replicated a million times... it matters not if knowledge that is err is iterated and reiterated via a million publications... it matters not if a million faiths that are bad are testified across a million lands... 

(Testament of) War

The war of truth is a war of no beginning nor end.


It is not won. Because. Antipodes of truth are.

It is not lost. Because. Truth is.

In other words...

... the war of truth is neither won nor lost...

... the war of truth is.





Antipodes of truth are anathema. To anathema is to devote to antipodes of truth. To devote to antipodes of truth is to advance antipodes of truth.

Truth is faith. To faith is to devote to truth. To devote to truth is to advance truth.


To cease is to surrender, to cede... advancing antipodes of truth and truth... devotion to antipodes of truth and truth... anathema and faith... and... antipodes of truth and truth.


If. Truth is. If. Antipodes of truth are.

If. Truth is to faith is to devote to truth is to advance truth. If. Antipodes of truth are to anathema are to devote to antipodes of truth are to advance antipodes of truth.

How. Exactly. Is. The war of truth to cease. If. To cease is to surrender, verily, cede antipodes of truth and truth.


If truth and antipodes of truth are akin to... 'universes', for example, 'anchored', verily, 'pillared' by 'mirrors' of 'absolute' 'horizons', verily, 'twins' of 'limitless' and 'perpetual' 'power'...

... what. happens. exactly.

... when. one mirror ceases.

... when. one twin cedes.


There are 'universes' across the 'grandverse'... then and now... that belief... that fact... that proof... that knowledge... that faith... that...

... what. happens. exactly. is. victory.



When. One mirror, verily, twin escalates. When. One twin, verily, mirror amplifies. When. Armaments intensify. When. Battlements and fortifications burgeon. Vis a vis parades that magnify, for example. Vis a vis engagements that frequent, et cetera.

What. Happens. Exactly. Is. Extinction.


When. One mirror, verily, twin ceases. When. One twin, verily, mirror cedes.

What. Happens. Exactly. Is. Extinction. In. The. Name. Of. Victory.

Verily. Advancement of one in the name of victory. Devotion of one in the name of victory. The salvation, verily, vivo of... the liberty, verily, liber of... one and only one in the name of victory.


In. The. Name. Of. Victory.

Judgement. Of. Extinction. Unto. 



Advanced. Devoted. Saved. Freed. One and only one.



The war of truth is.

Limitless. Perpetual.


The war of truth is.


Finite. Mortal.


continued from Testament (tvfs)


a letter of good


Let's wonder...

... if antipodes of truth won the war of truth?


Surely we are neither so naive nor so stupid as to assume such victory lossless. (Begging such question, indeed, as to what is lost.) Surely we are neither so naive nor so stupid as to assume such victors categorically magnanimous. (Begging such question, indeed, as to the devil in the details of such magnanimity.) For such naivete, for such stupidity... is surely blind at best and lethal at worst... no?

Or. Is it true, indeed, is it fact that victors of war indiscriminately identify opposers as victors too and opposition as victorious too? Or. Is it true, indeed, is it fact that victors of war liberally dispense generosity upon opposers and victors alike and opposition and victorious alike?


Oh such victory! Imagine... such antipodes of truth thenceforth advanced! Beliefs! Facts! Proofs! Knowledge! Faith! Woven of whole cloth! Independent of truth! Sovereign!

What then... of opposers and opposition? And. What then... of truth?


Like monuments of marble razed to dust and ash in the wake of victories and victors... surely the truth too is razed in the name of victory.

Indeed, such is the nature of victories and victors that testaments of opposition and opposers are categorically heretical... regardless if such testament is testament of truth.


Dissent is unequivocally sacrilege... regardless if that which is sacred is beliefs, facts, proofs, knowledge, faith, woven of whole cloth, verily, antipodes of truth... no?

Oh such victory! Imagine... anathema as sacred! devotion to antipodes of truth as exalted! advancement of antipodes of truths as noble!

What then... of questions that seek the truth? What then... of doubt?

Indeed, such is the nature of sovereignty and sanctity vis a vis victories and victors... that transparency is vilified... 'fore the favor of opacity that suppresses every seed that sows dissent and every flame that emboldens opposition... including doubt and the truth.



Sovereignty and sanctity... in the name of Victories! and Victors!... are equivalent to... Absolute! Supremacy!


Such supremacy absolute... in tandem with Right! Divine!... is verily indeed... Tyranny! of Totalitarianism! by Divine! Right!


If antipodes of truth won the war of truth...

... let's wonder...

... if to the victor belong the spoils...

... what spoils verily belong to antipodes of truth?



  1. ToInfinityAndBackPlusOneOctober 4, 2017 at 3:00 PM

    Yearn I,
    For days,
    For nights,
    For mornings,
    Filled Giggles,
    Filled Flames,
    Filled Passion,
    Where Peace,
    Where Truth,
    Where Love,
    Reign Here,
    Reign There,
    Reign Everywhere,
    As you,
    As I,
    As we,
    Gaze Forests,
    Gaze Lakes,
    Gaze Cottages,
    Drinking life,
    Drinking love,
    Drinking coffee,
    Joined hearts,
    Joined souls,
    Joined hands,
    In Joy,
    In Serenity,
    In Ajeeh,
    Living free,
    Living true,
    Living together,
    For Now
    For Then
    For Always

    I love you as you are amazing and the only truth that I need in my life.

  2. For the spoils of the truth are nothing more than than truth; and to those truthers go the spoils of seeding the future of mutuality, unity, and freedom. Sadly, this day and age is more about seeding the future of singularity, division, and tyranny by forfeiting the truth and all that comes with it in exchange for a goose that lays pyrite eggs, beans that grow now beanstalk, and a harp that will only sing for the truly rich. Yet does not all "humans" wish and hope to be Jack who scales a beanstalk and steals fame, glory, and wealth from another? In the end, everyone wants to get theirs and no one really cares how.

  3. Mirrors must have a reflection in order to exist so when one side brings the other to extinction - that side is not only wiping out their enemy but also themselves. Therefore life cannot be about good and evil as life is neither good or evil, it just is.

  4. So much is arbitrary, so much is about me... me... me... IF all that is me... me... me... is not real then why would you believe that there is a real difference between this world and that world, between pain and suffering and happiness and bliss, between good and evil. Would it all not be a silly illusion that your mind rejects for no other reason than you are afraid to truth and would rather try to destroy the other sides so that your way is the only way.

  5. Permit me a moment if you will,
    To explain to all of you, “humans,”
    That I do so hate your mirrors and rhetoric,
    And the life of which you make for yourself,
    That is representative in that,
    It is cheap, ridiculous,
    Chasing Victory and Fame at all costs,
    Often as one of the great everlasting antipodes,
    Showing yourself as a deadly enemy to truth.

    I am not allowed to tell you that I despise,
    All that you build, you claim, you perpetuate,
    Alas there are more of you than me,
    And I left my armor out of my bag,
    Such preventing my struggle against you,
    Yet I have something that you yearn,
    The word, yes, the noble word,
    Which in the hands of the faithful
    Is protection for the weak from the weak.

    To use this word, this powerful word,
    Which is sharp and bright and pure,
    Enough to strike home and soul,
    To make you feel the presence of divine power,
    That which you do not know at all,
    To shake even a minute of your false equilibrium,
    To jostle even a minute of you fake pride,
    To thunder even a minute of your wicked greed,
    Shall let me finally rejoice indeed.

    1. Words can cause extinction. Words can cause annihilation. Words can divide use, they can steal us. But if words can do all that, they can do the opposite too - they can regrow us, they can save us. They can join us and they can recover us. But for that to happen the words have to be spoken with all in your heart and mind and soul. Until then - words are the tool of the tyrants who are just trying to get theirs.

  6. It saddens me so that in this time and age that we fail to understand the path of extinction that we have chosen for all kind on this paradise through games of oneupmanship and races and supremacy. Veritably, the possessor of truth should be strong, defending life, never bending before the great force of lies, deceit, and greed. The truth was supposed to help the champions discover a deeper strength inside, that very strength to lay low the despot, the oligarch, and those that would have use willfully destroy all that is good and pure in this world. Instead we are all too quick to be a soldier of our faith and our truth that is set to launch thousands if not millions of ships to attack the truth and burn down the towers of faith and truth until all that left are the topless towers of lies. Why do we not wonder of the limits of lies, intolerance, and division instead of focusing on how far, in the pursuit of the what is true and right we must go to cross that finish line and arrive there wondering if we crossed a line and have become antipodes of what we were supposed to be and thus have become not good anymore at all but rather evil?

  7. Only those creatures that are vain and fame hungry are naive enough to believe that their mini-wars of mirrors, butter, and opposites does not cause the innocent destruction and extinction of all that are around them until the is nothing left as life, planet, and gas cede the victory and bring extinction to all whether innocent or guilty of that extinction. And in the end - they bring extinction down on themselves too but they are often the the last ones to bear the cost of their vanity.

  8. Such a beautiful piece... from a beautiful woman... remind me of a... fable that there.. are antipodes... men on the.... opposite side... of the planet... where the sun.... rises when it... sets to us.... men who walk... with feet opposite... ours... where there is no.... credible ground.... Even if we cannot... see... even if some... unknown landmass lay.... there... and the world is.... not just oceans... of tears... of extinction... from only one.... pair of ancestors.... it is then... inconceivable... that such distant... realms... realities... thoughts... have been peopled.... by those that.... are doomed to extinction....

    Btw... you know... the antipode of... hate... is love... you know... you love.... me!

  9. I wonder -

    If to human is to blind -

    If humans are blind -

    If humans will blind -

    In an effort to be victorious -

    In an effort to be famous -

    In an effort to be rich -

    Through lies called faith -

    Through lies called science -

    Through lies called facts -

    Claiming Naivety -

    Claiming Blamelessness -

    Claiming Proof -

    All in an effort to -

    Steal oceans blue -

    Steal minerals white -

    Steal corpses black -

    Defiling her body -

    Taunting her spirit -

    Ravaging her mind -

    All in the name of -

    Sovereignty of the Master Race -

    Supremacy of the Divinely Touched -

    Tyranny of the minute few -

    Let’s wonder -

    Are the victor goes the spoils -

    Worth worldly extinction by fire -

    Worth life annihilation by plague -

    Worth wipes of history -

    When the spoils verily -

    Belong to the antipodes of truth?

    &MirrorTwinsForTheTruth &MirrorTwinsForBirth &MirrorTwinsForEarthParadiseRegained

  10. For all you !@#$ers who think that those !@#$ing cats in the penthouses !@#$ing want to see you be one of them, put away the !@#$ing drugs and smell the !@#$ sandwich that they are serving you! The opposite of freedom is !@#$ing tyranny, opposite of truth is !@#$ !@#$ing lies where they tell you it doesn't hurt !@#$ing much. This earth is not !@#$ing yours or !@#$Ing theirs, it's !@#$ing everyones so lets get in a circle with everything and everyone and sing !@#$ing camp fire songs.

  11. We live in a world full of those that believe success is measured and justified by the figure of someone who was sentenced and crucified that remains a stranger to the people of this time and at best may be an object of pity or opportunity. This world will allow itself to be subdued, no, imprisoned by victory and success at all cost. That’s all that matters now - making it. Opinion of twits, ideas of no-nothings, photos of the vain, lies of the reality crafters are what decide where society and emphasis is put instead of the real deeds of truth which are drowned out by the “white noise” of a bankrupt human race. For those, success justifies wrongs done and makes it all okay as long as victory is achieved. Who cares that thousands of species go extinct, that deserts are replacing plains, or that marine life is disappearing or becoming deaf and blind by chemicals and sounds. With frankness and curtness which no other creature on this planet would permit itself, human history appeals in its own cause to the dictum that success and victory and fame and wealth and power justifies the means; One has to wonder if the someone who was sentenced by the corrupt, crucified by the wealthy, murdered by the famous would think of where we are today. The mere thought of that sacrifice and others throughout time should invalidate all thought that places success, victory, wealth, fame, and power as its standard. Alas, such is the human way that sacrifices mean little to most as it pales to their desire to get their pay-day even if they destroy the planet to get there.

    1. Ancient history... to the illiterate... I am afraid... that such a... deep 14 years.... piece will be lost... on those that.... are incapable... of understanding... level 3 logic.

  12. Is it not hard to see that the oligarchs and tyrants have a plan for annihilation that is nothing less than cold blooded, calculated political measures to enhance their status, having for its object the destruction of the elements of truth in the population as those elements often prove to be troublesome and prevent them from getting the full degree of wealth.
