this is a continuation of MG II and MG 

Mille Grazie (III)

~ {responsa mea} ~

the following are selected comments from 2018 ~
(in chronological order by blog post or by comment)
~ the following are my responses

Workin' As Intended or The Hymn of The Ain't Broke (1/31/18)

LittleGidding (2/3/18)


it takes some thin' to post 'the word' at The Word expecting the due of atta boy

don't it?

but to play act and to pretend atop pulpits and upon stages to be God

is to no more be God than to &realty


speaking of &faithless and &dishonest

reply to LittleGidding by RichieConnorsWinsAll (2/4/18)

if only one profession is the only profession and if only one title is the only title of humans who play act and humans who pretend atop pulpits and upon stages to be God and to be Savior, as if to be God and to be Savior is Divine Right and Inalienable Privilege Per Profession and Per Title, as if to be God and to be Savior if ye is human requires only The Right Profession and The Right Title and Voila: ye human is God!


alas, such conceit is verily the conceit of ye who would have Power vested in Ye Self, Ye Few, and None Other! indeed, ye who would have Power vested in Ye Self, Ye Few, would no sooner relinquish such conceit than a mongrel dog a miserable bone! for glory glory tyranny is the Ungodly Aspiration of ye who would be Infallible! ye who would be All Knowing! ye who would be Lord and Master! ye who would be God!

but what God is ye Human God? for it is ye Human God whose Profession and whose Title Lies for Greed and for Power and for Pleasure and for Glory of Ye Self, Ye Few, and None Other! still, no small mass of Ye Self, Ye Many, Pray, that ye, too, shall be ye Human God!

speaking of &Addendum
ThornsWithoutPricks (2/3/18)

'But Charlotte," said Wilbur, 'I'm not terrific.' 

'That doesn't make a particle of difference,' replied Charlotte. 'Not a particle. People believe almost anything they see in print.'

from Charlotte's Web (E. B. White)

(please note the truncation of the quote above is mine)

TheFruitBowl (2/3/18) and reply by TheRealKW (2/3/18)


on deception that creates reality of whole cloth regardless of the truth and on intention that creates reality of whole cloth regardless of the truth


see also &ThePrestige &AliasGrace &Memento in more 'ways' or 'sense' of course than 'one' 'reality', for intention that creates reality of whole cloth requires no more than the will of the willing and there are as many willing as there are intentions and therefore as many realities of whole cloth that regard not the truth as not

notwithstanding the following caveat: intentions that create reality from selective and partial and created 'truths' disregard and reject and dismiss the real truth as wholeheartedly as intentions that create reality of whole cloth; which is to say, it matters not if an intention creates reality by 'telling' 'truths', because such 'truths' 'told' by an intention that creates reality is nothing more than a tool ruthlessly exploited to serve the ungodly intention to deceive

this is all too often the fate of truth in the mouths of liars

speaking of &More

BlueAsBlueIs (2/3/18) '... just lie on your couch in the home that you don't own in a country where you are not free and are content with dreaming to be nothing more than the lint you are'


(note if 'brava' is not an insult when it modifies, oh, la dichiarazione (f), is 'brava' an insult when it modifies lo uomo (m)? as if insults whose legitimacy derive from assignations of gender to vocables are as real as insults whose legitimacy derive from assignations of gender to animals:eyeroll:) 

BenLewis (2/3/18)

the games the gods play are not for men!
for men are but playthings and gods are Gods!
and woe and ware the men who would be gods for men are not!

though that made not a particle of difference to &Echo or &Narcissus, then or now!

ArmandBrainard (2/3/18)

but! but! &thecagedbird sings! therefore the bird is agreeable to the cage and the cage is agreeable to the bird!


as if &thecagedbird is not &theturn to be exploited to the death by the deceiver and the deceived

SofiaTheFirst (2/3/18)

why the price of the ain't broke is paid in liber denied and in mutuus denied
is why the liberest of us all are not libered and the mutuusest of us all are not mutuused
though the liberest of us all and though the mutuusest of us all are worth it, truly


Sneaker (2/3/18)

What would you say... if you could say anything... to me?

Would you solicit money and fame and salvation? Would you thrust upon me your bad faith in exchange for my blood? Would you deem yourself deserving of me and mine and demand it all for yourself?

What would you do... if from a thousand yards or a mile away... I denied you?

Would you pen the tale of me and mine robbing you of what you deserve? Would you print 'cold blooded people like you' in a web spun at my door? Would you with the town crier's horn and holler proclaim my greed and deceit without end denies you money and fame?

What if you say, what if you do... as if your realty is the truth, as if mine is the lie?

Would you make amends or, oh, atone, for, your free will exercised thus? Or. Would you praise with all the righteousness in the world your hustle your graft your fraud your workin' as intended by you who ain't broke?

Maybe, just maybe, I'm fucking over &chickenshit &bullshit &shitrollingdownhill! So. Spare me your declaration that all I ask for my blood is an impossible ask of the ain't broke! For. Though the truth and good faith may be impossible asks of your golden realty, they're the pillars of mine!

speaking of &realty that's golden and &realty that's not and &faith that's pure and &faith that's bad

FrederickTheGreat (2/4/18) re: '...fix it...'

'it' is workin' as intended and needs no fixin' as you well know!

for how fond the ain't broke are of stoking flames of outrage
thus commencing such games the ain't broke play at the expense of the broke
for what pleasures the master more than pain the subject ill affords?

spare me such cries for such games that amuse the ain't broke!
and spare me such patronizing chickenshit that acknowledges not
the truth:

the broke who would sooner play such games by the rules of the ain't broke are the ain't broke stripped of legitimacy as fraud and fake as bullshit gilt and press and print as gold and virtue that's real and true


as if shit rolled in fool's gold is a paragon of legitimacy, nay, a champion of righteousness due a ticker tape parade of epic, nay, historic pomposity!

IceUnfitZoom (2/4/18)

it is not the word of God that 'consequates' Man to want pigs to be bacon or 'consequates' Pigs to be bacon
rather, it is the word of Man who would be God

speaking of created reality

reply to IceUnfitZoom by SifIsLovingNorway (2/4/18)

To be a pig whose bacon is saved by lies in print is to be some pig.

what's the harm of exploiting belief in the printed word whether such word lies or not to save the bacon of a pig?

speaking of the ain't broke whose work is workin' as intended

산의 사람들 (2/4/18), Zinc Thee (2/4/18), FianceProps (2/4/18)

see TheMinistryOfOneAndAll (2/4/18)

or 'tis The Word of Saint Peter too shitless for mouths that would be asses but for the grace of Evolution? then, we shall be the immovable ass flying on bright clouds of shit! :eyeroll:

OverdueGeniusIt (2/4/18), RobespierresBaby (2/4/18), TweetThis (2/4/18)

see SifIsLovingNorway (2/4/18)

or shall Self Righteousness be press, nay, be print and The Truth be damned? for hot air oft swells within the beating tell tale hearts of the Self Important

reply to OverdueGeniusIt by BenLewis (2/4/18)

fools and helmets are bedfellows unacquainted in bliss and in misery

notwithstanding, is the rebuff of the latter by the former a loss if that which is saved by the purpose of the latter is of no use to the former? for whom the state of bliss is all the more real per disuse in the condition of misery that is all too real?


exchange with SifIsLovingNorway, reply to FianceProps, reply to OverdueGeniusIt by TheRealKW (2/3/18 and 2/4/18)

is the real in your 'reality' shit too?
&chickenshit and &bullshit and &shitrollingdownhill?
is your Honest Truth some shit too?

are you the Infallible? the All knowing? the Lord and Master? the Savior whose work is workin' as intended? as if Greed and Power and Pleasure and Glory shall Save us all!

speaking of fools born

Page - MG III

TheFruitBowl (2/13/18)

ye are not TheFruitBowl, ye lord of illusion

that begs the question
what sort of love is tendered thus? but the selfish love of the selfish man who would sooner exploit
a wrath that is a wonder to behold
than love really


Sneaker (2/13/18)

the 'path' to 'paradise', to 'heaven', to 'nirvana' is paved with curated truths and created 'truths' that serve intentions that create reality, in other words, intentions that deceive

as if all the righteousness in the world and all the money in the world and every hymn of the ain't broke create 'realities' that are real realities
for are not created 'paradises', created 'heavens', created 'nirvanas'
for even if created 'realities' appear to be or mimic 'paradise' and 'heaven' and 'nirvana'
created 'realities' are no more real realities than created 'truths' are real truths

which begs the question
how many created 'realities' and created 'truths' are passing as real realities and real truths?

MoonAndFlyinGass (2/13/18)

who idolize the youths of the dead poets society?

who 'look at things in a different way' after all is said and done?

and not before the life of one who aspires to 'carpe diem' costs the livelihood of one who 'looks at things in a different way' from the beginning

if we cannot discern the difference between the charade of heroism and real heroism
then is it any wonder that created 'realities' pass as real realities and created 'truths' pass as real truths and not a moment before all is said and done will we be the wiser

speaking of o captain my captain

The Not See Who Blinked (12/25/18)

AlphaCentauriOrBust, Sneaker, BenLewis, SifIsLovingNorway, AMessengerGod, ABigMindInAShortBody, SofiaTheFirst (12/26/18 5:40 PM - 7:43 PM)

it is soul crushing to read your comments
and know
how few "sees" there are

while &ThePrincessKnights are as common as throwaway pennies rusting on
paradises paved to put up parking lots and pink hotels

BigGreenTeam (12/26/18)

the "not see" imagine:
to be me is to live in a palace
i am not "am" because my "palace" is no more a palace than an anchor of stone is
where "not sees" collude, viz. play together, and conspire, viz. breathe together

Tyr (12/26/18)

to be loved by the right hand of justice is truth beloved joyously

reply to Tyr by MeMoreThanI (12/28/18)

spoken with a tongue as "apt" as a spear polisher of odin

Sneaker (12/27/18)

so long as "not sees" drive fistfuls of tender at counting chickens

the impresario who presents a "virtue" "earns"
a throwaway penny

while the "impresario" who scripts a counting chicken "earns"
a star on hollywood boulevard


EyesWideOpen (12/27/18) re: "... is not possible here, there, or anywhere."

as for what is possible:

the lengths "not sees" go to pass as "sees"

RomeIsAFlamefulMess (12/27/18)

the black museum is the black mirror

Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of memory raz'd, damned well and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away."

from Ozymandias (P. B. Shelley)

{please note the following substitution:
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
Of memory raz'd, damned well and bare
is mine}

CantoDementoInferno (12/28/18)

self satisfaction that drips like acid
is as charming as

a wine cellar

RevvingMystic (12/29/18)

every generation, there are bulwarks, chosen, entrusted with my faith, charged to good
without which, i perish

who stands
for stoning and attacking and discrediting bulwarks, chosen, entrusted with my faith, charged to good
who sees?

BlueNights (12/29/18)

when villains lie and avow:

i see harmlessness and innocence and heroism where there is villainy, including my villainy

"not sees" who see harmlessness and innocence and heroism where there is villainy
collude and conspire and collaborate
with villains

of course:
why this is and what is gained and why this is and what is "idolized"
is neither here nor there nor "missed"

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SifIsLovingNorway (12/26/18, 12/27/18), HeimdellAvatar (12/29/18)


for figments of my imagination, you're awefully awesome

TheRealKW (12/271/8)

just because it's Christmas
and at Christmas you tell the truth:

all the figments of my imagination speak TheRealKW



Et Gratis ~
if the some thin' you wanna say is &chickenshit &bullshit &shitrollingdownhill ~ here's some thin' for nothin' ~ &TheGod'sHonestTruth don't give a damn ~
Notes ~
(i) updates will forthecome as comments upload ~ (ii) emphasis on this page is subject to being kind ~ (iii) comments on this page and across this blog are subject to moirai, etc. ~ (iv) thank you for your patience and understanding... a m


  1. Is it not all that matters is to know more than someone else and to be able to work backwards to bind the truth into your conclusive lie? Does that not make your conclusion truthful even though it's only purpose is to increase your statues, salt, and jackhammer? I mean why else would we care more about our conclusion than the facts and truth that are staring right at us - they certainly can't be there for any other reason than to get me mine.

  2. Is not the zeitgeist of our time that mendacity and calumny borne from conclusions designed of avarice, sloth, and pride buttressed by carefully curated truths is the path to heaven? Or have we forgot that the road paved with false animus leads nowhere but straight to the pearly gates of - hell.

  3. Do you all not hear the drum beat of town as faithful cross the line one by one to find money, fame, power on the other side? Do not any of you beg to dream, to differ from the hollow truths that support the lies we live? Do not any of you want to see the dawn, the sunset that could be the beginning and end?

  4. Hurra for deg som fyller ditt år for deg vil vi gratulere. Alle i ring omkring der du står og ser nå vi vil marsjere. Bukke nikke neie, snu oss omkring, danse for deg med hopp og sprett og spring. Ønsker deg med hjerte, alle gode ting og si oss nå hva vil du mere. Gratulerer.

    1. Not all of... us speak... Polish...

    2. Obviously not Polish (farfar)!

      In English:
      Hurray to you for celebrating your day!
      Yes, we congratulate you!
      We all stand around in a ring,
      And look, now we'll march,
      Bow, nod, curtsy,
      We turn around,
      Dance for you and hip and skip and jump!
      Wishing you from the heart all good things!
      And tell me, what more could we ask,
      Than you! Congratulations!

  5. It is easy to fall in love with your words, each paragraph showing more of you as we all get to know you. They inspire and help us out of our troubles or lead us to the path that will allow one to make the true and right decision. Even if to see is to hurt, you show us means and was to deal with the pain and learn from it. You develop our passion and give us the means to sing it from every rooftop. In the end, I am grateful for you and for the inspiration that you deliver with every word, the magic of your being that is put into each post that you write or type. Thank you, for just being you!
