responses to posted comments also: here (MG VIII)here (MG VII)here (MG VI); here (MG V)here (MG IV)here (MG III)here (MG II)and here (MG) ~

Mille Grazie (IX)

from 2024:

selected comments (in grayscale) and 
my responses (in purple)
(in chronological order by blog post, comment, or response)

* January *

I Respect Your... (1/19/2024)

my responses (1/21/2024)
AlphaCentauriOrBust (1/20/2024)

basics aspire to be what they're not:
immortal, God, superhuman,

at any cost,
never mind the truth

TheRealKW (1/20/2024)

it takes one to know one, after all, everybody knows I'm the @sshole

DeSomSerPa (1/20/2024)

&teamnevergiveup, nevergivein, neversurrender

IamNoOnesBasic12 (1/20/2024) 'Words for your thoughts.'

apex predators eat prey 'when they find them' and prey are eaten 'when they are found' and...

this primer as to 'how the food web works' is for... '[my] thoughts'?

thank your elementary school teachers for your rudimentary grasp of 'nature'
and for peaking at elementary school, shame on your post-secondary teachers for a waste of a good education

ThornsWithoutPricks (1/20/2024)

there is the half of the formula that is 'listlessness' and
there is the half of the formula that is:

'reasons' that fuel the rise of dominators,
that fail to subject said dominators to proportionate consequences,
that instead, support said dominators
with everything to burn everything to the ground

for 'reasons' are as spiritless as 'listlessness'

SifIsLovingNorway (1/20/2024) 'God does not live in you'

as if lying, defrauding, and deceiving
to manifest riches, power, and influence
God living through basics who @sshole

reply to above by TheRealKW (1/20/2024)

sooo... you and God... spill the T...?

TheRealTommieH (1/20/2024) 'a place at the table'

it's a short drop, fall, and slope
from no-seat-at-the-table-for-you to autocrat-much?

Sneaker (1/20/2024) 'the one... we feed'

I appreciate this way of painting 'what is happening?!'
thank you

BenLewis (1/20/2024) 'Watch for'

might as well say ' watch for the being human'

HeraldOutOfUs (1/20/2024)

but 'the devil we know' is not quite 'what is happening', is it?

a terror of imagined evil is as driving a force as a commonplace fear of commonplace criminality,
such that the latter no more induces '[listlessness]' than the former

instead, both terror and fear drive action

in tandem with cultivated disaffection and disillusion, the former 'becomes' violently motivated
while the latter 'comes to believe' that inaction is a real answer to disengagement and nihilism

which is to say, in the end,
dumpster fires 'use' both action and inaction to architect 'what is happening'

SofiaTheFirst (1/20/2024)

'now choices' indeed

reply to above by TheRealKW (1/20/2024)

ew: thinking of girls as 'rain' '[on cold and listless hearts]'

reply to above by SofiaTheFirst (1/20/2024)


PaulOnRye56 (1/20/2024)

not being a link in a chain that shackles
December 20th, 1860 to January 6th, 2021

not being an extremist
because one denounces one insurrection once

my, what imagination!

IsraelNoMoreNoLess (1/20/2024)

that you have chosen 'a sharp axe'
as your instrument for felling 'lies and deceit'

speaks to your embrace of justification

case in point:
is 'a sharp axe' swung against your 'lies and deceit'
courage before fear? or justification?

FrederickTheGreat (1/20/2024) 'the bill of regret'

'regret'? hah, an @sshole that feels repentant is a fiction

ACaptain (1/21/2024)

basic is as basic does is not 'ironic'

WatcherInTheWoods96 (1/21/2024) 'I dreamt last night and woke up crying.'

aw, you seem right beat up 'bout a figment

cain't say I'm surprised, tho

no sooner whiskey nightcaps n' perverse fixations
transform witchin' hours into hillbilly reveries than
six white horses'll be comin' for ya', praise hosanna

EdwardsJohnThirdFour (1/21/2024)

basic is as basic does is not 'curious'

LuthMyMart (1/21/2024)

sooo... blatherers are responsible for blathering and...
'[democracy flourishes and survives]' because... 'a universal truth' of blathering...?

or &pompousprattlers, &knownothings, and &wannabes are exceptions?

HanzelWithoutGretal (1/22/2024)

the arrogance of 'truth-believers' is believing
that being inoculated from lies, frauds, and deceits is believing:

'I believe, therefore it is so; it is so, therefore I believe'

as if God living through basics who @sshole is the truth
but the truth living through me, for example, is 'pure evil'
:smh: :wtf:

Everquest2394 (1/22/2024) 'miserable villagers'

a desert for one
any day of the week and twice on Sunday, &HeimdallAvatar

TheGrandSiberianExile (1/22/2024)

thank you, I think

AlphaCentauriOrBust (1/22/2024)

ugh 'low bars' amiright?

reply to above by TheRealKW (1/22/2024)

if 'beauty always gets to two'... what's getting to four?

FredIsGoingtoDoug (1/22/2024) 'if I dare forget'

never forgetting is also justification

see also IsraelNoMoreNoLess (above)

IOnceWasMontyFromParis (1/22/2024)

forgetting stories, inventing stories, repeating stories

AWolfWithoutHomeInTheNorth (1/22/2024) 'Keep doing you'

thank you so much

ThunderFromTheAbove (1/22/2024)

really? 'The Oracle' said: 'I believe'?

everybody knows 'the wise' don't 'believe'; they know

not that I would know, right? :eyeroll:

reply to aboveby HoffelMuffel (1/22/2024)

'it's time' - ? it's '[all fantasy]' - ?

geez... how long have we been riding the hyperbole train,
because debarking is literally fine

TheCastle (1/22/2024)

thank you
honesty and sincerity are always welcome here

NoNiedforNameCalling (1/22/2024)

what the what?

'if you stare' - 'it will stare' - ?

reality isn't a penny dreadful and in the real world, 'the abyss' neither '[stares]' nor '[enthralls]'

MagicMountain (1/22/2024)

oh my sweet sanity, somebody else is seeing wtf I'm seeing:

what. is. seriously. wrong. with. people.

RunAwayHorses (1/22/2024)

hard pass: using a chatbot to populate a comment to elicit my response

* February *
Stand in My Way (2/1/2024)

my responses (2/13/2024)
HeimdallAvatar (2/13/2024) 'in this moment forever... I stand'

in this moment forever,
we stand

I love you dear, I love you there, I love you here, I love you where
love blooms in song

reply to above by TheRealKW (2/13/2024) 'We all hate... you.'

this... is a compliment...?

AlphaCentauriOrBust (2/13/2024) 'I know, you know, we know'

indeed, narrators of fake reality are neither champions nor saviors

ACaptain (2/13/2024) 'lines... are... dust'

it is easy to say what one does not really live
case in point: evangelism

it is hard to believe what is true
case in point: the truth living through me

AltVikingen (2/13/2024) 'havets og jordens sang'

such song fra nu til for evigt is beautiful

Sneaker (2/13/2024) 'using stupid lines to justify your lack of passion for anything that is not you'

stupid lines have become justification
for an unbelievable sum of actions and inactions

ThornsWithoutPricks (2/13/2024) 'so you can stick your head in [the lines in sand] and pretend'

indeed, there is a distinction between
(a) action that creates action and (b) action that is reacted to

such that too often, (b) is confused with (a)

case in point: a speech and a rally that insurrects is (a) and
justice for engaging and aiding and comforting such insurrection is (b)

NewestAgeProphet10 (2/13/2024) 'stuck with... reality'

zealous 'line erasers' are also zealous 'line drawers'

for such zealots, there is no reality that '[one finds oneself stuck with]'
reality is the story one tells oneself

TimelessEverClear (2/13/2024)

:sigh: yes

AFruitBowl TheRealKW (2/13/2024)

I see what you did there for fond you are of
not budging a single toe

LaraForNumberTwoinFourTwenty (2/13/2024) 'Isn't the real problem here'

excuse you?

I be done seen about everything
but a scarecrow be perspicacious

see "When I See an Elephant Fly" (Dumbo (Disney))

reply to above by BenLewis (2/13/2024) 'you are way the !@#$ off'

alas, it is not a tragedy to be way the !@#$ off

it is a tragedy to believe a scarecrow with bran for brains

HopelessEternityForAll (2/13/2024) 'help us make [cultures positive ones]'

such ask is a hard pass
for humans who aspire to self-serve for coin

such ask is a no-brainer
for humans who aspire to more than basic

SofiaTheFirst (2/13/2024)

the joys and the sorrows are fleeting ephemera;
hope and love are eternal flames

reply to above by TheRealKW (2/13/2024)

as if tubthumping isn't a pastime of yours
pissing away infinitudes
playing with... drain lickers

my responses (2/17/2024)
BenLewis (2/17/2024)

in the land of 'what's good for the goose is good for the gander' -
the streets are two-way streets

in the land of 'the naked emperor' -
the streets and their ways are subject to the grip of 'the naked emperor'

UnpopularOpinionsIsMyJam (2/17/2024)

sure, notwithstanding,
the unbearable lightness of the weight of words uttered sans substance,

AntAteManManAteAnt (2/17/2024)

if only pacific agreements of mutual coexistence were possible between kinds in conflict

SifIsLovingNorway (2/17/2024)

when lines in the sand and hills to die on are what's 'real' and what's 'true',
when contempt of truth is more 'decent' than honesty and humility,

 who's left holding the bag?

NewYearBaby12 (2/17/2024)

see Epilogue to Stand in My Way
Deny Me My Story (tvfs, unpublished)

PoorThings (2/17/2024)

there are 'truths'
that are 'manipulatives' in the hands of manipulators and there are 'truths'
that are not,

see also UnpopularOpinionsIsMyJam (above)

MediumofTheGypsy (2/17/2024)

the distinctions between the truth and facts are too often employed as
bludgeons to silence disobedience as

that's not how I roll

Manungal (2/17/2024) 'sa han ikke: "Dette er håpløst... jeg skal få mitt."'

real people turn away those who need as
those who grift
and embrace those who grift as
those who need

because the Bifrost is not a 'must guard' for real people;
that is theirs

reply to above by TheRealKW (2/17/2024)

are you telling yourself... a myth of the all-father... made miserable... ?

what is it about those of wealth and power who tell themselves... stories
that self-serve and self-indulge in... victimhood fantasies

reply to above by OneHandisBetterThanNone (2/18/2024)

never tiring of the stories they tell themselves... myths
keep warm at night
the powerful and the powerless

What It All Means (2/18/2024)

my responses (2/28/2024)
ACaptain (2/25/2024) 'reconnect with an inner integrity'

being isn't 'a thing' that people can 'see'
no more than it can be 'seen through', as you assert

it is not surprising that a person whose 'trade' is pretending 'to believably be'
believes being can be 'seen through'

after all, being is transactional for all who are 'merely actors'

BoomTheTurtle (2/25/2024)

or a prison of one's choosing is one's free will manifested

per so many people for whom figurative prisons promise 'life to the fullest'

FrederickTheGreat(2/25/2024) 'you can come back from that'


SumSumEqualNone (2/25/2024) 'How'

people who die on hills
confuse conviction that fuels stories they tell themselves
with standing for what's worth saving

'this place and time' wasn't 'come to'

it's been here as long as lines in the sand have been drawn

SofiaTheFirst (2/25/2024)

it's not up to me how my stories and ideas and words, live :sigh:

Sneaker (2/25/2024)

#TeamAsshole is on nobody's side but #TeamAsshole's
and I think
everybody on #TeamAsshole knows damn well 'whose side' #TeamAsshole's for

TheRealKW (2/25/2024)

uhm, we authoring a Valentine's sentiment... à la Joker and Harley...?

my responses (3/2/2024)
reply to SofiaTheFirst above Unknown (3/2/2024)

let forgiveness be neither permission nor license
as is wont

AlphaCentauriOrBust, SofiaTheFirst (3/2/2024)

'main character energy' à la villain biopic, amirite?

TrippingTheStars (3/2/2024)

you pitched logic off the life raft like rational reasoning was poisoned fruit instead of
that which structured life rafts to life save

'a society' that is ostensibly 'all evil' does not exist
except as a fearsome fable of justification
to name good evil and evil good

reply to above TheRealKW (3/2/2024) 'if... it pays off'

don't all who name good evil and evil good
do it to float on unearned currency?

TheFlood32971 (3/2/2024) 'flush the bad... out to... nothingness'

'society [is] flooded with bad ideas and people'? yikes

from your and their place to stand, you and each who oppose you,
would move the world with the same lever

BenLewis (3/2/2024) 'to elect a [parrot-clown]'

not a 'parrot-clown', a mercenary,
an instrument of unearned currency

reply to above TheRealKW (3/2/2024)

♪♪ a troll is a troll is a troll I is
I is a troll I is I is ♪♪

HilmasDaughter (3/2/2024)

everywho you are is you I see, I know, I love

* April *
Dear Reader, A Word (4/20/2024)

my responses (4/21/2024)
Sneaker (4/21/2024) 'this is such a small start, an easy, low stake start' 

the easiest, lowest stake start is simply: to not believe

unreliable narrators
who would every believer believe dishonesty calling itself 'honesty'

BenLewis (4/21/2024)

if only just desserts weren't served for the last course;
the last course, after all, is an eternity

reply to above TheRealKW (4/21/2024) 'shit... to fat content'

shit eaters don't give a damn about the 'safety' of what they 'consume'

and their shit eating grins can't get enough... shit to eat

HeimdallAvatar (4/21/2024)


reply to above TheRealKW (4/21/2024)

as if a Midas... ever 'catches' and 'releases' his... gift or bane,
much less a squatting Giant his... gold

as I recall,
the point of 'catching' the #goldengoose and 'catching' the #goldenharp
was not to 'release' either

reply to above SifIsLovingNorway (4/21/2024) 'TNR'

if only a neutered prick wasn't still a dick

Nosotras que no corremos con toros (4/21/2024)

I agree, I think

however, see also AlphaCentauriOrBust (below)

ThornsWithoutPricks (4/21/2024) 'a real contest'

 if I understand your point,
no human life would survive... 'a real contest'?

and if I understand your (history) lesson,
for every human life... spared - a bull is... sacrificed?


IPonderYouRespond (4/21/2024)

I imagine you believe oneself-superiority is totally reasonable
because oneself-delusion is 'obviously' not a cognitive impairment like 'mental illness'

AlphaCentauriOrBust (4/21/2024) 'these people you falsely worship and wish to be'

false idol worshippers don't care that false idol worship harms;
no more than 'the hungry' who feast on sacrifices care

AGirlFromTheWoodsOfAlps (4/21/2024)

seriously? - enjoy your laurels - spectacles, after all, are work

and it is not surprising in the least
when private paradises are 'chosen' by 'the grand' and 'the valuable'

TheRealKW (4/21/2024)

we see you, we hear you, and we are not with you

reply to above SofiaTheFirst (4/21/2024)

I suspect, having lived as he has lived, he knows
people follow the devil

wearing no guise but dishonesty calling itself 'honesty'

FrederichTheGreat (4/21/2024) 'Tell your boy to keep chugging, he deserves more'

of course 'chugging' is how little engines become main characters
if you're a self-righteous try-hard who decides
the plot for main characters

but that's an undeserved... promotion for a prick, isn't it?

* May *
Come Get Me (5/18/2024)
note posted after 5/10/2024 post but comments posted before comments posted to Free Milk (5/10/2024)

my responses (5/20/2024)
note replies posted before replies posted for Free Milk (5/10/2024)

TheBountyIsHighTheTideIsLow (5/19/2024) 'for the masses [:] the worst sin is to [everything for nothing]'

there is a message 'for the masses'
that what so-called 'distinguishes' some of us from others of us is
so-called 'kindness'

as if 'kindness' is a trait of so-called 'character'
rather than a failure

so if I were the type who aspired to be that type of so-called 'better' one of 'the masses'
I should say: you're welcome

but you and I know better

FarFromTheNorthAndSouth (5/19/2024)


Sneaker (5/19/2024)

thank you!

without perverts
who exult him as their idol
false, grotesque, and profane,

who would grovel before the naked emperor
for his election?

ACaptain (5/19/2024)

see reply to TheBountyIsHighTheTideIsLow above

MagicGavelInSession (5/19/2024)

speaking of perverts
who warm the bed of the naked emperor as rapturous bedfellows

see reply to Sneaker above

reply to above by TheRealKW (5/19/2024) 'Nutcracker'

good times!

BenLewis (5/21/2024)

isn't it... something:

'nobodies' offer 'the truth' for
a fee, a tat for tit, a ticket

while swearing on a 'bible' that 'the truth' is
not only free but not for sale?

OrwellianPigInMud (5/21/2024)

victimhood fantasies sure rock their worlds and blow their...

well, obviously not minds, lolol

AlphaCentauriOrBust (5/21/2024)

I wonder if the 'sociality' of humans as a fixed 'reality' far beyond
specific conditions of 'care' is... overblown

if 'belonging' and 'loneliness' etc. are... inventions more to do with, say, 'interventions'
than 'factual discoveries of human sociality'

after all, when so-called 'interventions' include 'prescribed'
 institutional participation and organizational membership etc.

is this really to do with addressing 'loneliness' and 'belonging'? or

is this to do with doubling down on inventions of a fixed fiction,
a fantasy of yesteryear and a human 'society' that never was?

SifIsLovingNorway (5/21/2024)

ours is a folie à deux, neither mad nor toxic,

as real as unicorns and bears and miles between us

reply to above by TheRealKW (5/21/2024)

you know a thing... or two about overrated... bearing

Free Milk (5/10/2024)
note posted before 5/18/2024 post but comments posted after comments posted to Come Get Me (5/18/2024)

my responses (5/20/2024)
note replies posted after replies for Come Get Me (5/18/2024)

SofiaTheFirst (5/19/2024) 

as if 'testified religiosity' and moral incorruptibility
are bedfellows


AlphaCenbauriOrBust (5/19/2024)

how the sausage is made, whether the sausage in question is reindeer jerky
or dairy,
is monstrous

I, therefore, benefit from monstrosity
when I balance 'what healthy means' for my family

IAmMyFathersBoyAndFirst (5/19/2024)

what is it about the perverse, the indecent, the shameless
who point the 'shame shame shame!' finger at everybody but themselves?

who lie, cheat, and steal to 'earn' what they want?
who testify, their amassed take 'deserved' through 'greatness'?
who author auto-hagiographies, 'self-portraits' of being 'made'?

as if the perverse, the indecent, the shameless
aren't in the family business
of milking

reply to above by BenLewis (5/19/2024)

milkers help themselves to 'free lunches' and 'free rides'

like they're 'bosses' and 'dons'

SifIsLovingNorway (5/19/2024) 'It takes big government to bail out failing institutions, to [permit] the rich to abort bad ideas while the poor are forced to live with [and afford] theirs." 

yes! this!

conservative, alt-right, and illiberal 'voices'
not only strive for a government empowered to put contrary, dissenting, and opposed 'voices' under its thumb,

conservative, alt-right, and illiberal 'voices'
strive for a government put under their thumbs

WhyStayResidentOrMoxy (5/19/2024)

let all who 'take and take', who 'lie and lie', who 'talk and talk'

my sword and shield are my love's

reply to above by TheRealKW (5/19/2024) 'he won't be...'

what a devil knows is not 'lies'; that is what a devil says and does

what a devil knows is the god's honest truth
because a self-evident truth is a self-evident truth is a self-evident truth

BoxedInACornerByChoice (5/21/2024)

flippancy rarely receives unasked-for-sincerity, no?

FrequentGalacticTraveler (5/21/2024)

ah, what a gift to insight, shame

without it, the shameless would be gods indistinguishable from beasts,
wreckers of worlds,
@ssholes playing at being saviors

XMarksTheSport321 (5/21/2024)

see Sneaker's comment on Come Get Me (5/18/2024)

because 'kept tokens' deserve more than disillusion

ShortInStatureTallInMind (5/21/2024)

'using it for good' is where... things go sideways

for some, a 'common' or 'public' good is a good use of 'good'

for others, a good use of 'good' is ruthless
perverse, indecent, shameless

reply to above by TheRealKW (5/21/2024)

tsk tsk, no one breathes... fumes more... 'down there' than... you

* June *
Founders (6/17/2024)
note posted after 6/1/2024 post but comments posted before comments posted to Sanctimony Masks (6/1/2024)

my responses (6/24/2024)
note replies posted before replies posted for Sanctimony Masks (6/1/2024)

Sneaker (6/22/2024)

wonderfully and fearfully put!

thank you!

so few conversations are meaningful, truthful, insightful!

and when it comes to founders, 
founders 'politely refuse' conversations
that decline to fawn and flatter,

ACaptain (6/22/2024)

it's an odd ouroboros... isn't it?

mere mortals who wanna be Founders who wanna be Kings who wanna be Gods who wanna be worshipped by mere mortals

ThornsWithoutPricks (6/22/2024)

ABBIES, man, you cannot reason with humans
who have become what they fear, animals

SifIsLovingNorway (6/22/2024)

I have never been able to wrap my head around
'goodness' being 'observing religious practice'

as if 'observing religious practice', is an act of probity, in and of itself 'moral'

as if absent such exercise, 'immorality' must bloom with abandon

as if believing 'goodness' arises from obedience to absolute rule
isn't rather unjust and blind

TheRealKW (6/22/2024)


FourFeetTallAndRising (6/22/2024)

I cannot make heads or tails of that which lacks mastery and maturity

see also TheFruitBowl below

FrozenIsAsFrozenDoesOnTheTundra (6/22/2024)

as if an eternity with the damned would be heaven, lol!

FrederickTheGreat (6/22/2024)

does it serve your pride and vanity
to speak the truth with the same tongue that lies?

FoundationsofHeritageAndWinning (6/22/2024)

stating the obvious is sometimes called for:

''not enough' is our war cry' and
'people like you cannot be entrusted with liberty or freedom' and
'eradicating disobedience is how we 'do' righteousness and loyalty' and
'our absolute dominion over all derives from our superiority and divinity' is

what you - stripped of obfuscating wordsmithery and conspicuous dishonesty - are plainly saying

reply to above by TheRealKW (6/22/2024) 'you are... fucked my friend....'

spoken like a witness!

Anonymous (6/22/2024)

give yourself 'grace', as 'they' say,
(i) to be all the sides of you and (ii) change as change is welcome

notwithstanding of course, (iii) sparing a little more thought and care towards others
would be welcome... change, no?


wow! this is abundantly true!

thank you!

Sanctimony Masks (6/1/2024)
note posted before 6/17/2024 post but comments posted after comments posted to Founders (6/17/2024)

my responses (6/25/2024)
note replies posted after replies for Founders (6/17/2024)

HannibalComingHome32 (6/23/2024)

not amazing, mon frère, nothing amazing
about terrifying sovereigns and imperious inquisitors,

that is,
schoolyard bullies and 'Lords of Flies'

AlphaCentauriOrBust (6/23/2024)

according to a story we tell ourselves about 'mobs who cast stones in condemnation',
sinners won't because Jesus


ACaptain (6/23/2024)


Sneaker (6/23/2024)

that 'dictator!', 'criminal empire!', and 'godless!'
issue from the tongues of liars
to paint red with huffed and puffed panic and hysteria,
all the world

as if the emperor, naked on parade,
is not the object lesson

SofiaTheFirst (6/23/2024) 'hope'

I am not convinced
that 'reporting' on despair and grievance and fear and apathy
is always 'telling an untold story that must be heard'

rather, I suspect that 'reporting' within such lanes,
mires and strands an audience midst 'the Land of Feelings are Facts',
more often than it 'enlightens' a citizenry or an electorate

LateNightsWithC (6/23/2024)

the problem with low bars is
bone spurs, okay?

TheFruitBowl (6/23/2024)

uhm, no

SifIsLovingNorway (6/23/2024)

Pharisaism is Biblically repudiated?
private observation of practice is Biblically guided?


BenLewis (6/23/2024)

followers and fans who 'feel like' their relationships with 'public personalities' are real and mutual,
who 'feel like' they know who's real and what's true

lost the fucking plot

reply to above by TheRealKW (6/23/2024)

what? I can't even

AlphaCentauriOrBust (6/23/2024)

see reply to BenLewis above

TitanAE0823 (6/23/2024)


thank you!

* July *
Your Number (7/4/2024)

my responses (7/14/2024, 717/2024)

Sneaker (7/14/2024) "[reality] is less about being heard and more about hearing"

so much goodness has been co-opted for so much wrongdoing

such that pursuing being seen, being heard, belonging, feeling grateful, has been taken by wrongdoers who deny such pursuits for everyone and claim instead exclusive right to such pursuits solely for their own

as if their hands are bloodless
while they rouse for war their armies
of the only so-called 'legitimate' seen, heard, belong, grateful number

SifIsLovingNorway (7/14/2024)


ThornsWithoutPricks (7/14/2024)

speaking of the 'New Apostolic Reformation'
that ostensibly welcomes the Apocalypse because their number shall 'receive' eternal salvation
because their God neither asks nor requires 'the faithful' to actually
be 'apostolic' to 'receive' grace


as if
such 'believers' who wholeheartedly partake in the vicious pleasures of Babylon's rise and fall
shall ever be mistaken for apostles,
much less 'receive' an apostle's portion


TheRealTeslaOfTheFuture (7/14/2024) "[you are] a horrible thing to waste on [the undeserving]"

I no more deserve false promises, sweet nothings, if you will,
than the undeserving deserve me

reply to above by TheRealKW (7/14/2024), BenLewis (7/14/2024)

am I an amazing pain in faithless assholes? aw, thank you!

AlphaCentauriOrBust (7/14/2024)

&HeimdallAvatar: "Liberators are dildos."

TheRealCaptainOfTheWest (7/14/2024) "selling [what they own and what they don't]"

as if illusions of 'salvation' and imitations of 'paradise',
delivered by liberators,
'cure poverty'

love you! me

SofiaTheFirst (7/14/2024)


BerkeleyTrees32145 (7/14/2024)

what kind of 'benefit' do dispassionate reasoners offer to 'beneficiaries of rationality'

when logicians and analysts and advisers lean into apologetics, justification, false equivalence
under transparently disingenuous guises of 'assumed apoliticality'

never mind real world harms, that is, f$ck the real world?

ImOldAndImProud (7/14/2024)

know-nothings and know-it-alls
who neither see nor hear your sincerity

see and hear their personal demons as 'the truths in their bones'
and would we the people appease and surrender and concede

'if we know what's good for us'


see also Skulkers and Slinkers (7/20/2024, tvfs)

ThriceBlowMeDownAHouse (7/16/2024) "the modern evangelical movement [acts as if it can sin its way into heaven]"

to be of a movement, given to projecting their sins onto scapegoats, tests
what it means to be loyal

because loyalty no more means apologetic sin-projecting
than morality means justified immorality

FrederickTheGreat (7/16/2024)

"escaping guilt" neither motivates the conscienceless nor the who don't give a damn

as you know... intimately

IClimbedAMountainAndBecameWise (7/16/2024) "purgation... purge"

"to be cleansed" is not why sins are "purged", of course

such "purgation purges" are performative false absolutions and perennially popular

BenLewis (7/16/2024)

to wit,
it is impossible for the truth to be sword or shield if cowardice is your truth

MagicMountain (7/16/2024)

:sigh: I hear a lot that is insensible... so

being 'lead not to The Land of the Truth', is not an unwillingly lead
and forswearing the Truth, is not an unwilling price

for wannabe overrated gods
from all walks of life

ABridgeWayTooFarToo (7/16/2024)

a narrowly true aphorism is as useful as a narrowly... defined future,

AdVancingTheMessenger (7/16/2024) "you have no feelings"

tsk, tsk

you and yours insist that written words are a waste... except
for your... fantasies embraced as your... facts and truths,

see my 7/17/2024 responses above

* August *
Power (8/18/2024)

my responses (8/29/2024)
see also The March of Tickets (8/25/2024, tvfs) 

Sneaker (8/25/2024) "Stop voting for the zero or the one, vote for people who will make this world a better place."

1. when such candidate is not an option at the polls,
at the end of the day, that is because people;

2. when such candidate is an option at the polls,
narrow interests and party machines are resourceful
in their opposition to such candidate and 'platform';

3. to the extent that such candidate and 'platform' can win a hypothetical election,
narrow interests and party machines endorse and advance,
not such candidate but emperors in 'new clothes'
for whom such 'platform' and candidacy are performative;

FrederickTheGreat (8/25/2024)

see reply to Sneaker above

SmallBodyBigMindsEastCoast (8/25/2024)

what a pointless contribution

BenLewis (8/25/2024) "[When voters reject the machine, the machine] doubles down and then triples down."

doubling, tripling, quadrupling down on
insufferable and repellent emperors in 'new clothes'

because this moment calls for delusional main character energy

* September *

my responses (9/29/2024, 9/30/2024)

Sneaker (9/28/2024) "corporations and machines owned by corporations are the real influencers"

(i) that freedom means

a 'right' to be paid

such that 'being paid' is not only normal but necessary
'to live that free life'


who cannot be trusted
is not simply the grotesquely self-interested

but also everybody

(ii) for all the bluster of alarmist pandering
accusing everything of being untrustworthy and everywhere of being corrupt,

everybody is a pot, everything is a kettle, everywhere is a glass house

SifIsLovingNorway (9/28/2024)

humanity swims as if it's an inexorable flood sans free will

BerkeleyIsRisingFromBelow (9/28/2024) "then you look deeper... and realize"

yes, human beings seek cocoons of comfortable company

where polite fictions argue lies aren't lying

StatingTheObvious (9/28/2024) "corporations, populists, and political machines"

according to "corporations, populists, and political machines"
they are changed, they are changing, they will change

so we are pacified
because our will is done, is being done, will be done

AlphaCentauriOrBust (9/28/2024)

the golden harp sings and stirs wars infinitely,
for the forever war lays golden eggs infinitely,

for Giants, for Jacks, for common thieves

ACaptain (9/28/2024)


BenLewis (9/28/2024) "I did not know that sensible government was meant to exclude, punish, and disenfranchise"

notwithstanding, this is also the will of millions who choose this in elections,
everywhere the will of people speak

FromTheCellOftheJust (9/28/2024) "media is now wholly owned by corporations and special interests that reduce... thoughts to marketing and behavioral science... to [push] the masses to spend more, give more, and take more... shit"

(i) the irony is not lost on me that a 'free press'
possessed of the 'right' to be paid

what cannot be trusted is not simply the grotesquely commercial and mercenary

but also everything

(ii) after all, monetized absurd outrage performed as 'news'
argue slaver 'liberates' everything of nonsense

SofiaTheFirst (9/28/2024) "people who wish to go back to a... time and place"

too many wishers who "wish to go back to a time and place" would rather
flee this time and place for another, than be better here and now

reply to above by TheRealKW (9/28/2024) "that... Village"

the patron saint of Giants, Jacks, common thieves... is not "welcome"?

come now, "that Village" is not of Fools

TurnThePageNowForNow (8/25/2024) "your words"

(i) 'brain trusts' believe self-indulgent fairy tales -
not "my words" -

not because 'brain trusts' are astute or sagacious -
but because 'brain trusts' are hubristic

(ii) as for 'brain trusts' - unversed in "my words" - advising
the unversed in "my words" - to judge "my words" -

 well, cocoons of comfortable company are neither
for truths nor for me

(iii) such that the "work" of "[turning] the page" isn't
repudiating the merits of "my words" -
but rather
repudiating the merits of 'brain trusts' that abandon truths

reply to above by TheRealKW (8/25/2024)

"I had strings - but now I'm free -
there are no strings on me!"

from "I've Got No Strings" (Pinocchio (2022 Disney))

RustBeltGeeksRUs (8/25/2024) "great"

the unversed in "my words" believe dust is "great"

dust obediently loyal to dust, who trust dust is "great"
dust who pray for dust, to rescue and save dust is "great"

dust who malign and wrongfully silence dust is "great"
dust who exploit and cruelly harm dust is "great"

because the unversed in "my words" abandon truths that repudiate the merits of dust

* November *

The Backbone Estate (11/24/2024)

my responses (11/25/2024)

Sneaker (11/24/2024)

everybody is welcome to be the backbone estate

as for 'robbing' somebody of their 'voice'... to argue for your blamelessness?

how unsurprising for the estate who calls 'the people'... "the spineless masses"

SifIsLovingNorway (11/24/2024)

notwithstanding, what lies beneath Teflon coats
common and brittle

rely to above by TheRealKW (11/24/2024)

you know where to put your &sanctimoniouswindowdressing

BigMindSmallBody (11/24/2024)


IamOneandYouareNone (11/24/2024)

your God promises
my God delivers

AFruitBowl (11/24/2024)

okay: inflation is a "form of taxation without representation"

when 'choice' is false

ex. medical 'expenses' is a false 'choice'
housing 'expenses' is a false 'choice'
child rearing 'expenses' is a false 'choice'

such that when inflationary 'pressures' squeeze 'expenses' so,
'trading down' isn't a 'choice' so much as a... bind

because when inflationary 'strategies' line the pockets of
the estate who smugly advise "the spineless masses" to pay up or shut up

what 'choice' is that... really?

BenLewis (11/24/2024)

in the common era,
'the pretty people' play at being 'the powerful people',
the ugly people pay to be 'pretty' to play at being 'powerful' too

BreakfastClub4282 (11/24/2024)

paying for friends and lovers and do-boys and do-girls, though
is so you

SofiaTheFirst (11/24/2024)

as if incoherence "makes the crooked places straight"
because Isaiah 45

NorskVikingIsFree (11/24/2024)

&youandme &backbonesoflight &foralltime

TheRealKW (11/24/2024) "your spine is made from the beginning of the universe"

I love it because I know you mean it
thank you

tbc: name (date)

{ ~ }

On Immunity and Pardons

The way immunity works is this:
everyone is subject to the law but the immune; the immune are above the law.

The way pardons work is this:

everyone is subject to the law but the pardoned; the pardoned are above the law.


In other words, there's the real world where real people live and there's the make believe world where @ssholes play at being God. Such make believe world is where you and I are supposed to do and think and say and believe not according to our... everything but according to trust, that is, according to faith without qualification, that

@ssholes are saviors who are due immunity and pardons for being @ssholes.


As always, thank you for your patience and understanding as comments and responses are posted to this blog and this page.


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