Saturday, June 1, 2024

Sanctimony Masks

Tell me if you aren't hearing a lot of people say a lot stuff. noise 'passing' as a dialogue that isn't a conversation of equals. babel that exalts faux


Sanctimony Masks

Part I

Believe me! Know everything I say is the truth else God strike me as I speak. Trust me! All that stands between you and the annihilation of everything precious and pious is me.


Phew, what heady stuff. When every spoken word is soaked in dramatic melodrama:

what is asked of an audience? to

feel all the feels? to feel nothing at all?


There is a disavowal of responsibility to this kind of speech. to words that plainly and unambiguously:

agitate and provoke. shock and exhaust. that

flippantly disregard exaggeration stretched beyond common sense. that

dig deep to mine frothed foam and indifference.


Everybody's got an opinion but I know my truth. I speak for myself and I speak for all. of. you. Because if I can be viciously and baselessly assailed, so. can. you


Oh my stars, right? What are you supposed to think when you hear this?


you are under attack? their. opinions. threaten. you?


There is a pattern to this kind of speech. to words that paint a vivid picture of outrageous hostility. that pitch an audience hurtling

beyond civility to grievous offense. to war. like

fistfuls of matches on fire.


I will never accept defeat because the Almighty has chosen. I and only I am divinely anointed. All who challenge me are demonic enemies of my God.


Wow if that isn't stunningly disturbing. belied habitually

by dismissals of what is and what passes for religious fervor as:

harmless beliefs. entitled opinions. deeply personal. innocuous

and immune.


There is a calculus to this kind of speech. to testimonies of inspired cutthroat religiosity. that shield and sacralize:

justification. apologism. the defense of the indefensible.


Part II

When we decide, superiority and partiality and dominion, every inexplicable dictate of an inhuman and immortal power, is

above the law,

above the consensus of a plural people,

above the consent of the self-governed,

tell me if you aren't troubled


Is this faith. or. is this something else. something mortal?


When what is and what passes for fidelity to the laws of an immaterial kingdom dispossesses us of the liberty to live freely without lord or master, without 'belonging' to a deity that imposes its will upon every human life, 

tell me if you aren't uneasy

witness of self-determinism nullified with imperious gracelessness.


Is this just. or. is this something else. something wrong?


When sanctimony backstops a doctrine that shields and sacralizes a lot of people saying a lot of stuff,

tell me if you aren't sick of masks that 'pass' for sanctitude

hissing hell-broth.

More or Part III

In some ways, sanctimony masks are about the narrative. about spinning the truth into an act, an entertaining performance whose purpose is to say what isn't happening is what's really happening.

Such speech trusts in an audience's suspension of disbelief. and


To turn a blind eye to indefensible measures. to aggressively deny what's really happening is what's really happening. to muscularly assail common ground. to declare

the surrender of the truth: a victory for God.


As if noise 'passing' as a dialogue that isn't a conversation of equals -

as if babel that exalts faux martyrs -

as if sanctimony masks -

are about exercising the freedom to observe a dogma of superiority and partiality and dominion. or. about something else. something human.




that hell-broth is a reference to Macbeth (Shakespeare)



  1. HannibalComingHome32June 23, 2024 at 2:08 PM

    The sanctimony of the blind to the fact of what religious democracy is amazing, even more so when they say the cruelty and abuse inherent in those systems will never happen again, but they drive to make sure that it happens again and again by not seeing or enabling it.

  2. AlphaCentauriOrBustJune 23, 2024 at 2:08 PM

    So many people on TV, in magazines, on social media with their holier than though beat downs bothers me for no other reason that those people who live in glass houses should not cast stones at people who do not.

  3. I find the speeches, thoughts, and rhetoric of today to be bemusing. If we go back to antiquity, nothing has changed in the eternal struggle between what is right and what is wrong, regardless of where you call home. These two have faced each other back to the moment the universe was created and will face each other until the moment that it is no more. I am glad to see that you are on the side of the common right of humanity instead of the divine right of humanity.

  4. Whether you are informed, not – dumb or smart, it should be common sense to all that have any form of common and practical sense that God gave to humans a set of rights that cannot be taken away by anyone else even if they wear the garb of a religious man or the suit of a ruler. When we blindly follow or allow for what others interpret as God’s will, or blindly follow words written in a time and place by those who wished for supremacy (instead of freedom) then we enter the realm of tyranny and should not be shocked when we are enslaved and no longer free.

  5. I approve of.... this message here.... and hope you... have a great... hot hot summer...

  6. There remains hope on this side of the ocean that we will see the day when all peoples are allowed to live their lives without the interference of muttonhead thoughts and principles that simply want to control us. At the very least, we may live in a time and place where our lives are controlled by people who at least seem intelligent and can form a coherent sentence that is not about who I should hate, fear, or harken back to a time that was equally as bleak as it may sometimes be here.

  7. Though you frightened me several times and with several pieces, you do so never in a way of those who seek greed, wealth, and fame. And on seeing the one charged with your protection, I know you are good as he seems foul but quite fair instead of the enemies who might seem fair but feel foul. In the end all we have to decide is what to do with the time that we have been given and the roads that are open in front of us to do the best that we can for everyone.

  8. I think that I agree with you in that we live in a time that hell is empty and all the (d)evils are here, tempting all of the good to repopulate their realm with those that are uneducated, yearn to experience what others have, and are willing to transgress the basic rights of others.

  9. Wokeness, liberty, and freedom are not societal evils. The societal evil is that of over-religion. It’s a cancer to humanity that extirpates credulity, free thought, and the truth; especially among those that are narrow-minded and uneducated. There aren’t many ways to manage this as it preys on the shortcomings of humans. The best way is to confine it entirely to the private world, ban it from the public, and teach all that no one’s private beliefs should cause nuisance, injury, or disqualify anyone else’s rights. To make this happen though, you all need to do your part which is to push them back into their private world through voting against their agendas so we can reclaim our governments, laws, and society.

  10. Make America Great Again – get rid of the !@#$ing moral majority and get back to what made us great in the first place – !@#$ing free thought, free hearts, and not electing bankrupt, morally midget, !@#$ brained, foul-mouthed trolls.

    1. The irony here... is not lost... on the smart...

  11. AlphaCentauriOrBustJune 23, 2024 at 3:46 PM

    We live in a new dominion, it’s really an old dominion being resurrected (but who am I to teach you history that you should have the brain cells to learn on your own), where people seek to acquire the title of divinely inspired as they with complete and total sanctimony do everything that they accuse you of doing but it’s okay as they are divinely pardoned for their actions since it’s all part of a plan (that they themselves created and stamped with god’s personal seal, as if such a thing existed for mortals to touch). They then send their war devices at the first opportunity to drive out and destroy all unlike them, seek the wealth of those others (as they deserve it not these other people), and act with a free license to commit all acts of inhumanity, greed, lust, and vanity until the earth reeks of wretchedness so much so that the citizens of other planets alter orbits to avoid the cesspool here. And they will do it… again and again, until such time as another rises to convert and civilize these idolators and barbarians to their way; or we choose to stop them.

  12. Humans have but one duty in the eyes of our lord – to protect against anyone walking through your heart and mind with their dirty, sanctimonious feet.
