responses to posted comments also: here (MG VI); here (MG V); here (MG IV); here (MG III); here (MG II); and here (MG) ~
Mille Grazie (VII)
from 2022:
selected comments (in grayscale) and
selected comments (in grayscale) and
my responses (in purple)
(in chronological order by blog post, comment, or response){ ~ }
On Mirages (3/15/2022)
Sneaker (3/18/2022) "failing to account for one simple fact"
is not a fact played by "the side of winning" for "the side of winning," a fact still?
that's what "the side of winning" would have be true
because "this" is logical, is what "the side of winning" would say
therefore, "the side of winning" would conclude: "the other side" is without logic or the facts, which "the side of winning" would say: proves "the other side" is hypocritical
never mind:
(i) to conclude from a single kernel of truth a judgment is to decide a lie of omission is a proof of the integrity of such conviction (ii) because to be logical and factual is to be informed by lies of omission (iii) because the whole truth and a single fact are not only equal, they are the same (iv) because a promise of honesty is neither an actual nor material guarantee or certainty (v) not unlike to would have be true:
forgiveness and carte blanche are not only equal, they are the same
AlphaCentauriOrBust (3/18/2022) liars who call so-and-sos liars while lying to liars who believe liars aren't lying, should benefit from fairness? (edits are mine)
"not being fair" is a way of life of liars so warping a principle of fairness in government and/or media and/or education and/or the like in order to serve a way of life of liars is what liars do without apology
because fairness should be played not practiced
TheRealKW (3/18/2022)
the wisdom that "peace" is achieved by walking in circles instead of futility
must illuminate how one begins at mirages and ends at you
reply to above by SofiaTheFirst (3/18/2022)
the mirage that "saves us" is invented, fabricated, imagined, and believed but does not exist, so
I wonder who mirage-believers "really" save
TrippingCptObvious (3/18/2022) "none... realize"
the none who could not care less are the none who weep not for their loss
TweetThis (3/18/2022) "veil of ignorance"
not so secret veil, indeed
SifIsLovingNorway (3/18/2022) "failing"
if it's failing "with style," it's winning
BrimstoneThenFire (3/18/2022)
a puff of puffery to banner Hell's Kitchen?
TheLatrobianUniverse (3/18/2022)
to assume equivalence, between "ambrosia drinking" and "broomcorn eating" as you put it,
does not prove such message "the side of winning" play as "fair" and "balanced" : honest
see reply to Sneaker above
ACaptain (3/18/2022)
see reply to AlphaCentauriOrBust above
knowing what is played is unwarping
knowing what is practiced is unconsecrating
A Consecration of Fools (4/1/2022)
my responses (4/24/2022, 4/25/2022)
Sneaker (4/1/2022) "the actual person"
even as who actual individuals are matter more than what actual individuals are,
fools insist that fools are sacred
AlphaCentauriOrBust (4/1/2022) "human hope is nothing but a mirage"
we face the truth with despair never
TheRealKW (4/1/2022)
"fools"... "bound by"... "good"?
therefore, you, not being "bound" by good, are "freed" by hell, no?
after all: you are no fool
SifIsLovingNorway (4/2/2022)
like remembering homines mortales sunt
with a thumbprint of ash
as if
when faced with mirrors, humans see the truth
Hodorrific (4/2/2022) "The world needs the fool"
the imbecile? the professional clapping monkey? the bellows? the trifle?
which are you?
are you the sucker, "the only one willing" to be snowed?
TheRealKW (4/2/2022) "I love the fool"... "Take my word"... "I am... a fool"
the word of a fool isn't worth the hot air of its bond
SofiaTheFirst (4/2/2022) "talking of truth, liberty, and piety rather than"... "greed."
because God's country prays for what God's country wants
greed is truth
greed is liberty
greed is piety
is both blessing and grace
TheBrinkOfABillion (4/2/2022) "I know of nothing"
a doubting Thomas is comforted by the nihilist's convenient raison;
it absolves actual persons of actual moral duty
ACaptain (4/2/2022)
to roll an audience, with words not mine, is a gift
I neither aspire to possess nor receive
WeAreViking (4/2/2022)
just rewards are joyous satisfaction
in deserts
SummersMiddlingDream (4/2/2022) "Maybe it's time to find a new dream."
see reply to TheBrinkOfABillion above
like a doubting Thomas's nihilism absolves actual persons,
a fantasist's nihilism absolves actual persons
of consequences borne by actual reality
Ben Lewis (4/2/2022) "free-will"
free will is a "freedom," if you will, to will attribution, like so:
"your personal failure is always because your personal weakness
my personal stardom is always because my personal star quality
therefore, I owe no one nothing
and I permit you to experience only exactly what I say you deserve
for free will is a freedom to will: I say therefore I will, I will therefore I God"
TheSparrowSpeaketh (4/2/2022) "Denying the election of divinity"
at midnight, the spell is broken and a magic carriage ride is reduced to what it was
before a fairy tale made it something it was not
a pumpkin
you and your opposition say the same words,
but you and your opposition do not say the same truth
GoattheVan (4/2/2022)
I have been told one action outweighs "whatever" I do
and an other one action outweighs "whoever" I am
by self-righteous cherry picking sots who see "the real me"
because everybody knows the truth isn't everything I do and everything I am, duh
TheFruitBowl (4/2/2022)
actual persons insist
"never be beholden to the things that matter the least"
is easier said than lived
is that so true?
platitudes absolve prioritizers of comfort never
TheScriptFlipper (4/2/2022) "deny those that want to make this planet great"
see reply to TheSparrowSpeaketh above
MotleyFoolinMouth (4/2/2022)
see reply to ACaptain above
ThornsWithoutPricks (4/2/2022)
a robbery of the future of its possibilities cannot be effected without our consent;
so let us protest, let us oppose, let us withhold assent
or is the power of a pumpkin such that
its robbery of the future of its possibilities owes no one nothing?
There is much ado of saying one thing but meaning an other thing that invokes doublespeak + codes + doublethink (only the latter of which references 1984 (George Orwell)) to both evade scrutiny and address one's own directly whilst reviling everyone's but one's own doublespeaking + coding + doublethinking as treacherous and abhorrent.
There is much ado of saying one thing but meaning an other thing that invokes doublespeak + codes + doublethink (only the latter of which references 1984 (George Orwell)) to both evade scrutiny and address one's own directly whilst reviling everyone's but one's own doublespeaking + coding + doublethinking as treacherous and abhorrent.
As if the salience of speech so exercised is who never mind what. Such that anything can be said or meant or thought because everything is immaterial except who. Thereby and wherein what is said or meant or thought is attributed ("genius" or "will of electorates" or "courage" and so on) regardless of actual and real and material acts of treachery and abhorrence.
Which is to say, to accept doublespeak + codes + doublethink at face value (which is to say, to trust doublespeak + codes + doublethink) is neither a fair nor just ask that warrants a benefit of doubt without limit.
Because I wasn't born yesterday and neither were you.
As always, thank you for your patience and understanding as comments and responses are posted to this blog and this page.
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