responses to posted comments also: here (MG IX)here (MG VIII)here (MG VII)here (MG VI); here (MG V)here (MG IV)here (MG III)here (MG II)and here (MG) ~

Mille Grazie (X)

selected comments (in grayscale) and 
my responses (in purple)
(in chronological order by blog post, comment, or response)

* January *

Real Anyway (1/10/2025)

my responses (1/13 - 1/15/2025)
ThornsWithoutPricks (1/12/2025)

what is sacrificed... to deliver anything entertaining,
to satisfy any plot that 'wins' any points,
to exultantly 'call' anything 'vindication'

any avowed objective 'to be honest' being nothing but a conceit

UnGreedable (1/12/2025)

in case the obvious isn't obvious:

the professedly incorruptible do not "lead" anybody "to see",
because, of course, the blind who lead the blind
unctuously proclaim "[their] truth": the one that "requires you to be willing to see"

Sneaker (1/12/2025)

some days, it is exhausting work, truth-telling

the alternative is anathema, letting go


reply to above by TheRealKW (1/12/2025)

crow, old man, death comes for the wicked, too

PlutoIsLookingForANewHome (1/12/2025)


maybe phone a friend before literally "supposing" mortal kind "should be" possessed of immortal purity of being, when such "we" humans of which you speak are manifestly dust

HeimdallAvatar (1/12/2025)

you got me; I am here for pandas


SifIsLovingNorway (1/12/2025) "those who believe TV shows as reality... want to remodel... society"

not only society, but all 'seven mountains' with remodeled 'mandates of piety'


BenLewis (1/12/2025)

so many little girls and little boys 'loving into being real', what is not real

reply to above by TheRealKW (1/12/2025)

all you want... in this new... year is a... tip... you know the... worst

Han som ser på fjellet (1/12/2025)


TheRealKW (1/12/2025) "among us"

do you award yourself a point
every time you take credit for an observation

that is not about us -
but about humans among us?


Frederick The Greatest (1/12/2025)


way to keep "jumping to conclusions" about "known liars", real, :clapclapclap:

of course, you are not "annoying" because
the "feelings [you] have" about people are totally not "based on nothing but"
you being a conceit

see my response above to ThornsWithoutPricks

TheGreatChickenWing (1/12/2025)

trolls serve one master, lies

a hypothetically immortal absolute sovereign serves one master, truths

I will not lie and "agree" that we serve the same master nor will I lie and "affirm" your master's "Truth"

because whether or not you believe or follow a hypothetically immortal absolute sovereign,
you serve the master of trolls

A Mockery of Fools (1/30/2025)
note posted before 2/14/2025 post but comments here posted after comments to 2/23/2025 post

my response (2/26/2025)
Sneaker (2/24/2025)

a wholesale denial of complicity
seems not to have been illuminated as an 'epiphany' or 'revelation'

to mask-wearers with front-row-seats to receding waters

see my response below to TheNorthMen

* February *

No Gods Before Ate (2/14/2025)
note posted before 2/23/2025 post but comments here posted before comments to 2/23/2025 post

my responses (2/24 - 2/25/2025)
NoOneButRealGods (2/23/2025)

shhh - the every-people will run out of tinfoil and
the not-like-every-people will run out of doomsday bunkers if
they start looking over every-shoulders and under every-rocks for
the-real-gods to please stand up


ThornsWithoutPricks (2/23/2025)

amen! mortal deed-doers never tire of blaming gods for their wrong-doing

Sneaker (2/23/2025)

I foresee their arrival at eternal judgment and know
their hell after life will not be haloed in grace

because judgment

Anonymous (2/23/2025)

there's something I've observed in 'the successful'

when they've 'made it', (i) they invariably slam every 'open door' behind them shut and
(ii) claim to've never been a so-called 'beneficiary' or 'recipient' of any so-called 'open door' or 'tilted advantage', so to speak

which is to say, (iii) they 'create' a yesterday that never was or a self-creation-mythos, if you will,
(iv) in order to 'express' with faux limpidity, their indubitable possession of exceptionalism and extraordinariness

as if the 'successes' of 'the successful' make for 'meritocracies', instead of legacies of greed

ACaptain (2/23/2025)

helming the HMS that sailed... divertissement or favor or pleasure?

BluesClues4Ever (2/23/2025)

sometimes, a fun-sized torch of hope is called for

sometimes, an eternal flame

AlphaCentauriOrBust (2/23/2025)

the motto of the 'pushers': take from the 'pushed-down'
to 'give' to the 'pushers'

because this is the so-called 'right' of might, the so-called 'natural law' of wrong

unless the 'pushers' and the 'pushed-down' wake up to
the humbling fact that they are not each other's real enemy

GodIsWatchingUsfromADistance (2/23/2025), reply by TheRealKW (2/23/2025)

at her foundations, Ate is illusions, corruptions, lies

the banal, therefore, reality is that preferers of illusions, corruptions, lies
deny all gods but Ate

which is to say, I'm not holding my breath
for 'epiphanies' and 'revelations' to set us free

comments: part II

FrederickTheGreat (2/24/2025)

BluesAsBlueIsAndDoes (2/24/2025)

see ThornsWithoutPricks' comment on this post

because a mortal deed-doer who rages at a god's "role",
instead of at a mortal wrong-doer's "role",
plainly misplaces mortal responsibility

ItsMillerTimeOnTheGreen (2/24/2025)
<nota bene: my response may not appear to viewers via Safari (web browser)>


a brain marinated in sludge, that vomits nugatory venom, is
less a marvel of "true faith" than a servile ogre of

reply to above by TheRealKW (2/24/2025)

&playingftw &playerforlife

IAmTheChickenWing (2/24/2025)

fighter or food?

"whether you like it or not, whether you want it or not," I play with both


note posted after 2/14/2025 post and comments here posted after comments to 2/14/2025 post

my responses (2/25 - 2/26/2025)

SmallMindBigBody (2/23/2025) "to justify making life harder for everyone else at everyone else's expense."

if only "this is nothing more than a smokescreen"

instead of also dogma, canon, scripture, etc. glorified like such
thinking, ruling, writing is nothing less than being gloriful

Anonymous (2/23/2025) "alphas... must be, trusted"

uttered like a cheerleader, a saber-rattling pretender, a paid echo,

who professes to "trust" a leash-liege-"alpha" to decide, no, proclaim
"who... [is] proven through... merits"

because love "should be, no must be," suffered

TheNorthMen (2/23/2025)

yep, humans, so pleased by receding waters, controvert
foreseeable and forthcoming tsunamis

as if not!!! interfering!!! and not!!! impeding!!! is so vital to 'preordination' or 'predestination'
because doing nothing while tsunamis tsunami is how co-divinities divine


comments: part II

Sneaker (2/24/2025)

there are times when I am so over mortals,
pretending to be 'commanded' by immortals,
pretending to be 'anointed' by immortals,
pretending to be 'loved' by immortals,

pretending to know the definitive 'word' of immortals,
pretending to manifest the absolute 'will' of immortals,

because I am so over mortals,
pretending to be 'favored' by immortals, lying with impunity

TheFruitBowl (2/24/2025), reply by TheRealKW (2/24/2025)

yeah, an avocation nobody asked for is consumable content
making it rain for imposters among us,
pretenders, cons, frauds

BenLewis (2/24/2025), reply by TheRealKW (2/24/2025)

I suspect if the leash-liege of the "!@#$s" commanded the "!@#$s" to eat shit,
they'd rapturously exorcise self-respect from their souls and jubilantly swallow

NannaLarsdottir (2/24/2025)

welcome to the (family) fire :)

SifLovesNorway (2/24/2025) "my history has taught me"

ditto, notwithstanding, all mortal kind know
what pleases the untrustworthy tremendously is the imposture of trust

reply to above by FrederickTheGreat (2/24/2025)

"beautiful people" who trade on their "looks",
trade on their souls being invisible to mortal kind

BinaryTertiaryFour (2/24/2025)

it is true that currency and wealth are influential

but arms effect "significant" harm everywhere arms enforce
the so-called 'right' of might, the so-called 'natural law' of wrong

such that economic power and military power
are not levers independent of each other

TriplettsAreForFreedom (2/24/2025) "you are an inspiration to all of us"

thank you

SandersAgainstChickWings (2/24/2025)

per their self-mythologized popularity,
I would understand if it were not obvious:

narcissists are neither omnipotent nor omniscient
but opportunistic and self-serving

ChaosInTheUniverseThreeOver (2/24/2025)

there are many reasons that "fights... for... rights" are tilted advantageously towards
pretender kings, false idols, ogrish servants of Ate

not one is because the will of the truth and
the will of pretender kings, false idols, ogrish servants of Ate,
are one and the same
tbc: name (date)

{ ~ }

&ThisIsMe &NotLettingGo

The public trust is the hill I have, I am, and I will die on. That this hill has been, is, and will be trod on, incinerated, and corrupted is a truth as real as every face of Janus and every head of the Gorgons, is not.


As always, thank you for your patience and understanding as comments and responses are posted to this blog and this page.


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