Friday, February 14, 2025

No Gods Before Ate

The promise and hope of a 'meritocracy' is the promise and hope of

magical thinking,

a kind of thinking tethered to a fantasy of a superior people, a kind of thinking unhinged from the truth and reality,

where 'meritocracy' is not a dream but a dog whistle, blown and blustered, to deny human beings any universal right to exist,

in Ate's name. 

No Gods Before Ate

When being offensive pretends to be demure - or being virulent pretends to be benign - or being barbarous pretends to be civil -

what is this? and why?


When a war is fought with bombs and famine, you know it is a war. You know that armed hostility seethes between you and peace. You know that now is no time to indulge in inaction.

But -

you also know -

bombs do not have to be bombs to be bombs and famine does not have to be famine to be famine.


In other words -

when a war is fought with bombs and famine, you know it is a war - even when, say, bombs assume an imposture of demure purity, famine assumes an imposture of benign virtue, and denials of peace assume an imposture of civilized generosity -

you know that what froths between you and amity, will not quit its antagonism - even when its animus is, oh, welcomed by acquiescence and appeasement.


Because you know a war does not have to be a war to be a war.

Likewise, an armistice without a cessation of arms is not a healing ceasefire, despite a verbal cloaking of ordnances as threatless friends.


For real demure purity does not celebrate the blowing up of civilian economies and finances, urban medical services and rural health care, local safety nets, including band-aids against resource instability;

real benign virtue does not applaud the arbitrary and cutthroat denial of food security to children and veterans and seniors and homeless families;

real civilized generosity does not praise acts of vengeance and seizures of spoils as acts of love that must be suffered for billionaire victors.


As if death knells, in Ate's name, with sublime joy.


When being offensive or being virulent or being barbarous

emphatically insists this is the very definition of being fair and being reasonable and being nothing more than common sense -

I ask -

when did offense become fair to you? virulence become reasonable to you? barbarity become nothing less than common sense to you?



Because -

when it is you, subjected to offense or virulence or barbarity, this fuels a lived experience defined by grievances -

your truth and your reality -

until your answer to what is this? and why? becomes the promise and hope of a 'meritocracy' that is not a meritocracy.


The promise and hope of a kind of human invention, a narrative that untethers what you believe from what is real, to say 'merit' does not have to be glorious to be glorified.

In other words -

words without merit do not have to be commendable to be commended; intentions without merit do not have to be honorable to be honored; actions without merit do not have to be admirable to be admired; etc.


Because you know a 'meritocracy' doesn't have to be a meritocracy to be a meritocracy.


Never mind

real meritocracy does not celebrate impulsive wreckers gleefully feeding safety nets to literal shredders, because wasteful efficiency is genius;

real meritocracy does not applaud punching down, because unimpeachable bullying is a superior people's manifestly destined right;

real meritocracy does not praise low hanging fruits or trifling crumbs or witless polemics, smugly gilded with infirm promises that suffering for the cause will be absolutely worth it.




When acts of love that must be suffered for billionaire victors

are part and parcel to a kind of thinking disunited from the truth and reality,

this is neither tough love nor real love nor fatherly love nor divine love;

this is not love at all.


Ate (mythology, here at Wikipedia)



  1. I believe that humans are perfectable in their building, imperfectable in their design. Knowledge is infinite but finite for them. This Earth is run by secret cabals of zealots who worship golden things and conspire to have the rest of us eat sand. Aliens visit us often; they stay for the good and try to fix the bad – until they need a holiday to forget the PTSD that humans inflict. Right now, our future sucks, but it doesn’t have to be. One day, a 5-foot-tall woman will return as a eight foot tall Amazonian and kick all of our asses. Men and (men-women who support their agenda) will fear her because they are nothing more than bratty children who can’t communicate their problems to solve them. So, what does this all mean – politicians are crooks, CEOs are swindlers, media personalities are liars, in the end the more you follow them, the more you succumb to a reality where living is nothing more than a cruel joke. And if that is all that you want life to be, then please escape to the Moon and use your hot gas to fill that atmosphere with all the carbon pollution that we could leave without here.

  2. It has never ceased to amaze me whether it’s Agamemnon, Hesiod, or Aeschylus who blame Ate as they fawn over her, follow into her net, and then end imprisoned to never see the light of day again. In the end is it Ate who led them astray or was it their weakness that did?

  3. Less is the man of the third centamillennial who need no reason to spite the Gods and forefathers in the mistaken belief that justice does not see or hear their wrongs. Misery comes for all in due time, and those that are most insolent receive the most of it.

  4. I believe in the ideals of a meritocracy but sadly those ideals really are realized for the reasons you call out. Meritocracy today is flattery, self-congratulation that leads to inane amounts of praise that in turn promote inequality and personal superiority when there is no real reason. That in turns leads to policies that harm others instead of help, all in the guise of a meritocracy that is nothing more than autocracy.

  5. Idealogues, politicians, and theologians are always the first to promote the ideals of philosophy, hard work, and religion when promoting themes that rewards should be distributed by the skill and effort (efficiency) through a level playing field where those that are the loudest, passionate, and faithful are meant to reap everything while the slothful and bankrupt deserve nothing but their scorn. They dismiss luck and other factors from the equation, failing to see that one’s merit is largely based on luck and access, both of which are abundant in their circles and devoid in the circles of the have-nots. In the end, their blindness leads to selfishness, a lack of self-awareness, and more prone to discrimination, autocracy, and a return to feudalism. Don’t believe me, wipe that crud out of your eyes and see the world around you…

  6. At some point, followers of Ate realize that they have been lied to. They see the troubles and afflictions that the high priests have wrought. They struggle at first with why God, why government, why others, did not stop their fall. It’s only then the truth hits – non one led you down this path but yourself. And it’s you that can give Ate one less follower. It all starts with one!

  7. Why do leaders need luxury of such epic and exaggerated proportions to feel good about themselves? Why does it seem like God, who is supposed to side with the meek, only favors those that are rich? Why are god’s words written, interpreted, and spoken by those that take everything for themselves? Why? Because they are not followers of God, they are followers of the deadly sins and Ate. But you already knew this and are trying to explain why you fell for what you knew not to be true in the first place. Maybe now, maybe, you will resist them and work to taking from those who have everything to people who have nothing. But that must start with you not giving them the wind, earth, and sea why you remain quiet.

  8. GodIsWatchingUsfromADistanceFebruary 23, 2025 at 6:47 PM

    It's a clash of the gods tonight at 8:30pm! Ate in the blue corner, daughter of Zeus the almighty, standing 5'8 and weighing 138 pounds. She is the goddess of mischief and reckless behavior. Freya in the right corner, daughter of Njord, the sea god, she's 6'5 and 225 lbs in spirit. She is the goddess of love, fertility, war, gold, and seeing the future. Who are you going to choose? The trickster goddess or the true goddess of good and the future?

    1. All my coin... is on Freya... Vaenir For Life...

  9. It’s no shock that playing to win goes hand in hand with those that will skirt the law to achieve the results that they want. This shouldn’t shock you; the end has always justified the means to these businessmen and frauds. They stiff people, refuse services, hire people they can dominate, pay to conceal, or say one thing and do the other. So, why be shocked.

  10. Ate’s role in life is to break covenants, stir up mischief, and in the end justify what people want to do; or could do: whatever they want.

  11. ItsMillerTimeOnTheGreenFebruary 24, 2025 at 1:39 PM

    Of course the goddess of trickster would post something like this, she just wants to keep you from seeing the truth or remain relevant when true faith stops her schemes.

    1. One does not... simply walk into... the Mill's Stone...The gates are... guarded by more... than just elves... There is good... there that does... not sleep and... the Great Eye is... ever gazing at... you who will.... breathe its poisonous... air to those... that are evil.

  12. Whether you like it or not, whether you want it or not, I know what is best and I will be the one ensuring that we are on the right side of history. Go play with your dolls.
