Singularly wrongful and especially cutthroat ambition on thrones, dripped in the emperor's new regalia, ruling as co-divinities alongside justful and truthful immortals,
has never been real and is still anathema to what is right.
Here and Now and Then and After
What comes this way? This self-righteous self-superior self-satisfied, ignoble and transactional, wildly hallucinatory and torturously anti-reasoned way?
Not good things,
that is for damn sure.
I am not surprised that 'this way' is not without its cheerleaders. Notwithstanding, 'this way' not only satisfies millionaires and billionaires, capitalists and oligarchs, titans and magnates, 'this way' is taken by rank and file administrators, lawyers, operators, just like that.
You see, where there is self-righteous self-superior self-satisfied will, there is 'this way'. Whether 'this way' amounts to real action that effects, say, efficiency or lives up to, say, promises, is moot. Because the wheelhouse of a surrogate or pharisaical mouthpiece is unapologetic nescience. Not plays on a playing field.
Such that cheerleaders who passionately hoot and holler every 'success' and 'triumph' of 'this way', are hardly arbiters of greatness achieved, right here.
You see, where ignoble and transactional incentives comfort millionaires and billionaires, capitalists and oligarchs, titans and magnates, there is 'this way'. Whether 'this way' spares a sole penny for thoughts about employees or customers or trade deficits or economic realities, is neither here nor there. Because plausibly principled props are not only not bona fide, they're espoused like the better part of valor is pleasure.
In a fictional narrative where a tyranny of the bottom line is 'killing it', being defended, protected, and safe-guarded from any defiance of a manifestly destined right to unbridled unregulated unlimited wealth and power, is the constitutional privilege of predatory, militant, and exploitative convictions.
Never mind how.
You see, where rank and file administrators and lawyers and operators indulge wildly hallucinatory and torturously anti-reasoned positions, there is 'this way'. Whether 'this way' is jubilantly welcomed by acolytes or by no one, it plainly resembles Saw more than it resembles a gauzy unfocused shrovetide carnival to fete a goldentide of free and fair democracies.
As if fiats that burn to the ground and abolish and feed to wood chippers and wreck public interests and the common good and representative government and the public are 24 karat gold diktats that chainsaw abuse, right now.
I am not surprised that 'this way' is welcomed by winners who risibly repute themselves 'the majority', who theatrically style themselves 'the people', who incongruously nominate themselves to serve neither the majority nor the people.
As if singularly wrongful and especially cutthroat ambition on thrones, dripped in the emperor's new regalia, ruling as co-divinities alongside justful and truthful immortals is not only what is apodictic, but also 'the way'
good things come,
that is for damn sure.
Needless to say,
performative umbrageous vigilance to do with justifying how 'waste' or 'fraud' or 'abuse' is being eliminated, right here and right now, is about theatrics and 'selling it' and virality and 'memes'.
the point is not about found 'waste' or 'fraud' or 'abuse', so much as 'named' public interests and the common good and representative government and the public, that are 'shamed' as definitive 'evidence' and categorical 'proof' of an agenda that steadfastly opposes vesting in democracies and republics, an apodictic law of Ate.
neither a literal nor figurative chainsaw nor singular executive order nor literal nor figurative wood chipper nor especial deciding opinion is about 'defending' free and fair democracies or 'saving' our republic.
public interests and the common good and representative government and the public
are the 'enemies' of this self-righteous self-superior self-satisfied, ignoble and transactional, wildly hallucinatory and torturously anti-reasoned way; the 'enemies' of cheerleaders, millionaires and billionaires, capitalists and oligarchs, titans and magnates, rank and file administrators, lawyers, operators; the 'enemies' of winners and co-divinities;
whose manifestly destined right to unbridled unregulated unlimited wealth and power has never been real and is still anathema to what is right.
Such that
so-called 'broad endorsements' of such nonsense, reported 'groundswells of support' for such nonsense, and 'widespread sharing' of such nonsense
reflects neither an 'uprising' of a 'common sense super majority' nor a 'mandate' from an 'overwhelmingly illiberal electorate', so much as
an amplifying of self-righteous self-superior self-satisfied, ignoble and transactional, wildly hallucinatory and torturously anti-reasoned cheerleading,
pretending to 'speak truth to power'.
For you see,
I see
pretender kings parading the emperor's new drip, saber-rattling the emperor's new regalia; false idols promising to throne integrity, while crowning liars who troll the truth; ogrish servants of Ate being neither meek lamps of God nor civil servants who represent the will of 'the people';
There is a myth that more harm has been done in the 21st century by faceless bureaucrats than by dictators and despots. This has been the justification to break up government, tie bureaucrats to the, “will of the people,” and to embolden the ignorant to think that they can do better. All this is nothing more than a smokescreen to allow the rich, powerful, and elite cabals to justify making life harder for everyone else at everyone else’s expense.
ReplyDeleteThe reason why the rich and powerful make the decisions is because only the alphas should be, no must be, trusted to make good decisions. They are the only ones that should participate in democracy because they are the only ones who know what they are doing as they have proven through their merits.
ReplyDeleteGentle murmurs flow the tide,
ReplyDeleteAlong the banks behold the lie,
Housings were of sand,
Bounding coursers to the door,
Hastening up the aisle,
Flocked people great and small
While clear the moon shines bright,
The wild winds rise with dull cry,
As fiends exult over their hapless victims,
Struggling with the stream three times,
Before disappearing banished from sight,
To the dance of one truth be told.
There is a misunderstanding with humans that immortals concern themselves with the finer things in life, elevating these to the same position that mortals hold these. Immortals would never stoop so low as to involve themselves in the things that the poor would want. It’s in this misconception that humans lead themselves astray. Those who have lived eternally have seen enough to know that only the truth, love, and unity are currency across time. So, before you think yourself a miniature god as you pursue relentlessly and ruthlessly power, fame, and wealth, just remember that you are doing so not to be like God, or to worship God, but to further your own ends at all costs. In the end, you are either going to return to the simple dust you are or book yourself that special place in Hell you deserve.
ReplyDeleteCheerleading the worst of our society as they cripple all that is meant to help others is akin to getting excited as you see different people throughout time commit the most atrocious crimes.
ReplyDeleteCheerleading is what... you do best... especially in games...
DeleteGreat! The !@#$s won! And that’s all credited to one special group of !@#$s! These are the same !@#$s that would be cheering when Jesus was !@#$ified. So, don’t get your !@#es in a bunch when everything falls apart. You !@#$ers did it.
ReplyDeleteUncle Ben needs... to avoid tantrums... due to all... those nasty meals... you created.
DeleteWatch the best hit of 2025… The Chicken Wing as Tsar Nicholas II, the Elongated Odor as Rasputin, and Magic Mike as Tsarina Alexandria.
ReplyDeleteOne should never judge a person by the width of the smile or the whiteness of their teeth, my history has taught me that both are generally indications of the prevaricator, malefactor, or supremo.
ReplyDeleteNot all beautiful people are not to be trust.
DeleteIn contemporary times, economic influence has become more significant than military power. Money chooses the leaders, writes the laws, protects those who fancy themselves outside the law, and hides the people behind the leaders. Yes, money – it’s allowed those that have tried all different ways to finally accomplish what they have always wanted to have.
ReplyDeleteMy father fought in the Great World War. He fought the Nazis in Italy, France, Holland, and Germany. So, forgive me when I cringe as I hear America First and then listen to leaders deny the very sins that we fought so passionately to abolish. Even more despicable they embrace their gestures, salutes, and propaganda. My great, great grandfather fought in the Civil War, it should be no shock to anyone that he and his family moved from Georgia to Pennsylvania so he could fight for the Union. The confederates were no different than the Nazis or the MAGA as they sought to enslave others to ensure that they could keep their ways of life. I gag when I hear that these people were heroes and deserve recognition. Every generation faces its battles. I didn't choose to fight in Asia's jungles or the Middle East's deserts, but I did because it was right. Thank you for taking the fight to these people, especially those in power. My years are coming to an end, and I can only hope that I still have some gas to fight for those that can’t fight for themselves, the ones that our leaders are warring on. Please keep up the great work you do, you are an inspiration to all of us.
ReplyDeleteHistory has shown that the oligarchs, robber barons, and kings of old only think of their own advantage over the rest of the community. It’s foolish to get indignant, reason, or try to convince them that this is wrong as their very nature is that of narcissism and egotism as that is what drives them. After all, are they not the wise and good, those who know what reforms are needed, and those who need to wield power to create paradise for one and all? Of course, a narcissist is only capable of seeing their own contemplations, wisdom, and goodness to create a new paradise that is tyrannical, more drastic than what we have seen previously.
ReplyDeleteIt's never ceased to amaze me with the binding chaos of the prison our minds concoct to hold our own chains and rocks so that we fight more for the rights of oligarchs and kings than for our own.