responses to posted comments also: here (MG VII)here (MG VI); here (MG V)here (MG IV)here (MG III)here (MG II)and here (MG) ~

Mille Grazie (VIII)

from 2023:

selected comments (in grayscale) and 
my responses (in purple)
(in chronological order by blog post, comment, or response)

{ ~ }

my responses (7/4/2023, 7/5/2023)

HeimdallAvatar (7/3/2023)

I know
they tell me I am 'welcome'
to be one of 'them'

but I am not one of 'them',
so I am not 'welcome'
after all

Sneaker (7/4/2023)

it is not surprising that freedom powers the beast

ABridgeTooFar (7/4/2023)

the delusional would rather set fire to every city on every hill
than give up
their 'alternate reality'

ABigMindinAShortBody (7/4/2023)

the human solution
is the only arrow in the quiver

of every human
whose freedom powers the beast

SifIsLovingNorway (7/4/2023)


all the... soap... in the world
can't wash you of you

TheRealKW (7/4/2023) reply MGVIII

funny... cringe funny... and if I'm 100% that b!@#$... then are you soap repellent?

&truthhurts (see also)

TheOnlyTesla (7/4/2023)

pray tell me:

if your 'first principle' is to help yourself to never enough 'on the table'

what are you helping yourself to, here?

SofiaTheFirst (7/4/2023)

my dear,


AlphaCentauriOrBust (7/4/2023)



BenLewis (7/4/2023)

to divine a devil
is &sohuman

FrederickTheGreat (7/4/2023)

&sowhat humans can 'be informed by' and 'learn from'
look here: fake! look there: false!

and &sowhat humans can give damnless damns

Nordens vikinger (7/4/2023)

we may be &notwelcome
but we are ours

NotSoMaybeSoYesSo (7/4/2023)

lol &fun(withnumbers)isunderrated

4thofthe7th (7/4/2023)

humans imagine immortals are 'drama'
because humans imagine immortals are &sohuman

FreyaRulesOdin (7/4/2023)

To 'sound' - human or inhuman - is a practiced skill
that humans call 'talent' -

or incredible.

The former is
blathering flattery;

the latter acknowledges that that which is ineffable is

my responses (10/23/2023, 10/24/2023)

Sneaker (10/21/2023) 'the values of of those that support the fool, the turkey, the snake, the chicken wing'

I cannot wrap my head around the so-called
'morals -' and 'values -' based electorate
who shun actual morals and actual values

to serve sins and vices

ThornsWithoutPricks (10/21/2023) 'mobs are [democracy in reality] in action' (substitutions within brackets: mine)

ugly people institute ugliness,
as if ugliness is sacred

that we name such institution: 'Democracy',
does not make such 'Democracy': Godly
of the people, for the people, by the people

ACaptain (10/21/2023) 'a world where tables and money are nothing more than another form of matter that doesn't matter more than the other forms'

a note regarding 'manuals' (or 'bibles') that preach loftily 'beyond' (or 'above')say,
this so-called 'time' (or 'plane')

that matter = energy and energy = matter, does not =
not giving a f*ck, sh!t, or d@mn because

'Boomerang Nebula' ≠ 'Quasar 3C273'

AlphaCentauriOrBust (10/21/2023) 'at that table with all that wealth... listen...'

the strain, the effort, the lengths ugly people go to,
to listen to 'the table' and 'wealth'
not only how 'the table' and 'wealth' make 'reality' out of the emperor's naked ambition
but also how ugly people worship 'made reality' as sacred

SofiaTheFirst (10/21/2023) '- but not you'

'not you' is a con

a con that the so-called 'morals -' and 'values -' based electorate must play to the hilt,
lest the emperor's naked ambition be not chosen

MyThoughtsAreThunder (10/21/2023) 'Only the coward will go for [greed, power, fame]. The brave, they risk [freedom] for [freedom].' (substitutions within brackets: mine)

cowards live to sell their stories as 'the brave' and
pocket the hundreds, the thousands, the millions in paydays and 'options'

MoonlightIsTheBestLight (10/21/2023) 'where freedom is enjoyed only within the narrowest of limits... democracy [that is, in reality, in action an] autocratic commonwealth' (substitutions within brackets: mine)

but this is what it means to be free;
to choose (for example) a 'faith' to 'believe in'!

for a 'faith' to 'believe in'
means giving up
eyes that see and minds that reason
for the so-called 'will' of a Lord over a Dominion!

TheFruitBowl (10/21/2023) 'the road to banning [health care for ova bearers]... call it for what it really is - the decision of a self-righteous... gutless... [boot licker] who wishes to [receive a pat on the head and a crumb]'  (substitutions within brackets: mine)

incrementalism is a guarantee

a promise that the so-called 'morals -' and 'values -' based electorate must carefully embrace,
lest autocracy be not instituted... 'democratically' and therefore... 'legitimately'

incrementalism is a sham

a proclaiming that such promise is a mandate that must be instituted
in the so-called 'name' of 'freedom' that is a prison

TheLonelyCastle (10/21/2023) 'You cannot be free if you don't control... your life.'

that's the point of 'freedom' that is a prison

see also MoonlightIsTheBestLight (above)

AngelinTheField (10/21/2023) 'You've demonstrated repeatedly that you fundamentally don't believe in the sanctity of life by shrugging off war, famine, epidemic, pain, poverty, [conditions of life and living].' (substitutions within brackets and boldface: mine)

Deities too, shrug off
'war, famine, epidemic, pain, poverty, conditions of life and living'

because life is not sacred.


FredericktheGreat (10/21/2023) 'No doubt this may seem harsh to... [the unprivileged]' (substitutions within brackets: mine)

because the language of... aristocrats is... 'harsh'?

IWriteHistoryNotFables (10/21/2023) 'one of you tell me... let me remind you...'

alas, 'faith' and reason exist within two 'realities'
wherein the 'alternate' is 'made real' -

where the not-naked emperor is chosen
by not-made-up people 'made real'

TheMessengerGod (10/21/2023)


see also FredericktheGreat (above)

SifIsLovingNorway (10/21/2023)

the endlessness of injustice
is the echo of ugly people
who evade silence
by living in shadows

for in the dark
echoes are 'real'

reply to above and HeimdallAvatar below, by TheRealKW (10/21/2023)

&wastingtime: it's how &timewasters (t)roll


TheRealKW (10/21/2023) 'No [ugly person] thinks... [or] embodies... truth and perfection.'

I fixed your 'truth'
to speak the truth

reply to above by SifIsLovingNorway (10/22/2023)

or spoken like a Deity of lies whose Believers worship
'made reality' as sacred

HeimdallAvatar (10/21/2023)

I love you so much -
as much as the first and as much as the last -
in. every. moment. still. and. ever. -

love, me

reply to TheRealKW by BenLewis (10/22/2023)

all the money in the world can buy all the Believers in the world,
but not a &HeimdallAvatar

StatingtheObvious (10/21/2023)

yikes, I'd ask who hurt you
but then I'd have to listen to your self-indulgent... fables

DifferentWorld (10/21/2023) 'unoriginal indoctrination'

it's insulting: ugly unoriginality

because wreckers should create, build, make
instead of lie, steal, take

ABadForAGood (10/21/2023) 'a crime is only a crime... and we wonder'

really? 'authorities' and what's 'allowed' - decide what's 'criminal'? this is why
victims are 'victimized' and 'so much' is 'unpunished'?

before you huff and puff at a world gone wrong like a bloated grease spot,
look in the mirror

DeltaLib (10/22/2023)

I could hug you!!! Thank you for you!

reply to above by SignsPointToFields (10/22/2023)

&signspointtowtfiwwy: see also StatingtheObvious (above)

SurturTrippingFlame (10/22/2023) 'blur reality and fantasy into a national predisposition to do the wrong thing'

that such past time is so incredibly popular,
that such past time is, in and of itself, so

beyond the pale and so

Ben432 (10/22/2023), DoubleDownStevie (10/22/2023), AHuntingSalesman (10/22/2023)

see also SurturTrippingFlame (above)

BalloonsRising (10/22/2023)

nope: a &fortunecookiefeverdream is not a &dialogue

TromsoFjord (10/22/2023)

the so-called 'morals -' and 'values -' based electorate cannot rail enough
at what's 'broken' to blame

as if what's 'broken' was not wrecked in the so-called 'name'
of 'freedom' that is a prison
for the so-called 'will' of a Lord over a Dominion
by ugly people

SeperationUniverse (10/22/2023)

what is it about &minimalists
who throw self-satisfied parades to celebrate the evangelism of themselves?

oh, right, I suffer neither fools
nor Pharisees

IThrewItAtBalder (10/22/2023)

you only live once but &satire is for keeps ;)

reply to above by ACaptain (10/22/2023)

seriously? the silver tongue that speaks a tongue alienated from incorruptibility
speaks not truth to power

PontuaçãoLikeSeven (10/22/2023)

is it a golden victory to profess with one gesture, passion and
with an other, lay your light as cheaply as life?

yours, am
CarlGump (10/22/2023)

I am a broken record - yes - but:

the 'places and times' you write of
are 'places and times' collectively fantasized as 'real' and 'great'

such that it bears affirming:

wisdom is not a feature of aging, but rather,
a feature of humility before a preponderance of what's real that frees delusions of
fogs of yesters that deceive

ARobinInTheHood (10/22/2023)

the 'fourth option', then, is the 'pluribus' homecoming king,
unexceptional and pointless and mostly likely to be so

see also SurturTrippingFlame (above)

DrLaiing (10/22/2023) 'only prevail if you are willing'

of course, what 'prevails' for the 'willing to bend' is how the 'willing' break everything good

notwithstanding, the prevailing of good cannot be obstructed
without the consent of not
'super' humans but nothing-more-than-human humans

so, yeah, you

reply to above by Sneaker (10/22/2023)

it is astonishing that I
can neither 'rehabilitate' nor 'fix' the fables that cast me... fictitiously

EmpiricalMike (10/22/2023) 'the greedy and blind are emboldened to act holier than the... holy'

I recall...

far-right adherers to far-right laws
who condemned actual morals and actual values

to smugly virtue signal, to inflame the trifling of aggrieved mobs,
to sanctimoniously self-enrich as the extravagant 'servants' of the so-called 'will'
of a Lord over a Dominion

...once called Pharisees

EndAllBeAll (10/22/2023)

paper! by Jove, that's the stuff that makes &legends

BenLewis (10/22/2023) 'so devout'

piety, per the tailor that the emperor employs, is the emperor's new clothes

per the coterie in service to the emperor, only Deities can see the truth of such fine finery

&somethingbullsh!tthiswaycomes :p

reply to above by TheRealKW (10/22/2023)

between the licking of boots and the profaning of words,
&teamprofanity is blueing the air while &teambootlicker is choking on bullsh!t

RichestGuyInTheCemetery (10/22/2023) 'Why else do you think so many people tell their confessions and the truth at the end?'

at the end, the fearful, of all beasts, no more 'change their spots' than the fearless

and the fruit of false atonement isn't forgiveness ever after

RiseAndFall (10/22/2023) 

casters of stones are failures at
'rising, acting, speaking'
truth to power

because casters of stones are cowards

ImpOfFire (10/22/2023)

see also ACaptain (10/21/2023) (above)

BeMerry (10/22/2023)

me two (and &SifIsLovingNorway three)

ABlindSidedThought (10/22/2023)

see also DifferentWorld (above)

WiseOldMonk (10/22/2023)

no one 'stared' much less 'with judging eyes';
no 'sorry' was spoken much less 'assured'


which are you?

see also SeperationUniverse (above)

OldManMountain (10/22/2023) 'Yeah, when you live like I have you wish for [all that is deserved and more]' (substitutions within brackets: mine)

to be a &believer is to be a &sisyphean,
to know there are worse states of being than being a &brokenrecord state

&weareours and &weareglorious
my responses (11/5/2023, 11/6/2023)

Anonymous (11/4/2023) 'he was not there to lie but to expose my own'

courage is to face attack because fear attacks
courage that tests

because cowardice is fear's answer to
courage that tests

Ajax4379w (11/4/2023)

unseeing and unhearing and unspeaking but not: unknowing

SofiaTheFirst (11/4/2023) 'societies of specialists and ghettos of not'

too often by free will to boot

SifIsLovingNorway (11/4/2023)

Here and now I'm in the fire.
In the ashes I won't be afraid to shine.
I'm making treasure out of dust.
I'm making diamonds out of us.


TheocratSpeaking (11/4/2023) 'all that you need'

every Age's paternalists, declare their own paternalism, the 'truest original intention' of the All Father

because paternalists own the market on 'truest original intention'

for the Almighty talks, that is, the Almighty Greenback
to every hand eager to receive
an anointing of grease

Sneaker (11/4/2023)


TheRealKW (11/4/2023) 'Anti Sigma Serum'

yes, low hanging... fruit is funny... See what I... did there... lolol

BenLewis (11/4/2023)

'don't be an @sshole' should be the easiest words to live by

ACaptain (11/4/2023) 'clones of their mediocrity, indifference, and lack of... thinking'

the clone 'army' of drones, of nothings
want everything, don't they?

PaganPaal (11/4/2023)

favored by
basic be-ers,
words like spaghetti flung onto walls

because content doesn't matter,
because meaning doesn't matter

only 'stickiness' matters

SkippingTheRift (11/4/2023) 'absolute liar'

methinks you speak from personal... experience

my condolences

AlphaCentauriOrBust (11/4/2023)

the cliff that arises at the moment of the end
is reality meeting fiction and... winning

WanderingTheVoid (11/4/2023) 'their bases'

for every person with a 'base'
to act on,
there's an ideology with a 'base'
to act on

NiErVi (11/4/2023) 'noe meningsfullt'

for the 'downers are so downsome',
meaninglessness is meaningful

PiratesLovePrincesses1298 (11/4/2023)

power is not treasure
to amass or to lord

but temptation to possess it
promises otherwise

MessengerGod (11/4/2023)

'crazy monkeys'? or flying monkeys?

the former are insufferably incompetent
that latter are wreckers-by-bid

JohnnyBeGoodJohnnyBeGreat (11/4/2023)

the 'beauty' of 'the problem', if you will, is
the eye of the beholder

where your eyes behold 'id', I behold 'ego'

SowinTheThomasNowAndForever (11/4/2023)

excuse me, wtf?

'the danger of [me]'? 'that [I] spread... hate'?

to be so ideologically severed from reality, that it is I who poses a danger,
that it is I who spreads hate, rather than you and your schizophrenic brethren

is basic s$gma bullsh!t

from the playbook of every naked emperor
that stomps and struts in fabulated bona fides of flimflam piety

FrederickTheGreat (11/4/2023)

thank you

WhereThereIsAReason1517 (11/5/2023) 'dead giveaway'

for all that a 'dead giveaway' is tots obvi imo

'the polls' would have everybody believe: giftwrapped bullsh!t
is what voters are buying


Moko Moko Hona Hoana (11/5/2023)

thank goodness 'nature' is so... natural
this makes death by natural phenomenon so... wholesome

ADeliriumAboutCreativity123 (11/5/2023)

geez... we're not 'on a tall mountain during a blizzard'

in the gentle spirit of &wellnessisn'tsobad

maybe... lighter fare in the algorithm... or a kitten adoption clinic...

GabiMan2307 (11/5/2023)

thank you

EscapeVerdansk0321 (11/5/2023)

people 'hidden in the background' is a fiction

for visibility and invisibility are arbitrary attributions not assigned by reality

except insofar as assignments on the basis of... popularity or fame, for example, are 'real'

NotThatKingButAKingOther (11/5/2023)

'silence about the things that matter over the noise of the truth' is... erm...
a pretzel of wrong that would be a waste of my time to unravel

ThornsWithoutPricks (11/5/2023)

thank you

BluesCluesForAdults (11/5/2023)

'projecting holes'
@ssholes gotta @asshole

TheHighertheWaterTheTruth (11/5/2023)

'fatigue'? 'dismay'? so give 'em: 'hope'?

'hope' peddling is as pompous as 'fear' peddling

because what's peddled doesn't comfort or ease everybody weighed down by reality to,
say, 'make the world better'

what's peddled is lies that deceive to,
oh, further peddlers and bullsh!t

HannahOriginatedHans (11/5/2023)

wine, if you will, favored by ye and ye paternalist kind, induces...
pompous @ssholery


my responses (11/18/2023, 11/9/2023)

TheOrangeFlightChickenDevice (11/11/2023)

your response is not remarkable for its arrogance; that is predictable
your response is not remarkable for its insensibility; that is unexceptional

that is to say:
you are predictable and unexceptional; that is basic

reply to above by TheRealKW (11/11/2023)

alas, the only side... of potato at my table is... roast

HoderRu!Z (11/11/2023)

excuse me, "[your]" riches?

may the clock strike midnight and you behold

breath takingly glorious and

reply to above by AlphaCentauriOrBust (11/11/2023)

@ssholery that's silent and @ssholery that crows
are how basics basic

MohMedMoss (11/11/2023)

"noise" is a blade that cuts both ways

FeelGoodMarshall (11/11/2023)

see also MohMedMoss (above)

EllieTheWeasel (11/11/2023) "act like they are neutral"

once upon a time, neutrality was real
then neutrality was exploited

now neutrality is a mirage;
that is, inaction pretending to stand for real


MyPinkTutu (11/11/2023)

see also MohMedMoss (above)

IamWhoIamAndNot123 (11/11/2023)

Pinky: "I think so Brain, but
this time you put the trousers on the chimp."
("Meet John Brain" Pinky and the Brain, Warner Bros.)

ModernDayPeterIsNotSoGreat (11/11/2023) "You are neither divine nor godly."

from pews today, this is neither heard
nor is it spoken

AlexandriaAndIstanbul (11/11/2023)

illiberalism promises knowledge without libraries,
freedom without governance,
time passing without judgment

IRuleOnLawNotLies (11/11/2023)

thank you and you are welcome

AMSNoOneFanBoy (11/12/2023)

thank you though I am no "barrier"
and speaking of barriers:

my bulwark deserves all the credit
for their tenacity against extremism

MelonHead6948 (11/12/2023)

gee... it's a wonder that there exist vast libraries
devoted to the subject of human @ssholery

and caring

when human @ssholery is so simple, stupid!

PaperCardboardLiesAgainstWood (11/12/2023)

:sigh: captain obvious much?

TheRealMagicMike01AD (11/12/2023)

uhm... see also MelonHead6948 (above)

INoLongerLikeAnyOfYou (11/12/2023)

you mean, the flood?

because "the waves" are waving
but soap-repellent's still repellent

TheBigMacAndFries (11/12/2023)

wow, chutzpah takes my breath away because...
audacity is breath taking

but basic is as basic does

see also TheOrangeFlightChickenDevice (above)

TheRealKW (11/12/2023)

that's funny right there

IWishForABetterWorldForYou (11/12/2023)


TheRealPulitzerBelongsToThoseThatCannotWinIt (11/12/2023)

I agree that profitability and @ssholery
work in concert

but 'a horse to water' is also true

notwithstanding, for all the water for all the horses for all the world,
a sizeable many elect to drink the liquid gold of bullp!ss


my responses (11/25/2023)

ACaptain (11/23/2023)

surely you know I am less fabulated 'critic' than fabled 'all-gifted'

TheRealKW (11/23/2023)

&HeimdallAvatar has me

MikeIsTheRealJohnson (11/23/2023) "we ask"

that you, the titular 'speaker' of flying monkeys, bows with obsequious servility
 before "the naked emperor" of your theocracy
to the craven façade of 'morals-' and 'values-' based polity

moreover, to "ask" me to obey and submit to condemnation and invisibility
because that is the ova-bearer's "place"
to not know your place as the abased servant

reply to above by Sneaker (11/23/2023) "political agenda"

people decry the so-called 'politicizing' of 'conscience'

as if 'the words' they rejoice in misquoting as their 'bona fides' of self-righteous evangelism
aren't balderdash, long since politicized for power and control

reply to above by TheRealKW (11/23/2023)

playing with your... food?

tbc: name (date)

{ ~ }


There is a confusion - a missing in sum and in part that inspires - a book or an illusion - 

regarding the relationship of free will to the past and the present and the future;

as if - being human is to do with some other willing than human being -

and - four horsemen of the apocalypse are to do with some other freedom than the freedom to manifest intention - (hence, what is broken) -

and - what is to blame is not, was not, will never be - the human solution.


As always, thank you for your patience and understanding as comments and responses are posted to this blog and this page.


1 comment:

  1. All of the.... soap in the.... world will not... wash this man... out of your... hair. Much love to... the moon... and the sun.
