MG II (Mille Grazie 2)
~ {responsa mea} ~
the following are selected comments from 2017 ~
(in chronological order by blog post or by comment)
(in chronological order by blog post or by comment)
~ the following are my responses
Sum Ergo Jus (1/15/17)
Sneaker (1/16/17)
Why (3/28/17)
~ * ~
Nota Bene: insincerities and disingenuities of vitriol and saccharine are wholeheartedly unwelcome ~ (notwithstanding ~ numquam ad tempus are frauds and fakers well come hither) ~
Note that emphasis on this page is subject to being kind ~
Note that comments on this page and across this blog are subject to moirai ~
Thank you for your patience and understanding... a m
Sneaker (1/16/17)
Thank you!
the roar of the unreal is so oppressively overwhelmingly omnipresent
whilst that which is real and true
steads fast in plain sight
War Wren (1/16/17)
You're welcome!
orthopraxis is that grace far more virtuous than orthodoxy and extremism and fundamentalism
that practice of rituals of superfice over inner virtue
that sanctimony of words over deeds
TheRealKW (1/16/17, 7:47 AM)
the horse that denies thirst
drinks not from oases in deserts
SteppingIntoTheWolf (1/16/17)
insincerities of do-gooding are exactly that
even should currencies garnered vis a vis such insincerities plummet
avarice is infinite
and so too insincerity
HeQBert (1/16/17)
like petit fours
the layers herein are lavish
alone and altogether
ACaptain (1/16/17)
as I recall
your realization of 'how great [I] am' waxes and wanes
the song of exploitation
the dance of desecration
the poetry of malfaisance
are ever the telltale hallmarks of pretensions of sycophancy
Replies to above (BenLewis, AlphaCentauriOrBust):
BenLewis (1/16/17)
AlphaCentauriOrBust (1/16/17)
Replies to above (TheRealKW, ABridgeTooFar, SifIsLovingNorway, SofiaTheFirst):
TheRealKW (1/16/17 10:41 AM)
Stead Fast (1/17/17)
Sneaker (1/21/17)
BenLewis (1/16/17)
while persecution everywhere normalizes rituals of superfice
inner virtue flourishes sans superfice
for rituals of superfice are insincerities
that persecution on the basis of such ritual brims with hatred and malice
affirms that persecution is vice masquerading as virtue within the soul of the damned
TweetThis (1/16/17)
from sea to shining sea
good is rewarded with tribulation
evil is rewarded with glory
for the here and now have judged
evil profitable
good worthless
TheFruitBowl (1/16/17)
Luke, I am your Father
welcome to Joy beyond the cave
may sun shine as Bright as your true Heart
Replies to above (TheRealKW, ABridgeTooFar, SifIsLovingNorway, SofiaTheFirst):
TheRealKW (1/16/17 10:41 AM)
possession of fruit does not become one whose hands are full of...
ABridgeTooFar (1/16/17)
SifIsLovingNorway (1/16/17 10:57 AM)
proximity to magma is known to sear sense and sensibility ~ ;)
SofiaTheFirst (1/16/17)
beware the web of the wounded King who pursues chalices of Sight ~ hugs
Sneaker (1/21/17)
it never ceases to amaze
The Awake
The Awake
willfully attend not what matters
for what never will
for what never will
thank you
TheRealKW (1/21/17 10:29 AM)
to Fruit or to Joy
that is the question, dearest
Replies to above: SofiaTheFirst, TheRealKW, BenLewis (1/21/17)
what purpose the King of Everything sans paraphilias
ACaptain (1/21/17)
sycophancy does not become dandies or lions
RialsGloriouslyStein (1/21/17)
the pen of SteinTheOneAndOnly à la RialsGloriouslyStein is no less sword of lies
'[I] should be accepting the calling of [my] kind'?
you know me not at all
that you deem 'kind', mine or yours, lays bare your isms
that acknowledge not the truth (much less the whole truth)
that you deem 'labels', mine or yours, lays bare your lies
that vilify mutuus et aequum and vivo et liber
for the supremacy of your kind
your isms
your labels over all
your isms
your labels over all
as for 'mouthpiece of something less'
mouthpieces of kinds of isms of labels
are slavers exploiters wardens who imprison the free vis a vis lies lies lies of kinds of isms of labels
Reply by HillsOverNew (1/21/17)
no reason of Tyranny, no heart of Machiavelli, no hand of Draco
sees the truth
no warden of Prisons, no demagogue of Zealots, no terrorist of Swords
hears the truth
no supremacist of kinds of isms of labels
no mouthpiece of kinds of isms of labels
no exploiter of kinds of isms of labels
speaks the truth
the whole truth
and nothing but the truth
the whole truth
and nothing but the truth
Replies to above: BenLewis, AlphaCentauriOrBust, TheRealKW, SifIsLovingNorway (1/21/17)
denial is the well that never runs dry
for truth deniers who deny deny deny
for truth deniers who deny deny deny
TheFruitBowl (1/21/17)
thank you
Reply to above: TheRealKW (1/21/17 1:10 PM)
miren el KW
el rey es triste
el rey no puede charlar dulcemente
como el fruto
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TheRealKW (1/22/17 7:59 AM)
el tomate is here
el tomate dances with me
el rey is not here
el rey dances not with me
Epiphany (1/8/17)
ThornsWithoutPricks, Sneaker (1/22/17)
the truth truths
power, vanity, greed
gain, privilege, fame
TheRealKW (1/22/17 8:20 AM) (also TweetThis, ACaptain)
no epiphany does the Hermit King need
to love kith and kin true
no epiphany does the daughter(s) of the Hermit King need
to love all kind true
is love that needs epiphany
TweetThis (1/22/17 8:17 AM), ACaptain (1/22/17 8:22 AM)
may lies warm beds of lies
Replies to above (ABridgeTooFar, ACaptain, TheMessengerGod):
TheMessengerGod (1/22/17 12:24 PM, 12:40 PM)
thank you
courage inspired not truthing
honor, virtue, integrity demanded it
ego inspires lying
ego inspires lying
power, vanity, greed, gain, privilege, fame demand it
ACaptain (1/22/17 12:22 PM, 12:36 PM)
praytell dearest
what 'all' 'have [we] not experienced yet'?
for this no one from nowhere is unimpressed
by pyrite and zircon
tossed as alms by prostitutes upon altars of egos risen
soliciting nay demanding
power, vanity, greed, gain, privilege, fame
FrederickTheGreat (1/22/17)
lie upheld by pillars of ignorance is no virtue
though such lie is the world
though such lie is the world
though ignorance upholds the world
the truth is a good thing
BenLewis (1/22/17)
thus do all
don new clothes à la emperors of lies lies lies
Replies to above (FrankIsGreat, WithoutReservation):
FrankIsGreat (1/22/17)
how free are he and she who cage the truth?
how free are we and they who violate the truth?
how free are all who exploit the truth?
is truth sweeter for degradation, desecration, depredation
by her and him and them and us and all?
are he and she and we and they and all
freer for 'taste' of truth, 'feel' of truth, 'knowing' of truth?
how free are we and they who violate the truth?
how free are all who exploit the truth?
is truth sweeter for degradation, desecration, depredation
by her and him and them and us and all?
are he and she and we and they and all
freer for 'taste' of truth, 'feel' of truth, 'knowing' of truth?
WithoutReservation (1/22/17)
thank you
TheGruffalo (1/22/17)
ever predictable
the pendulum aloft fetid sweltering sways of weather fair
of mouthpieces
paid to pretend they are not pretenders
alas, my friend
truth doesn't pay
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TheRealKW (1/25/17 2:58 AM) and reply by TheFruitBowl (1/25/17)
thus fruits and vegetables dance
freers and life freers
possessors and life possessors
FrankIsGreat (1/25/17 3:02 AM, 3:12 AM) and exchange with SifIsLovingNorway (1/25/17 3:11 AM)
supremacists, mouthpieces, exploiters, slavers, egos, wardens
justify rationalize defend defend defend
that which is indefensible
degradation desecration depredation
for more more more power vanity greed gain privilege fame
for supremacists, mouthpieces, exploiters, slavers, egos, wardens
SifIsLovingNorway (1/25/17 3:30 AM)
PonceDeLeoninFlorida (1/25/17)
thank you
artists in name
past, now, and future
owe their fountains of youth, their cities of gold
to more than 'talent' and 'luck' and 'grit' and 'toil'
rare humility acknowledges
power vanity greed gain privilege fame
artists in name
TheMessengerGod (1/25/17)
thank you
for memories claire
though indelible
impressions sont à moi
are maddeningly picaresque
[usage note: picaresque evokes fleeting fugues]
ACaptain (1/25/17) and replies by ABridgeTooFar and BenLewis (1/25/17)
free heart
loves true
true love
loves untrue
Sneaker (1/25/7) and reply by TheRealKW (1/25/17 3:57 AM)
The Shameless Run the World (1/26/17)
TheRealKW (1/27/17 1:03 PM)
don't believe all those lies
the truth is an open book
the talkers who talk, the walkers who walk
run the world
patronage of prostitution
corruption barbarity exploitation deceit
the economy
buying and selling
crowns honors pedestals thrones wealth glory fame power
ego vanity privilege greed
o! Ministries of Truths! Banish thy Conscience!
o! Ministers of Truths! Banish thy Humility!
the New Truth is Arisen!
the talkers who talk, the walkers who walk
run the world
patronage of prostitution
corruption barbarity exploitation deceit
the economy
buying and selling
crowns honors pedestals thrones wealth glory fame power
ego vanity privilege greed
o! Ministries of Truths! Banish thy Conscience!
o! Ministers of Truths! Banish thy Humility!
the New Truth is Arisen!
The Shameless Run the World (1/26/17)
TheRealKW (1/27/17 1:03 PM)
firebrand not am I
weary am I
of frivolity
of indifference
Exchange with StarshipsHoopyHoop, SifIsLovingNorway, ABridgeTooFar (1/27/17)
thus frivolity
thus indifference
are the Crown Kings of the shameless
thus indifference
are the Crown Kings of the shameless
and there
300IsSoFew (1/27/17)
bravo or brava
MatchHotFour (1/27/17)
no liturgy, no orthodoxy, no recherchè devotion to dogma
transforms aspiration to 'elite' (per 300IsSoFew) to realization à la Pinocchio
in other words
acting the part or pretending to elite
is no substitute for being true
Replies to above: TheFruitBowl (1/29/17 5:43 AM), BenLewis (1/29/17)
Sneaker (1/27/17)
buying piety is as old as time
so too
Thank You!
is 15 Million Merits
mine are yours
Reply to above: TheRealKW (1/27/17 2:21 PM)
potshots are rotten tomatoes flung by the feeble
low hanging fruit
Reply to above: StarshipsHoopyHoop (1/29/17)
TweetThis (1/27/17 2:31 PM)
like the cloying dulcitude of the rott'n and the spoilt
the realness of the KW
TweetThis (1/27/17 2:31 PM)
have character limitations robbed your effluence of sincerity?
no farce of zen koan
no farce of zen mondo
legitimizes the pretension that 140 characters
wisdom vis a vis pith
as pure as the driven snow
Reply to above: BenLewis (1/27/17)
aw - thank you!
the easiest by far
not unlike
TheFruitBowl (1/29/17 5:34 AM)
there is more than one way to skin the dissident
the easiest by far
for dissidence bought and sold
not unlike
whose integrity sold and bought
empower the shameless
whose integrity sold and bought
empower the shameless
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TheRealKW (1/29/17 5:11 AM)
and you human like no other
dear pot to my kettle
BlueInTheWest (1/29/17)
humbled am I
by devotion bluely true
Reply to above: TheRealKW (1/29/17 5:22 AM)
ironic, non?
that the real
suspire the frivolity and the indifference of the unreal
The Shallows (2/4/17)
TheRealKW (2/4/17)
the truth about convenient truths and hypocrisy
convenient truths are not truths
convenient truths are hypocrisies
TweetThis (2/5/17)
one truth that is lost in the groundswell of nationism and patriotism
here there everywhere
is that nations of the disparate arose as a solution to individualism and patriotism
is that nations of the disparate arose as a solution to individualism and patriotism
a solution to self first
a solution to family first
a solution to religion first
a solution to tribe first
a solution to isms that had thus resulted in savage rancor and barbaric strife rooted in disparatism
a solution to isms that had thus resulted in savage rancor and barbaric strife rooted in disparatism
a solution of united we stand
all of us
e pluribus unum
here there everywhere
as if
is the solution to war
as if
is the path to peace
BenLewis (2/5/17) and reply by StarshipsHoopyHoop (2/5/17)
are not my nets as wide as they are deep
criss crossed with holes as cavernous as they are innumerable
for all within to evade or fall through
BlueInTheWest (2/5/17) and reply by TheRealKW (2/5/17 1:10 AM)
thank you
for sweetness unadulterated by saccharine
FrankIsGreat (2/5/17)
that which is fake
that which is fraud
that which is lie
that which is liar
is so enticingly compelling
that which is true
the truth is second fiddle to the lie
until the lie expires
and the revenant
the truth
Life Is Fruit (2/16/17)
TweetThis, CaptiveOfOz, MiddleEarthIsMyJam, TheRealKW (2/17/17)
so too the 'faceless' who don 'anonymity' to masquerade as truthers
see Intentions that Lie (tvfs), The Shallows (tvfs)
see Intentions that Lie (tvfs), The Shallows (tvfs)
BenLewis (2/17/17)
thank you
never enoughing vivify ragnaroks of tales
never enoughing vivify ragnaroks of tales
and cataclysms of times
and eternities of fires and ices and songs and rhymes
for frauds
whose intentions lie as facilely as promises
Intentions that Lie (2/15/17)
ThornsWithoutPricks (2/18/17)
also: FrederickTheGreat (2/18/17) Page - MG II
also: FrederickTheGreat (2/18/17) Page - MG II
insipidly unsurprising and inexorably predictable
for histories rewritten to satisfy vanities and conceits and isms of skins and religions and nations
are histories unlearned
from bookend to bookend
from pulpit to pulpit
from stage to stage
histories are rewritten to lie lie lie
thus lie believers
lie sayers
lie doers
rob all of right and true
for wrong and lie
thus lie believers
lie sayers
lie doers
rob all of right and true
for wrong and lie
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TheRealKW (2/18/17)
Forgotten (2/23/17)
TheRealKW (2/18/17)
Why suffer the lie of fair facade
when the truth has no parallel
for dreamers of everland?
Forgotten (2/23/17)
FrankIsGreat (2/24/17)
to whom, praytell, did you loan your moniker
for this saccharine facade of southern sincerity?
TheRealKW (2/24/17)
so much that is 'recovered'
and 'spared' immurement within forgotten tombs
is 'recovered' for agendas that lie
ACaptain (2/24/17)
spoken vis a vis mouthpiece there and here
who are hardly regarded feelings much less voices
is it any wonder that fury and ire explode so
when mouthpieces are misused
to tempest kettles here and there?
ThornsWithoutPricks (2/24/17)
histories lessons truths are rewritten revisioned forgotten
histories that lie are histories that are gilded for worship
lessons that lie are lessons that are idolized for inspiration
lies masquerading as truths are lies that are believed by believers as truths writ in stone
lies masquerading as truths are lies that are believed by believers as truths writ in stone
War Wren (2/24/17)
dominoes are gonna domino
per the truth of inevitability that inexorably unfolds impervious to histories that truth and lie
Sneaker (2/26/17)
'[forgotten] tales... promote one group over another'
the promotion of one group over another
is the actuation of separatism
the same separatism that legitimized our disunity then and our disunity now
'we change... forgotten tales... into lies that... seed the future with false truths'
the promotion of tales that elevate one group over another
is overt propaganda
the same propaganda that divided us then and divide us now
'tales that are forgotten... [are] nothing more than one person's lie'
how many such lies are sacrosanct?
how many such lies are sacrosanct?
how often are 'good intentions'
viz. that which 'inspires' 'revelations' and/or 'discoveries' of that which was 'buried' and/or 'forgotten'
viz. that which 'inspires' 'revelations' and/or 'discoveries' of that which was 'buried' and/or 'forgotten'
nothing more than lies masquerading as do-gooding that which is contemptible across the land of e pluribus unum?
Exposing the Fissure (2/26/17)
Faerie Dust for Fools (2/25/17)
TweetThis (2/26/17)
ah... but to human is to human and humans always human
now as then
Sneaker (2/26/17)
'most humans... are only capable of seeing what they want to see'
humans make believe as if belief making is real
that which is real is the fool is blind
and facilely ignorant of the truth of the chalice of grace
now as then
[note: aforth bookend to bookend
aforth pulpit to pulpit
aforth stage to stage
the truth of the chalice of grace]
now as then
[note: aforth bookend to bookend
aforth pulpit to pulpit
aforth stage to stage
the truth of the chalice of grace]
Exposing the Fissure (2/26/17)
AlphaCentuariOrBust (2/26/17)
when every side, when every point of view, when every belief
is the truth
according to every side chooser, every viewpoint viewer, every belief believer
what is the truth?
every side, every point of view, every belief
the truth?
no side, no point of view, no belief
the lie?
or is the reality we spin
the lie
the only side, the only point of view, the only belief
that is true
is ours and ours alone?
Round Robin of Blame (3/13/17)
FrankIsGreat (3/13/17)
evading responsibility is the game the faithless play
at the expense of the expendable whose lives are robbed to bloat the gravy train of never enoughers
Sneaker (3/13/17)
when watchdogs are lapdogs
how watchful are they?
associations, boards, committees, etc.
are incented by self preservation, self advancement, self conceit
to see no truth, to hear no truth, to speak no truth
in the Age of Never Enough one bad apple is the entire bushel
because being denied the gravy train
is the real consequence of real whistleblowing and real rightdoing
ACaptain (3/13/17) and reply by SifIsLovingNorway (3/13/17)
never enoughers are so blind, so deaf, so dumb
they believe that which they make believe is real and true
they believe that which they make believe is real and true
TheFruitBowl (3/13/17)
now is then
there is no truth now or then that will never not be hung and stoned and crucified
in the name of intentions that lie
thank you
Why (3/28/17)
Sneaker (3/29/17)
'They are so practiced that the sheep amongst you believe what they have to say even when they are the ones fleecing you, the ones blaming someone else for what happens to you when you follow their advice to ruin.'
good ol' clubs protect parasitism at all costs
'In the end, ask yourself - are these people professional, do they hold themselves accountable when things happen, do they hold their members accountable when they wrong, do they have honor and respect for you - all of you, and do they conduct themselves with integrity. Yes, the silence is deafening - is it not my friends?'
when good ol' clubs hold their members accountable
when compelled by swords of might and law
is such accountability - integrity?
is such accountability - the credo of the complicit?
replies by NarRules, BenLewis, AlphaCentauriOrBust (3/29/17)
'This post and your comment seem to be aimed at a specific association, so why draw in everyone else'
lackeys are invariably self absorbed... no matter their titles as principals of bullshit
'These associations know best'
ah... yes
because pieces of paper that rubber stamp the morality, the conviction, the character of parasites are not detritus
'we even go so far as to deal with the complaints with the best people to do so: our own members'
as if... corruption isn't setting wolves to guard henhouses
'you are only going to get where you want to be by doing what they have to say and being a good customer along the way'
as if... extortion isn't coercing compliance
as if... retaliation isn't consequential when such extortion repelled evokes exercisements of bad faith by the faithless
'If you are the only one that sees something and no one else does or feels that way then it speaks volumes of your rightness does it not?'
the innocent die on crosses... because parasitism is the law of the land
or... is lenten as you see it... the meaningless demonstration of empty integrity?
'There's a reason why an association should not be allowed to !@#$ing police themselves as they don't have a !@#$ing incentive to !@#$ing police themselves instead they are more !@#$ing likely to hide their wrongdoings so that the !@#$ing gravy train keeps rolling.'
when self policing of police pledged to protect and to serve
when self policing of doctors pledged to first do no harm
when self policing of clergy pledged to guard with care
corrupted by the shameless who don't give a damn
corrupted by the shameless who don't give a damn
the eye watering conceit of associations that believe their self policing is incorruptible
is abhorrent
'[NarRules] - well, you speak to defend your way of life - your need to shift blame to anyone but you and your - about no accountability on your side for anything that you or yours do in pursuit of what is "owed" to you.'
such flagrant bullshit is de rigueur for good ol' clubs of parasites that rule
TweetThis (3/30/17)
IAmBatman (3/30/17), FrankIsGreat (4/2/17)
LegalEagle (3/30/17)
'it is simply too true today that truth is not our gold standard but rather one's ability to bullshit is'
NorthbyNorthwest (3/31/17) and reply by TheRealKW (3/31/17)
also: IWearATutu (4/9/17)
SifIsLovingNorway (3/29/17)
when the truth is dismissed with unbridled cowardice
what do cowards stand for?
but gravy trains of bullshit that are never enough
FrederickTheGreat (3/29/17)
also: IamWorthMe (4/2/17), TheFruitBowl (4/6/17), AFamCalledHuxley (4/9/17)
endeavoring to enlighten parasites
NeverHasThereBeenATruerMan (3/30/17)
also: IamWorthMe (4/2/17), TheFruitBowl (4/6/17), AFamCalledHuxley (4/9/17)
endeavoring to enlighten parasites
via history, via logic, via religion
is akin to 'reasoning' with human diseases to spare human hosts
AlexanderMustZen (3/30/17)
voluntary slavery is willing corruption embraced by parasites who fleece the free to gild lies
NeverHasThereBeenATruerMan (3/30/17)
to act the masque is to stand for pretense
to practice conviction is the art of the fleece
alas the fleeced idolize the pretense and the fleece as salvation
alas the fleeced idolize the pretense and the fleece as salvation
TweetThis (3/30/17)
the blameless are parasites of every order, every rank, every credo
IAmBatman (3/30/17), FrankIsGreat (4/2/17)
thank you
LegalEagle (3/30/17)
'it is simply too true today that truth is not our gold standard but rather one's ability to bullshit is'
to defame to slander to libel
is as easy as robbing the good faith of the faithful for the gravy trains of the convictionless
is as easy as robbing the good faith of the faithful for the gravy trains of the convictionless
also: IWearATutu (4/9/17)
to look away as if there is nothing to see
to remain silent as if there is nothing to say
to choose motionlessness as if there is nothing to do
is no less mortal sin than injustice in the name of good ol' clubs and cowardice and bullshit
continued replies to Sneaker (3/29/17) above by NarRules, Sneaker, SofiaTheFirst, WithoutReservation (4/1/17)
NarRules (4/1/17)
NarRules (4/1/17)
when such release is defamation by slander and libel
when such release is advanced by good ol' clubs
who have tainted and impeded with incompetent impunity
that which good ol' clubs are engaged to do
well, it is what it is, isn't it?
parasitism defended and justified by parasites
Sneaker (4/1/17)
'The ultimate deception is believing [NarRules] are a right doers just because you can do something that is only afforded to you and yours and parasitic associations that give no more damn about right doing than wolves care about the hens in the hen house.'
when wrongdoing is codified to deny inviolable rights to hens
such wrongdoing is not right by codified permission to wrongdo
for such defense of injustice
SofiaTheFirst (4/1/17)
'To unilaterally release to hide deeds of wrong Is to prove [NarRules'] gravy train of shit cares not what it destroys And you care not who you fleece to get more and more of shit That the grand masters who are fleecing you are more than content to take'
hidden above wormtongues are pretenses of conviction integrity
convenient masques of puppet masters that stack the deck with bullshit
convenient masques of puppet masters that stack the deck with bullshit
WithoutReservation (4/1/17)
also: TweetThis (4/6/17), FischingTheMars (4/19/17)
also: TweetThis (4/6/17), FischingTheMars (4/19/17)
idiots' zealous lies are matched only by idiots' rapacious greed
continued replies to Sneaker (3/29/17) above by TheRealNar, HammingTheWill, ABridgeTooFar, StarshipsHoopyHoop (4/2/17)
TheRealNar, HammingTheWill, ABridgeTooFar, StarshipsHoopyHoop (4/2/17)
watchdogs that are lapdogs that are rewarded for complicity are practiced defenders of parasitism
TheGruffalo (4/2/17)
'finally overplayed their game'
War Wren (4/2/17)
'finally overplayed their game'
the games that parasites play never end
the death of truth
as you well know
War Wren (4/2/17)
'Most people's silver platter is plastic spray painted to look real.'
such that... that which is fraud and deceit and lie... per norme de rigueur... is granted sincerity
such that... that which is real and true... is tendered suspicion
Firefly (4/2/17 4:28 PM)
also: AllAboutBassAndJohnson (4/9/17), BenLewis (4/9/17)
we don teflon and defend our wrongdoing
while our wrongdoing advances and preserves
what we give a damn about
greed, power, fame
such that... that which is real and true... is tendered suspicion
Firefly (4/2/17 4:28 PM)
also: AllAboutBassAndJohnson (4/9/17), BenLewis (4/9/17)
'in the end we realize that we weren't conned we... are nothing more than greedy parasitic fucks' (Firefly)
while our wrongdoing advances and preserves
what we give a damn about
greed, power, fame
replies by Firefly, ACaptain, Firefly (4/2/17)
Firefly (4/2/17)
also: BlueInTheWest (4/9/17), TheFruitBowl (4/9/17), LifeIsABoxOfChocolates (4/9/17)
also: BlueInTheWest (4/9/17), TheFruitBowl (4/9/17), LifeIsABoxOfChocolates (4/9/17)
the heartbreaking truth of the truth
make believers don't give a f#ck
make believers make believe
f#ck the truth
ACaptain (4/2/17)
that which has been subjected unto me shall be owed unto me and deserved unto me...?
that which has been subjected unto me shall be received unto me in generosity and gratitude...?
aphorized like
the law of the land codified by cowards and upheld by good ol' clubs
that look away, that remain silent, that choose motionlessness
oh the irony
Firefly (4/2/17)
'In the end people will choose what people will choose. They always do. Less will choose her path but those few will do for each other what is right and true and not for an advantage over others.'
while paths well traveled promise carte blanche
MyNameisAndyCandy (4/9/17)
Reply to above by HandlingLondon (4/9/17)
MyNameisAndyCandy (4/9/17)
such that retaliation is advanced as justice
such that such justice is advanced by cowards masquerading as the willing
such that such cowardice advanced by such willing is advanced as strength
until mutual assured destruction is advanced as peace
such that such cowardice advanced by such willing is advanced as strength
until mutual assured destruction is advanced as peace
Reply to above by HandlingLondon (4/9/17)
'is not being true to your thoughts the truth that we should all start with?'
rocks thrown from glass houses
unmask complicity and corruption
shameless exploitation of impunity
unmask complicity and corruption
shameless exploitation of impunity
BuffetTheTruth (4/9/17)
see Sow Wrong (tvfs)
Replies to above by Sneaker, SofiaTheFirst, StarshipsHoopyHoop, SifIsLovingNorway (4/9/17)
AlphaCentauriOrBust and reply by TheRealKW (4/9/17)
et tota (3/29/17, 3/30/17, 3/31/17, 4/2/17, 4/9/17)
in such way
parasites unmask their complicity and their corruption
their shameless exploitation of impunity
never enough
AlphaCentauriOrBust and reply by TheRealKW (4/9/17)
thus spakethen the truth
et tota (3/29/17, 3/30/17, 3/31/17, 4/2/17, 4/9/17)
Willing (4/9/17)
ThornsWithoutPricks (4/9/17)
also: DeadCartesTurningOver (4/13/17)
the willing is the faithless who is blameless
the why is the faithful is the fool
the veritable looking glass is far too real for liking
MiddleEarthIsMyJam (4/9/17)
LeonardWhite (4/9/17)
ThornsWithoutPricks (4/9/17)
also: DeadCartesTurningOver (4/13/17)
the willing is the faithless who is blameless
the why is the faithful is the fool
the veritable looking glass is far too real for liking
MiddleEarthIsMyJam (4/9/17)
what's in it for me?
is why faithlessness is the faith of the willing who trump the truth
LeonardWhite (4/9/17)
make believe rewrit the truth writ in stone
such make believe is therefore impervious to the truth
such make believe is therefore impervious to the truth
TweetThis (4/12/17)
virtue signalling is potent currency for talk the talking
but walk the walking is action that speaks loudly for free
HumanConditioner (4/12/17) and reply by ABridgeTooFar (4/12/17)
so long as lips are moving
lips lie lie lie
AppleisSam (4/13/17)
'pious pretense', 'corrosive'
what is corrosive about pious pretense
is the validation of such pretensions of faith as absolute piety
such that that which is superficial, such that that which is artificial
is applauded as piety that is indisputable
including: adornments of faith and testimonies of faith and rituals of faith
that are but pretensions of piety
the abhorrent validation of virtue signalling
'pious pretense that... lies... do not exist'
that pretension of piety that sanctifies that which is immoral as moral
that pretension of piety that validates that which is vice as virtue
that pretension of piety that aspires that which is abhorrence as humility
that pretension of piety that the faithless don to signal virtue
as real and as true as lies that lie
that pretension of piety that the faithless don to signal virtue
as real and as true as lies that lie
Sneaker (4/13/17)
what never ceases
the unflagging advancement of parasitism at all costs
the steadfast mettle of the truth
the veritable looking glass, though far too real for liking, is faerie tale
the veritable looking glass, though far too real for liking, is faerie tale
whilst the truth is real
replies to above by Iamthetruth (4/13/17), TheMessengerGod (4/13/17)
is the truth writ in stone rewritten by make believe as truth immutable
the truth?
who praytell are thee
who so knoweth that whicheth truth immutable and that whicheth make believe?
that whicheth 'spoused by thee is belief maketh
that whicheth 'spoused by thee is belief maketh
thank you
see also reply to AppleisSam (4/13/17) above
BlueInTheWest (4/15/17) and HemingTheWorth (4/15/17)
Real : Honest (4/14/17)
Sneaker (4/15/17)
Real : Honest (tvfs) posted on 'Good Friday'
begs the question
if the so-called faithful choose motionlessness, remain silent, look away
as that which is real, as that which is honest
the death of truth
how real, how honest
such faith, such willing, such choice
AlphaCentauriOrBust (4/15/17)
so long as religions and so long as sciences stand upon bedrocks of sand
such houses of cards are damned to fall
Reply by TheGreatGatsby (4/15/17)
the earth and the sun are finite
and so too, the graces therein
BenLewis (4/15/17)
though 'Good Friday' is Real : Honest (tvfs) in body and in blood
how many so-called faithful chose the death of truth
lies that made belief
how many still do
Replies by SifIsLovingNorway, StarshipsHoopyHoop, ThornsWithoutPricks (4/15/17)
SifIsLovingNorway (4/15/17)
'@BenLewis: Best post ever!!!!'
StarshipsHoopyHoop (4/15/17)
also: Ziggurat (4/15/17), TheStand (4/15/17), FinestSeattleMade (4/15/17), TheRealKW (4/15/17 7:20 AM)
also: Ziggurat (4/15/17), TheStand (4/15/17), FinestSeattleMade (4/15/17), TheRealKW (4/15/17 7:20 AM)
thank you
ThornsWithoutPricks (4/15/17)
'if you required someone rising from the dead to affirm your faith then...'
evidence, verily, proof
the very antithesis of faith
yet such so-called 'proof'
the defense of describing that event wherein the so-called faithful chose the death of truth
yet such so-called 'proof'
the defense of describing that event wherein the so-called faithful chose the death of truth
TheMessengerGod (4/15/17)
'people are willing to interpret, write, and speak for divinity but are unwilling to believe in divinity when it manifests in front of them in the form of a prophet'
lies that make believe that bullshit and parasitism and gravy trains of never enough are worth it
lies that make believe that faith, that truth are not
lies that preserve and advance the realty and the honesty of parasites
Replies by GreenEgsAndHam, RoseWater, BenLewis (4/15/17)
GreenEggsAndHam (4/15/17)
also: TheRealColonel (4/15/17)
also: TheRealColonel (4/15/17)
imagining make believe is that which make believers have mastered
imagining the truth is beyond that which make believers ken
RoseWater (4/15/17)
faith is whereless and whenless and is promised no city nor land for real nor for make belief
BenLewis (4/15/17)
pretensions of piety advance and preserve faithlessness
especially pretensions of piety that signal virtue
especially pretensions of piety that signal virtue
BlueInTheWest (4/15/17) and HemingTheWorth (4/15/17)
the dead who tell no tales speak not here and now
insofar as the living lie, so do the dead
insofar as the living lie, so do the dead
IamScience (4/15/17)
character assassination (vis a vis fluent vulgar, no less)
is lie that makes believe
the death of truth
the salvation of faith that lies
see also series on tvfs beginning with Home to Roost (tvfs)
Replies by SofiaTheFirst, SifIsLovingNorway, ABigMindinAShortBody (4/15/17)
bullshitters who sell bullshit to sell bullshit for never enough bullshit
masque bullshit
as truths of religion and as truths of science that are as real and as honest as lies that lie
WithoutReservation (4/15/17)
'Did anyone else notice...'
'Did anyone else notice...'
I did! :p
Replies by BenLewis (4/15/17), SofiaTheFirst (4/15/17), TheRealKW (4/15/17)
it would be dreary indeed if a sense of humor was incompatible with faith
TweetThis (4/15/17)
Reply to IamScience (4/15/17) above by TysonBreakingTheSpaceBarrier (4/16/17)
to believe the belief made real : to believe the belief made honest
to faith : to truth
is not such choice choosing... free willing?
is that which we blame for willing... that which we make belief?
is that which we blame for willing... that which we make belief?
see also reply to Sneaker (2/26/17) above
Reply to IamScience (4/15/17) above by TysonBreakingTheSpaceBarrier (4/16/17)
the faithless take names in vain of religions and of sciences
AlphaCentauriOrBust (4/16/17)
that God wills the death of prophets
that lie that makes belief... real and honest... that passes the buck from
the willing of the accountable to the willing of the blameless
the willing of the accountable to the willing of the blameless
how convenient for the so-called Faithful
Reply to above by SofiaTheFirst, StarshipsHoopyHoop, TheMessengerGod, BenLewis (4/16/17)
when our potentates of information and data and science and religion
collude to pass the buck
our potentates of information and data and science and religion
that bullshit for sale for bullshit for sale
vis a vis parasitism at all costs that brim gravy trains of bullshit wrapped in bullshit wrapped in bullshit
the truth
thus the willing who stead fast are vilified, nay crucified, as the blamed, nay the convicted
whilst the willing who sway choose the realty and the honesty of lies that make belief
see also Opacity, the New Transparency (tvfs, unpublished)
vis a vis parasitism at all costs that brim gravy trains of bullshit wrapped in bullshit wrapped in bullshit
the truth
thus the willing who stead fast are vilified, nay crucified, as the blamed, nay the convicted
whilst the willing who sway choose the realty and the honesty of lies that make belief
see also Opacity, the New Transparency (tvfs, unpublished)
SuzyIsLovingAM (4/16/17)
also: TheWiseSage (4/16/17), EmpireOfHermits (4/16/17)
to human is to human
to just is sum ergo jus
TheCandide (4/16/17)
the horse that denies the truth
makes believe
that thirst is not real
and water is not honest
FrankIsGreat (4/16/17), FrederickTheGreat (4/16/17)
does the donkey care that we call it the ass
much less that we posit and exposit on the appetites and the vicissitudes of asses
as if asses give a shit as to what smells of ass and is habitual of assess?
much less that we posit and exposit on the appetites and the vicissitudes of asses
as if asses give a shit as to what smells of ass and is habitual of assess?
WeAreViking (4/16/17), 너의 그림자 (4/16/17), EmpireOfHermits (4/16/17)
sincerities of eloquence evoke but humble grace
thank you
PoeticChaos (4/16/17)
romanticizing fantasias of make believe furthers not the truth
why do 'subjects' believe 'pillars' annoint
potentates who parade forty fakirs, cooks, bakers, birds that warble on key
trumpets of 'pillars'?
perhaps because
humtards disavow 'pillars' and choose idols?
perhaps because
humtards disavow the truth and choose lies?
case in point, HillsOverNew, whose incoherence is indistinguishable from incoherence à la potentate
{zero posts to tvfs}
Opacity, the New Transparency (8/17/17)
TheRealKW (8/18/17), FrankIsGreat (8/18/17)
of compliments
they are worth only that measure of sincerity within
not unlike potentates and subjects, no?
ThornsWithoutPricks (8/18/17)
in search of gods
humtards choose idols
whose vices and vanities are laundered into virtues and honors
humtards choose lies
lies of piety and humility and patriotism
Sneaker (8/18/17)
to walk
without forty fakirs, cooks, bakers, birds that warble on key
to manifest walking talking
potentates who parade forty fakirs, cooks, bakers, birds that warble on key
as if
parading and manifesting are equal
as if
idols and gods are equivalent
fisher kings and snow queens whose promises promises promises lie
SifIsLovingNorway (8/18/17)
why do 'subjects' believe 'pillars' walk not
exactly where 'pillars' walked
why do 'subjects' believe 'pillars' annoint
potentates who parade forty fakirs, cooks, bakers, birds that warble on key
trumpets of 'pillars'?
perhaps because
humtards disavow 'pillars' and choose idols?
perhaps because
humtards disavow the truth and choose lies?
case in point, HillsOverNew, whose incoherence is indistinguishable from incoherence à la potentate
MirrorTwinsForTheGrandverse (8/18/17)
Testament (9/16/17)
ThornsWithoutPricks (9/16/17)
to put one foot in front of the other is to be nothing more than 'beast'
to be more than 'beast' is to will one foot in front of the other via lux et veritas the road less travelled by
Sneaker (9/16/7)
all kind are judged by who they are in the dark
not who they are when they don pretense to advance vanity and fame
case in point: &RevolutionaryWinsKate, &JudithOlivia
TheRealKW (9/16/17)
does it suck... to be H... if... to be H is to cheat Q?
TweetThis (9/16/17)
of &Puddles and &Floods
when is the &Puddle the truth and the &Flood the villain?
now, so testify testifiers
when is the &Puddle the truth and the &Flood the villain?
now, so testify testifiers
BenLewis (9/16/17) re: 'intervention'
the smug vanity of intercession as if praying is a virtue
StarshipsHoopyHoop (9/16/17) re: 'Groundhog Day'
this &groundhogday is a rock of bullshit careening through &thekingdomoftruth
until razed &thekingdomoftruth is a testament of bullshit that bullshit built
TheMessengerGod (9/16/17)
further still the gall (verily, vanity) to perfidy me
SifIsLovingNorway (9/16/17), WeAreViking (9/16/17), ABridgeTooFar (9/16/17)
à la &SifIsLovingNorway (9/16/17)
to human is to calumny truth
to calumny truth is to perfidy me
to human is to columny truth is to perfidy me is to deserve desert just
to human to columny truth to perfidy me to deserve blamelessness
liars and bullshitters and frauds robbed our past as if our past was spoils they EARNED
liars and bullshitters and frauds rob our present as if our present is spoils they DESERVE
liars and bullshitters and frauds rob our future as if our future is spoils they MERIT
o! presage the Day! of Judgment!
ye Liars! ye Bullshitters! ye Frauds!
ye Ex Nihil Nihil Est!
our past, our present, our future
belong to
our true love
pasts of ice, presents of fire, futures of extinction
belong to
liars and bullshitters and frauds
o ho! them spoils of War be Truth!
exactly true
reverse engineering tales of how to good into playbooks of wrong
how players who play the game exploit the truth 'to get theirs'
see also Addendum from For The Win (tvfs)
envying and extolling the 'favor' of players who exploit the truth 'to get theirs'
how lying and bullshitting and defrauding is the game 'to get ours'
see also More (I) from Promises, Promises, Promises (tvfs)
we believe
without moral qualm or conscience
that IT IS OUR RIGHT 'to get ours' and woe betide the truth in our way
(Testament of) War (10/4/17)
ToInfinityAndBAckPlusOne (10/4/17)
liars and bullshitters and frauds robbed our past as if our past was spoils they EARNED
liars and bullshitters and frauds rob our present as if our present is spoils they DESERVE
liars and bullshitters and frauds rob our future as if our future is spoils they MERIT
o! presage the Day! of Judgment!
ye Liars! ye Bullshitters! ye Frauds!
ye Ex Nihil Nihil Est!
our past, our present, our future
belong to
our true love
pasts of ice, presents of fire, futures of extinction
belong to
liars and bullshitters and frauds
o ho! them spoils of War be Truth!
ABowlOfBlueFruit (10/10/17) 'in the end, everyone wants to get theirs and no one really cares how'
exactly true
reverse engineering tales of how to good into playbooks of wrong
how players who play the game exploit the truth 'to get theirs'
see also Addendum from For The Win (tvfs)
envying and extolling the 'favor' of players who exploit the truth 'to get theirs'
how lying and bullshitting and defrauding is the game 'to get ours'
see also More (I) from Promises, Promises, Promises (tvfs)
we believe
without moral qualm or conscience
that IT IS OUR RIGHT 'to get ours' and woe betide the truth in our way
TweetThis (10/10/17)
TheHessen (10/10/17)
incoherence à la syllogistic fallacy
oft tactic of defamation and discredit
shall i play too? jack is a thief therefore all jacks are thieves
stupid. and. how the ex nihil nihil est play the game 'to get theirs'
TheHessen (10/10/17)
what follows defamation and discredit (à la TweetThis)?
control vis a vis disinformation. and. how the ex nhihil est play the game 'to get theirs' by 'RIGHT'
control vis a vis disinformation. and. how the ex nhihil est play the game 'to get theirs' by 'RIGHT'
also, Opacity, the New Transparency (tvfs)
AMagicMountain (10/10/17), not Sneaker (10/10/17), not ThornsWithoutPricks (10/10/17), ETTOTALFTW (10/10/17), not ABridgeTooFar (10/10/17
the truth in the dark
of who we are
who we've been
no less the truth
for being 'in the dark'
no less the truth
for being 'in the dark'
TheRealKW (10/10/17)
to be 'royal', to be 'oligarch', to be '1% of the 1%'
to endow oneself the 'divine' 'right' to 'unfree' what is 'free'
to be 'free'
to endow oneself the 'inviolable' 'entitlement' to be 'royal', to be 'oligarch', to be '1% of the 1%'
when there is nothing left to do, nothing left to say
there is
the truth
to the free:
to be 'free'
to endow oneself the 'inviolable' 'entitlement' to be 'royal', to be 'oligarch', to be '1% of the 1%'
SifIsLovingNorway (10/10/17), BenLewis (10/10/17), AlphaCentauriOrBust (10/10/17)
there is
the truth
to the free:
1. You are free.
2. 'Royals', 'Oligarchs', '1% of the 1%' 'unfree' you and your 'freedom'. In exchange they promise a 'better life'.
3. You 'pay'. For your 'better life'. And pay. And pay. And pay.
4. Meanwhile, 'royals', 'oligarchs', '1% of the 1%' amass the conspicuously and materially 'better life'. For. You are their golden goose.
5. But. The promise of a 'better life' as conspicuously and as materially 'golden' as that of 'royals', 'oligarchs', '1% of the 1%' is worth it. So. You pay. And pay. And pay. For your golden goose for the 'unfreeing'.
2. 'Royals', 'Oligarchs', '1% of the 1%' 'unfree' you and your 'freedom'. In exchange they promise a 'better life'.
3. You 'pay'. For your 'better life'. And pay. And pay. And pay.
4. Meanwhile, 'royals', 'oligarchs', '1% of the 1%' amass the conspicuously and materially 'better life'. For. You are their golden goose.
5. But. The promise of a 'better life' as conspicuously and as materially 'golden' as that of 'royals', 'oligarchs', '1% of the 1%' is worth it. So. You pay. And pay. And pay. For your golden goose for the 'unfreeing'.
Updates will forthecome as comments upload... devotedly yours, a m
Nota Bene: insincerities and disingenuities of vitriol and saccharine are wholeheartedly unwelcome ~ (notwithstanding ~ numquam ad tempus are frauds and fakers well come hither) ~
Note that emphasis on this page is subject to being kind ~
Note that comments on this page and across this blog are subject to moirai ~
Thank you for your patience and understanding... a m
Look at your tomato
ReplyDeleteIsn't he sad?
He can't dance.
Poor tomato!
He wishes he could dance like the Fruit
Free and smooth.
Possession of a fruit... is 9/10th of the law...
ReplyDeleteFruit is free.
DeleteFruit is no one's possession.
Fruit wants to be loved.
But Fruit does not want to be "loved."
Please be nice to all fruit.
A cage does not define whether or not someone is "free," or "happy," as one could argue that this planet is nothing more than a giant cage. And besides caging the truth sometimes helps the truth be appreciated more or understood if its released at the right time. Of course that is just my personal opinion and I think that you and yours are great.
ReplyDeleteUnique is your viewpoint IF you believe that songbirds feel EITHER free or happy when caged.
DeleteRare is your interpretation IF you surmise that the world is better SERVED by hiding the truth from all in a basement.
Air quotes allow a seasoned barrister to create a new definition of things so as to create their own EXPERIENCE.
That's what I like about both of you!
DeleteDisguised Angel,
ReplyDeleteModern Oracle,
Golden Rule,
Being Gracious.
Wish Granter,
Dream Weaver,
Thought Provoker,
Being Inspirational.
Sunshine Ray,
Rainbow Shiner,
Waters Blue,
Being Beautiful.
Tower Princess,
Dungeon Prisoner,
Nightingale Caged,
Being Empath.
Big Sister,
Revelatory Mother,
Loving Wife,
Being You.
A gleeful, four fingered, big hug from Norway for the Sissy that I am so proud of and look up to!
I don't post much but you two are an inspiration to all of us and I aspire to be able to pull together words the way you all do. Thank you for all the help you gave us struggling artists in the past, now, and in the future!
DeleteMemories of a boat crossing a lily filled lake to find the perfect place to have a picnic in a garden in Giverny will always be one of my fondest. Thank you for the kind words and know that this memory and others like it will always be in my heart as are you.
ReplyDeleteA true captain will always seek to address the wrongs he has committed.
ReplyDeleteKnow that I will always love you and will strive to earn your forgiveness.
Please open your heart just a little to let me back in.
To open a heart to someone untrue is to invite walking into a house that is empty, cold, and full of backed up toilets.
DeleteInteresting and aptly used analogy to ACaptain as a backed up toilet is full of !@#$.
DeleteOh the complex pattern being weaved by the hidden elite that seek to control that which is not for sale bolstered by the sycophants that seek their attention in the hopes of emulating them powered by the prostitutes and pimps selling everyone and everything for the promise of scraps - in conflict with a planet that simply wants to live and the caretakers who quietly toil to restore her while fighting a losing battle to the others and the river Styx.
ReplyDeleteMaybe... you should lay... off the bitters...
DeleteTo take a potshot... is so human...
ReplyDeleteI would take the 15 million merits to gladly allow you to have the speaking piece in society to break through the cycles of endless usury by all levels of society.
ReplyDeleteFor in you, I see such nobility that I will gladly lay my sword at your feet to carry out the teachings you speak to here, realizing that 15 Million Merits may be tame in comparison to what the Princess in the Tower has seen, experienced, and felt or will so in the future.
The game... is different... for each person... and sadly... you lack the... beautiful eyes... for that... No, I think... that you would... be best put... to use in... construction games...
DeleteI think someone... has been watching... too much... Beauty... and the Beast... kind of sounds... like you... and your husband... (he being the... beast)....
ReplyDeleteThat must make you Gaston then.
DeleteThat must make you Cogsworth!
DeleteThen that must make you LeFou.
DeleteAh! Ragnarok! Great times! I think that this world could use some form of renewal and rebirth as it appears that we have screwed it up pretty bad. Of course - that would only be grand if I was allowed to be with either Lady Sif or Freya. I hear that they make the, "world go round."
ReplyDeleteNothing good has.. ever come from granting... the dismally minded...children of the... universe (aka humans)... free will when... they have neither... earned or proved... to be worth it.... It would be...much easier to...unleash the Flood...and hit the...reset button... In the meantime... you and yours.... should join me.... and ours.... to group hug... our way through.... the nonsense of... this kind... that kind... me kind... their kind... Well... maybe minus... the champion... he is a... bit too stubborn... to bend... and let's face... it... he's a wet.... blanket... at a party!