Thursday, February 23, 2017


Like histories rewritten are histories unlearned, lessons forgotten are errors repeated.

Like dominoes that inexorably tumble in predictable succession, dominoes that believe their histories are yet unwritten their lessons are yet unrealized, are no less subject to the truth of inevitability, than dominoes that stand 'fore eternity with the vigor of grace.

Still. Histories unlearned and errors repeated is the name of the game of more more more for never enoughers who never tire of never enoughing.


Are you playing the game of more more more? For whom?

Who benefits when you play the game of more more more?

And who suffers?

For never enoughers benefit when errors are repeated and histories are unlearned. For dominoes are facilely swayed. That their errors are unrealized. That their histories are unwritten. Even as errors are realized and realized 'fore dominoes that fall 'fore forgotten lesson after lesson. Even as history is repeated and repeated as dominoes tumble and tumble in predictable succession.

Even as never enoughers are never enoughing as never before, dominoes believe the truth is not their truth. As if by belief alone, the truth is nullified for dominoes that believe. Even as the truth of inevitability inexorably unfolds impervious to beliefs that lie.


Do you repeat histories unlearned? Do you realize errors repeated?


What if... lessons are revisioned to lie? To suit agendas of then and now. Agendas of me me me and more more more and division and disunity endemic of isms then and now.

What if... histories are rewritten to lie? To suit agendas of then and now. Agendas of me me me and more more more and rancor and strife endemic of isms then and now.

Are the lessons you remember... the truth? Are the histories you know... the truth?


Even as the truth of inevitability inexorably unfolds impervious to beliefs that lie... do you believe the truth is not your truth?


If the lens of your perspective is yours and yours alone... do you see the truth?

If you embrace not the truth of mutuus et aequum of all kind... do you avow the truth?

If you uphold not vivo et liber for all... do you uphold the truth?


For what truth is true that confers upon one lens and one lens alone the truth that governs over all?

For what truth is true that repudiates the inviolable the sacrosanct mutuus et aequum of all kind?

For what truth is true that rejects vivo et liber for all?

Lies of strife and rancor and disunity and division that masquerade as truths are facilely endemified... then and now... when histories lessons truths are rewritten revisioned forgotten.


How facilely histories lessons truths are rewritten revisioned forgotten... then and now.

In childhood. In adulthood. In immaturity. In maturity. Lies are endemified into stone. Writ immutable. Until what does not matter is all that matters. As if what does not matter and what does... is not the truth of inevitability inexorably unfolding impervious to beliefs that lie.



  1. !@#$ those never enougher who just want to continue to advance their agendas with the introduction of lore that is meaningless in the grand scheme of things and only serves to divide us as opposed to bringing us together.

  2. Things that are... forgotten... do not benefit... the universal truth... when they are... dredged up.... It's better to... leave them... forgotten... as the lessons there... are not the... lessons that one... should be pursuing... for the truth....

  3. Calm down. You are in a spin and need to take the time to listen to what others say instead of always pushing your point of view onto others without regard to their feelings. Let others speak, it only makes us all better.

  4. The risk of history is not that it will be forgotten, but that it will be encased, embalmed, and gilded; as well as, surrounded by memorials, monuments, and statues that will be used to absolve all future sins and slights of those whose agenda can be be enough.

  5. History conveniently forgets that throughout time that the world has been made up where most people live in poverty, famine, and the continued menace of the elite few more interested in playing games and increasing their wealth. This continues until one individual is elected and ultimately becomes the straw that breaks the camels back as that person takes it to a new level (ex. Nero, Caligula) or allows the divisions of the majority to go unchecked (Holy Roman Empire) which ultimately breaks apart the nation, state, or society.

  6. You know, society is amazing. We think that we can dredge up the forgotten tales of the past to further our agenda and that everyone should just view that as the truth - regardless that it promotes dissension, disenfranchisement, and disunity as those tales only promote one group over another. And even worse, we change those forgotten tales in media, in movies, in song, and other forms into lies that will service our needs and seed the future with false truths that are divisive. You know, that makes me sick - did we not all learn as children that not getting caught in lie was the same as not telling the truth. Just because you have something that says this is the way that it is does not mean its true. As an age old philosopher said, "Most tales that are forgotten were forgotten because they were nothing more than one person's lie to sanctify their point of view, to spread their thoughts, or to justify a wrong." Maybe we as a species should begin to accept that these "forgotten tales," were buried for a reason and leave them as such; or at least apply a critical lens to them to determine their authenticity and truth.
