Saturday, February 25, 2017

Faerie Dust for Fools

a conversation (or dialogue, if you will)...


Twinkle: You see? Faerie dust is make believe.

Wrinkle nodded: I see. By corporealizing the incorporeal - such as, that state of mind of making oneself believe the incorporeal - (which is an incorporeal state) - the incorporeal is made tangible, explicit, overt, visible, etc. vis a vis mechanics of faerie dust and make believe.

Twinkle nodded: It is a literary device - (among many) - that illustrates how facilely that state of mind of making oneself believe the unbelievable, the unreal, the impossible, the incorporeal, even, etc. is achieved -

Wrinkle nodded: By employing a device that is both simple and superficial - that is, by employing a device with the uncomplicated dynamic of layering atop reality, so to speak, and is therefore, superficial or artificial, if you will, in order to effect that state of mind of making oneself believe the incorporeal - this literary device illustrates the ease with which all of us believe that which would otherwise be unbelievable.

Twinkle: Exactly!

Twinkle: In the real world, however - beyond the world of faerie and tales that mirror not imaginations nor fictions but truths of reality - faerie dust and make believe are quite chameleon and adept at invisibly effecting states of mind of making allselves believe the unbelievable, the unreal, the impossible, the incorporeal, etc. with hardly a tremble of doubt in sight -

Wrinkle: Indeed! Such that, I would wager that faerie dust and make believe are for fools - witting and unwitting, alike - who sway to the whim and caprice of superfice and artifice, as if superfice and artifice are more real than that which is real and more true than that which is true - until that which reigns supreme within allselves is belief and belief alone -

Twinkle nodded: Such is the harm of states of mind that are undetectably enthralled by faerie dust and make believe - that superfice and artifice are not exposed as such - verily, as lenses that inform perspectives that uphold and avow make believe and faerie dust in the name of lies masquerading as truths -

Wrinkle: Including that lie masquerading as truth that tales (of faerie, etc.) of then and now are not also subject to such lenses that inform such perspectives that strive for that state of mind wherein belief and belief alone reigns supreme within allselves.

Twinkle sighed: Alas, among fools, devolution is inevitable, and so too supremacy of make believe and faerie dust.

Nota Bene

Twinkle and Wrinkle are mirrors -



  1. Sprinkle a little fantasy here or there and you can make anything true to meet your agenda. Sprinkle a little reality here or there and you can make anything fantasy to meet your agenda. Welcome to the 21st century - the era of bizzaro.

  2. Fools sprinkle faerie dust on things in order to make them conform to their reality - rarely realizing that right in front of them is divine inspiration that benefits all. Of course they view that divine inspiration as nothing more than pure fantasy to be dismissed because it can't be real against their thoughts, their dreams, their goals - which don't conform to better'ing others around them. In the end the reality is fake and the fantasy is real but most humans can't see that as they are only capable of seeing what they want to see.
