Life is fruit. As gravely malformed without and refreshing within. As enticingly unblemished at the surface and rotten at the core.
Such is life that choices that herald our fortunes achieved, our dreams fulfilled, our loves secured for perpetuity with naught but choices between us and heaven on earth, is not what is real. Such is life that choices that herald the same the same the same, is.
But optimism!
As if the solution to the truth of what is real and what is not, is the lie.
As if the lie the lie the lie is the truth by default of blind vehemence.
Ephemera is ephemera and there is no truth that transforms ephemera into love maker, dream catcher, fortune giver. Whilst the material world is the material world and the material world is fraught with fortune takers, dream killers, love breakers for whom enough is never enough.
And who benefits from the lie that the truth is the lie?
And who suffers from the lie the lie the lie?
But ignorance!
To know not what is not real, to know not what is, is no bliss of rose tint nor euphoria of wish song. To know not what is not real, to know not what is, is willful blindness 'fore treacheries unseen. As if ignorance ever illuminates the truth much less excuses the despicable. No less reprehensibly, the sightless tread 'fore treachery with the ruthless indifference of love breakers, dream killers, fortune takers.
Do they not?
Is not the silence of the ignorant as shameless as the savagery of the treacherous?
And thus the treacherous win win win.
And thus the ignorant drink the lie the lie the lie with breathless gulps of blind devotion to sightlessness.
Until what is not real and what is, is up side down. Until what is not true and what is, is wrong side right. Such that fortunes desired, dreams imagined, loves pursued are naught but fool's gold as worthless as promises. Such that bejeweled mechanical whippoorwills, gold stilettos, white rhinoceroses are naught but hollow trophies for sale to fools.
So long as enough is never enough for love breakers, dream killers, fortune takers, no choice will ever herald fortunes achieved, dreams fulfilled, loves secured for perpetuity. So long as enough is never enough for never enoughers, the lie will prevail that life is a carousel of loves, dreams, fortunes beguilingly twirling on display with naught between haves and have nots but choices.
As if such lie enticingly unblemished on the surface is not rotten to the core. Whilst the truth, though undoubtedly imperfect, is indisputably real.
We regard that which is perfect, rare, and brilliant as valuable and right while we look at that which is imperfect, common, and dull as foul and rotten beyond all belief. Yet - how often is that which is imperfect, common, and dull truthful, kind, thoughtful, and charitable - essentially valuable and right. And think about it, how often is that which is perfect, rare, and brilliant lying, mean, selfish, and hoarding. Do we not see this in real life all the time? So why must it be that we gravitate to the perfect when we know that their interest is only in theirselves and having you serve as their sycophant.
ReplyDeleteThe wicked seem to work harder on making hell look like a palace made of gold than the wholesome do to make heaven look like a place a monks cell.
ReplyDeleteThis post reminds me of my favorite character Aragorn when Frodo says, “Well if he was one of the enemy, he would look fairer and well, feel fouler.” And Aragorn responds, “While I look foul and feel fair, is that it?” The point is well taken that just because something is fair, it does not mean that what lurks below is foul and therefore you should just not follow it because it looks fair.
ReplyDeleteThe reference to.... white rhinos is.... poetic... as rhinos are... essentially nothing more... than ugly, fat... unicorns... but are majestic... creatures that deserve... the time and... attention given to... the beautiful, trim... horses with... a horn... that don't deserve... our time and attention... Stay fat Rhinos... a diet will... make you a... rotten to the core... unicorn.
ReplyDeleteI sense that you have absolutely no !@#$ing clue what the !@#$ she is talking about do you; or are you talking about the sheer weight of your !@#$ing pyrite soul?
DeleteAnger Management... it will... make your.... life richer.. and of all... people I know... best what she.... actually means... I just choose to... speak in rhyme... and riddle... I shall... get you some... tapes for... Anger Management...
Delete!@#$ing Agents! I hope they get !@#$ing genital warts for comparing a !@#$ brick of a place to the !@#$ing gold standard. Keep your chin up beautiful, karma is going dropkick their dick and pussy!
ReplyDeleteHas anyone... ever accused you... of cussing too.... much?
DeleteAnd we can... only hope that those.... that look at plastic... and like it better... than that of.... wood... will melt under the.... scrutiny of the magnifying glass... that sets the ant's world.... on fire.... That and... evil bosses... and their lackeys... who rob the.... talented of their.... just dessert....
Agents... the only !@#$ing trade where you pay them for you to do all of the !@#$ing work for them!?! !@## is having to open a new level just to store their fat !@##$% from eating bon bons while the real people do work!