responses to posted comments also: here (MG V); here (MG IV); here (MG III); here (MG II); and here (MG) ~
Mille Grazie (VI)
from 2021:
selected comments (in grayscale) and
selected comments (in grayscale) and
my responses (in purple)
(in chronological order by blog post, comment, or response){ ~ }
2/16/2021, 2/17/2021, 2/18/2021
Game of Feet to Fire (2/1/2021)
EndofADream (2/5/2021)
when people wonder "why" blah-blah-blah, they're not praying for "answers"
they're fit to be tied à la
my-wishes-come-true are my reward for believing blah-blah-blah therefore my-wishes better be come-true
to which I ask:
does that seem "true" to you?
that I am a doler of wishes?
or does that seem like a fantasy
that makes-believe
"your-wishes-come-true" are so-called "signs" of so-called "favor"?
if such transactional covenant were true
who would not believe whatever for such reward?
J A Gates (2/5/2021)
the dead are voiceless
the living wax the silent of silence
poetic lyrical fond - at rest at peace - joyful
when death is the last mercy
what indignity the bathos of fools
when death is the last justice
what lie rueless one more last time
MyAvatarisHeimdall (2/5/2021), TheRealKW (2/5/2021)
obvi angels see through your avatar-suit because
avatar-suit or not
all you're picking up is lint
&lintrolling &itsapassion
ThornsWithoutPricks (2/5/2021)
"noble" is as dead as "moral"
where I live: neither lives
what lives and breathes instead?
"media," "tech," "cancel" blah-blah-blah
because transactional covenants of "prosperity" are believed by people who believe whatever
the fool's game promises
Sneaker (2/6/2021)
succeeding at destroying what you are sworn to protect as servants of the people
in defense of
voters are for it
is obvi hella self-harmful
for voters are not "servants of the people" sworn to protect
and servants of the people are not "voices of the voters" to the exclusion of affirmed duties of elected office
thus servants and voters
miscall wrecking "patriotism" and "peace" and succeed at destroying both
LifeIsOfLife (2/6/2021)
only a fool believes Faustian bargains that game the "rules" and "laws" of consequences
are consequenceless
at one born a minute their numbers are millions by the first vote cast
NocturnalTwilight (2/6/2021)
whether you live and breathe in theocentry or prosopopoeia or orthodoxy or whatever
the fool's game promises
what cannot be magicked into nullity
is reality
TweetThis (2/6/2021)
your "states" as predatory as "cabals"
as righteous as righteous-in-name-only;
your "magnates" as dependent on multinational interests as "globalists"
as righteous as righteous-in-name-only;
your "personalities" as venal as "elites"
as righteous as righteous-in-name-only;
are you and yours
What are you and yours made of?
What are you and yours made of?
Feast famine anything to win.
Lies deceits recordless receipts.
That's what you and yours are made of.
6/21/2021, 6/22/2021
All the Janus (4/20/21)
NeverTimidTilEnd (6/6/2021): "laws left to... interpretation" "[no] matter how just or fair... law is" {truncations mine}
regarding: laws and interpretation
isn't it funny-not-funny that all laws are subject to interpretation,
that insofar as interpretation is subjective, no law is objectively fair or just
such that the noblest aspiration of law is subjective fairness and justness,
rather than objective fairness and justness
such that if objective fairness and justness is neither humanly possible nor human -
is it possible for humans who are only human to "know" that which is so-called "divine law" and furthermore
to "know" what exactly and why exactly and how exactly -
such "law" that is not human is objectively fair and just?
I not only think "not" -
I know "not"
CrashingThroughTheThrashing (6/6/2021)
from "Janus" ideologies to "antediluvian" words
you've covered some ground
but look to the dust in your wake
and you'll see
you didn't get where you are
without bridges
AlphaCentauriOrBust (6/6/2021)
what is corrupted to serve
the ends of the seeking bad
if not
what the seeking bad want theirs
from governments to religions to economies to labels to this world
from the outside-in and the inside-out
Sneaker (6/6/2021)
free will
that acts of words and deeds are receipts
Loopholes Here for Us (5/24/21)
Sneaker (6/1/2021): "invisible, cosmic being... prescribed... [what anyone could use] to get what they want" "you must... [not rob] them of... treasure... you... do not want them to have" {truncations mine}
nothing stands between humans who are only human and what's theirs
after all, "what's theirs" is "what they want"
because of course "what they want" is "what's theirs"
as for not them?
"what's theirs" is not theirs
because of course "what they want" is not theirs
unless you're them, then:
"what's yours" is "what you want"
because of course "what you want" is "what's yours"
because The invisible, cosmic being Made It So
BenLewis (6/1/2021)
well pa, if I stupid is as stupid does, then is I stupid?
'cause I never does nothin' stupid 'cause I's smart as smart does
ThusSpokeTheTwilightOfTragedy (6/1/2021)
what does loathing prove
but passion is blind regardless of face
see also reply to CrashingThroughTheThrashing above
Ukweli (6/1/2021)
if stories imparted wisdom
none would not be wise beyond measure
still we won't quit, will we ;)
ACaptain (6/1/2021)
in such a world
to be a fruit tree would be to be diminished
to fruit bearing
or am I not a fruit tree? >.>
TheMultiverseLovesAjeeh (6/9/2021)
a love with receipts
bears fruit
without exploits, without loopholes, without shortcuts
10/28, 29, 30, 31/2021, 11/1, 2, 3/2021
No Big Deal Fantasy (10/13/21)
Sneaker (10/24/2021)
those who stand with outstretched finger: "Stop living your life afraid!" are those
afraid of death, afraid of judgment, afraid of what happens after life
they live
afraid of rule and order that is not their rule and their order;
afraid of people who are not their people;
and fearing nothing
Ben Lewis (10/24/2021)
tell "winners": all lost
tell "losers": all lost
them's fightin' words
in ridin' country and in lyin' country
TheRealKW (10/27/2021) reply to above
are Karens who are already yours
not enough?
Karens at boards, Karens in vests, Karens with dicks, the best of bests
SharpeThomas (10/24/2021) "the needle"
one day, life will no longer be;
at the pace and at the direction of "the needle" now,
that day is closer by the century, by the decade, by the hour
tick tock, tick tock
I hear the clock knock
tick tock, tick tock
I hear bok bok bok
BookingToTruth (10/24/2021) "mutual effort and shared sacrifice, that is the ideal that will make this country truly great"
spoken like a chief of chief priests
a beating heart in one hand, a dagger in the other,
and sacrificed for the immortality of never being forgotten,
a soul
SifIsLovingNorway (10/24/2021) reply to above; "book yourself"
a book burner that books itself
tastes its own medicine
TheRealKw (10/27/2021) reply to above; "anger... like a stone"
my "stone anger" is a flame,
eternal, incandescent, boundless, precious
SifIsLovingNorway (10/27/2021) reply to above; "eye"
a "foolish man" who parts with his eye for "knowledge"
has no need for one or two or three
Ben Lewis (10/27/2021) reply to reply chain
the wise and the knowing, the wells and the tree, knew something a "foolish man" did not:
knowledge is ignorance
without what was, what is, and what will be
in sight
Smalls (10/24/2021) "by and large, I have lived properly as a man", "by what I believed"
like syrup, outpouring from tongues accompanied by clinks of gold gain
I, friend, am no mark of yours, so soothed and bamboozled
"judgment on Judgment Day" below (reply to SifIsLovingNorway)
AlphaCentauriOrBust (10/24/2021) "those that are willing", "by choice"
the minority are both:
all of us and none of us; the powerful and the powerless; the wealthy and the poor; the famous and the invisible; speaking of round robin by way of Parasite (tvfs)
if the minority were but one and not the other, they would flash in the pan and be done;
instead, they grievance
little fires everywhere, burning bright, lit and re-lit
for fear of light without flame and fire
SeeinTheMan (10/24/2021) "nothing more than an illusion"
reading illusion and imagining courage?
speaking from experience, are we not?
TheRealKW (10/25/2021)
so your ass work is your life work
so &assholeftw
spinner spinner chicken winner
NortonHearsAWho (10/25/2021)
the pillar I speak of herein is not "a pillar of salt in a bed of sand"
the pillar I speak of herein is a pair:
one of salt and one of sand
but you monger your "pillar of salt in a bed of sand"
because a shit-bought-and-swallowed-whole is the MRE-for-Karens you monger
SifIsLovingNorway (10/25/2021)
because judgment on Judgment Day is what we really believe, what we really know to be real, what we really care about;
because what we don't mean (that is, what we pretend and what we act and what we say) isn't held against us;
because that would be:
Rude! Unkind! Mean!
Deliruim (10/26/2021) "I, We, are doing nothing"
who stops the round-and-round of all the pretty horses in plastic finery smiling plastic smiles?
the riders?
they're having fun, being entertained, for experiences that matter no less
the operators?
they're doing what they're hired to do, expected to do, handsomely appreciated to do, as heroes no less
life is costumed distraction, unrealness, fraud
à la Life Is Fruit (tvfs)
MindingtheShop (10/26/2021) "the hardest language for most to speak"
as a speaker of truth and of babel
the shepherd cannot live the life of every sheep, for every sheep; the sheep live their own lives and decide, each sheep to its own; whether or not the shepherd who is trustworthy, is heard
or whether or not the wolf who is costumed, is
ACaptain (10/26/2021)
to fans of "codes" and "egg hunts" and "messages"
sometimes the whole is not more than its parts
à la rabbit hole to what the fuck
SofiaTheFirst (10/26/2021) "dreams"
is the juice worth the squeeze
for "dreams we have right to"? for "nightmares we are owed freedom from"?
when we're being juiced, we bury deeper than our see, the cost of the squeeze
after all, consequences are neither "priceless" nor "free"
NocturnalTwilight (10/27/2021) "common ground"
which are you?
the you pretending to be the genuine article?
the you pretending to be the manifest fraud?
EndofADream (10/27/2021) "the potential"
wouldn't it be something if the whales and the sparrows and the atoms and the mice,
wouldn't it be something if the harpoons and the repellent and the bombs and the bait,
if's unwritten
if's potential
But - alas - you, my son, are but human!
(see "If" (Rudyard Kipling); substitutions are mine)
Vi er viking (10/27/2021) "blande"
nowhere is untouched, including the perfect past and the past perfect future
those who would live the "simpler", "purer", "greater" life "again"
but for progress
rally for fictions written by the present to make believe what was not real, then and ever
DantePew (10/27/2021)
pricks with and without dicks for 200 please
these aren't that if they aren't loud and proud
what are Karens?
BluestSea (10/27/2021) "to follow", "to speak"
as if following me is only a matter of aping the mouthing of my thoughts and ideas
chrysopoeia (10/27/2021)
a paradox of civilization isn't solvable
by moral codes of conduct or ideological plays cooked by ideological playbooks or religious memberships and practices
so what are such codes and plays and practices for?
ThornsWithoutPricks (10/27/2021) "aggressor", "resist"
if there is more than one way to resist aggressors, then may all the ways of resistance, resist;
but if there is not, then may we see if "our way" enables and protects aggressors;
because when "our way" does not resist aggressors, "our way" is in the way
SifIsLovingNorway (10/27/2021)
On a throne
Not alone
In a dark
Of light
You are
Who hark
The night
Duck, duck, bokbokbok
Duck, duck, Ragnarok
TheSeer (10/27/2021) "it is the way"
Gordian knots are not my Krypton heel
&Ihearyourbabel, &Iseeyourbabel, &Icallyourbabel
CityOfSand (10/27/2021) "faqat fi samt tamin"
alas, nowhere is so silent
as what is done
TweetThis (10/28/2021) "Art"
is it art
to calibrate the compass and the pole that guides its arrow?
TheRealKW (10/27/2021) reply to above; "amaze"
is an ass kiss really stupefying?
you tell me:
kiss my ass
PrattWells (10/27/2021) "That which is written by man", "pretended to be from deity"
Lord knows,
heresy is heresy and believers will not be moved by doubt or reason because the Lord is the Lord and God bless every principle wrung inside out for clinks of gold gain
ActOnLord (10/28/2021)
what do parking lot pennies that'd rob good, that'd shoot somebodies to stress test über shields of immunity, that'd cry foul at implacable ticking clocks of time, know of doing no wrong doing?
spoken like the pennied whose fair game are the pennied too
who exhort with breathlessness of desperation
Faustian salvation
MoorOld (10/28/2021) "marvel", "forget"
no one "marvels" at dementia that comes and goes
real or unreal
TheLuther (10/28/2021) "stuff"
it's a revelation that hearing loss is hearing found
through stuff-that-stuffs that's made-up-stuff
TistDC (10/28/2021) "keepers", "one of the greatest dangers"
would you exterminate them all, like Templars "adjudicated"? would it matter, real chivalric-knights and pretenders in bonfires of "justice"? or would the hunted be hunted, as matters of fidelity to inquisitors and executors?
risen from ashes
new keepers of new faiths
ChumminWithMyFriends (10/28/2021) "the past 50 years"
to not see your own hand in the current state of affairs is
to not see corrosion corrodes from within too
Able Opportunity (10/27/2021) reply to above; "I agree my friend"
when your code is not saying what you mean and not meaning what you say
how agreeable! how comfortable!
never mind ticket-takers at the door, pockets brim with dues paid,
gate-keepers bouncing party-crashers spitting babel to shrugs
when death is not common ground beyond the gate past the door,
shrugs whistle to grief
TheTraveler (10/28/2021) "A wise man once"
a devil's penny in the gutter doesn't fail to shine and
just like that, a chicken winner is a "wise man"
"chicken winner" above (reply to TheRealKW)
VikingSpirit (10/27/2021) "ulvens fiende"
wolves of greed feast as wars of culture and grievance blow ill winds
while the wise drink wine?
methinks Heimdallr the Mímir
knows otherwise
KarenQueenOfTheRiver (11/6/2021) "insulted"
I've already addressed all your "points", not that you've sincerely made any. Furthermore, your "points" speak to pretensed ignorance of these addressals, as if none are for you. Such that I need not repeat myself. After all, only an idiot cannot hear your babel or see your babel. That such idiots in villages proliferate "here", does not make you queen of anything but pawns.
InnocenceProvesGuilt (11/6/2021) "climb that", "the worst..."
ever beguiling the compass and the pole that guides its arrow: the worst
AColdNight (11/6/2021) "instead of turning back"
it is of note that "you can't go back"; that "what's done is done"; that "it is what it is";
while warriors of culture and grievance who rally and march for "undoing what's done" crusade to "go back" because the future is "what was"
BridgesofRainbows (11/6/2021) "stubborn"
lol, amen!
BeYas (11/6/2021) "I say", "matters the most"
passion without maturity is "a lopsided cognition" too
there is much that "matters the most" and there are many minds and many hearts bent to remediating these in their lifetimes; but ours is neither the first people nor is yours the last people for whom paradoxes of civilization are many-thorned
RudolfTheRed (11/6/2021) "Nine"
nine nines for the win?
AMirrorYou (11/6/2021)
stupefying, surely
SofiaTheFirst (11/6/2021) "Why"
common ground is found
for real honesty and reality are not lost
Piling on Pyres (11/8/21)
RealisttheWorldNottheKW (11/9/2021) "Only when," "you can't eat"
not even then
not even hypothetically
Sneaker (11/9/2021) "reborn from our ashes"
a rebuttal to the earthen golem,
a triumph of re-invention
as if to be human is to be immune to suicide,
as if "no big deal" pyres are as fine as "fine people"
SifIsLovingNorway (11/9/2021) "that destroys", "that creates", "in the end, it is not our fault", "the paths you follow"
why are gods answerable for the fate of mortals?
when "the hand of fate" is the mortals' own
SofiaTheFirst (11/9/2021)
a nightmare, seen and heard, is imagined?
or a nightmare, seen and heard, is real?
DowningtheUp (11/9/2021) "I understand that it's my time to burn"
&suckerforpuns, &firethegrammarpolice
TheNeverEndingEpic (11/9/2021)
"Dr. Banner. Now might be a really good time to get angry."
Chris Evans as Steve Rogers, Captain America
"That's my secret, Captain. I'm always angry."
Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner, Hulk
The Avengers (Joss Whedon)
TheRealKW (11/9/2021)
popcorn at watch parties?
after one "flame war", two, three "flame war", four,
five "flame war", six, seven, eight "flame war" for:
nine for the win, nine for the score, nine for the seat, for more is more
Take the Cake and the Miracle (12/6/21)
Sneaker (12/7/2021)
a statue need never be real to be real
all it need be is invented of whole cloth
thus invented achievements of humankind stand celebrated as real and worthy
never mind the truth
Caduceus (12/7/2021)
"maybe [the lesson] will teach"?
according to those for whom lessons are but deterrents to wants
the only teaching worth learning is the art of the heel
22 is the new 18 (12/7/2021) "the naughty list"
it is quite some thing
to believe stone sees all and stone pardons all
because stone is forgiving
SifIsLovingNorway (12/7/2021)
immortals who give a shit aren't what mortals aspire to
mortals aspire to fantasies
limitless pride and vanity and conceit without consequence
TheRealKW (12/7/2021)
does a hollow victory taste as sweet as a real thing?
or is it as trifling as whole cloth?
JamminTommyJ (12/7/2021)
thankfully mortality isn't a superstition
After Words
Though there is much I could say, notwithstanding all and more I have already said and will yet say, not once do I speak not knowing
Though there is much I could say, notwithstanding all and more I have already said and will yet say, not once do I speak not knowing
after words there are consequences.
To speak therefore of innocence in the wake of consequences after speech and to speak therefore of defensible voids of foreknowledge of consequences after words
begs disbelief.
Because of course consequences after speech are exactly why what is said is what is said and what is not said is what is not said. Or are our tits and tats nothing more than vacant vocables? Inactions exclamated without points? Huffs and puffs that blow neither winds nor somethings this way comes? Oh please.
As always, thank you for your patience and understanding as comments and responses are posted to this blog and this page.
My dear... you are the... reason that God... created the... middle finger...
ReplyDeleteYour village called. They want their idiot back.