Wednesday, October 13, 2021

No Big Deal Fantasy

I'm not in "the unity business."

I'm in the honesty business and the reality business; I'm in the business of observing honesty and observing reality not as an outside observer but as an example of both.

That is to say:

I'm not in "the division business."

Because unity and division aren't the point. Especially when both are peddled by the business of pretending to be the example of both honesty and reality.

No Big Deal Fantasy

The manifest hot potato of pretending to be an example of both honesty and reality is it corrodes discernment of real honesty and reality.

That is to say, pretending ignores its corrosiveness

because it can.

Because not being an example of both honesty and reality but acting as if oneself is

is no big deal.

Not only because the premise of "hustle culture" is acting as if the corruption of one's integrity is no big deal,

but also because it's the backbone of society.

In other words, pretending is the "civil" in "civil society"

because the "norm" in "norm culture" is nothing less than the premise of "hustle culture."


But! But! But! To abandon mannerliness is to sanction and condone coarse outspokeness. To be brutish to the point of tactlessness. To be courtesyless and blunt.

In other words:

nasty boarishness is a big deal.


This is having it both ways but acting as if there are no consequences to this whatsoever.

Moreover, this is having it both ways without altogether appreciating neither the former nor the latter are what they appear to be.

Notwithstanding, both, taffy pulled to extremes as if the heart and soul of a matter is the furthest point from center, are not what they appear to be either.


An example:

In a former life, I told people the truth and people charged. Rude. Unkind. Mean. That's what it was branded. As if the truth must be nice.

In a former life, I showed people the truth and people charged. Cold. Unfriendly. Arrogant. That's what it was branded. As if the truth must be pleasing.

In a former life, having it both ways meant being insincere was a choice that rewarded while being unvarnished was a choice that stipulated: be unemployed with integrity or employed without. Or less egregiously, be alone with self-respect or welcome without.

Needless to say, acting as if being fake is no big deal

is a big deal.



In a former life, people have been told caring is a trick that covers up intolerance. While those who shun it are brave and free and unafraid.

In a former life, people have been shown politicness is a sham that masks partisanship. While those who scorn it are authentic and legitimate and rightful.

In a former life, having it both ways meant appearing to be sincere was as easy as being a pot to a kettle.

Needless to say, appearing to be the nastiest and boarishest to appear to be the truest and bluest without a particle of bonaest or fideest being

is a big deal.


Real honesty and reality neither unites nor divides.

Fraud honesty and reality, however, does both by lying.

Hence the manifest unpopularity of actually hearing and seeing and discerning: what's fiction and what's not. After all, fiction engages. Never mind its contradictions. Never mind its irrationalities. It promises. It delivers. 

Because it lies.

Including oft amplified unities and divisions that are as honest and real as


Postface and Epilogue

What do unities and divisions matter, if they're pillars of salt and sand?

As for what's the point of real honesty and reality? Real honesty and reality is the common ground that I've said and shown people who've been told and shown doesn't exist.

As if being so told and shown by fantasists isn't a no big deal fantasy propped without fail, by pillars of salt and sand.

Note Clare

"Real honesty and reality" are not equivalences of "facts", "sciences", "canons", or "religions."

If every fact also has its "errors," if every science also has its "refuters," if every canon also has its "disputes," and if every religion also has its "reformers," then what's real is not every thing that brands itself a "fact" or "science" or "canon" or "religion." No more than such brand is, in and of itself, sufficient to charge such "fact" and "science" and "canon" and "religion:" "real honesty and reality."

Alas "real honesty and reality" is no words. "Complicated" is too loose. "Neither black nor white" is too constraining.

Rather "real honesty and reality" are what "facts", "sciences", "canons", and "religions" should strive for. When, however, "facts", "sciences", "canons", and "religions" pretend to be the example of absolute honesty and reality, this not only corrupts the striving of "facts", "sciences", "canons", and "religions," this corrodes discernment of "real honesty and reality."

As if it's no big deal.

As if lying promises and delivers absolute honesty and reality

instead of lies.

That is to say, as if pillars of salt and sand are as trustworthy as





There is something pernicious to our obsessions. The soaking drowning of topics and issues and events as if soaking drowning isn't torture adjacent. A harm that wounds and torments because it can. Because not being harmless but acting as if harm is harmless, is no big deal.

Hand in glove with something neither innocent nor banal. An intent purposefulness that malices. Because "norm culture" and "hustle culture" are its shroud and scythe. Because not being vicious but acting as if malice is viciousless, is no big deal.

On a rope of tug of war, we strain and wrest and heave as if the consequences don't matter. As if the center is the enemy because it stands between a side and winning.

I ask:

What's the point of unity and division, if unity and division engage and ignite our fervor and resolve to strain and wrest and heave without end?

As if shade and smoke and specters, as if ghosts and their shadow, as if games that are realer than real: are no big deal because nothing good ever comes of actually hearing and seeing and discerning what's fiction and what's not.



  1. People are illogical, self-centered, and unreasonable thus I must be like them in order to be heard, to be seen, to be felt!

    Why be good when my good will be forgotten tomorrow in lieu of the narcissistic, the power hungry, the “wealthy,” thus I should be like them as I don’t want to be forgotten, instead living on in infamy.

    There can’t be common ground when it is a fight to take what is mine and ours – the others are doing the same so it’s the only way to ensure that the right is the right and the left is the left and my way, our way is preserved…

    Yes, to all! Yes, to None! Yes! Yes! Yes! And you wonder why it is that we live in what is nothing more than hell – on Earth.

  2. I always find it !@#$ing hilarious those that talk of !@#$ing common ground but then talk about how their old !@# won the negotiations. It’s like winning !@#$ing tug of war. When the weight gives on the other !@#$ing side and the ropes come right at your !@#, how can you even think that you won with the muddy knees, burnt !@#$ing hands, and !@# ache. The simple answer is you didn’t !@#$ing win – and you didn’t find !@#$ing common ground – we all !@#$ing lost.

    1. I wish you... would learn to... appreciate your inner... Karen.

  3. A wise person once wrote that once politics becomes about sham common grounds and compromises that is only about shares of the income, fame, or power pie, all things become impossible. That person was definitely not as wise or intuitive as you are – please keep these coming, it might not feel like the needle is moving but when has a needle ever moved quickly for good?

  4. We celebrate ideals of individual excellence, reliance, and personal responsibility – like you do. And like you we realize that individualism alone will not get us to Mars, will not end inequality for all people, win people their freedoms against tyranny, pass bills to guarantee the rights of all, or build the buildings that make us all realize how great we could be. Our most lasting legacy must be mutual effort and shared sacrifice, that is the ideal that will make this country truly great. That will help us to reach a common ground that we can all be proud of.

    1. Seriously!?! Is that what you think when the sun gleams off that dome you call a head while you burn the very books and ideals of truth that you and yours so eloquently try to rewrite and obscure for your, “truth.” Go book yourself…

    2. You are bitter... You are angry... All you had... Everything you are... has been stripped... away from you...Making your anger... like a stone... that you carry inside...that weighs you... down until you... can't lift it... anymore.

    3. A foolish man, who among Gods comes, had best be silent lest he lose his one good eye to the other sister who has not yet claimed one.

  5. As my life winds towards its twilight, I am often left to ponder that which has and was my life. In my darkening years, one source of light has always been there to guide me, not to riches or fame or power but to a higher purpose, and that has been your words. These words have helped to form my beliefs and serve as a guide on these dark paths of humanity that we must walk. And by and large, I have lived properly as a man, not according to what a priest, a lord, or the masses said to be decent, right, fair, and truthful but rather by what I believed to be those things. In the end, I will pass in this cycle knowing that I did my best and that at the end, more or less, how I lived was right and that in the long run it will eventually turn out alright – no matter how many cycles happen – no matter how many births, deaths, or rebirths are required.

    Thank you for never being anything more or less than the sun that warms us all and provides all that is to all that will be.

  6. Tiny Minority A is the danger to unity. No! Tiny Minority B is the real danger to the truth and way. No! No! It’s Tiny Minority C who are the real danger to all that we believe and to our faith.

    Sadly, minorities are the not the executioners nor the judges nor the jury. They would be nothing more than minorities, a wisp on the wind, without the majority who yearn, no hunger to execute the will of these people often for naught more than a follow, a penny, a sliver of power in the moment, or a speck of salt.

    Is any government, any faith, any label not truly powerless without those that are willing to do its work – by choice? Maybe we should stop just blaming those that are the powerful, the wealthy, and the famous and look to the mirror to see that blame does not fall far from the reflection.

  7. Masterful as always in reminding us that in the future we all have never become too old to continue reading fairy tales and imagining our courage, faith, and piety to those things that are nothing more than an illusion.

  8. I am a trafficker, meaning that I traffic in thrills, generalizations, prose, drama, and penultimas. I often write outlines for my works of traffic – ensuring that each letter, each word, each line, and each paragraph is nothing more than a detonation of mass distraction from all but what I want to reap and sow on the minds of those that are fortunate or unfortunate enough to read that which I say, write, and think each day. I’d like to tell you that it’s hard to warp the minds of the chattel that call themselves human beings but then I would be lying, because it’s quite easy to get a person to embrace that which even they know is wrong for nothing more than a penny in the gutter. Of course, that which keeps me from being lazy and just dialing in my work are those like you. You keep me spinning my webs as you destroy them with each letter, word, line, and paragraph you write. It’s so hard to tell who is winning really as I think that while I surely must be ahead, I secretly suspect that each bit you write is a subversion of my path and that it’s slowly gaining more of a foothold. Keep spinning Lady of the Woods and I will keep blinging, let’s see who wins in the end.

  9. A moral of all stories throughout time is that one should never look back and embrace the life that is behind you. To do so is to end as nothing more than a pillar of salt in a bed of sand.

  10. To think…
    Each will regard anything that deviates from their view as insane and unreal, nothing more than a hopeful fantasy.

    To know…
    Regardless of what is real to our senses that each will entrench those views as what must be real and that all other views, no matter how grounded in our senses as real, are nothing more than someone else’s apparition.

    To believe…
    There are others out there that see most of our ignis fatuus and that we must join together with them while steering as wide from those that don’t as we can.

    To effect…
    The beginnings of the canon, laws, programs, and organizations of segregation with an individual choice to insulate us and ours from any discussion that is not in line with what we believe

    To land…
    Where no discussion or commonality can exist anywhere thus making each of us our own individual little kingdom that will ultimately be gobbled up by the Void.

  11. I, We, have learned to become good at saying one thing when we are in fact thinking something else entirely.
    I, We, have learned to be great at acting like we are listening when we are not listening at all.
    I, We, have learned to pretend that we are calm and happy when we are really impatient and angry; or vice versa.
    I, We, believe that these are great skills to learn as we get older as it will help to create more civility in the world.
    I, We, are doing nothing more than pretending to be real and honest while we dance through the fantasy that we are not destroying the fabric of everything around us.

  12. There is no grander humor than the modern society that raises those that lie to A-popularity status while calling anyone who tells the truth a certifiable psychopath. And is it not divine that the faker you are, the bigger your circle, your flock, your friend list will be; while the realer and more honest you are, the smaller the same will be. And in the end is it not just grand that the hardest language for most to speak is the simplest of them all: the truth.

  13. Miles and miles lay before me,
    Ever onward I walk next to he,
    Hopeful that this journey will unlock the key.
    Winds whisper of fallen despair,
    Fortelling doom in this chilly air,
    For all those that do not stop for wear.
    Tears will not be shed,
    Unless falsely be lover's led,
    Into the forest's darkened stead.
    Looming through the night,
    Beams the moon's radiant light,
    Shining down on us in all its might.
    Lost we seem to be from our path,
    Surrounded by nature's wrath,
    When burst forth his witty laugh.
    Back and forth like a seasoned team,
    Fighting onward in search of the seam,
    When I awaken from this frightful dream.
    A dream that is nothing more,
    Than wildest fantasies of war.

  14. Bad news always seems to come with a hidden, dangerous underlying message in that either, “Your,” or, “Our,” dream is dead or breathing it’s last and it is, “their,” fault.
    Good news always seems to come with a hidden, dangerous underlying message in that either, “Your,” or, “Our,” dream is growing and expanding, and it is despite, “those,” over there who just can’t be happy for our fortunes at their misfortunes.
    The reality is that “we,” control the what we choose to believe, what we choose to say, and who we choose to blame or raise up.
    The truth is that dreams are entitlements. They are guides born out of the promise of something for us to gain or control, often through selfish desire. How many really dream for world peace, for equality for all, or truth in all? I suspect that number is very small because all the dreams I see are for a fancier house, a better job, more friends, or a prestigious post.
    Maybe, when the day comes that everyone begins working towards a noble dream, you will be able to turn to stories of soups, knights, and grand feasts instead of potatoes, chicken wings, and bowel movements…

  15. The common ground of humanity has always been fear, hate, vanity, and desire. Fear of the things that don’t exist will bring us closer together and unite us under our nation, our god, and our people. Hate of the things that are not to blame but that we are told will make us indivisible under the flag of supremacy with equality, liberty, and justice for us and ours but no others. Vain of how great we are that our god, our people, and our ideas are better than all others and that we are only the blessed bound to mansions of heaven. Desire for all that we have and more until there is nothing more to do but to deny all others from getting what we have and have not. Yes, common ground throughout time has been nothing more than the trendy words for give me what I want while you take what I will give you, which is nothing more than a broken penny.

  16. It goes without saying that both the published and unpublished works of you are masterpieces greater than any canon that is followed with blind obedience, any show that demands you trust them without any evidence that they should be, and any leader that pretends that they are like you when they are far from it. In the end, there will not be any ground common to all until we reject the canon, show, and leaders who pretend to be that which you are and move away from those very concepts that idiotically divide us from the potential all species have on this rock called Earth.

  17. Faren min tok meg med til en elv som barn. Det var en stor elv som førte til de mektige fjordene bortenfor. Jeg undret meg over hvor flott denne elven var. Min far så på meg med de triste øynene og sa at denne elven ikke er stor, dens flyt er delt og splittet av egoistiske agendaer for steiner, fisk og mennesker. Det blir først en del av noe stort når det havner i det større havet, hvor steiner, fisk og mennesker ikke lenger kan blande seg inn i det. Jeg er glad for at han aldri har levd for å se verden der mennesket har blandet seg med det større havet slik at det reduserer storheten han lengtet etter den verden barna hans ville vokse inn i.

  18. Humans should not fear hell so much in their selfish desire to win. With so much focus on themselves and winning at all costs they should not fear the place that they already live.

  19. What does it mean to follow one such as you? Does it mean to speak your thoughts and ideas when they are popular or make one seem far smarter than they may be? Or does it mean to speak that which is not popular and to speak only to oneself as all others are off chasing the noise of ideas that will win them the cheese, the wing, and the gold?

  20. Human reason is perfectly worthless at this point given the historically deliberate need to create beliefs and systems that don’t solve problems but rather produce disputes and conduct unbecoming of an advanced species. Man’s cradle is built off dogma, cushioned by belief, and held up by prejudice; or opinions adopted without any examination of truth. It’s these things that seem to be humanity’s greatest need, the element of the happiness, and the palladium of the legacies that they seek to create to be remembered by future generations who could give two shits about them as they will be too self-absorbed in their own legacy creation. Try to strip this away from a human and they act as if their inner being has been attacked and that their soul has been wounded as without this, they cannot worship a deity of their own creation, a morality that they have designed and attributed to a higher power, and a government that they have chosen for themselves. They then seek to canonize, legalize, and set norms to form a complete common ground based on what they call national reasons that will be strong enough to repress the aberration that is individual reason or rights, which is the mortal enemy of their collective association that must be stamped out as divergent ideas and opinions cannot exist in their world.
    In the end, states, statesmen, clergy, and media moguls are all too happy to accept the power thrust to them by these collectives, asking that they faithfully obey their reason. For those that don’t, they must be dealt with by creating useful prejudices and terms that will annihilate any individual dogmas or practices that don’t conform to that which the “nation” chose to be powered. It is here that we find ourselves at each turn and why the concept of commonality and universality cannot exist in democracies unwilling to stamp out these dogmas.

  21. An aggressor will always push forward and do more until they meet some form of resistance. That is a historical fact. And to stick our head in the sand and pretend that we are somehow safer if we pretend that this is not happening, we will limit our ability to resist these aggressors until there are so few left to stop them. I truly remain humbled by your resistance and will continue to stand with you and yours no matter how few of us there may be.

  22. There are signs
    Which make me feel so down
    Enslave all
    To find them in time
    Driving to darkness
    Forever be bound
    Slow down
    Sail to the river
    Slow down
    Walk to the Hill.
    There be way out
    Dark under the spell
    A long time
    Halls made of Stone
    Down into the valley
    Sitting here on a throne
    In a land so dark
    I go wherever
    You are

  23. Sadly, it is the way of destiny that it is truly only understood when those are willing to listen after it has happened and is now too late to change it.

  24. faqat fi samt tamin sayasmae almar' alsahra'a

  25. Art is not an application of canon but what instinctually and cognitively one can conceive beyond dogma or canon or fantasy. When one loves an author, you don’t start word counting them; or measuring the amount of I or you or they or theirs that they write.

    1. Your ability to... concisely write such... a marvelous bit... of posterior kissing... never ceases to... amaze.

  26. God is so misunderstood, misrepresented, and falsely accused throughout history. That which is written by man, promoted by man, and elevated by man is pretended to be from deity even when all reason says otherwise. In the end, a true representative or servant of a higher power would never teach that which is fantasy, fake, or dangerous to the beings on earth unless they so chose to falsely represent that deity. They would never deny revelations or teachings; or act like canon or scripture is full and that all that has been written or discussed centuries ago was the last revelations intended to be given to men.

  27. I can readily accept what you are saying but cannot easily accept the fantasy that others are promoting through their hustles, whether they be a judge, pope, king, or common man who tell you to look favorably on them because they can do no wrong. Common sense would tell us that the most to gain are the ones who are likely to create a false presumption as those that hold power, fame, and wealth are forever bound by that power, fame, wealth tend to corrupt, and absolutes corrupt absolutely.

  28. This is not new, but I marvel that we all forget that forming social, political, or moral values based on canon and dogma leads to the creation of monsters hell bent on selfish interest and exploitation to get what they want.

  29. To think that we in danger of being dominated by people who blissfully choose the ignorance of a few well selected legends of the past as the canons that will rule us all. It will be hard to find common ground with these people are they quick to stuff their ears with quotes from Babylon and Genesis.

  30. The bifurcation of loyalty that requires those that are religious, national, or fill in the label to put their canon law first and foremost as a precursor to changing civil and moral law puts all of us in a situation where the keepers of the faith become one of the greatest dangers to all of us.

  31. ChumminWithMyFriendsOctober 28, 2021 at 7:05 AM

    The world really needs to think about what the price of common ground will bring. To reach a true common ground, one will need to consider laws against those things that are false, hateful, and divisive while removing the arbitrary labels that tear us apart. Unfortunately, be prepared for what this will bring. It will involve doing away with the labels that have become so near and dear to most while banning hateful canon and dogma, ex. Old Testament, that exalts hate, false piety, and divisive rhetoric to that extent. Some of you may be laughing, thinking it is nothing but a joke from a fill in the blanker but it’s not a joke. What we have done for the past 50 years has not moved the needle and has only separated us all further to where we cannot even pretend to collaborate for the greater good. And the last thing we want for the next 50 years as words become more weaponized is for the children of God to run around devastating others just because their religious leader and God told them to do so in a book.

    1. Response: I agree my friend. I bleed for liberty of choice, conscience in its purest, most wide, and highest sense but we should not give liberty of choice, conscience in full to the ignorant and selfish that through their associations, councils, and dogma that orders them to burn down all other thoughts, strangle all other choices, and cut down any disagreement whenever they find the opportunity to do so.

  32. A wise man once travelled from his grand home and came to a place where nine common folks were busy cutting vegetables. He asked if they would like for him to sharpen their knives. Like all common folk they wanted to cut down the time that they had to work so they naturally agreed. He took out his sharpening stone and sharpened each of their knives. While the blades were really no sharper than they were before, they believed that they cut much better now. Fearing a dulling of their blades, they wanted to buy the sharpening stone. The man, knowing he had many, said that there were no others like it and that whoever wished to buy it should give what they thought was reasonable. All of the folk wanted it and each one-upped the other to get that stone as the fame, the wealth, and power of having such a stone would put them above the others. When there seemed to be no end to the rising price, he chose to instead toss the stone into the air. The folks scrambled to catch it and the ensuing scuffle left no one moving. The man walked away, musing…

  33. Jeg tilbyr ingenting
    Med et ivrig hjerte
    Til den største av guder,
    Den egenrådige Odin.
    Men jeg må innrømme
    At vennen til de kloke
    Har betalt meg godt
    For alle mine sår.

    Slaget ble testet
    ulvens fiende
    har gitt meg
    En ruvende kunst,
    Og vett å skjelne
    I de rundt meg
    Hvem ønsker godt,
    Som ønsker seg syk.

    Tidene er grusomme,
    Likevel er mitt hjerte glad,
    Full av mot,
    Uten å klage.
    Jeg venter på gudinnen
    Av skitt og av død
    Som står på odden
    Å bære meg bort.

  34. KarenQueenOfTheRiverNovember 6, 2021 at 2:48 AM

    Perhaps if you spent less time being disrespectful and making everything about you then maybe more people would follow you. In the end, none of us asked you to be here so why don’t you go back where you came from, that is if they will have you. And while you are at it, why don’t you apologize to all those who you insulted with your generalizations.

  35. InnocenceProvesGuiltNovember 6, 2021 at 2:48 AM

    To resist that which is wrong and do that which is right, it involves knowing the difference between who one thinks they are and who one really is. I like to believe that I am a decent fellow with the potential to one day be the greatest good there is but, I am a human who has the potential to someday do the most vile and evil things. I ultimately choose that which I become and it’s neither God, government, or society that will determine otherwise. Of course, if I wish to, I can just lie to myself which will make it easier to lie to others so I can climb that pantheon of the worst…

  36. No one signs up to be on the side of evil or to be… a Karen. It just happens. You make a questionable choice, for what likely seemed like a great reason at the time. Then you make a second one. A third one. A fourth one. And before you know it you find yourself in a room full of a hundred murdered baby seals with pockets full of dough. It’s then you realize that the very first choice you made took you over the line and instead of turning back, you drove straight into becoming a Karen with or without a prick.

  37. The reality is that Heimdall will only ever blow Gjallerhorn once, at the end, when all things come to an end. Why must he be so stubborn about blowing that horn!?!

  38. We, humans, are a species which is bringing about the end of the world that we were born into. Some say not out of evil or malice, or out of manly desire. Some say, it is exactly due to evil or malice, or manly desire. I say though that it’s due to a lopsided cognition predisposed to extraordinary greed, proliferation, short-sightedness, and deceit. Hence, when it matters the most to come together – we can only think of pushing out further from each other.

  39. Nine
    Such a myth
    Germanic tribes
    Nights on a windy tree
    Worlds in the dwarven dark
    Mothers to the sleepless warrior
    Drips heavy from the ring.
    Steps before she falls down dead.
    Sacrificed each day.

  40. Antique lands from whence she came.
    Form huge footed limestones
    Sinking in the sand sits the desert
    Marred by winds its whiskers face
    The collared bands flaunt dainty ears
    Well portrayed sculptures of feline traits
    No mortal can dissuade the bearing of an aristocrat
    In long-dead alphabets on its base.

  41. Past ruined cities I spur,
    Wakes the thoughts of this traveler,
    High and low,
    Great and small.
    Where the shadows single trembles,
    The voice of the great clings forever,
    Over these common of bones,
    No roll shall bear their name.
    Why find common ground
