... let's recall a few transpirations.
... let's recognize a few facts and faiths.
... let's not tantrum in the shallows, because the shallows are not the deep end, despite every woe betided distorted, misspoken, adulterated as such.
It is not a marathon.
It never is.
Life is granted. Life is taken. In moments no greater than a blink. Nasty, brutish, and short, lives are commonplace and as easy to come by as breathing.
And more and more...
Lies are told. Lies are forgotten. No more remarkable than a hiccup. Lies are everywhere. Laying every bed. Weaving every fabric. Buttressing every fact and every faith.
Whether you are some one or no one...
Life is not a marathon.
Nor are lies the truth.
Pedestals are convenient superiorities from which to tower inferiorities. Hoisted by our own conceit, we anoint our selves thusly worthy.
As if titles confer tower.
As if wealth confers nobility.
As if power, fame, ego confer honor.
As if by superfice, artifice, fraud of prostitution, integrity sold and bought is true.
As if the lie of such convenience such conceit is not as crystal as black and white.
Still. Unlike word salads meticulously fed to ravenous mobs, humility hardly sticks to the ribs.
To be guided by sways of weather fair, is to fare no better than the vain windsock that lacks in concreteness that which is bloated by bluster.
Verily windsocks proliferate like maggots to detritus.
With titles and without.
Without wealth and with.
With power fame and absence thereof.
Not recalling transpirations...
Ignorance of facts and faiths...
Penchants for tantrums in shallows that are not the deep end...
Habitual distortion, calculated misspeech, and vacuous adulteration of woes betided...
... are as typical of the superior as the inferior.
After all...
... superiority is but that state that mind that repudiates the truth for lies that lay every bed, lies that weave every fabric, and lies that buttress every fact and every faith.
Nasty, brutish, and short above is a reference to Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan.
for Sale -- Sold! below is a reference to Terry Brooks' Magic Kingdom (of Landover).
Who among us... believe not that we and us are superior?
Who among us... believe not that they and them are inferior?
Is this belief not hubris... that slippery slope of devolution?
Is this belief not destructive to that mutuus et aequum that is the bedrock of civilized human society... that cornerstone that tames the merciless savagery and base brutality of human nature? Verily... that society by all of all for all whose motto is that phrase adulterated by patriotism: e pluribus unum?
the shameless prefer their integrity...
for Sale -- Sold!
Is it not ironic... that those of belief... refuse to see... that they hold... themselves to be... the chosen... while everyone else... is not. Or maybe a... better term is... hypocrisy...
ReplyDeleteThe rise of belief in our society and in our government should equate to a rise in morality, humility, and kindness for all - except that it instead has become a rise in greed, isms, ignorance, and one-sided conversations that take us closer to the brink of division instead of uniting us together in the vision of God.
ReplyDeleteOur society has devolved to such a point that few can now see the difference between light and darkness, truth and lies, unity and division. What determines the difference you might ask between the few and the growing majority? The ability to see the truth, to feel the truth, and to be governed by it whether it is dark, light, or neutral. The ability to not give in to fabricated illusions of superiority that are created by you or others around you. And lastly the ability to embrace that to divide ourselves into nations under god is not the answer but rather to unite ourselves under the truth of the God and the planet we call home. One religion is not better than the others, it does not have a truth that the others do not possess, and it does enrich more than another. One nation is not favored by God more than another. One society is not grander than another and likely to reach the heavens sooner. These are lies that are widespread in this time and place; and these are the lies that the elite tell us to keep us apart, to satisfy their vanity, to enrich their coffers, and ultimately to keep us all down.
ReplyDeleteWow... it must have... taken a lot... to write more than... a tweet...
DeleteWord Salads? Humility hardly sticking to the ribs? A vain windsock bloated by bluster? Does anyone else think that she could be talking about the world's two greatest !@#$ing trolls and their !@#$ing ravenous mobs who are so fat from @#$$y gluttony that you could roll them down a !@#$ing hill.
ReplyDeleteOr that the windsock could be describing someone that we all know and love that despite his vanity is often limp?
DeleteWe should not... refer to her champion... that way... or our... illustrious leader....
DeleteMmmm.... I don't remember her champion that way but I do remember a certain line of the king that has issues with their windsock being limp or only full of hot air.
DeleteThere are so many allusions and subtle layers to this post that despite its brevity I feel almost like I could read this over and over again and still miss all of the messages in the post. Regardless my mind gets blown each time I discover a new one and I for one am appreciative that you write such layered pieces that help us all to see the complexities of the fabricated reality that we live in.
ReplyDeleteIt is easy... for her... she has mastered... the eighth level... of subtlety... and is quite... adept with her... allusions? Or maybe her....
DeleteThe new, "ruling," party can afford to be magnificent in their promises, mandates, and superiority yet I believe that like many "ruling" parties that they never intend to extend their promises to all kind instead focusing on fulfilling the promises that will extend their superiority and ensure that the divide falls in their favor. Promises to all kind by so-called ruling parties are always cheap, because there is no cost in promising something that you don't intend to invest in keeping.
ReplyDeletePeople lay lines on others when they talk - people role play a lot when they interact with each other, side stepping the truth for the lie - people engage in vagueness and innuendo when it counts most to be authentic. Don't we all expect others to do this so we feel justified in doing it to? And at the same time don't we try to profess to long for the plain truth - for people to say the truth and keep it as simple as that? Yet is it not the truth that we only long for these things when it benefits us - when it feels the man's wind sock with gusts of wind. In the end is not the Shallows nothing more than hypocrisy which seems to be the human universal, not the all kind universal that is the Deeps full of truth.