Thursday, January 26, 2017

The Shameless Run the World

If you were dying...

... what would you do?


Would it matter to you that other kind...

... believed you lived not, you breathed not?

Would it matter to you that other kind...

... believed you belonged to them because they possessed you?

Would it matter to you that other kind...

... believed that the exploitation of you was just?



... would you live?


... would you pray to the grandverse in the hopes of being heard?



... when your prayers were answered...

... what would you do...

... when...

... the kind who answered your prayers...

... cared not that other kind exploited you for wealth fame glory power?



... the kind who answered your prayers...

... cared not that your prayers petitioned their mercy?



... they hungered to satisfy new vices and old exploits...

... they craved the establishment of new economies and old societies...

... they thirsted for new crowns honors thrones pedestals and old wealth fame glory power...

... to patronize and consume...

... for ego vanity privilege greed...

... for frivolity.


If you were dying...

... what would you do...

... if what was killing you...

... was the belief that you were nothing but a commodity to be bought and sold? nothing but a resource to be exhausted until annihilation and extinction?

... if who was idle...

... were other kind whose narcissism and hubris justified such belief? and the kind who answered your prayers whose indifference, explicit and tacit, succored the annihilation and extinction of you?


For you have stood 'fore the precipice...

... and the kind who answered your prayers then...

... remembered...

... their honor, their virtue, their integrity.

... whereupon...

... your vivo et liber was restored.


For shame...

... the kind who answer your prayers now...

... eschew their honor, their virtue, their integrity...

... for the shameless...

... for the economy of buying and selling crowns honors thrones pedestals power glory fame wealth...

... for corruption barbarity exploitation deceit...

... for frauds crowned as idols gods heroes, for frauds honored as masters superior luminaries...

... for prostitutes and prostitution, for patrons and patronage...

... for ego vanity privilege greed and lies lies lies.


What would you do...

... if the shameless who ran the world...

... were killing you...

... for their greed their privilege their vanity their ego their wealth their fame their glory their power their pedestals their thrones their honors their crowns...

... for their frauds their prostitutes their patrons their shameless?


What would you do?

See also

The Truth Is an Open Book (1/22/17) (unpublished) (tvfs)

Page - MG II (1/25/17) (tvfs)

15 Million Merits (2011), Black Mirror (Netflix)


Though the curtain that masques the wizard is as transparent as the emperor's new clothes...

... how many of us see the truth that is visible?

... how many of us believe the curtain absolutely obscures the truth?


... how many of us who are privy to the truth that is visible...

... give a shit?



The economy of buying and selling crowns honors pedestals thrones wealth glory fame power... is an open book.

That such economy legitimizes the patronage of prostitution and corruption barbarity exploitation deceit... is also an open book.

That subsequently:

frauds crowned as idols gods heroes
frauds honored as masters superiors luminaries
the shameless
the talkers who talk
the walkers who walk

... who aspire no virtue, who achieve no merit...

... run the world...

... legitimized by Ministries of Truths that lie lie lie...

... justified by Ministers of Truths who lie lie lie...

... is also an open book.


The self righteous, the self superior, the arrogantly self conceited insist that merit and virtue and honor and integrity imbue all crowns honors pedestals thrones wealth glory fame power... vis a vis wins by honest contest and earns by humble toil.


That Ministries of Truths and Ministers of Truths expend prodigious efforts to masque patronage of prostitution and corruption barbarity exploitation deceit... as meritorious and virtuous and honorable and just...

... is how:

frauds crowned as idols gods heroes
frauds honored as masters superiors luminaries
the shameless
the talkers who talk
the walkers who walk

... rob all of inalienable vivo et liber.



  1. Quite the little... firebrand are you... or is this... you reminding us... that with great power.... comes greater responsibility... to complete our duty...

    Tell your champion... to get back to.... work... he is obviously... slacking on his mission... ;)

    1. Her champion actually knows what work is - and does not spend all of his time getting his nails done and playing with other people's lives; or figuring out how to get his zucchini into everything.

    2. I seem... to recall... you liked... my zucchini... And my apples...

    3. A rotten apple or zucchini is not known to be rotten - until you bite it in half.

    4. Are you sure it's a zucchini and not a rhubarb? Or maybe a tuber?

    5. Popcorn popping!

    6. Is she sprinkling… that special seasoning… on your popcorn… All Norwegian lasses… like their tubers… seasoned… and small…

  2. What if social media, entertainment, and the lotteries are designed for no purpose other than to keep us all busy with, "cycling?"

    What if the world is dying around us and the elite few know this and are using these means to keep this from us; or to keep us out of the way while they work to a higher purpose?

    What if some of them have fallen asleep themselves and now use this to entertain themselves rather than do what they are supposed to do (save the planet, promote the truth, and make all free)?

    Kind of makes your head explode a bit if you are not one of the elite few, makes you question why you were chosen if you are one of the "prostitutes," and awakens you to a deeper sense of purpose if you are an asleep elite, doesn't it?

  3. The escape from the endless stationary bike that is our lives will only be achieved by being awakened, pursuing the truth, or being willing to say no when offers of fame, glory, wealth, and material happiness are offered to us. For, are we so asleep that we cannot see a viable path to a fulfilling life that does not involve selling, buying, or headed the opposite direction of the purpose that we were all put here? The real question for me in your post is do we just turn off everything around us and who we could be so that we can just mindlessly play the game in order to eke out material and vain pursuits; or do we take the risk, break out from the trap of the “modern world,” to see what lies beyond the caverns of our prison that will only be open to us when we die, if even then? I for one intend to break out, to awaken my soul, to refocus on our higher purpose.

    1. To act as a fruit when you are candy by feeling fresh, tasting fresh, and looking fresh does not make you a fruit as you are still a candy. Think on that before you use your status and wealth to garner the very things that this post is speaking against - fame, wealth, glory, and material things.

    2. @MatchHotFour:
      I see a future for you in the bilge cleaning business, well, because you are full of !@#$ing !@#$.

  4. I am growing older and know that my time will come sooner rather than later yet it warms my heart to know that there are a few like yourself out there that are earnestly fighting to help heal this world and make it a place worth living in.

    We all see the person behind the transparent curtain and we like to think that those, “in power,” are manipulating our weaknesses to make themselves more rich, more powerful, or whatever it is they desire. What we refuse to see, or take accountability for, are the choices that we make that perpetuate the cycle bringing us closer and closer to doom when this planet will no longer be able to heal herself with assistance and thus become toxic to us all. Also, many of you refuse to see that the “in power,” are not also caught up in the cycle of everything until they choose to stop it too. Think about it - judges, politicians, CEOs, record label execs, directors, and other know that they have to keep pushing the boundaries to keep everyone consuming their products. So their moral compass spins as wildly as most do as they figure out ways to stay ahead of everyone else. It’s a vicious cycle that can only end by WAKING UP and FINDING YOUR HEARTBEAT. This world is becoming more and more bereft of genuine feeling, emotion, actions; and what little of that is left is a target for constant attempts to commoditize it to the point that any expression of a greater good or beneficial innovation immediately is nabbed to become the intellectual property of the “elite,” and then ultimately farmed out to whomever they want to be that moment’s ministry of truth. So, here’s the real question that this post puts out there, “Are you going to resign yourself - to become the crass, mindless idiot who becomes one of the mindless zombies - who suppresses all thought of betterment and purpose so that you can find life tolerable by conforming?” Are you really going to say, “I had no choice,” or, “Everyone else is doing it,” as a valid defense for your lack of action? Or are you going to stand, act, and fulfill the purpose of why we are really here.

    I’m old, I’m tired, I can’t see well anymore BUT until the last breath leaves this body - I will stand with the few, the honest, and the purposeful led by queens that are just, truthful, joyous, and gracious - who want to heal this world back to the state that she can support all forms of free life.

    1. Careful... that soapbox... may not support you...

    2. Careful love - the rotten foundation that you stand on might not support the Realness of your KW.

  5. A wonderful commentary on the need for the most passionate to not lack passionate intensity and to get out there and make a difference!

    1. Are you !@#$ing incapable of !@#$ing posting anything more than 140 characters? This is what !@#$ing drives me nuts about our society and the so called !@#$ing leaders. No wonders we elected a !@#$ing moron over a !@#$ing moron...

      But I !@#$ing digress - I must say humbly - !@#$ing A on the post,

  6. Power is an intoxicating aphrodisiac that often clouds the mind to the fact that what you were once doing that is good is now bad and that you started so close to the truth and now are so far away. Even worse when you look you now realize that what you believed was guiding you was nothing more than you choosing to follow the path of those who have chose to shirk their responsibilities and mission for their own self fulfillment.

    15 Million Merits, White Christmas, Enemy of the State, and your post serve as a reminder that dissidence is sometimes met with a platform, blocking you out, or paying you off so that the system continues to work against the truth and freedom to benefit those who are the very people that should be making this world a better place.

    So, what does it take to change? The answer is different for all of us but one of the first steps is to open your eyes, mind, and soul to the pursuit of the truth and making this planet better. And I for one - intend to do so by following what I see here and elsewhere.
