Sunday, January 8, 2017


Remember this Epiphany?


Everywhere... there is an insistent thrum...

... to set aside Epiphany...

... for reality, facts, and that which is black and white.

As if...

... Epiphany...

... is not the truth...

... because it cannot be measured empirically, it cannot be validated empirically, it cannot be documented empirically, it cannot be seen and touched and heard... 

Though: the measure of truth is the limitations of the perennially limited... 

... human kind believe with self righteous fervor that their measure of truth is absolute and certain and inviolable and unequivocal and above all... indisputable...

... for the perennially limited bask in the ignorance of their assumed self superiority... while the truth remains extant beyond realization and actualization.



... the measure of truth that the perennially limited espouse are lies lies lies...

... for is it not a lie... that all that which cannot be measured, validated, documented, seen, touched, heard... is not true?

... for is it not true... that heliocentrism was true... before such truth could be measured, validated, documented, seen, touched, heard?

... that marine life beyond our imaginations was true... before such truth could be measured, validated, documented, seen, touched, heard? 

(... notwithstanding... truths that have yet to be measured, validated, documented, seen, touched, heard by the perennially limited who affirm themselves realists and factists and blackists and whitists... within a grandverse that is unambiguously ephemeral and grey.)


The grandverse cannot be measured, cannot be validated, cannot be documented, cannot be seen and touched and heard by the perennially limited...

... but the grandverse is true...

... because the grandverse exists extant of the limitations of the perennially limited... for the perennially limited did not create the grandverse... for the perennially limited did not create the truths of the grandverse...

... indeed the perennially limited... as creatures incapable of creating the grandverseincapable of creating the truths of the grandverse... are hardly infallible, much less omniscient, measures of truth...

... indeed the perennially limited... as creatures incapable of creating the grandverse, incapable of creating the truths of the grandverse... satisfy their selves with fictions and myths and illusions and fabricate self gratifying lies lies lies and viciously denounce... 

... every truth of epiphany, including The Truth of Epiphany.


The truth is not open to interpretation.

- M


The Axiom

Unlike Religion -

Unlike Science - 

The truth is Not open to Interpretation.

Verily - Man did Not Create The Truth -

Therefore - Man is Not The Measure of The Truth.



When the perennially limited disagree with the truth that is not open to interpretation...

Such disagreement is not enlightened reason.

Such disagreement is not enlightened discourse.

Rather... such disagreement is the actuation of ignorance.

When the perennially limited insist and demand that their measure of truth is veraciously absolute, certain, inviolable, unequivocal, indisputable...

Such insistence, such demand... is not enlightened empiricism.

Such insistence, such demand... is not enlightened knowledge.

Rather... such insistence, such demand... is the actuation of lies that lie lie lie.


When the perennially limited eschew evolution in favor of accruing material gain...

Such eschewal of evolution is not the actuation of enlightenment.

Such accrual of material gain is not the actuation of nobility.

Indeed... such pursuance is the actuation of devolution...

... from civilization and culture... to unfettered barbarism and unremitting ego...

... from humility steadfast... to the shameless Idolatry of Man and Lies Lies Lies.


- M


  1. Many a human believes that all things are subject to interpretation and to personal reasoning. Yet - many a human fail to realize that whichever interpretation that prevails or is chosen at a given time is more a function of power, vanity, or greed than that of truth.

  2. Civilizations like the one that we see at this time of Epiphany are digressing instead of progressing. Simply put, we shall only start to evolve when we have learned humility, to learn to seek the truth, to reveal it, and not to alter it to our gain or for some privilege or fame for arguing against the truth so as to promote the fog of uncertainties and lead others astray. Universal truths are just that - universal and absolute as they were set by a power that is beyond that of what we can comprehend (well most of us).

  3. Great post! And happy birthday to you and your sister! This reminds me of what a great person once said, "There is no god higher than truth."

  4. I had an... epiphany. Two girls... playing in the forest... knowing the truth... and loving a... planet... for who she... is... not what others... want it to be. And of a... lurker... in a tree... who thought himself... to be a champion... but only watched... life go by... and never enjoyed it... because he was... to busy... protecting... In the end... the truth is... their daddy loves... them both... the best... and without restraint... full of the "real"... truth.

  5. I know not what I have done to draw your beautiful ire but I do know that the truth only reveals itself to those that are open to it and give up on holding grudges and absolute thoughts. I wish you a happy day wherever you may be and the knowledge that I am thinking of you where you may be.

    1. Time to start the popcorn!

    2. Is that your only response to anything?

    3. Is your only action to try to lie and cheat your way back into the heart of someone who loves you for you? Is your only action to oppress and to use those around you to improve the look of you in a mirror? How has that been working for you recently? Maybe, you should just be sincere and ironically true?

    4. How does that soft tissue feel about now daffodil?

    5. You and your ilk hardly deserve the rewards that you have received for manipulating the truth with your lies. The fact remains that the "twins" deserve much more than your world and reality, they deserve to be elevated to levels that help people like me show them all that they have not experienced yet.

    6. For people like you, you think that the truth is like gold that is to be obtained, hoarded, and melted down to create grand things of vanity or to make fake things look grand. If only you could see the truth that gold is instead a concept that illustrates the virtues that will make us all better. In the end, pure gold is not gold until you wash away all of the fake things around it that are not gold.

    7. Mayhap daffodils should lay off the shrooms around them?

  6. All the sciences, all the news, all the non-fiction run parallel to the truth; many believe that they symbolize the truth but the fact is that these empirical devices do nothing more than squint at the truth - allowing the eye to fill in what is fuzzy to them. In the end, very few of the hard and factual concepts of our time actually touch the truth. If they did, our world would be different as the mere truth now would be an explosion that would rock the stones or pillars of our society into small fragments and could potentially bring the sky down on top of us. In the end, would that be such a bad thing?

  7. In an age of online media, fake news, and gossip - is it any wonder that we !@#$ing swallow greedily any untruth or lie that flatters us and only sip little by little the truth because we find it !@#$ing bitter and not to our taste. Why do we think it's bitter, because it doesn't agree with the fake !@#$ing reality that we have !@#$ing created for ourselves and that our !@#$$y puppet master don't want us to see.

    1. The truth is never bitter, it is sweet to the taste and makes you feel better about everything. I mean why else would people say know ye the truth and the truth shall set you free?

    2. That is not the truth and I have to wonder if your taste buds have fled to parts unknown. Don't worry, it won't feel so good later.

  8. Verily the truth is not open to interpretation and is the truth however you look at it. My truth is that I strayed from the path and became consumed in the things that did not matter, shunning the important, just going along with the lies, and acting false when the truth was right in front of me. Thank you for this piece as it helps me to choose a different path that will require me to be more humble and focused on the truth then what benefits me.
