The same way 'we end up here'... every year...
... by never leaving here.
It is not I... who celebrates a lie.
Does that... not account for something?
That none of you celebrate the same lie...
... accounts for nothing...
... for the lies that all of you celebrate...
... are still lies.
I know the truth. My eyes are open.
Surely... I am more enlightened than my fellow kind?
That you believe your ignorance to be inviolable knowledge...
... is hubris...
... the same hubris you attribute to your fellow kind...
... while you attribute to your self...
... the lie of your superiority and infallible authority.
I know the truth.
My truth is the truth.
Therefore, your 'truth' is the lie.
Thus lie believers...
... believe lies...
... without ever regarding...
... the truth.
Thus no truth...
... shatters the stronghold of lie believers...
... who testify lies lies lies.
You are the liar.
It is you who testifies lies.
Is it...?
Still... you wonder...
... how we end up here.
You can not prove your 'truth' to be true.
Therefore, your 'truth' is not true.
Proofs of truths that are fortresses of ignorance...
... prove nothing.
We end up here...
... because liars like you...
... poison the ignorant against the enlightened.
We end up here...
... because the lies you believe...
... are still lies...
... including...
... the lie that believing oneself enlightened...
... proves oneself enlightened...
... thereby entitling oneself to Thrones of Honor and Titles of Virtue.
In the end...
... we end up here...
... because celebrating lies... is socially rewarding...
... because hubris... is personally satisfying...
... because me me me... is who I, I, I believe...
... because proofs... that we invent to exploit... are tools of the trade that legitimize beliefs that regard not the truth...
... because never leaving here... means never repudiating, never denying, never surrendering... our strongholds of lie believers, our fortresses of ignorance, our entitlements to thrones and titles, our lies lies lies...
... that gratify our pride, our vanity, our hatred, our lust for more more more at the expense of every virtue, every honor, and...
... the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
There is no present... more worthy as a gift... than the truth...
There is no present... more worthy of the truth... than now...
- M
Enlightenment and ignorance are lenses through which the enlightened legitimize their entitlement to thrones and titles.
Verily... such lenses blind the enlightened to the truth...
... that the pride, the vanity, the hatred, the lust... deplored and condemned as rampant vices of the ignorant...
... also prospers virulently amidst the enlightened.
... what else... but this very pride, this very vanity, this very hatred, this very lust... fuels the illegitimacy of entitlements per lenses?
Regardless of lens...
... the enlightened are no more entitled to thrones and titles, than the ignorant are entitled to poverty and disempowerment.
Likewise... enlightenment and ignorance are lenses through which the ignorant legitimize their repudiation and denial of all beliefs but their own.
Verily... such lenses blind the ignorant to the truth...
... that errors of reason, errors of knowledge, errors of belief... ridiculed and scorned as vacuous bombasts of the enlightened...
... also proliferate virulently amidst the ignorant.
... what else... but this very error of reason, this very error of knowledge, this very error of belief... fuels the illegitimacy of repudiation and denial of beliefs per beliefs?
Regardless of belief...
... the ignorant are no more entitled to pedestals of loyal zealotry, than the enlightened are entitled to lecterns of wanton contempt.
- M
I win... he loses...
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful New Years piece about the paradox of humanity - in that the more we believe that we know about the truth - the more that humans are no less ignorant than their prehistoric relatives. For all of the talk of enlightenment, humankind still misses the fact that one cannot evolve or achieve enlightened consciousnesses without being able to step away from your own conscious and understand your own limitations and infallibility. Maybe - and it's a big one - one day humans will come to understand - that evolution is nothing more than opening oneself up to new and greater prospects internally.
ReplyDeleteThank you for three insightful pieces to end the year on. This one is definitely one that many should take to heart.
ReplyDeleteWe all think that to become superior to others is to evolve into something better - that if we can run faster - make more money - accrue more power - sing better - or act better than others that this will result in the evolution of man to a superior being - and we want that man to be us - that we become the missing link in evolution - that we are the foundation of evolution.
Well - superiority breeds contempt - and often is the mask of those that are insecure, hateful, contemptuous, and are in fact inferior to those of a truly evolved state. To evolve - it's not about being better than others or to make your truth the truth - it's about seeking to become noble, thoughtful, enlightened, and honest about who you are - what you are - and how you can evolve yourself - and not those around you.
The only people who seek to alter the truth and make it theirs so that they can "evolve" are false prophets and false vaticinators who all too frequently lead people to places that even your fore fathers knew to avoid.
So - humans should make their new years resolution - to be more noble than they are today (meaning improve your nobility and not worry about making others your version of noble) - so that the race can evolve - and maybe become a place that higher beings don't view as a prison planet...:)
I find it amazing that so few see the thin line between enlightenment and ignorance, more so because so many great all kind have written about that divide throughout time. Yet, here we are again, where a great all kind must once again put paper to pen in the hopes of ending an artificial divide created by vanity, lies, and greed - to try to teach humans that side choosing and name calling and false pretenses do not improve the condition or standing of humans in this multiverse. If an alien were to come to Earth they would likely note that despite the advances in technology, in science, and other areas that humankind is really no better than they were as cromagnums as the focus is still on the deadly sins instead of the noble truths. Yet, they would also find these wonderful pieces of work and realize that there are those here that truly are evolved and worth the time spent in reading their magnificent works! Thank you for what has been a great year of works that I have enjoyed and hope to read more in the New Year. This has truly been a year worth it only because of you.
ReplyDeleteI rarely agree with... such long winded... responses.... but I find myself... thinking you may... actually be right about... something.
DeleteSeeking knowledge,
ReplyDeleteTo find me,
Truth tells me,
Truth for all,
Empty worlds,
Full of Lies,
Full of sides,
Answers bring,
More questions,
Endless roads,
Keep me back,
Bringing me back,
No answers,
Payback the Wise,
Found I am,
Lost more,
Yearning freedom,
Not held back,
Human Thoughts,
Yearning same,
Can’t stop,
Purple sky dreams,
Two ringed moons,
Of Unicorns,
Of Dragons,
Of Sisters,
Who Smile,
Who Love,
Who Noble,
Who Truth,
This dream,
Is No Trick,
In New Year,
I Share,
Truth With You,
Truth With Me,
Finding Love,
Across Ocean,
You are Me
I am You.
Mirrors See
Eyes See
Two Girls
Loving Trees
Some say that to accept enlightenment you must first accept your dark fantasies of who you are not and then choose the path that takes you in the opposite direction of them.
ReplyDeleteMirror, Mirror on the Wall: Who is the finest of them all?
ReplyDeleteMirror, Mirror on the Wall: Who is the noblest of them all?
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Who is the most beautiful of them all?
The answer: The two who seek to be none of them all but who they are and in this Newest Year we are all grateful they are here.
Is it not ironic that this article is the Present - which is the best present of all: the Truth. Maybe I should have spent less time last year acting like I was better than others and more time on being true to who I am. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI hope that in the new year that more of us will accept the fate that our creators wanted for us. Thank you for guiding the way.
ReplyDeleteI am grabbing some !@#$ing popcorn and sitting in my favorite !@#$ing chair for the lightshow coming in MG. Hope comments are always !@#$ing great responses!
DeleteExcellent post! And I agree, after such a year of fake this and fake that - we all need the truth in the here and now. So, let's make it our resolution to put truth ahead of lies in all that we do. It'll be like looking into the Mirror of Galadrial!