Sow Wrong
Sowing wrong is norme de rigueur.
Wrong is norme de rigueur.
Wrong is norme de rigueur.
Emaciation is wrong. Its very presentation evokes potently visceral pity. Yet we're inundated with images of emaciation until we fail to recognize emaciation when we see it.
Such that:
The abject visages of the poor in our own backyards inspire no compassion.
The abject visages of the broken beyond our borders inspire no mercy.
Images of emaciation are sold to us as beautiful. Such that such 'beauty' sells us on excess and extravagance and vanity and conceit.
Why? Because we buy it. We buy the bullshit of the former. Then we buy the bullshit of the latter. Until the poor and the broken are us.
For the excess and the extravagance and the vanity and the conceit we buy bloat the coffers and fuel the gravy trains of never enoughers who sell us bullshit to sell us bullshit.
Emaciation is wrong. Its very presentation evokes potently visceral pity. Yet we're inundated with images of emaciation until we fail to recognize emaciation when we see it.
Such that:
The abject visages of the poor in our own backyards inspire no compassion.
The abject visages of the broken beyond our borders inspire no mercy.
Images of emaciation are sold to us as beautiful. Such that such 'beauty' sells us on excess and extravagance and vanity and conceit.
Why? Because we buy it. We buy the bullshit of the former. Then we buy the bullshit of the latter. Until the poor and the broken are us.
For the excess and the extravagance and the vanity and the conceit we buy bloat the coffers and fuel the gravy trains of never enoughers who sell us bullshit to sell us bullshit.
Cheating, faking, scamming are wrongdoing. They entail deception, distortion, deceit with willful and malicious intent to defraud. Yet we're inundated with cheats and fakes and scams until we fail to recognize fraud when we see it.
Such that:
Accountability evasion defends cheating, faking, scamming as 'honest' work and toil.
Accountability evasion justifies deception, distortion, deceit as 'honest' misstep and err.
Accountability evasion legitimizes cheats, fakes, scams as 'honest' ambition and motivation.
Displays of fraud are sold to us as virtuous. Such that such 'virtue' sells us on acquiring what we haven't earned, earning what we don't deserve, deserving what is not ours.
Why? Because we buy it. We buy the bullshit of the former. Then we buy the bullshit of the latter. So our cheating, our faking, our scamming pave slick roads of collusion that all of us tread to shift blame, pass the buck, retaliate in round after round after round of round robins of blame.
Until the blamed and the targeted and the retaliated against are us. While never enoughers don teflon suits to ensure their immaculate blamelessness as paragons of wrong masquerading as right. While the blamed, the targeted, the retaliated against, the buyers of bullshit hold the whole bill of blame.
In other words:
No one is selling what we're not buying and we're buying bullshit like never before. As if bullshit isn't bullshit. As if bullshit is a state of mind, a state of make believe whereby donning rose colored glasses and daubing faerie dust alters facts and mutates reality into that self serving fantasie wherein bills of blame are forsaken as not ours and our wrongs are uplifted as sacrosanct 'virtues'.
Is the wanton destruction of the living breathing planet that supports all life really no one's fault? Because the misappropriation of this planet into our dumping ground is not our fault? Because the conversion of resources on this planet towards our consumption is not our fault? Because the ruthless exploitation of the living breathing planet that supports all life for our personal vanity for our corporate profiteering is not our fault?
In what where is such bullshit not bullshit?
Is the wanton destruction of the living breathing planet that supports all life really no one's fault? Because the misappropriation of this planet into our dumping ground is not our fault? Because the conversion of resources on this planet towards our consumption is not our fault? Because the ruthless exploitation of the living breathing planet that supports all life for our personal vanity for our corporate profiteering is not our fault?
In what where is such bullshit not bullshit?
Is accountability evasion really not fraud if the evader is us and our idols and our in the pocket chums and our good ol' clubs and our wants and our desires? Because our work our toil our misstep our err our ambition our motivation, verily our intentions that lie are honest? Because our cheats, our fakes, our scams that rob the rightdoer to preserve and to advance the wrongdoer are virtuous? Because acquiring what we haven't earned, earning what we don't deserve, deserving what is not ours is noble and good and just and right?
In what when is such bullshit not bullshit?
Everywhere wrong is sown is everywhen wrong is triumphant. A fact not alterable by lens. A reality not mutatable by belief. A truth impervious to bullshit.
Sow of Sow Wrong is a deliberate homonym (ex. so, sew, sow, and so on and so forth).
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