Tuesday, March 28, 2017


The story of my life...

... is shit wrapped in shit wrapped in shit...

... sold as gold.


Why... is a contradiction...


... no one's why is simple or straightforward...

... no one's why sits on the surface...

Is that not what we believe...?




Why did so and so murder so and so?

Because so and so deserved it.


But... that is too simple... too straightforward... is it not?


Why did so and so murder so and so?

Because so and so's religion glorifies it.


Really... because the interior landscape of minds and souls... that lie below the surface... bares why to all... vis a vis religion?



Why did so and so murder so and so?

Because cowardice with opportunity and means... is why wrongdoers wrong.



... is intention that truths.

But that...

... is not sufficient... is it?

But that...

... is not motive that satisfies... is it?

Because shit wrapped in shit wrapped in shit... is sold as the gold standard we believe...

As if... the only reality and the only truth... is bullshit...


When opportunity... is laid upon a silver platter...

When means... is laid upon a silver platter...

Rightdoers right instead of wrong...

Because truthers 'fore the crossroads... choose faith that truths...


When opportunity... is laid upon a silver platter...

When means... is laid upon a silver platter...

Wrongdoers wrong instead of right...

Because parasites don't give a damn...


The story of my life...

... is shit wrapped in shit wrapped in shit... sold as gold... by never enoughers by wrongdoers by parasites... who don't give a damn...

... that their gravy trains of parasitism are defended and justified by their intentions that lie...

... including that intention that retaliates on behalf of good ol' clubs that eschew accountability and honor and integrity... for round robins of blame and gravy trains of bullshit.



  1. If one were to look at the history of guilds, associations, boards, and other, "good ol'clubs," they were not created as bastions of accountability, honor, and integrity but rather for professions and trades to ensure that their view, their way, or their status was not ever threatened by change or the truth. As history devolved into the future, these "good ol' clubs," realized that the only way to protect their members was to devolve into deceit, wrongs, and selfishness sugar coated as the truth, the right way, and looking out for others. They have become so practiced, so good at what they do now that they have in effect often become a cult where to question their path is to be excommunicated from their membership, to be attacked if you are not one of them and try to speak the truth, to be retaliated against if you dare not to follow their advice, and to promote fear about what would happen if they were no there to protect you from others. They are so practiced that the sheep amongst you believe what they have to say even when they are the ones fleecing you, the ones blaming someone else for what happens to you when you follow their advice into ruin. Such is her life and those like her that these "good ol'clubs" are more of the truth than the people who actually speak the truth and want better for all. In the end, ask yourself - are these people professional, do they hold themselves accountable when things happen, do they hold their members accountable when they wrong, do they have honor and respect for you - all of you, and do they conduct themselves with integrity. Yes, the silence is deafening - is it not my friends? That is your answer - and yet you side with them instead of what is right and you slowly devolve into just another never enougher, another sheep for them to fleece at their will...

    1. This post and your comment seem to be aimed at a specific association, so why draw in everyone else. Maybe if your friend here was open to working with others rather than living in a, "La La Land," of idealism then maybe she would be able to acknowledge when she is in the wrong.

      Associations are not bad things. The only people that want to believe this are those that lack morality, conviction, and character and want to be able to exploit others more easily. Or those that wish to maintain a status quo and not have a group out there fighting for the common person to make their lives easier and protect their fiduciary responsibilities. These associations know best as they ask, no mandate, that their membership learn all that there is to learn about everything they do and then meet a moral code that is binding. Do you or her have to take all of the courses on a topic to know it every year or two? Do you or her have a process by which to have complaints or unethical behavior met? I think not.

      Yes, there are bad apples that might exist. We have means and processes to expose those and then correct their behavior. They are documented and easy to access without fear of the retaliation that you both speak of. To ease the burden on the courts and to ensure that you get the best service in these times, we even go so far as to deal with the complaints with the best people to do so: our own members.

      May I offer some advice as I feel that I know which associations that you both are alluding to? If so, my advice is listen to the person who knows best that you have hired that is an expert and let them work with their peers to effect that which you have hired them to do. Stop looking into their actions as being anything other than having your best interests at hot. I mean in the end, you are only going to get where you want to be by doing what they have to say and being a good customer along the way. When things are not what you want, grant sincerity. Every little action or misstep does not mean that someone is trying to, "hurt," you or to put you in a a round robin of blame. And lastly, take accountability for your actions instead of blaming others. If you are the only one that sees something and no one else does or feels that way then it speaks volumes of your rightness does it not?

    2. This is what is !@#$ing wrong with our society. We let !@#$tards post whatever !@#$ing thing that their !@##$%^* meter feels compelled to do on a given day.

      To whomever is the !@#$bag behind the post above: Go !@#$ yourself, you obviously have no !@#$ing clue about that which you are !@#$ing talking about. Even worse your !@#$ing pathetic excuse of a !@#$ing post is nothing more than proving !@#$ing Sneaker's !@#$ing post. There's a reason why an association should not be allowed to !@#$ing police themselves as they don't have a !@#$ing incentive to !@#$ing police themselves instead they are more !@#$ing likely to hide their wrongdoings so that the !@#$ing gravy train keeps rolling. Your processes, if I have correctly guessed your industry, are a !@#$ing joke which as they are !@#$ing vague to the point of not being actionable and favor the !@#$ing membership over the very people you would have us believe you want to protect instead of just outright !@@#$%^.Even more so, they are !@#$bags who spend lots of !@#$ing money for a pittance of !@#$ing work to ensure that the swamp!@#$s in government will protect their !@#$ing gravy train from innovation and individualism. In the end, I look forward to the day that the being kind !@#$ing take over your industry as it means I won't have to deal with people who try to make themselves what the !@#$ing process is about instead of who it is really !@#$ing about.

    3. @BenLewis: I am not sure how you really feel but get the sense that you might be a bit angry? ;)

    4. In the end... those that work... the hardest... and are the... most truthful... are often the... ones most trampled... on by those... that attach themselves... like parasites... so that they... have the least amount... of work to do.... but get all... of the benefits....

    5. I think attacks on my point of view are unwarranted and frankly show you all to have an agenda of your own.

      The facts are simple here: the poster is mad that an association or group of people are not doing what she wants but in turn she is holding up a process that so many easily navigate. How are we wrong? And is it our fault that she can't clearly state what she wants? That she wants things that can't be measured and that no one but her and her lackeys understand. No, we do not deserve your anger and insults because we are not the problem here.

    6. AlphaCentauriOrBustMarch 30, 2017 at 12:53 PM

      "We are not the problem here" is an utterance that has been made throughout history by those who wish to:
      - end conversation
      - shift blame
      - ostracize and isolate dissent
      - justify retaliation
      - morph the truth
      - bury your head in sound.

      Here is the difference between you two - she speaks about making things better, about a higher purpose and accountability. You - well, you speak to defend your way of life - your need to shift blame to anyone but you and yours - and about no accountability on your side for anything that you or yours do in pursuit of what is "owed" to you.

      History is important - why? because it reminds us that, "your truth," moves us farther and farther away from unity, silences the voices that need to be heard, and devolves us to a state where deception, greed, and gluttony are the norm. "Her truth," is not something we have seen in history yet but maps a future that is stuff of legend where all are heard, we are one, and we evolve to where truth, charity, and sharing are the norm.

      I disagree with Ben on his vitriol towards you - but not because it is not warranted - but rather because its wasted on you and yours as historically it does not change your ways and sadly you are too far gone in you and yours to be saved.

    7. My truth is followed by more people than her or you all and in the end we are always able to unilaterally release from engagements because we are the right doers.

    8. The ultimate deception is measuring your rightness and worth by your followers who when put to the sword would abandon you and yours and your ideas as easily as leaves fall from trees in the fall.

      The ultimate deception is believing you are a right doers just because you can do something that is only afforded to you and yours and parasitic associations that give no more damn about right doing than wolves care about the hens in the hen house.

      In simple English your truth is nothing more than bullshit and hot air that disappear and dissipate leaving nothing but foul air and discomfort to the truth until they are gone for good.

    9. @NarRules:
      To act for accolades of aggrandizement from the false

      To unilaterally release to hide deeds of wrong

      Is to prove your gravy train of shit cares not what it destroys

      And you care not who you fleece to get more and more of shit

      That the grand masters who are fleecing you are more than content to take

      Until the truth is gone and you wake to drowning in yours and theirs shit.

    10. I didn't know... that you knew... how to profane... I find it...

    11. WithoutReservationApril 1, 2017 at 7:07 AM

      The gravy train of shit and NarRules is guided and powered by self absorption and the desire to seem grand and all powerful. That is what makes it so easy to see that you are a mere idiot that understands nothing more than vulgar words. Well, that and you would rather win and boast of that win than do what is right.

      As for me - I know I am an idiot by your standards Nar because I would rather lose for right and truth anyway.

      Great post. I yearn for the day when we can scramble some eggs and talk about these things in a beautiful kitchen overlooking a wonderful countryside.

    12. The challenge with associations is that one member does not speak for the rest and a few can give an association a bad name. We hope people can appreciate and see that.

    13. Any word that starts with ass must have large amounts of @#$& in it. Maybe your association and you should look for some colon blow...

    14. We can appreciate and see your associations ways quite clearly.

    15. StarshipsHoopyHoopApril 2, 2017 at 4:22 AM

      Dear any more clear

      And rain boots won't bear

      The @#$& you sling near

      Covering it all I fear

      No escaping the nasty smear

      As you and yours fleer.

  2. Movies, books, music... they reflect our desires to be delivered on a platter...

    Are not.... our movies, books, and music... about how we yearn for a day of reckoning, a moment of opportunity, for everyone... to get their silver platter?

    Do we not see... right doers murdered in these arts.... devolving to badness... taking opportunity and becoming... wrong?

    Is not our world.... dying in front of our very eyes... the truth and the faithful of it... being crushed, being denounced, not being... believed....

    Is not the crossroads... the path that is well traveled... by all never'enoughers who want... what everyone else has...

    Is not the path not traveled... the path that will save us... but only traveled by those... unafraid of damned that will seek to destroy them... for the... truth....

    Our planet will.... die.... the truth... will die... because when opportunity and means is given to you all... you choose the path that leads to a silver platter... that you will abandon... for a better one... until there is nothing left...

    Because in the end... you all are nothing more than... parasites... that don't give a damn about... the faithful and planet... that support you...

    Ponder that shit... when you next... hear... doing the right thing... I speak the truth... I am the truth... Ponder that shit... when you are given shit wrapped in shit... and told its gold even though... it smells like shit... and you choke on it... when you can't swallow any more... and realize it's too late... to give a damn... and the people who told you it was shit... are all gone and no more... and you and the parasitic shits like you... are the only ones left... but hey, I hear that your good ol'clubs are quite nice... hope that they can withstand the shitstorm... coming.

  3. Government, corporations, and other groups of people are nothing more than associations of humans who are hell-bent on doing violence, injustice, and theft from the rest of us in order for them to ensure that everything that they care about or profit from will be kept safe; that is until the day that they realize that all of the passionate, the faithful, the honest, and other needed people for a thing to grow and thrive are now gone. That's when each and every one of those things that predate you - fall. It's inevitable unless you change your path. But as history has shown us - humans never change their path. As for me - I think that a trip to Mars is a great idea. It'll take a few generations before the humans can screw that up too...

  4. All associations base their morality and measurement of it on obedience to their members and their code rather than what is truly moral. If you take a step back, their demand of obedience is nothing more than a voluntary form of slavery that extends past their membership roster to that of the people who wish to use their services. They in effect don't need to use the threat of the violence against others because they are corrupting the wills of all those around them. That is why they are so pernicious and certainly more dangerous when merged with the ism and ist culture of our times.

  5. NeverHasThereBeenATruerManMarch 30, 2017 at 11:36 AM

    Where are the individuals - the leaders that are truly courageous - that are willing to seize the opportunity to make things better by taking a stand for what is right regardless of what the outcome is for them? Alas, we live in a time where there are so few of those left and so many of people who want their 15-minutes of fame. Until that changes history and these "good ole'clubs," will continue to make the humans instead of the other way around - and society will continue to stand still devolving as everything else moves forward.

  6. It's easy to blame associations and boards as the penultimate source of corruption and societal woe but the genesis really lies that we as a species have not character anymore and thus it makes it easy for these, "clubs," to be corrupt as they are full of people without any character.

  7. I think you oversimplify human desires.

    People have a moral compass that keep them from doing wrong. It's not about the lack of opportunity or means that prevents them from doing so.

    1. You keep using that word oversimplification. I do not think it means what you think it means in the context of moral compass versus opportunity and means. But maybe that's just me who believes that a moral compass is a much more complex topic than opportunity and mean. Of course, I lack your "Captainy" education.

  8. Wonderful post. I wish you the best and please keep writing these as they help me to not feel so alone out there each day trying to make a difference against wrong doers.

  9. I love your shot at the legal definition of slander in so many states in that truth is the gold standard to determine if someone has defamed you. Sadly, it is simply too true today that truth is not our gold standard but rather one's ability to bullshit is.

  10. Retaliators are going to retaliate.

    Ask for them to stop the bullshit. Retaliate.

    Ask to escalate. Retaliate.

    Ask to mediate. Retaliate.

    It's all they know and care for.

    And they do it because... they can.

    1. And... no one else... stops them... or calls them... out. It is sad... that the damned... have more integrity... than these people...Explain to God... why you knew... wrong was present... and looked away... rather than speak... or act...

  11. Great post. To live a life if truth when others look for motive or lies that don't exist is to have to put up with shit. I sometimes wonder how you do it when it is so pervasive and you find yourself in the one island surrounded by it. Keep being true to you.

  12. Ah...To hear you deliver...this at a.... Ted Talk...Classic...

    1. Classic might not be the word most would use. Biblical maybe...

      And of course you would... It'd be quite the payday for grandmaster puppetmaster of the shit show... ��

  13. Wonderful post!

    Parasites always find themselves yearning for the light, only to be expunged or burned out when they are finally exposed. Of course when the are expunged as shit they simply find a new body.

    My hope for you and yours that the shit slinger, hex fakers, and false faithers have finally overplayed their game by accusing the wrong person of deceit and lies as the chose the one who is know for truth and light.

  14. Most people's silver platter is plastic spray painted to look real.

  15. The more that humans see and hear things that are deceptive, lies, or falsities the more that they stick. The truth and integrity become more and more invisible to us as the lies and deception take hold. That is why we often take for granted or cannot see the beauty of truth and the real world. Want to end this? Stop looking at what has volume and start looking at what feels right which you see less frequently.

  16. The world made by man is brutal, unfair, unkind, and bloated with shit.

    The world God gave us is just, fair, kind and full of light.

    It's not hard to see which one we should be choosing but the grandmaster of shit and puppetmaster marvels us with faerie dust, illusions, and messages of self sin until we choke on the shit. And in the end we realize that we weren't conned we wanted the shit wrapped in shit because we believed it was gold and are nothing more than greedy parasitic fucks.

    1. Firefly... Firefly... Curse your sudden... But inevitable betrayal...

    2. Only as inevitable as the truth coming free some day.

      As for you and me: Well my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle.

    3. The dog wags it tail for any piece of meat thus you have only the meager that you are given and no people shall have those that bite the hand that feeds them.

    4. This fine woman deserves her praise without our petty words. As for your words ACaptain, maybe you spent more time at crat school than at mass learning what generosity really is.

      And... In the end people will choose what people will choose. They always do. Less will choose her path but those few will do for each other what is right and true and not for an advantage over others. And certainly not when someone is asleep.

    5. Pwned is... ACaptain...

  17. People use why as a potent weapon to sanctify their thoughts, justify their actions, and keep the truth down through deceit, coercion, collusion, and extortion.

    Take for instance anything bad that happens where people automatically assume it is a "ist" act regardless of what the facts show it to be - that many of these are nothing more than just people seeking fame for themselves or doing something because they... can. Yet when people speak the truth, others immediately hound them, criticize them, coerce them until they confirm to the other's why. For those that are principled enough to hold to the actual truth - well they are vilified, ostracized, and in extreme cases persecuted. It really sucks, if you are truly principled and have the desire to speak the truth regardless of the consequence. Should we not be elevating those people instead of vilifying them?

    1. Such is the test of time that an agenda is used to distort facts to advance what the agenda wants you to think.

  18. Humans should not stray from the Earth as the rest of the multiverse knows us to be hard to rid of parasites that destroy all that they travel to.

    Do Humans really believe that the rest of the galaxy is not waiting with a big old can of ParaGone for when we arrive on their planets?

  19. 99% of the world suffers from chronic remorse - which is not only an undesirable sentiment but also one that is a precursor to devolution of a species.

    I am tired of answer how to fix the wrong doing world we live in. The answer is as the answer has always been - if you behave badly or lie then you should repent, make amends, and then hold yourself to be accountable for fixing it so that it does not happen the next time. What is most sad though is that humans prefer to accuse, to blame, demand redress for perceived wrongs, and then pass the buck which just keeps them in the muck.

    Have we not realized in all these millenniums that rolling around in the muck is no way to get yourself clean?

  20. AllAboutBassAndJohnsonApril 9, 2017 at 4:06 AM

    Thank you for your words around why people really commit these atrocities: people need to begin to understand that they will never cease in a country where the leaders are quick to order other deaths and a society that promotes crime, violence, and greed at every turn. It is only so many years before the "Purge" becomes a reality.

  21. The hidden truth of your post is that no one ever thinks that they are a wrong doer, they always think that they're doing the right even when the city, the world, and the universe are burning around them.

    1. I personally think that there is a certain harshness to all of these replies as you all speak of the greater truth but is not being true to your thoughts the truth that we should all start with?

    2. Let's see what the Magic !@#$ing Eight Ball has to say: All signs point to you being !@#$ing tard.

      Caring only about your !@#$ing !@#$ filled truth is how we got to the point that our planet is nothing more than a !@#$cicle that we are told is !@#$ing strawberry but let me tell you something... it don't taste like strawberry, it tastes like !@#$!

    3. Me thinks... you have eaten... a lot of... !@#$cicles in your... time...

    4. !@#$ you old grandmaster of !@#$, purveyor of Platinum branded !@#$scicles.

  22. It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that in days of yore that there were more right doers than wrong doers but the facts don't support that as the proportions have remained the same throughout time as the population increased. Many will suppose what is missing but I believe that too many believe the nonsense that right decisions come easily to us all because they are... right. The fact is that most make believe and wrong decisions are easy, they are cheap to make (very little investment or consequence to you), and often popular (flavor of the month). You are also looking to gain something either here and now or in the promised after life. The real truth and the right way are expensive (you will have to give something up), difficult (your will will be tested), and unpopular (you will feel like you are the only one standing against the storm of consequence). For the right things, there is no reward - because you don't do it for the reward other than knowing that you were true (and often that knowledge and principle is accompanied by slings, arrows, words, and other devices of the wrong being hurled at you until the day that you pass).

    1. No matter what you think or do - the truth means that you are going to be criticized for whatever you do - however you do it - and whenever you do it. They will look for motive - reasoning - and other things where there are none - and when there are none they will make !@#$ up that aligns to their views not yours. Welcome to Earth - home of the make believers, the wrong doers, and the !@#$ slingers.

    2. You should ask... Ben... for how to... effectively use profanity... in your posts...

    3. Go !@#$ a tree you !@#$ing dendrophiliac.

    4. I rest my... case...

  23. Thank you - for this post.

    Too many today believe the system that they advance is that of the truth, justice, and faith.

    Too many today support the system that advances what is lies, injustice, and decadence without faith.

    Too many today are ready, willing, and able to make WAR on the noble, the faithful, and the honest.

    In the end, too many have allowed themselves by their acts and words to oppose the very systems that they say that they desire and support.

    In the end, too many are ready to persecute, coerce, inquisition, witch trial, and genocide the faithful, the true, and noble under false pretense.

    In the end, too many have succumbed to the false virtues of greed, power, deceit, and gluttony while praying to gods for more and more while they change those gods to the rotten core of their souls.

  24. People won't stop you from doing the right thing if it's conventional, they only stop you when it's unconventional.

    1. The truth is unconventional in the here and now; and you might was well be saying that people won't stop you from doing the right thing if the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and the faithful get smaller and smaller.

    2. @BuffettTheTruth: Are you buffing the truth to make it shiny or to wax it completely away?

    3. StarshipsHoopyHoopApril 9, 2017 at 9:21 AM

      That makes a catchy jingle love: I'm going to buffet that truth right out of your head, buffet that truth right out of your head!

    4. I had hoped... to die without... ever hearing that... jingle ever again!

    5. I think we all hoped for that

    6. Buffing the Truth is just another way of telling a story within a story in order to keep the truth hidden so that the Buffet line remains short for those that gain the most.

  25. AlphaCentauriOrBustApril 9, 2017 at 9:53 AM

    I tell lies,
    Lies to cheer,
    Lies to heal,
    Lies to scare,
    Lies to help,
    I am a marvelous liar,
    I don't mind,
    Being called a liar,
    Except when,
    I'm telling,
    Truth after Truth,
    And people hear,
    Only lie after lie.

    1. Like mother...
      Like daughter...
      Like sister...
      Like father...
      You are...
      Very Angry...
      Arctic Bears...

      But you are... also all... the truth...

  26. LifeIsABoxOfChocolatesApril 9, 2017 at 10:03 AM

    Those that ask why - to truly ask why - and to follow the path without detour or convenience - are those that are faithful to the truth.

    Those that ask why - who truly seek to lie - are those that follow the path that they want - detouring when it is rocky or inconvenient - are those that are faithless to the truth - and to others.

  27. Lies and Wrongs are like a little castle. Inside you feel safe and powerful. Through your little castle of lies you try to run your life, your war on the truth, and manipulate err recruit others to your cause. It's only as you tell more and more lies that that you realize that you need walls for your small castle to keep out the truth so you build some. Over time these walls aren't enough so you build a moat. Soon you realize you need an army as that evil truth won't stop invading your small castle. Soon, you justify attacking the truth to protect your small castle of lies. And soon thereafter the truth ceases to be a threat and you are left with nothing but you small castle of lies. On your death bed, you realize that your small castle of lies won't survive you as others demolish it for their own small castle of lies. It's at that point that the truth sets in...
