Saturday, October 15, 2016

For The Win

When winning is all that matters -

what - do we ultimately - win?

Moreover - is winning worth it -

when what we lose in the trade off -

is worth far more?

But winning is everything.

Everything that's promised and more.

In exchange - our very souls -

that - as ephemera - are worth no gleam of gold.


For The Win

Once upon a time, there were two rocks. Unglamorous indeed, these rocks were no different than other rocks. Utterly ordinary in every way, these rocks pined for more.

Glum and bitter with life that promised nothing, they yearned desperately for a gift from a power greater than they. They pleaded beseechingly for a promise from a power darker than they. Something more than the humble miser of rocks, they begged.

So their dreams were answered.

So they found themselves alive anew.

With a catch.

This life anew was a game and to the winner the spoils.


So she plotted. Mindfully. Meticulously. Vices private perpetually masqued to eliminate any risk to her myth of epic fabrication. Desperate to win the game, she stopped at nothing.

So he plotted. Recklessly. Ruthlessly. Vices public endlessly paraded as testaments of his vapid meaningless transparency. Desperate to win the game, he stopped at nothing.

Of course.

What's a game with only two players?

Other players flexed their influence to tip the odds, this way and that. Cashing in bets and nursing losses, with each turn of the wheel of artifice. The game extraordinarily entertaining and immeasurably profitable, to gamblers and rakers and bystanders, alike.

While she planned, every point and counterpoint, to the letter.

While he anticipated, every action and counteraction, to the tee.

In a dance woven by complicit greed and tacit collusion and intricate steps of forged integrity.



They were reminded.

Of the little matter of details.

For their prayers were not answered with a gift from a power greater than they.

Nor with a promise from a power darker than they.

Rather, their dreams were answered with a game.


While they exerted and toiled within the game that swore spoils untold more glorious than the tallest tales of suns who were rocks once, eons ago -

The real game was engaged like the first step of a long journey that one inexorably forgets, miles into aching effort and torturous endeavor.

Thus the real game paused the ungame. The illusion of authentic pursuit. To remind the rocks and the players. Of the little matter of the real game.

The rules.

The price.

The prize.

The win.


Though the ungame roiled and broiled with boisterously vivacious vigor. Captivating in every way. Compelling in every measure. Enthralling with every dizzying spinning reality.

The real game advanced like the implacable pendulum of a grandfather clock whose every intonation reverberates through the bare foundation of modesty. Like the relentless clank and whir of a paternoster whose perpetual circulation echoes the predictability of circus ever.

For in the end. No one escapes the real game.

For in the end. There is only one game.

Author's Note

Beware the game.

That in the enticing thrill of diversion, the real game is not lost.

- the author (a m)



What if -

We who believe we are bystanders -

- are gamblers and rakers?

That as side choosers, we gamble. That as mud slingers, we rake.

What if -

We eschewed the game we've bought into -

- and embraced the real game?

That epic fabrication peddlers sell myths of pretension that we buy. That vapid transparency hucksters sell masques of illusion that we buy.

Will you - 

- with me -

- unplug from the fever of war-

- and choose indeed - truth and peace?

- M.



Echo and Narcissus (from Ovid's Metamorphoses) (readable summary @ Shmoop; Kline's translation here, from the library @ The University of Virginia)


  1. The game, to put it simple, that we should all be trying to win is spreading peace and truth across the world.

    This election has brought society to a new low, one in which the truth is bypassed for relative facts that support agendas of dissonance instead of harmony. If we want to get back to a place of morality then we need to start looking at what we are being told and seeking the truth.

  2. One cannot help but sigh - at the fact that such wonderful literature will go unnoticed instead of rewarded for the brilliance - integrity - and message that it sends. In the end - we all know - you do not write for awards - but rather for the greatest reward of all - change driven by truth. Still - know that I have awarded you the - Sneaker Award for Literature in the Advancement of Peace!

    We forget - contests are never about two people - there is the crowd - the fans - the sycophants - the media - and everyone else involved. Manipulation - dishonesty - coercion - death/death choices - all of those exist in the modern game. As for the two players - both are willing to do anything to win - is that what you want in a leader? One hides - covers up - bribes - sins in quiet - and be careful if you challenge that one with the truth - as you might find yourself expired. The other - he is transparently - morally - bankrupt - and like his opponent - he is not afraid to sling things at you - he just does it in public - instead of privately. And let's not forget - just because he's transparent - does not mean that we should judge his actions - any less than that of the one who hides - everything.

    If we want change - we need to stop playing - mindless games - games that distract- games that suppress - and start playing the game to better the world - to bring truth back - and to ultimately bring back - peace. The consequences of not - are too much - not to do otherwise.

  3. This piece...reminds me of the lottery... piece you wrote. Where winning is not... what it seems... I wonder what... winning will mean... to all those actively and passively... trying to get their side... to win.

  4. Inter arma enim silent leges

    1. Ummm - No? Wrong Latin Quote - as I don't think she is big into excuses why laws don't apply to people - try again

  5. Today, in my town, I was reading a newspaper where a young journalist was shilling for a national candidate. Inside it, she said that whatever method is necessary to ensure that her candidate won is what all media should do. I then looked at another article and the other side was saying the same thing. I stopped reading at that point, there was no point as every article was going to be the same. That is when I happened on this masterpiece where someone finally has the courage to say what many of us are thinking: Is the cost of winning this game worth the game itself and the players in it; or would we rather play a game that is meaningful to us all and work to allow all of us to win at that. My answer is pretty easy: yes! But that is also because I believe that the end only justifies the mean as long as there is something that justifies the end.

  6. The fact that so many are playing to win to advance their agenda is the first sign that our society, government, and business is bankrupt and corrupt - especially when we believe that its okay to omit truths, lie in public, and distort the facts into fiction - all in the name of ensuring that, "your," agenda is met.

  7. Great piece!

    I highly recommend the further reading of Echo and Narcissus - especially the piece about why Echo finds herself in the spot that she does.

    1. How do you feel about Greek versus Norse Mythology?

    2. I like them both - but one could surmise that my favorite of the two - is the one that my handle applies to.

      I like the story of Echo - but maybe not for the reason that many think. To me - it serves as a reminder of what happens - when we don't promote heterogeneous societies.

    3. Again showing proof that it is possible for women to be misogynistic pigs. But what would one expect when you sleep with dogs and bears in the land of misogyny and xenophobia. How do you deal with the fleas? And are you not bored tending to the family at home instead of actually being something in life?

    4. I would rather sleep with dogs and bears in one of the most equal countries in the world then live in a place of blood suckers - children harmers - and hags.

      At least I take care of my family at home and don't outsource it to strangers - but - you would not understand that a woman who stays home and a woman who goes to work are not any better than each other.

    5. @HillsOverNew: Is this a case of transference - or a blatant attempt to marginalize and shut up someone whose views are contrary - and potentially damaging - to your wicked ones? Or are you looking to engage either of the twins in a character debate? I think you better stick with debating who you are already debating - cause Sif and AM are way out of your league! (and yes I stole that from American President - maybe a movie that is something worth watching now)

    6. Wickedness knows no bounds when truth is attacked or hidden from all.

    7. @HillsOverNew: You've got to be very stupid to heckle her - she's !@#$ing well equipped to win this !@#$ing debate.

    8. Bad !@#$%es are going to say what they are going to say about people who are straight royalty from the heart. Go back to your cave @HillsOverNew as that is where you are trying to drag everyone else down to in your desire to win at nothing.

  8. I have lived on this planet for way too long now - and have always operated under the belief that the reason humans devote so much time and energy to vitriol, shouting, being mean was because we simply do not get it - or they were trying to get something that they felt was important across.

    In retrospect - I was wrong - wrong to think that they don't get it - or that it was important. Wrong - because it was all about the win - all about the me. Humans have forgotten - what it means to focus on the greater good - suspend winning - and just be humble - kind - generous - truthful - and focus on peace.

    We have very serious problems - in front of us - she's written about them all. We won't solve these by focusing on beating our neighbor - winning at all costs - or just focusing on ourselves. And we certainly won't win them if we are more interested in - power - greed - dishonesty - making each other afraid - or blaming others for a lot in life.

    Great piece - I know that I for one want to join you - on the path to peace and truth. And its for that reason - I will not vote this year - as a vote for tyranny of ism and blame - is a vote that takes us farther away.

  9. I don't !@#$ing care who wins something moronic. I do !@#$ing care about who wins in life and am willing to scream my !@#$ing head off at will. Of course, I find that nobody !@#$ing bothers me as they think I am !@#$ing crazy. But deep down, I know that I can at least say, "Hey, there goes a !@#$ing great human," to myself each day.

  10. ABigMindInAShortBodyOctober 16, 2016 at 9:23 AM

    We are engaged in a race to the bottom. Does anyone really want to have a winner in this race?
