Saturday, October 8, 2016

False Positive

the double edged sword... is the sword that cuts both ways and wounds the just and the unjust, alike...

False Positive

Some years ago, I felt a lump in my breast.

I was nursing at the time, so I was reasonably certain that it was nothing more than a routine (albeit stubborn) blocked milk duct.

At the behest of my husband, I brought it to the attention of my ob/gyn physician.

Who, in no uncertain terms, referred me to a radiologist.

Who, subsequently recommended that it be examined via ultrasound, with the expectation that it resolve on its own. (Examination via x-ray, is not administered to nursing mothers.)

Which it did.


But not before it was observed via ultrasound, at subsequent appointments to monitor its condition.

Needless to say.

This experience hardly makes me special, in any way whatsoever.


It illustrates how a false positive can change everything and nothing.

~ * ~


Even though nothing changed.

Not really, anyway.

We changed.

At least.

For a little while.

We talked about end of life and medical directives.

We talked about guardianship and parenthood without each other.

We talked about what mattered before and what mattered after.

We talked about illness and survival and quality of life and integrity of dignity.

We talked about life and death and what didn't matter.


Each ultrasound was a palpable reminder.


Life changes in instants.

~ * ~

In so many ways.

We're inundated with false positives.

From acts of war plastered across social media.

To acts of violence plastered across news media.

From fictional narratives that proliferate entertainment media.

To fictional scripts that proliferate advertising media.

That remind us.

That some of us have never experienced war, not really.

While others of us are dead, because real wars ended our lives.

That some of us have never experienced unspeakable violence, not really.

While others of us are dead, because real unspeakable violence ended our lives.

That some of us have never experienced the narratives 'fictionalized' to sell consumption of 'entertainment', not really.

While others of us are dead, because real narratives ended our lives.

That some of us have never experienced the scripts 'fictionalized' to sell consumption of 'stuff', not really.

While others of us are dead, because real scripts ended our lives.

~ * ~

At what cost.

Are false positives, like these and so many others.


~ * ~

Are not false positives.

Double edged swords.

That cut both ways?

That wound some and unscathe others?


The just and the unjust, alike?

~ * ~

For instance.

How long.

Do false positives inspire gratitude?

How long.

Do false positives incite fear?

~ * ~


Death is inevitable.

For all of us.


We're reminded of it.


By media.

By religion.

By science.

Are we inspired to feel gratitude?

Are we incited to feel fear?

~ * ~


How many of us.

In the name of false positives.

By media. By religion. By science.

Vehemently defend.

Me me me self interest.

Now now now.


We're living for today.


We're not guaranteed tomorrow?

While others.

Demand peace.

Now now now.


Right now. Is all that we have.


Right now. Is all that matters.

~ * ~


Even though.

Every litany of false positives.

By media. By religion. By science.


The sacrosanct eminence of now now now.

For many.

~ * ~

Is it not possible.

That the defense of me me me self interest.

Is not, per false positive, per se?

Nor also, the defense of peace now now now?

Such that.

Is it not possible.

That false positives.

Are double edged swords?

That cut both ways.

That not only.

Make us believe a reality crafted by us.

But also.

Defend what we already believe?

~ * ~


Me me me self interest is just and right and moral.

Even though.

Me me me self interest is at the expense of we we we and all.


Peace now now now is just and right and moral.

Even though.

Peace now now now is at the expense of me me me self interest.

~ * ~

Such that.

False positives are manipulated to advance our agendas.

Such that.

Our agendas to further our interests.

Fuel our validation of any truths of false positives.

Such that.

Insofar as any truths do not cohere with our agendas to further our interests.

Such truths are nullified.

Such that.

Only those truths that cohere with our agendas to further our interests.

Are validated and advanced.

Regardless. Of context. Of nuance. Of angle. Of perspective.

Regardless. Of the whole truth.

~ * ~


Is it not possible.

That false negatives.

Are double edged swords, too?

~ * ~


False negatives are also manipulated to advance our agendas.


Our agendas to further our interests.

Fuel our validation of any truths of false negatives.


Insofar as any truths do not cohere with our agendas to further our interests.

Such truths are nullified.

Such that.

Only those truths that cohere with our agendas to further our interests.

Are validated and advanced.

Regardless. Of context. Of nuance. Of angle. Of perspective.

Regardless. Of the whole truth.

~ * ~

Such that.

In the end.

Is it not possible.

That the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.


In the name of me me me self interest.

We manipulate.

Both false positives and false negatives.

To advance our agendas. To further our interests.


Of context. Of nuance. Of angle. Of perspective.

Of the whole truth. Of nothing but the truth.

Such that.

That which is sacrosanct and eminent.


Me Myself and I.

~ * ~


False positives and false negatives - change nothing.

Realities before and realities after - remain the same - regardless of false positives and false negatives.


What changes.


What we believe.

Such that.

On the basis of false positives and false negatives - we believe falsehood and untruths.

After all.

False positives and false negatives - are believed to be truths - until proven otherwise.

Are they not?

Even though - truths before and truths after - remain the same - regardless of false positives and false negatives.


Case in point: 'malignant cell growth'

A false positive and a false negative - that appear to confirm that - 'malignant cell growth' is and is not observed - changes nothing.


On the basis of false positive and false negative - alone -

Verily - on the basis of falsehood and untruth - alone -

We believe.

That which is false.

That which is untrue.


Case in point: 'witness corroboration'

A false positive and a false negative - that appear to confirm that - 'witness corroboration' is and is not accurate - changes nothing.


On the basis of false positive and false negative - alone -

Verily - on the basis of falsehood and untruth - alone -

We believe.

That which is false.

That which is untrue.


Case in point: 'crime' and 'corruption'

What if - whether or not - 'crime' occurs -

What if - whether or not - 'corruption' occurs -

Is based on - false positives and false negatives?

Such that.

We believe that 'crime' does occur - because we believe false positives to be inviolable truths?

And vice versa.

We believe that 'corruption' does not occur - because we believe false negatives to be inviolable truths?

And vice versa.


How often do false positives vilify the honorable?

How often do false negatives vindicate the despicable?

How do we know?

If the honorable - are vilified by false positives?

How do we know?

If the despicable - are vindicated by false negatives?


Is it not possible.

That not every vilification - is just, right, moral?

Is it not possible.

That not every vindication - is just, right, moral?

Such that.

Miscarriages of justice.

Cut both ways.

With the honorable - justly and unjustly vilified - on grounds of belief per false positives.

With the despicable - justly and unjustly vindicated - on grounds of belief per false negatives.



The truth. The whole truth. Of context, nuance, angle, perspective.

Is awesomely vast.


How many - false positives and false negatives - exist and persist and flourish and thrive?

How many - beliefs - rely and depend - wholly and solely - on false positives and false negatives - to define realities, to define truths, to define 'facts'?

How many - 'facts' - are defended by, justified by, legitimized by - false positives and false negatives - that define realities by falsehoods, that define truths by untruths, that define 'facts' by beliefs?



How many of us - believe - realities warped by falsehoods and truths perverted by untruths - on the basis of nothing more than false positives and false negatives?


In real life.

Defend. Justify. Legitimize.

Actions. Intersections. Assumptions. Conclusions.

Per beliefs - based on false positives and false negatives - alone.

Per beliefs - transformed into 'facts' - based on falsehoods and untruths - alone.

Is such defense - defensible?

Is such justification - just?

Is such legitimization - legitimate?


Such is the power of belief.

That we can - as easily - believe real realities and true truths -

As - false realities and false truths.

Such is the power of belief.

That we can - as easily - believe realities and truths - are certain, inviolable, unequivocal -

As - false realities and false truths - are certain, inviolable, unequivocal.

Such is the power of belief.

That belief is more powerful than Reality ItselfTruth Itself.


Such that.

Our Believed Reality is more Real than Real Reality.

Our Believed Truth is more True than True Truth.

Their Believed Reality is more Real than Real Reality.

Their Believed Truth is more True than True Truth.

Such that.

It's no wonder.

Gaping crevasses persist between Us and Them.

Such that.

It's no wonder.

Gaping crevasses persist between What Is Believed and What Is True.


In the end.

False positives and false negatives - are believed to be truths - until proven otherwise.


If we don't question - positives and negatives -

If we don't challenge - beliefs -

If we don't doubt - realities and truths -

If we don't dispute - context, nuance, angle, perspective -

How do we know - the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?


Whether -

We prefer realities warped by falsehoods and truths perverted by untruths -

Because such realities and such truths advance our agendas to further our interests.

Whether -

Per the sacrosanct eminence of me me me self interest always and for ever -

We advance realities and further truths - that are false and untrue.

In the end.

The path from today to tomorrow - is a path defined by us.

By our ignorance and our intolerance -

By our determinism and our absolutism -

Unless - until -

We define it otherwise.


- M.


It goes without saying, that neither this post nor myself, condone the blatant avarice endemic to egregious perversions of science and research, etc. to advance agendas of profiteering and exploitation, etc., including the proliferation of propaganda and advertorials, etc., masquerading as 'anecdotes', 'amateur' and otherwise, that obfuscate real realities and true truths.

- M.


  1. I must confess – I am wary of science – of religion – of politics – of philosophy. Wary – is too weak of a word – for how I feel about media – entertainment – and other venues of social presence. Does that surprise you? Maybe – it does. But here is why – I don’t believe in these things because I don’t believe humans should be organized in how they think – in what they believe. I have studied – all of the these things – critically explored them – some deeper than others – but what I came away with was that I could not find one that – could satisfy the truth – and that did not – legitimize – defend – or lack toleration – of the questioning – the healthy questioning needed to ensure that the truth is found.

    Thank you – for another great piece – we are assaulted by false negatives, positives, neutrals every day – all day. If we are going to navigate – around these falsehoods – we need great insight and advice – something that you are never short of.

    1. To foster a belief that you are someone else is the worst type of falsehood and in a society of truth is most harmful to the commands of those that protect the truth.

  2. There are so many !@#$ing morons unhappy, and they !@#$ing drive me nuts with their I would be happy if I !@#$ing had this or if so and so !@#$ing gave me this or if we all made me the !@#$ing center of the universe. They think that their !@#$ing happiness is tied to something or blame others. There is only one !@##ing cause of unhappiness… All of the !@#$ing false beliefs inside your own !@#$ing head. Beliefs so !@#$ing spread, so !@#$ing held, that it never…!@#$ing… never occurs to you… to !@#$ing question them and why they !@#$ing make you unhappy. No! You all would !@#$ing rather take a !@#$ then question !@#$ing anything. Well, good !@#$ing luck !@#$ers as you missed the last !@#$ing boat before the !@#$ing flood and you are just going to sit there as the !@#$ comes.

  3. I’ve turned off the gadgets – and went back to the classics – as I found that constantly exposing myself to popular forms of mass media ultimately shaped my reality into a tunnel that was not conducive to achieving a thoughtful and soulful way of interacting with the world in a way that promoted the truth and exposed falsehoods. Now, as I watch others milling around, glued to their devices – I realize that modern society and families have the lost the point of why we exist – it was never for the individual but for the greater good of all forms of life. Even worse – I watch religion now promoting more propaganda and false beliefs which sway people from the real messages which do not call for us to – slavishly follow false idols and abandon a life – where we are spiritually awake.

  4. Science is definitely a double edged sword. When it is used right, it’s a wonderful tool that can do magic in the world and uplift all forms of life. Unfortunately, it is more often used wrongly nowadays and thus makes it much easier for crappy people to get crappy ideas out there supported by crappy data and methods that reduces the world to its worst as people are easily swayed to believe that anything that has numbers and statistical probability associated with it is indeed a fact.

  5. I believe in the concept of the black hat, it’s a construct of falsehood where whatever part of life wants you to believe a false positive or negative, well then, they stick the black hat on their head. For instance, if we jam the black hat on the head of climate change then we could say whatever we wanted about climate change and disparage anyone who questioned the extreme depiction as an apologist, radical, or stooge; or whatever other ugly identifier that would silence the dissent or place them outside of the bounds of the acceptable debate.

  6. We forget – that media is nothing more – than an industry. Even more in – in an election year – the media essentially runs the elections. Don’t believe me – where do you get all of your information – the information to know more about others? While many would say – wrongly – that media coverage is democracy at its best – that it enhances our ability to make a good, informed vote – those sheep need to open their eyes and – realize that media as an industry is applying certain principles to undermine democracy – the very same principles that it uses to undermine anything that gets in the way of its – agenda. And the way that it does this – is through false messaging, belief, narratives, scripts – all designed to create uninformed votes who will focus on the irrational information and make irrational choices. Take a step back – look at all of the things being put in front of you – in this election – are they about policy – about platforms – or are they about things that – are something else.

  7. Media, religion, science, and technology set agendas that others generally will follow. They have in an essence become nothing more than corporations more intent on selling belief to the common person than enlightening and freeing them. It should come as no surprise that the picture of the world, the picture of faith, the picture of innovation is nothing more than the pictures that the elite want us to consume and follow. Concentration of power and ownership in each of these spheres is high and becoming higher as the rich buy the not as rich, the large buy the small, or the stagnating buy the hip. Also, the very people that you look up to, that you trust, that want you to trust them – the stars, the commentators, the CEOs, the religious leaders, and politicians belong to the same privileged elites and share the perceptions, thoughts, core beliefs, and attitudes of their classes; not those of the everyman. And for those just entering the trade – well they sell themselves early as they are under tremendous pressure to conform, to internalize their values until they no longer exist because it’s impossible to say one thing and believe another until what you say becomes what you believe. And for those that don’t, those that take a stand against these falsehood for profit, for power, for me me me; well they tend to be weeded out by all-too familiar mechanisms until no one is left. I hate to paint such a bleak picture but this is what you are up against – what you are assaulted with every day. Do you stand with them? Or do you take a chance, unplug, assault yourself with questions of what you see, what you hear, and what you believe – with real questions? The former is the slow death into automaton, the latter is a life rich on truth and faith. Start with her words – the path may seem dark at first as you might feel alone – but soon, soon my friend, you will find yourself in great company of those who want a better world where there is truth.

  8. Truth and Reality on Earth - has become something akin to Gulliver being tied down by the Lilliputians. There are so many strands of lies - distortions - false realities - and omissions - that it’s become impossible for any reasonable nobility - sanity - or truth - to rise up.

  9. I remember... when someone told... everyone that I had died... There was much grief... and a lot of crying... and I also got to see... who was my friend... and who was not... In the end... I was not dead... it was a false negative... my life did not change materially... but for some it did... it awoke them... to the false reality that... they were living in...

    1. Do you even read the posts before posting?

    2. It's all about the me me me!
