Friday, April 14, 2017

Real : Honest

Lies that lie to make belief real and lies that lie to make belief honest...

... no more make belief real nor make belief honest... than believing the sun and the earth are immortal... much less believing the realty and the honesty of lies are...

Real : Honest

Lies that make belief... real and honest... is the bedrock of sand upon which every institution built by humankind... stands.





Isn't nowwhere and nowwhen... the age of information and data and science and religion?


Though such age lacks not information nor data nor science nor religion... such information and such data and such science and such religion... appeases the appetites and the vicissitudes of the ignorant and the blind... for the preservation and the advancement of... bullshit.

Verily... information and data and science and religion... of nowwhere and nowwhen... is bullshit for sale for bullshit for sale... vis a vis parasitism at all costs... that brim gravy trains of bullshit wrapped in bullshit wrapped in bullshit sold as... faith truth.



When the truth is... lies that make belief... real and honest...

... the realty and the honesty of lies is... the measure of truth.

When the measure of truth is... that realty and that honesty... that lies...

... the bedrock upon which every institution built by humankind stands... is sand.

When every institution built by humankind stands upon bedrocks of sand...

... humankind 'fore the crossroads... chooses...


To believe the belief made real. To believe the belief made honest.


To faith. To truth.


To believe the belief made real... to believe the belief made honest... is...

... to believe... the lie that makes belief truth...

... including... that lie that makes faith lie... that lie that makes truth lie...

... such that the only truth is that which is preserved and advanced by... lies that make belief...


To faith... to truth... is... to willing... 'fore lies that make belief... real and honest... to choose... real faith : honest truth...

... for the lie that makes belief... real and honest... is... the lie that lies for bullshit and parasitism and gravy trains of never enough.



Because opportunity and means are not invitations to lie...

... that bullshit and parasitism and gravy trains of never enough are... worth it.

... that faith, that truth are... not.

... that bullshit and parasitism and gravy trains of never enough are... the willing... of God, of Allah, of Jehovah, of Buddha, of Shiva, of Gaia, of gods and of goddesses of yore and of morrow.

Because opportunity and means are tests of faith... to choose... to willing... to faith that truths.


The real and honest pillars upon which every institution of humankind stands...

... are not lies that lie for bullshit and parasitism and gravy trains of never enough.

That such pillars are repudiated for the preservation and the advancement of bullshit...

... is a testament to the unrealty and the dishonesty of lies that make belief.

Nota Bene

conversion of portion of text vis a vis face or font per independent contribution sans moi ~

see also Note @ MG II ~

yours ~ a m


  1. An apt post for Good Friday to remind us all that each day our faith is tested and that most of us are all too willing to look away, cast judgement, or falsify the truth; and unwilling to intervene, stand up, or see the truth in front of us. In the end, only those willing to intervene, stand up, speak and see the truth; and unwilling to look away, cast judgement, or falsify the truth will pass the test of faith. That number will be so few as we live in a dark age of information and religion no different than our ancestors who worshiped the moon and golden idols.

  2. AlphaCentauriOrBustApril 15, 2017 at 3:55 AM

    Sand is always shifting but religion and science are standing still -
    becoming buried as the sand shifts and they drown.

    1. Is it the sand that is drowning them or is the shifting sand opening up the !@#$ that we have dumped into the earth that is drowning them? Either way, this is an eye opening piece that reminds me that its time for the willing to be faithful and the unwilling to be truthful; or we won't have a planet left to call home and a sun to warm us anymore.

  3. Your post reminds me the question I ask every year: What the !@#$ was so good about Good Friday!?! It should be called Bad !@#$ing Friday! It was the day that so called people of conviction were willing to do !@#$ to a great person and the rest were unwilling to !@#$ing stop it. Some !@#$ing twits will have you believe that it is aptly !@#$ing named because out of the evil came good and that good trumps evil because evil was temporary and good is eternal. Go !@#$ yourselves - it was a bad day and a constant reminder that lies, wrong choices, willingness, unwillingness always lead to a failing !@#$ing grade on your test of faith. And to those Chosen people who voted to save the rapist instead of the prophet - !@#$ you! You killed !@#$ing one of the best people ever and stop trying to rewrite history in a way that tries to make it where we should all just let it !@#$ing go.

    1. I sense you... are still... holding a grudge... and dare I say... that you seem... angry..

    2. @BenLewis:
      Best post ever!!!!

      It is so easy to remember with your comments... that you remind us all of a certain Roman Administrator whose impotent phallus always disappointed...

    3. Was the Roman Administrator Limpus Dickus?

    4. One cannot always... save those willing... to be convicted... for their convictions... nor should one... tell lies about... a phallus that... has been loved... by others... in all ways...

    5. StarshipsHoopyHoopApril 15, 2017 at 4:38 AM

      Loved by others is an interesting way to put it - are you sure it was love dear?

      Is it not ironic that on this topic loves that one group has asked for forgiveness of others for what they did but have never given apology for what they did on this day? Things that make you realize that there are truths out there that equate to nothing more than more shit on shit. And that it will continue until people take accountability for what they have or have not done.

      Great post love! This should be put in a song or rap that is only played on Bad Friday!

    6. ThornsWithoutPricksApril 15, 2017 at 4:44 AM

      One has to wonder how the death of a prophet was a good thing; and that if you required someone rising from the dead to affirm your faith then you don't believe in that faith. As she said - it is more shit wrapped in shit hiding shit. When will you all wake up and realize that fake faith is nothing more than a straight path to the land down under?

  4. The level of arrogance is amazing through the annals of history - that people are willing to interpret, write, and speak for divinity but are unwilling to believe in divinity when it manifests in front of them in the form of a prophet. Thus, humanity has chosen to take the path of false pillars instead of the real pillars and will always fail the test of faith; opting to make faith what they want it to be and their divinity what they want it to be.

    1. Could you imagine what would happen if a prophet wrote a blog or a comment someone about how we are getting it wrong - oh wait - that might have already happened somewhere? Or if a prophet walked down the street and started to try to guide people on the right path? Or if said prophet wanted to gift something to someone else and needed help to broker that deal?

    2. Prophets should avoid walking down the street in a specific holy city as its a venus flytrap for prophets.

    3. Am I the only on that finds it !@#$ing ironic that people stone or cross prophets but then build churches and symbols for them afterwards rather than just be !@#$ing nice to them and let them teach their whole teaching? At least that way we get the whole !@#$ing message instead of the dime store interpretations from the moronic people who are incapable of !@#$ing getting it.

    4. I'm guessing... that for Lent... that you did... not give up swearing....

  5. What would happen if history could be rewritten as casually as erasing words on piece of paper (sarcasm)? Would not our history be shifting sands in the desert, constantly rolling or being blown this way and that way by the wind? Would not history constantly be changing every time every person decided to put ink on their pen? Is this not our history at this point as people are very willing to change history for their beliefs and unwilling to question whether history has been rewritten? Has history simply ceased to exist at this point being replaced by fiction and "perspective?"

    1. Careful Blue, we know the only way to change history is with a time machine - it can't be as simple as a pen, eraser, or white-out.

  6. People don't want their faith to be tested. Everything needs to be easy as easy is efficacious and speedy Few want hard because hard is arduous and long. Yet as our life clock ticks and ticks away, people only become interested in the hard way as their time draws closer and the real test of faith draws closer. As for the easy way, I rarely understand why people choose that path as it rests hazardously upon shifting sands that while being easy to walk in, result in you going nowhere. The hard way feels hard but is built on solid foundation that will ultimately help you get somewhere of meaning.

  7. One should not idly dismiss religion and science as shit. There are many great things that come out of both and you seem to have missed that in your constant railing against both as untruths.

    1. Reading does not seem to be your forte but one can hardly expect more from a belief making never enougher spending money on shit to invest in more shit.

    2. The opportunity and means are never invitation to lie...

      Bullshit and parasitism and gravy trains are to be idly dismissed...

      Faith untrue, truth not true are the paths of the never enough...

      Religion and science give shit the opportunity and means to "corrupt" faith...

      Some resist the opportunity and means, making religion and science truth and faithful...

      Others do not, making them into the gravy train of never enough'ers...

      It's clear which you fall into...

    3. ABigMindinAShortBodyApril 15, 2017 at 7:31 AM

      The views of IamScience do not reflect those of real scientists and theologians.

    4. TysonBreakingTheSpaceBarrierApril 16, 2017 at 6:20 AM

      @IamScience: You are one of those people who believe that science is an inoculation against charlatanism even though those that you call a charlatan are the very definition of true science and true religion. Please crawl back under your rock and wait a few millenniums before you try again in the name of science.

  8. The carrying power of a bridge is not the average strength of all pillars but the strength of the weakest pillar. Noble truths and the five pillars both share the trait that all of the pillars average the same strength; but the pillars of the false, the willing, and unwilling are not equally strong therefore the bridge to the future and faith is rife with perils. Thus a test of faith is required to just cross the bridge and few can make the passage. Alas, no test of faith is required for the true and faithful as the bridge is stable and they live their lives in a way where passage is not required of a shitty bridge.

  9. Each day I walk down the street and say at least 15 times per hour, "Oh Shit! It's more shit!"

    Please everyone, help reduce the shit in our world by parking the gravy trains.

    Please everyone, help me to stop having to comment on the density and smell of your shit!

    1. If people could smell part of the shit in the world then they would be able to smell it all and realize that the posts like this one are truth and its time for that change. Let's not wait for the Sun to explode and the earth to implode.

    2. I always liked... the Sun... as Phoenix... and the Earth... as Storm...

  10. WithoutReservationApril 15, 2017 at 7:21 AM

    Did anyone else notice that she took back the term realty from the false purveyors of advocacy; or was that just me?

    1. Talk about !@#$ wrapped in !@#$ and seasoned with !@#$.

    2. There is a lot of work that goes into having you do all the work and picking up that pay check.

    3. Are you even... old enough... to buy or sell... a home? Nevermind... you probably have... I hear Norway has lax... child labor laws... when it comes... to cute teenagers... who want to... Barbie look lazy...

  11. Humans have devolved to the point that our minds have been to taught to trust what we see with our eyes. Few of us see the inherent danger of this when we live in a world of carefully edited, overproduced, photoshopped, and manipulated information.

  12. That's like 249 characters... you exceeded your... limit by a... 100.

  13. AlphaCentauriOrBustApril 16, 2017 at 6:31 AM

    I grow weary of a world where we blame God for our of ills.

    I grow weary of a world where so called representatives of divinity spend each "religious" holiday speaking about the ills of God and how humans have no free will or are not accountable for this or that.

    I grow weary of a world where science and religion create "lies" to not hold humans accountable and then the humans take it at face value because they do not want to be accountable for the ramification of their beliefs.

    Here is the truth. God is not the issue. Humans are. God delivered free will, manuals, and a roadmap for us to follow. What did we do with it? We said, "Uh, no. That means we can't blame someone else for our mistakes and that we would be responsible for whatever we did. Just tell us what to do so we cannot do it and then blame you!"

    This post. This Easter. Contemplate that. When a moronic religious leader spouts out ridiculous nonsense blaming god for this and that through cleverly subtle wording, walk out on them. I mean there is a reason that certain faiths are losing followers, and its not God that is the problem. It's the books and people that are.

    And, Jesus did not die to remove sin from the Earth - he died because the Chosen chose to end his life rather than spare it.

    As for sin, it's still out there and happening. One has to wonder if God is hanging out at Alpha Centauri because well, you know, they are actually doing it mostly right.

    1. Umm... Tell us how... you really feel...

    2. You do not want to know how my sister really feels.

      We woke up this morning full of faith, optimism, and happiness... only to end up pissed off after reading article after article of utter bullshit... from people who would have you believe that they understand what God wants... but are more interested in blaming God for this and that... as they retire to their gilded chambers - once again showing that they a product of an incestuous system that produces illogical, faithless, and deceitful dolts!

      There, that's how we really feel... about the morons who get to claim that they know what God intended for this Earth as they just play a shell game to try to convince or legitimize the gravy train of bullshit that they are invested in!

    3. Hell hath no... fury... like twins pissed... by gravy trains... of bullshit...

      You all are... beautiful... when you get... mad...

    4. StarshipsHoopyHoopApril 16, 2017 at 6:43 AM

      Hell is full!

      Hell is a destination that so many are headed for!

      Hell may be turning away morons because they don't want anymore!

      Hell has had a enough of deceivers, never enoughers, and make believers!

      Hell would like you to know that they are creating an alternate destination for the gilded gravy trainers!

      Hell would like you to know that the alternate destination is... Earth!

    5. The fact is that all that has been said so far is true yet will be wrapped up in shit and then delivered as gold even though you can't mask the smell of shit.

    6. Vive L'Ours

    7. !@#$ !@#$ How can a so-called !@#$ing intelligent race use religion and science to justify !@#$ing the Earth and !@#$ing those with real !@#$ing faith.

      After hearing the !@#$ing bullshit today, I am even more now convinced that on other planets our lives are a show called !@#$^&&, see what the humans will do next.

      Here's truth for you all: God did not create desertification, Global Warming, War in Syria, Earthquakes in Oklahoma, poverty, !@#$ing humans did. We were given free !@#$ing will and we decided to !@#$ everything and are now trying to blame God for it by saying, "It's Gods !@#$ing will." No, if it was God's !@#$ing will he'd be Disney and we'd be the !@#$ing Lemmings until things were more !@#$ing manageable.

      So, this Easter (or whatever your holiday is) and this new scientific discovery let's all agree that !@#$ing humans are !@#$ing accountable for !@#$ing whatever they !@#$ing do and not blame divinity for your !@#$ing tarded !@@ actions. Now wouldn't that be a great !@#$ing way to return the favor of your divinity or amoeba or Bang Theory that !@#$ing created you.

    8. I worry... that your... head may explode... from the swearing...

    9. At least my !@#$ing head will explode for swearing for the !@#$ing truth instead of from all the pent up !@#$ing bull!@#$ like yours... or... when you realized that the champion got there first. Happy Easter!

  14. Humans reject what they do not understand.
    Humans feel small when they do not understand.
    Humans believe a reality that makes them feel big.
    Humans will eat shit if it makes them feel big.
    Humans are the reason for the gravy train.
    Humans can stop it
    Humans just need to be small
    Humans just need to be willing and unwilling
    Humans just need to choose
    Humans just need to choose truth.

  15. This posts mirrors my optimism that we can change the course of our trajectory into the Darkest of Ages. Yet, I still have a strong foreboding that as our information based society is fed by a service economy with little to no manufacturing capability powered by awesome technological powers controlled by so few but provided to everyone in a way that fleeces them and with no one left to mind the public interest (because they are in bed with the few, don't care, or can't grasp or see the truth) as people lose their ability to rightly question the lies or false authorities as they clutch to symbols of faith or horoscopes with critical faculties in free fall decline, unable to to distinguish between what feels good and what is true that we will indeed continue to slide, without seeing and caring, back into the oblivion of a Dark Age - that is if we are not already there.

  16. Too many will read this magnificent post by the truth and faithful and disagree with it as they feel that everything is fine because that is the illusion of our time and our gravy train of shit!

  17. I find it very curious that humans are adverse to stepping in physical shit everyday but are metaphysically okay with doing it over and over again.

  18. Takk for den fantastiske innlegg. Du er sannheten og på denne påsken er vi mest takknemlig for deres tro. Mens det er blod i disse årene vi står med deg foran de mørkeste stier og de virkelige sannheter.

  19. 자신의 눈을 가리면 하늘을 덮을 수 있지만 하늘은 여전히 ​​존재하며 그 존재를 부인할 수 없습니다. 그러므로 이것은 매우 어리석은 짓입니다. 당신이 진리를 부인하고 있거나 진실한 신앙으로 말로 표현할 수 없다는 것을 의미합니다

    1. Even I could... not... say it better...

    2. Careful my old friend the rapture of pursuing the last word often leads to vanquished gain.

  20. The truth is not sands shifting in a desert but rather the very bedrock that the desert sits on and that provides life and water to the planet. To blemish the truth is to destroy the bedrock and chance that the layers beneath the bedrock do not contain demons that's only truth is destruction who care nothing for the lies of man. Don't let your test of faith to be to find the real truth about what comes out when the bedrock is destroyed - you will find yourself wanting.

  21. We have forgotten the pleasures and thrill of the pathless woods. The rapture and joy of the lonely shore without footprints. The society that none intrude on by the deepest sea where the music of its roar is deafening and pure. We have forgotten to not love ourselves less but to love the truth, generosity, and Earth more.
