Monday, July 3, 2023

The Human Solution

There's a question of who's to blame that misses the human solution.

The Human Solution

I. For example:

Religion is broken.

Which is to say, the bodies that govern the institution of religion are rife with errors, from sexual abuse of 'the least' and invisible to financial abuse by 'the most' and visible. Because duh. Because flawed human beings are everywhere and no bodies that govern the institution of religion are immune from the so-called 'charms' of the influential and wrong.

But to say 'religion is broken' is not the same as saying: good is broken.

In other words, sweeping evidence of a broken institution of rules governing the followers of deity is not a judgment as to the realness of deity.


But there are those who would you believe this is undoubtedly what 'religion is broken' says aloud. And such those would you further believe 'deity is not dead' is a rallying cry worth mobilizing for.

To be an army of sanctimonious 'righteousness'.

Because it should be plainly obvious that the solution to 'religion is broken' isn't amassing a mob of axes-to-grind-ers and bones-to-pick-ers who deliver apologias as if apologists are what believers are.


This solution is the human solution. 


II. For example:

Media is broken.

Which is to say, insofar as commercial financing and liability protections conscribe the institution of news reporting, survivability looms like a proverbial elephant, from newswires to media publishers. Because duh. Because an enlightened audience is not the bottom line; measurable profitability is.

But to say 'media is broken' is not the same as saying: honesty is broken.

In other words, an excess of casual entertainment masquerading as factual revelations is not a conclusion as to the trustlessness of communication.


But there are those who would you believe the in-the-know know what 'media is broken' unquestionably means. And such those would you further believe 'alternative facts' are worth catechizing.

As if imagined 'realities' and contrived 'information' are not fabulations but bona fides.

Because it should be plainly obvious that the solution to 'media is broken' isn't unleashing engines of brutish counterfeit rage in defense of ceaseless minutes hate. 


This solution is the human solution.


III.  To wit:

The human solution is neither compelled nor controlled,

by external will or power.


The human solution is instead, the exercise of free will

not bent towards goodness,

with nothing and no one to blame but the freedom to manifest intention sans ever mind.


So what is responsible for, say, mistreatment on the basis of label or faith? As in the hollowing of health care according to faith or label never mind need or moral principle otherwise avowed? Or rather, who's to blame for the freedom to manifest intention is broken?

The answer is the free whose will not bent towards goodness is a will to be human. Or rather, the human solution.


IV. For example:

Arms bearing is broken.

Which is to say, when arms bearing becomes a license in perpetuum to murder en masse, arms bearing is broken. Because duh. Because the well-being and welfare of human beings within a nation's borders isn't a matter of upholding a domestic war so much as upholding a domestic peace.

But to say 'arms bearing is broken' is not the same as saying: guns kill or people kill.

Because so long as willful insecurities and fears drive the stockpiling of sickeningly abundant and foolproof tools of human slaughter, such nation's people will be locked unwittingly within games of Russian roulette, played at incalculable loss. 


These are but a few examples selected for their illustrative value within a constraint of brevity that are by no means exhaustive in sum or in part.

Because duh.

With that being said, being human is not inevitable and the human solution is not surprising.

Being something more than human, that, is surprising.

In the beginning, I believed in what was not inevitable and I believed in what was surprising. In the end, I still believe. What do you still believe?



  1. I know men of science, of god, of truth, and of war. One tries to convince me that I am wrong, the next that I am a fraud, another that I do not exist, and the last that I should be afraid of that which is not them. In each I see the same, light passing as darkness – destruction masked as creation. So I left these men, wandered to the place with no crowds, lights, or noise – and here I found that which is not broken but pure. It is here that I found what would make me whole – it is here that I found you.

  2. In vain, I try to keep pure by washing my hands in innocence after long days of affliction that bring new punishments. When I try to understand all, it troubles me so greatly until I see the sanctuary you speak of that guides us towards our destiny. It is slippery ground and so easy to cast ruin upon. Sudden is the destruction when all is swept completely away by fear and falsity. It should be but a dream yet it is a truth powered by hearts grieved, spirits embittered senseless and ignorant to the beast we choose.

  3. My inclination has always been to fix broken systems rather than to let them stay broken or toss them out. I have faith in religion, trust in government, respect for the truth, and live my life without fear. It’s not me, you, or any like of us that will bring the awful times we find ourselves in but rather those who aspire to Nero.

  4. ABigMindinAShortBodyJuly 4, 2023 at 8:31 AM

    It goes without a comment that you are indeed one of the few, the amazing, and the profound. We need to stop worshipping billionaires who spend all their capital on protecting, “free speech,” by running the real free speech into the ground while lifting the speech of, “hate.” I am glad that you have shone your light on what happens when, “humans,” take control of our most vital forms of communication in that it’s not a win for media or freedom, but rather a win for oligarchies, theologies, and hate.

  5. SifIsLovingNorwayJuly 4, 2023 at 8:32 AM

    If through the storm I must protect the house on earth, I calm my winds and tree sway and put all here to sleep until they awaken more than what they fall from.

    1. In a single I never have seen less wealth of wisdom ancient with treacherous wiles that betray the dwarf that has been caught where the sun shines bright in this hall.

  6. I think when I read your words, I found it’s important to reason from first principles rather than experiences we have lived which is contrary to how we live our lives. Maybe if you boil things down to more fundamental truths, you can help others reason up from there.

  7. I am a child born immortal through the union of a warrior who chooses peace and a princess that chooses love. Immortality allows context and perspective across vast expanses of time and matter while countering the embellishment of self-importance to aggrandize internal worth within a microscopic fraction of time and matter. I am not afraid and am grateful for the for this gift, for the lack of mortal reliance on human continuities such as government, media, religion, and strife that fail to mitigate, much less eliminate, the influence and havoc of human solutions that entrench within these continuities simply because the constant (humans) fail to see the aphotic effect now and forever despite ostensible and noble missions laid out in such continuities and their potential to defy aphotic effects including the fiction and lies that divine has relegated, is relegated, and has relegated human kind to roles with religion, government, media, and strife per superfice and artifice endemic and virulent throughout the existence of humans despite advancement of evolution and progression of knowledge for verily it defies logic that such superfice and artifice would be meaningful to values of worth by powers who sensibilities and reason are surely mired not by the inane superfice and artifice of humans. In any case, the aphotic effect undermines truth, ever and always and as far as mortality and aphotic effect persist in tandem, humans will continue to sabotage their ability to be more and the cause of truth ever and always.

    To the one that will be my father’s number in, but seven days know that you need not be afraid of the gift of the warrior and the princess – for you are you and they are they. Happy Birthday regardless my little champion brother.

  8. AlphaCentauriOrBustJuly 4, 2023 at 8:34 AM

    A mirage acting as impartial is failing to be surprised in what to do thereafter as a cause for hope and despair immortalizing the fools is not inevitable in the end if you still believe.
    Happy Early Birthday to the Little Mailman whose birthday is full of fur and legs cuddled together on a couch knowing you are loved by all.

  9. I used to believe that the devil had a factory where he made millions of ways to break everything good, which his minions (humans) distributed throughout the universe, to confuse all the tiny brains into doing nothing to repair anything. It’s now that I realize I was wrong. It was never the devil. It was the humans.

  10. FrederickTheGreatJuly 4, 2023 at 8:35 AM

    We live in a time like all others where anybody can put anything up and call it the truth to the point that it makes it easier for humans to act like it’s harder and harder to tell what is real and true as opposed fake and false when it’s really not that hard at all if they are just willing to use all that was given to them so far.

  11. Når sannhet og rettferdighet er annerledes enn det som er menneskelig, er det bedre å følge sannheten og rettferdigheten enn å være menneske.

  12. NotSoMaybeSoYesSoJuly 4, 2023 at 8:38 AM

    Three, always in threes. Maybe sometimes in fours. Always must worry about the ones in fours as they are the harbinger of the cycle telling us it’s time to refresh.

  13. To be or... not to be... that is the... question but the... real question is... how are you?

  14. Show me a human that breaks bad instead of good and I will show you something you could not call human.

  15. I have lived here, there, and everywhere where hearing I ask both high and low that well I related of humans long ago. Days gone by the four in the tree beneath the mold. Old was that age where sea not cool nor sand not fine on there were in a time that the earth was yawning gap full of grass here, there, and everywhere. The level land there made warming stones of the earth and green was the ground. My sister, the moon, her hand cast over heaven’s rim where her home be what might her the stars knew not. To noon and twilight and the waning moon the years to number timbered high in dwellings at peace till tither came an ash with dews white of water does it ever grow mighty in wisdoms to set their fates here, there, and everywhere.
