Friday, February 2, 2024

Stand in My Way

The line in the sand isn't real. At least, not in the materially tangible sense. However, every person who's ever lived has felt such line, as hot and metallic as the blood pulsing in their veins.

Stand in My Way

You know the line in the sand -

it's very real, isn't it - ?


Maybe, like The Big Sick, it respects the sacrifices of paved paths by adhering to dictates. Or, like Mirai, it's the color of a pair of pants in a moment in time.

Maybe, like The Fabelmans, it dismisses the suffering of others under a veneer of casual ignorance. Or, like Marry Me, it's pretending.


There's a lazy embrace of lines in the sand like choosing heroism a la Black Panther: Wakanda Forever or ruthlessness a la Taken, that defines the line in the sand as if there's -

A pride. In a line. In the sand.


But in reality, the line is, well -

a story we tell ourselves about where we stand.


According to some, a conversation about lines in the sand can't ignore the role of silos and anonymity. Which is to say, some lines in the sand aren't lines, so much as -

Packs. Packs that value unreserved loyalty, above rationality. Or organized attacks, above compromise. Or the like.

Such that the merit of any such conversation, hinges on addressing silos and anonymity.


But in reality, pack behavior is, well -

a story we tell ourselves about who we stand by.


According to some, lines in the sand are virtue signals, favored by the indoctrinated. To be mocked as self-promoting piss and vinegar and -

Corrupt. Because assailing what's indecent is what's decent. If not denouncing what's false as weak and predatory and so much worse.


But in reality, why we react, is -

a story we tell ourselves about why we stand.


Maybe, the line in the sand isn't -

A line. In the sand.

Because a duck-walking, duck-talking, duck-acting not-duck -

isn't a duck.

Maybe, where we stand and who we stand by and why, is-

A story. We tell ourselves. To stand in the way. Of believing differently. Or expressing differently. Or aspiring differently.

Because standing in the way not being real -

is every person who's ever died on a hill for nothing but a line.


In the end, the stories we tell ourselves, are our reality. As narrators, we proclaim such stories, our 'truth'. The bedrock and spine of who we are.

As if

the blood in our veins - and

the line in the sand - and

our stand - and

the hill we die on - are not

fixed in place by our invention and imagination.


In the end, we can author a courageous reality that -

Believes differently. Expresses differently. Aspires differently. 

Or we can tell ourselves myths about our powerlessness to rewrite the stories we tell ourselves




To the extent that the stories we tell ourselves inform our lines in the sand and our lines in the sand inform the stories we tell, the following are... movies: The Big Sick (2017), Mirai (2018), The Fabelmans (2022), Marry Me (2022), Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022), and Taken (2008).



  1. You blossom like a rose,
    Showing love to the world,
    With a splendor never to wilt,
    Always to be that way,
    Even with the years passing away.

    Your smile sings to all far and near,
    Inspiring words to be wrote,
    About how your eyes call out,
    Drawing all to come near,
    Perfect as one could hope for.

    Your composure and grace,
    So beautifully put together,
    An inspiration to my spirit,
    And to all those wayward souls,
    Fortunate to lay eyes upon you.

    That smile makes my heart soar,
    Feeling me with light,
    Making me wish to just pause time,
    To be in this moment forever,
    As I stand by your way.

    1. Tom hates you... Frederick hates you... I hate you.... We all hate... you.

  2. What is your line in the sand? Is it a point beyond that point where everything else is irreversible and cannot change once you make the decision? Or is it whatever is convenient for you to justify your actions? Are your stories true to the narratives and concepts that make the world a better place, or a place that is just better for you?
    Champions aren’t defined by the stories that they tell themselves, but rather by the acts of courage, truth, and mutuality that they take. They go left, right, flow, ebb – they do what it takes to author a courageous reality that makes us all better – and yes, they are willing to do this until their last dying breath.
    Imposters, charlatans, and rogues are defined by the stories that they create to ensure that their needs are met, and they get what they want. Their desert is full of lines that have no meaning or rhyme, they are everywhere. No place is untouched as they harm everyone and everything to get what they are owed.
    I am a product of two. I stand with the two. I hope I can approach the story with the courage to author it with truth, reality, and mutuality. I know, you know, we know – who is who.

  3. The problem with drawing lines in the sand is that each gust of air will make them disappear when they are nothing more than the dust they are made of.


  4. Jeg går for evigt på denne strand,
    Hold en line lige til sand og vand,
    Min vej renset af skum,
    Mine skridt er blæst væk,
    Intet at huske mig,
    Men havets og jordens sang,
    Fra nu til for evigt.

  5. I age. The fire in me does not. I am as passionate as I was the day I awoke.
    My country ages. The fire in it does not. It is as passionate as the day it awoke.
    My people age. The fire in them does not. They are as passionate as the day they woke.
    You age. The fire in you does not. You and yours are as passionless as the day you slept.

    My country can be great. My country can be free. My country can be strong. To be so though, the people in it need to care for it. Care for what made it so. Not for all the things that makes it not. If you truly care – then show it by not using stupid lines to justify your lack of passion for anything that is not you.

  6. To dig out a mound made from the lines in sand that you have made so you can stick your head in it and pretend that it is safer to pretend we are safe because our head is in the sand is to create the danger of someone gnawing on your ass anyways.

  7. The problem with where we are is that we all pretend that there are lines we won’t cross. Then we cross them. Suddenly you realize that you crossed a line, and the world did not come to an end or God did not send you straight to hell. You’ve taken what was a well-defined line and made it grey. You continue to cross those lines. Each passing makes the line greyer until in the end there is no line anymore and you find yourself stuck with the reality of what you erased.

  8. A journey here and now, putting words that which can be words, iterations of grace, tributes to that which is ever present, which does all by doing nothing is all and yet nothing as the whole is timeless, nameless, and most of all selfless.

  9. Thank you for this masterpiece. I have always found the irony in those that draw lines in sands as the meaning of what they do. They’d rather exist to the right or left of the line, often moving to the extremes from the line rather than looking to the position of the line itself which doesn’t divide someone between all of this or all of that. By living on the line, you cannot have to cross it to do what is right as you are already in the middle.

  10. LaraForNumberTwoinFourTwentyFebruary 13, 2024 at 11:33 PM

    Sigh. You are one of the “great” minds, yet you seem to be prone to a short-sighted perspective prone to treat the symptom rather than the problem. Isn’t the real problem here more that we allow ourselves to be paralyzed by a fear of losing our self-agency and nothing that we do will matter for protecting ourselves?

    1. Those that choose to belittle the term great are as far from it as quotations are from the letter g to “where the number of millimeters is multiplied by the amount necessary to reach a light year. In translation, you are way the !@#$ off.

  11. HoplessEternityForAllFebruary 13, 2024 at 11:36 PM

    It’s hard to caution against conflating the dysfunctional culture of some humans with all with the cultures that strive to be better are becoming extinct as fast as humanity promotes the extinction in others. Still, there is hope. There are those that contain members that are inspired to believe that it doesn’t take a leap to look objectively at what they are doing, determine the appropriate lever to pull, have the courage to pull it and make the difference that we need. It’s not easy but it’s the least that we should all be doing as cultures are always going to change anyway so why not jump in now and help us all make it a positive one while we still have the chance to do so.

  12. I’m young. I’m my mother’s daughter. I do what I can when I can. Sometimes there is an effect, and a difference is made. Sometimes it’s nothing more than a gamble and no difference is made.

    I’m young. I’m my father’s daughter. I mourn great losses. I fight hard without fear. I get knocked down and back up. Sometimes there is a victory, and a battle is won. Sometimes I bleed for nothing more than a fight with no ground gained.

    I feel no joy despite the miracle that is this Earth. There are fewer humans working in ways and levels against the evil that others as individuals and collectives do to undo that miracle.

    I reject the puritanical of what passes as acceptable or not. I find hope in rain drops that fill lakes, waves that make big canyons, and our continuity towards which benefits us all.

    1. Pissing the night.... Away... Where The Sun... Never Rises...

  13. We live in an moronic age where we have made dumb!@# narrators reasonable when they treat their !@#$ing internal stories as a !@#$ty hill worth dying on which is just a fanciful way of telling ourselves that our story is real, that it’s the !@#$ honest truth that feeds our dedication to our reality meanwhile we call out others with the exact same !@#$ing story as lies, deceits, and immoral that prey, threaten, and create mirages. The irony – a !@#$ing narrative doesn’t change when spoken by one person versus another. It’s the same !@#$ing narrative.

  14. UnpopularOpinionIsMyJamFebruary 17, 2024 at 10:12 AM

    Lines in the sand are for weak minded individuals who lack the discipline to focus on a real goal instead opting to focus on shit that does not matter

  15. Ants are not fond of those that make lines in the sand and attempt to proclaim that their hill is the one that humans are willing to die on. It just forces them to relocate until they just decide to make your house their hill to die on.

  16. A hill has no truth to it, it’s nothing more than an easily found bump on the Earth, and to wish to die on one is sheer madness, far from reasonable. Careful you don’t give into this madness where you will find yourself in the land of hills, far from reasonable where contempt of respect and truth reigns like royals who fuck like being a fucker becomes a divine right, granted by their God who doesn’t give two fucks. In the end where will you be when you realize that the hill you died on wasn’t very real after all.

  17. New Year is a magical time. It’s a crossing of the past and the future, a time to look back and look forward. It’s time to decide if who I was yesterday will be the person I will be tomorrow. Of course, deciding is nothing more than a state of being such that it’s the arrival of New Year that kickstarts rather that being is living as if what is narrated is more than self-soothing, self-indulging justification. Thus, it is not surprising that what we are really telling ourselves is less the truth than what our truth is.

  18. There are two truths in this world. One truth is as unalterable as the bedrock of our planet and the other is malleable, bent and molded to serve self-interested purposes.

  19. The truth will always be more important than the facts. How few of us understand that facts are but a piece of information that while being verifiable are often isolated in a way that they can be easily used to deceive or mislead someone from the truth. Living a life of facts often leads many down the road of easily being manipulated to carefully woven stories of facts that lack context, empathy, and understanding.

  20. Utfallet av våre handlinger, vår skjebne kan meget vel bli avgjort, og noen av dere tror kanskje at det ikke spiller noen rolle. Likevel gjør det det, selv i forutbestemte forestillinger og historier, ettersom guddommelighet bryr seg om hvordan du går frem for å møte skjebnen din. Hvem bryr seg om du ikke kan endre det som skjer med deg, det gir deg ikke rett til å lage historier som avler svik, apati og svindel for å få din inn her og nå.
    Jeg blir ofte minnet på historien om Heimdallr, Bifrosts vokter. Han hadde gaven til å se alle og hadde vissheten om at han ville dø for bladet til sin største fiende. Hans død var uunngåelig. Mens han visste dette, sa han ikke: "Dette er håpløst, jeg kommer til å forlate portene, gå ned til orgien og leve det beste livet jeg kan - jeg skal få mitt." Hvorfor? Det gjorde han ikke fordi porten ville være ubevoktet, de som trengte hans beskyttelse ville bli skadet, og han hadde æren og integriteten til å fortsette å kjempe selv med kunnskapen om hvor den ville føre.

    1. He spent most... of his time... perving on two... princesses and letting... in people that... he felt would... make Odin miserable. Likely the worst... protector any realm... could have had.

    2. OneHandisBetterThanNoneFebruary 18, 2024 at 2:09 AM

      Curious comment given the fact that the All Father gave up his one good eye so he could consult with a talking head that actually knew everything yet the one eyed wonder could only hear his own stories.
