Friday, January 19, 2024

I Respect Your...


I am supposed to tell you: What to do. What to think. What to say. What to believe.

You are supposed to: do and think and say and believe. Not according to your freedom to be. But according to your faith without qualification.


At least, if I am your... God.

Otherwise, I am supposed to tell you: nothing.

You are supposed to: everything.

At least, if I respect your... right. 


But that's not true, is it? Not really.

I Respect Your...

I respect your...

right to the truth so:

that is not how it works and you know it.


After all... you won't leave me be. What to do. What to think. What to say. What to believe. You're full of it: full of telling me everything.

What's happened to my everything? Or is my right to everything, like respect:

a one way street where you make a mockery of mutuality like you own all the lanes?


I respect your...

right to respect:

that's how it works and you not only know it, you pear-shape it.


Without me affording you the benefit of civility, you couldn'tAttack what I do. Ridicule what I think. Dismiss what I say. Vilify what I believe. You're full of it: full of doing everything but being real.

Because passing around a hat to fund indulgences isn't being rich. Because gaslighting real lives of real people isn't being powerful. Because pumping nightmares on steroids isn't being influential.


I respect your...

right to believe that:

I am supposed to say nothing while you do you. 


If it weren't for the timid, the people who think and believe 'fairness' means you exercising the practice of wronging with impunity -

if it weren't for the apathetic, the people who think and believe 'liberty' means seeing, saying, and doing nothing here -

if it weren't for the wrong, the people who think and believe 'happiness' means the will of God, that is: destiny, is in the eye of the beholder -

you couldn't do you without qualification. Not really.

I do not respect your...

immunity to consequences and

I am not supposed to worship your pear-shaped make believe, where the timid and apathetic and wrong are supposed to manifest riches and power and influence

over my self-respect.

Whether you lie for happiness - whether you defraud for faith - whether you deceive for your right to wrong -

you're in a lane you don't own:



People make much ado about 'respect'.

In the context of generational differences - or entitled versus earned - or that which is owed or due because its expression or measure is not enough - etc.

But all such ado - is not always about respect.


When 'respect' is unfurled like a flag that incites and provokes rage from the wounded and aggrieved -

the truth is:

that is not respect. Period.


And insofar as contempt of respect has been, is, and will be met with disinterest and inaction,

basic b$tches and basic s$gmas have been, are, and will pear-shape respect:

to @sshole without consequences.


Such that normative @ssholery and prescriptive @ssholery are not only a reality because basic b$tches and basic s$gmas are @assholes -

but also because people make much ado about not giving a damn. After all, people have been, are, and will surrender to basics playing at being God, because the alternative is giving more f#cks than zero.


Needless to say, I am not supposed to see, hear, and say nothing when basics play at being God and I respect neither the basics who are @ssholes nor the people who see, hear, and say nothing while a dumpster fire sucks all the oxygen out of everything.




When basics 'win':

You don't win because it's your choice. Because basics aren't in it to win it for you. Nor do you win because you don't care. Because basics never win without the tacit cooperation of people who'd sooner sell their organs for a magic bean or two than invest and engage in civic action.

When basics 'win':

This isn't good people here being good. This isn't God's will. This isn't inevitable. This is:

you playing at being God 

like God's on team @sshole.



  1. I find it interesting that everyone thinks it’s okay for the Great Chicken Wing to act like the Wing is God and all should worship the Wing as such. I have but one major objection to this… The role of God is already taken.

  2. I never met… fake butter that… was better than… real authentic butter… Only assholes eat… fake butter…

  3. For three score hundred times I have wanted nothing more than the sweet nectar that comes with my last breath to escape this god forsaken planet but still I am in love with this life when I read your words and call to arms. Please know that we are still here and will remain such until you depart for your well-earned respite from the Planet of the Apes.

  4. Can you believe that hawks will always eat pigeons when they find them? Words for your thoughts.

  5. For as long as people do not care to practice the freedom they are given, the people who wish to dominate them will do so; for the dominating figures are ardent and willing to devote themselves to any god that will shackle the listless, asleep, or apathetic humans.

  6. You are not the child of God. Playing large when you are indeed small, or serving those that would have you believe that they are large is neither enlightened nor manifesting the greater glory of God. It’s just being an asshole. God does not live in you, you do. God does not give you creative license to infringe or disrespect the same freedoms and rights that were bestowed on other creatures. When you decide that you mean more than anyone else then you are incapable of the growth that is necessary to make the world a better place. And when you do that, God has but one message for you – F*ck off you necrophiliac satanical worshipping asshole.

    1. God loves you... when you are... angry like this....

  7. Those that can only see themselves are incapable of respecting others and don’t deserve a point of view or a place at the table.

  8. Inside all of us there are two demons. One that is disrespectful, deceitful, and apathetic and the other that is respectful, truthful, and passionate. They fight all the time. The one that ultimately wins is the one which we feed the most. Sadly, for many, the mean one is the one they feed. Knowing this now, are you really willing to sit back and let them have their way in the world?

  9. Watch for the unpredictability of contrarian souls whose only interests are hitting arbitrary targets of self interest at high-speed without consideration of the cost and loss of the community. Those folks are the very !@#holes she is talking about.

  10. It is far greater and wiser to be bold enough to risk being subjected to evils we can anticipate than to remain a coward, listless for fear of suffering at the hands of the common and their masters.

  11. Ever in our sleep does pain breed for which cannot we forget falling like drops of rain on our heart until in despair comes a wisdom by awful grace that against our will we are now bound to a tyrant and masses we chose not except through making now choices.

    1. I doubt that... your sleep is... ever pain but... the thought of... you drops rain... on my cold... and listless heart...

    2. So the drops of rain fall with a loud splash on the ground since you have no heart to speak of?

  12. The exploitation of emotions like fear, jealousy, and loss does not drive hope, it only drives despair. If you choose to not act then you are just playing into the same demagoguery that their followers are in and therefore become part of their party through tacit complicity.

  13. Timidity in the face of adversity only increases the fears as how can you wield a sharp axe to chop down the lies and deceit when you are too afraid to swing it.

  14. Be careful that in your desire to be in it to win it that you are okay for the cost of the bill of regret when you realize that won nothing at all except for the ones that are exploiting you.

  15. Is it not ironic that the basic wants neither respect nor to trust but rather a desire to be immune from the consequences of what they do or to receive a pardon when said immunity is not possible rather than just not do what they should not.

  16. I know of a champion. He is as noble as he is strong, just as he is agile, passionate as he is durable, yet the world knows him not as he has always performed his great deeds in quiet, humble, and small ways as to keep the focus on saving what can be saved. I dreamt last night and woke up crying. The world will never get to know his greatness for this is the last two years of his life. The wounds, the heartbreak, the illnesses he has suffered have finally caught up to him and will ultimately rob us when we need him the most. I grieve knowing this but rejoice knowing that he won’t let up until the end and will return again and again as is his way.

  17. EdwardsJohnThirdFourJanuary 21, 2024 at 12:11 AM

    I find it curious that the main challenge in this time is the inability to inspire believers to behave like a believer. In the end how you treat, talk to, care for, and show respect to others is the true identification of a believer, not what you espouse as nothing more than words of belief.

  18. Please remember a universal truth for democracy to flourish and survive – you are responsible for what you say and what you don’t say.

  19. What is the cost of all of this? It’s not that we’ll mistake it all for the truth but rather that we will no longer be able to see the truth for what it is. That’s the game in play here.
    The game, if you will, is that I use someone’s openness to the world, their power to perceive and make judgment to an end for what I want. Complicity is not only on my side though for at the heart of the issue is that the game relies on that which appeals to that person’s desires too. The masses are inclined to twist the truth to isolate falsities and lies to limit to the opposite of us. We pretend that they are indeed swallowed by deceit, depravity, and dishonesty but that we, the chosen few, have escaped it all. It’s our which allows us to be the only ones that can see the truth, feel the pain, or be gifted special access to know. It’s compounded by the troubling indicators of pressure, intimidation, and other forms of coercion to get onboard with whatever the narrative is convenient. In the end, this is what will break the camel’s back, until…

  20. Loss is inevitable. Tell the truth or spin with the lie. On one hand, lose your friends, influence, and wealth by being part of the truth. On the other hand, lose your humanity, grasp on reality, and ultimately your freedom. But let me ask you this – would you rather live in the lie of a fabricated Potemkin village with all of the other cold, hungry, and miserable villagers or live in solitude in a desert with a foundation that will withstand anything, and a life of food and drink not tainted by the rotten punch that everyone else is drinking.

  21. TheGrandSiberianExileJanuary 22, 2024 at 6:38 PM

    One word of truth will outweigh the world. It’s but a simple step forward of a courageous individual to not take part in the great lies.

  22. Thank you for acting,
    Perfectly primitive.
    Thank you for standing,
    Pictures heretical.
    Thank you for behaving,
    Definition hatred.
    Thank you for personifying,
    Ignorant divisionism.
    Thank you for serving,
    Sickening superstition.
    Thank you for low bars,
    Humanly ascension.
    Thank you for humanity,
    Demonstrating inhumanity.

    1. No far that... you get two... But beauty always... gets to two...

  23. In the name of ‘ism we forget the merits of past struggles and to equally admire those that sought to end our nation alongside those that fought for liberty, justice, and the truth.

    I’m a minister, but not of malice. I won’t strike those that are fallen or accept the repentant, but my hands shall not forget those cunning and my tongue cleaves the roof of my mouth if I dare forget the parties that have sown terrible conflicts that destroy us all.

  24. IOnceWasMontyFromParisJanuary 22, 2024 at 6:41 PM

    Ceux qui sont nés au 21e siècle après Jésus-Christ oublient de se souvenir des événements passés comme de simples histoires de conquête, de peste, de guerre et de mort. Cependant, le message avec lequel se termine chacun de ces événements passés va bien au-delà des histoires de fantômes symboliques et nous hantera tous si les leçons deviennent simplement d’actualité.

  25. AWolfWithoutHomeInTheNorthJanuary 22, 2024 at 6:42 PM

    I have forfeited the right to call myself a man of knowledge. I used to seek it and I still do, but I no longer look to the stars or into books. I look to the beat of my heart and the pulse of my blood. Stories are rarely pleasant anymore, nothing of sweetness and harmony like those that are invented for us to care about or get lost in. No, my stories are of folly, madness, and crazy like those of people who wish to lie to themselves or others no longer. Keep doing you Ajeeh, it is that which emboldens more to move from the lies.

  26. Tell me, o’great wise oracle that I have spent days climbing to see. Whom do I love best? My father? My mother? My sister? My brother? My children? I have none of them. How about my friends? I don’t know that world. My country? I haven’t the faintest clue where that lies. Beauty? I don’t think I have seen that one.

    The Oracle paused for a second and said, “I believe you love the clouds that pass up here, the sun over there, and the moon that rises over there. I believe you love the truth when it’s pure and natural and thus you seek not what is fake.”

    1. Let’s ask outright if there have not been days and weeks of life during which your usual activities are repugnant and all that you once believed and fought for now seems foolish and worthless. Maybe it’s time to open it all to the fact that what you have lived is nothing more than… fantasy.

  27. Reading your words, I cannot understand what is happening inside me. I cannot explain it – even to myself.

  28. NoNiedforNameCallingJanuary 22, 2024 at 6:49 PM

    The challenge with fighting monsters and demons is that you need to make sure that in the process that you do not become one yourself. The challenge with gazing into the abyss is that if you stare long enough, it will stare back at you, enthralling you unto its cause.

  29. For all of you who feel that they are being clever with their comments here, remember that there are so many forms of stupidity, over cleverness is at the top of that list.

  30. That past draws us back to the past. Memories of the past have springs that are strong. When we who live in the present and past touch them, they stretch and spring taut propelling us to a future that seems too much like the past.
