The following is a story. A tale that could be true - if you're a believer. A parable. A yarn that's not exactly true but real nonetheless. Which is to say -
Dear Reader, A Word
I'm not going to show you something unbelievable to make a believer out of you. I have nothing to prove. Instead, I'm going to tell you something real. Because I have something to say.
I observe - People. Events. Actions. Words - and a person who works - Diligently. Faithfully. Well. - fails to achieve what a person who does not work - Diligently. Faithfully. Well. - claims for themself -
every prize - Won. - like a matador whose sword lunges from their muleta to victory as if to exult - why fight fair?! - when the rules of the fight aren't.
The Bull ⋅ It's easy - isn't it - to win a staged fight with a forgone conclusion?
The President ⋅ That's unfair - a proper festival of feats is an extraordinary exemplar of athleticism - by a bull and a matador. Thus mind you, to disparage a matador is to disparage yourself. Tsk tsk.
The Matador ⋅ Well I agree that the right bull is a fighter, but nobody comes to a bullfight to cheer a cow, no? They come for the triumph of the superior performer against - what is unmistakably - a mere beast.
The Picador ⋅ Would anyone care to hear what I think?
The President, The Matador ⋅ Of course, of course, without a picador there is no spectacle, my friend!
The Picador ⋅ Right. Like one of a hundred sequins on a shiny 'fit, I am both 'indispensable' and invisible as a billable professional.
The President ⋅ No, no, a picador is the first show that beguiles the audience. They are essential - heroically so - But. -
The Picador ⋅ :eyeroll:
The Matador ⋅ Yes, yes, the right picador sets the mood for a battle of adversaries. It's not the dazzle of a conqueror or the pageantry of a finale, but a first act is very special.
The President ⋅ - for a splendidly marvelous fiesta, everybody matters - from the carpenters who build magnificent arenas to the hungry who feast on toro de lidia. A bullfight is a dramatic masterpiece; every role is a glorious stroke of brilliant composition. Thus you see, nobody is undervalued or devalued. Tut tut.
The Matador ⋅ Well I agree that nothing is trivial, but top billing is an honor earned in a ring. A picador is a prick but a matador is a killer, no?
The Bull ⋅ I concede that a spectacle is work. But stacking the decks and tipping the scales for an outcome that's calculated to advance neither talent nor merit, to spin a yarn about a 'champion' who 'wins' a canned hunt - that's pretending
there's decency and dignity in a rigged contest.
I observe - Officials radiating searing try-hard self-righteousness as they preside. Star performers breathing self-serving self-promotional hot air as they crow. Cogs laboring to be heard above commoditized theater as they spit. -
while economies of contests, by contests, for contests - pretend not to observe - Officials. Star performers. Cogs. -
every performative triumph of - Justification over what's just. Bullsh!t over who's honest. Noise over what's plain. Pretense over all that's real. -
as if fictions no matter how unbelievable are nevertheless - True. Because. -
everybody is true to their word...
Author's Note
We don't believe every narrator... do we?
I mean... the stories we tell!... speak for themselves. Imagine if our testimony had to be honest... if instead of fictions we had to say:
a posture is a performance masquerading as a stand that is neither principled nor scrupulous; a belief is an invention that opines and decides and judges; and a boundary is an ask for respect, that is, to neither trespass nor transgress because trespasses and transgresses are harms.
I mean... to hear the oath-forsworn... what a catastrophe!... neither to guarantee nor safeguard a 'right' to swear false testimony, pshaw.
Needless to say... you and I both know... don't we?... a so-called 'right' to violate trust... isn't part and parcel to testifying to something real. As if having something to say... endows a so-called 'right' to be untrue, that is, to our word...
This story isn’t for you if you are looking for a fabricated reality of people doing the right or true things. Instead, the story will expose that you live in a world that will burden you with unreliable narrators who will lead you astray until you realize you are far from the truth and living in the land of disappointment, resentment, and unliberty where the highlight of your day is watching a cow pricked with swords until a narcissistic twit acting as a warrior finally puts it our of its misery so that the leader can seem magnanimous by feeding the starving with it’s probably not safe to eat corpse. What breaks my heart is that this is such a small start, an easy, low stake start, but one that such few are willing to take.
ReplyDeleteI dream of a !@#$ing reality where we feast on the !@#$bags known as a ‘dor and the bulls are allowed to watch them chase a !@#$ing red cape swung by those that !@#$ing preside over dumb!@#, performative theater.
ReplyDeleteSadly the shit... to fat content... of the dors... is to high.. for safe consumption... of vile flesh...
DeleteEons ago,
ReplyDeleteI rewrote the stars,
So I would be yours,
None keeping us apart,
Meaning to always find,
We get to be who we,
Amongst the stars,
Thank you for all that you are, will be, and have been. It turns hell to heaven, desert to oceans, and darkness to light. You will forever by my evening star, my way home.
Catch... And... Release...
DeleteIt leaves one to wonder what the universe might have been had you been subjected to TNR. Alas, we shall never know that paradise.
DeleteHow many would... be left without... my loving embrace... in said universe...
DeleteA girl can dream, can she not?
ReplyDeleteSospecho que hay toros y comedores de toros que se sienten escuchados y vistos por ti y los tuyos y que son tus mayores fans.
It’s easy to be victorious when your opponent is never allowed to learn from their mistakes. They can only enter and exit the ring once, never leaving alive regardless of whether they survive the 15 minutes of a rigged fight full of pricks with sticks and an anointed one that does nothing more than deliver the final blow. Imagine if this was a real contest with two parties where the winner advances. I doubt the pricks and “killer” would be the ones surviving. In fact, we know this is the cases as before the 16th century as the Pope had to intervene based on the number of deaths to deny burial rites to anyone who died in the bull ring. In fact, this is the real reason why the bull will only allow to fight once, else you will have a lot of people who can’t be buried as a Christian.
ReplyDeleteThe irony of... your name in... this response is... hilarious...
DeleteWhy is that we elevate people who are obviously mentally ill to positions of fame and power?
ReplyDeleteI view myself as righteous, I am after all a child of the righteous. That makes me judgmental and often not someone that people seek out. Yet, while I am righteous, I am not self-righteous – meaning that I don’t judge others for their sins and transgressions while I commit them myself. I also do not blind myself to the same traps that allow one to become prey to the transgression that is self-righteousness – to believe that it is subtle and thus hard to spot. Is it really? Or are you willfully blinded to it like a poet, a presider of bull, and a prick who feels the need to complain about what is wrong that is all over what they touch, to swear to protect and defend but not support mutuality, to put on one face in public but be someone else in private, praise the divine but only to increase the following or wealth they so desire, and to work hard for a great living outside but do nothing but complain about others asking for them to contribute inside. Yes, it’s so hard to see this until someone comes along with a story that does not let you hid from the reality of these people you falsely worship and wish to be.
ReplyDeleteThe more value you place in yourself the less boundaries you will care to respect. For why do so, you are valuable, much more so than the person you wish to make a follower of the grandness of you and yours. And people begin to wonder why I choose to live on a mountain in a forest with lakes, rivers, and ravines between me and you.
ReplyDeleteOne does not... lightly tread into... the Dark Shadow... of great Presidents... without understand that... they are often... misunderstood...
ReplyDeleteIt is remarkable and ingenious how a man like you cannot order his thoughts in even a general way without betraying his guise so completely with but a fraction of putting his spectacular wit into his writings that present the allegory of the basic problems of his existence. Unicorns!
DeleteIt's remarkable how many souls life only to enrich or aggrandize themselves at the expense of others. They talk of passion, but they don't live for the sake of live, instead they live for the sake of experience and robbery of others for their hard earned reward. Tell your boy to keep chugging, he deserves more then he will other receive... But of course, he already received the best gift of all.