Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Workin' As Intended

If what's workin' ain't broke for the ain't broke

what makes the broke so sure that what's workin' is workin' for the broke?


is what's workin'... workin' as intended?

Workin' As Intended


The Hymn of The Ain't Broke

It takes some thin' to exploit a pulpit with all the righteousness in the world

don't it?

But we got bills to pay

don't we?

So what if the hustle pays the bills!

No one is a saint



It takes some thin' to profit from a stage with all the righteousness in the world

don't it?

But we got mouths to feed

don't we?

Who cares if the graft feeds mouths that gotta eat or starve!

No one is without flaw



It takes some thin' to beguile each other with all the righteousness in the world

don't it?

But we gotta make it

don't we?

It don't matter if the fraud makes sweet victory of making it

No one is the bearer of blame



Though all the righteousness in the world is not wanting of we who bear no blame for our frauds, our grafts, our hustles

whilst all the mercy in the world is wanting of we who are not without flaw (as our grafts, our hustles, our frauds, bear witness, in truth)

of we whose hustles, whose frauds, whose grafts are no righteous act of no saint

(with all the righteousness in the world for all the money in the world)

what work of ours is workin' as intended by we who ain't broke?



It takes some thin' to accuse every one of lying, of deceit, of malice... except one's self

don't it?

(Excepting such witness of such self who is I, no? For:


the one accused of lying, of deceit, of malice, is I


it takes some thin' indeed to flout all the righteousness of the world (of 'So what?' and 'Who cares?' and 'It don't matter!', of course) not wanting of the ain't brokewhose hustle and whose graft and whose fraud is work that's workin' as intended

don't it?)
ain't the real in 'reality' (which is also, 'realty', really) shit? &chickenshit and &bullshit and &shitrollingdownhill, the &God'sHonestTruth is some shit.

From Charlotte's Web:

Wilbur (who is some pig, no?): Isn't it great, that I articulate! Isn't it grand, that you can understand! I don't grunt, I don't oink, I don't even squeak or squawk! When I wanna say a some thin', I open up and talk!

(quote above and more from Charlotte's Web @ IMDb (note: corrections and minor modifications are mine)
Speaking of &Perspective (tvfs), no?

Composed January 10, 2018. Revised and posted January 31, 2018.



Ain't nothin' gonna change i'self.

Yet. With hands empty and heads bowed and feet rooted in motionlessness, here we are. Waiting. For someone else to lift the weight of the world! For someone else to right do! For someone else to be, oh, merciful!

After all. It is so much more thrilling to reign unbridled power unfettered, to be, oh, glory glory tyranny!

For how satisfying it 'tis! To write the rules yet flout the rules! To make the law yet be above the law! To judge yet assume immunity from judgment!

(With all the righteousness in the world! For all the money in the world!) Oh, ye' sirrah!

Truly. Why bear the weight of the world? Why do good? Why tolerate mercy? When the privilege, surely, the right, of Lords and Masters and Gods and Saviors, is, the honor of hypocrisy by which enacting intolerance is merciful and wrong doing is righteous and denying care is giving a damn for the inheritors of legacies of greed whose exploitation fuel, oh, tyrannies that uplift the world as if all its weight ain't nothin' but the hot air that's the hymn of the ain't broke!

And. Who. Spurns. That!

Much less, spurns that, to be, oh, broke broke!
Speaking of &Broken (tvfs), no?


  1. If we were judged by the consequences of our deeds and words, beyond the intention and limited desire to understand all that is realty around us, we would be condemned to an eternity of what exists as it just dessert for which we earned and intended through our faithless and dishonest lives.

    1. RichieConnorsWinsAllFebruary 4, 2018 at 10:47 AM

      Realty is just not working out the way that you wanted it to - is it? Maybe you should read up on Jobs 13:12 - it's a doozy!

  2. We should never judge one's character, soul, or heart based on the words of another - especially of trades that are born of deceit, falsity, and greed. All to easy it is to accept the words of truth rather than take a few moments to study the motives behind the words of the person casting the bad judgement. Or even take a few minutes to know the person that the bad judgement is being cast upon. Of course, to do either would mean that you would now have to act, to voice, to set correct the misdeeds of those who broker in realty, acting, lies, and greed. Thus the human condition continues...

  3. Choice, free will, and freedom are illusions that are created between those with power (money, fame), and those without. It only works though if you desire to be fooled or to maintain it by choosing to swallow the blue pill rather than the red one.

    1. A better way... to state this... is your intention... creates your reality...

    2. So speaks the master of illusion above and below the belt.

    3. Alas you are... to fair to... be a troll...

  4. Reading this, one should never feel bound to believe that the universal being who endowed humans with free will, intelligence, reason, and senses intended for us to to forgo their use in lieu of following others who use their gifts for imprisoning all for materialistic and base pleasures. Is there not something that you all should feel in reading this that would spark an exploration of the state of your being? If not, just lie on your couch in the home that you don't own in a country where you are not free and are content with dreaming to be nothing more than the lint you are.

  5. In the beginning the Earth was created, then humans were put on the earth. A lot of lifeforms were quite angry at this and it has since been regarded as a really bad move.

  6. The major problem with waiting for those that are in power to lift you up, one of the major problems as there are many with government, corporation, and religion to name a few is that of who are selected to do it; or rather the people that we manage to allow them to run to do it. To that end and that idea - it's pretty common knowledge across all non-humans that those that want to rule people on Earth are, well how do we say it, the people who are the least suited to do it. And if humans were truly intelligent and thoughtful they would realize that anyone that is capable of getting elected to rule is someone that should never have been allowed to be there in the first place and as such is not someone that you should be seeking to help you out of any predicament that you find yourself in. And for those that "aid" said, oh let's call them, morons into power you have to know that they are more than content to allow the system to work the way that those, "helpful," beings want it to work. Any form of perception that the system is truly broken is well not that of those in power, rich enough to "give a helping hand," or are the puppets of the system.

  7. The stream be weary of flowing,
    The wind be tired of blowing,
    The clouds be sick of fleeting,
    The heart be bored with beating,
    Through my eye,
    Up in the sky,
    On the road lie,
    As nature doth die.

    With realty lie,
    With pulpit oath fie,
    With stage cheer cry
    With platform truth die
    Through my eye,
    Up in the sky,
    Free will is noosed
    As Earth is abused.

    One speaks truth,
    One speaks without false tooth,
    One feels love,
    One touches without heavy glove.
    Through my eye,
    Up in the Sky,
    Intentions are broken
    For systems ain’t broken.

  8. What if you believed your system inviolate, without lie?
    What if you walked to a house with a small woman sweeping?
    What if you asked her if she had the Lord in her heart?
    What if you saw her laugh at your question?
    Would you believe she to be faithless, insane, or strange?
    What if she asked you if you knew her?
    What if you lied and said you did not?
    What if the truth was right there but it would destroy your zed eyes?
    What if she asked you to read her book, her teachings, her word?
    Would you say why should I and ask that she sell you on it?
    What if you were challenged by god on earth?
    What if you respond with God in heaven, ruling all?
    What if... God never ruled all in heaven or earth?
    What if.... God was here? Sweeping steps?
    What would that do to your perception of this world?

    Maybe, just maybe, divinity is not what you have been taught. Think, who taught you divinity? Yes, the same that are working as intended. Now that woman on the street - that woman sweeping on her steps - that man who looks at you from afar - what if they are all... divinity. Would you change how you spoke, how you thought, or dismiss it in lieu of your working as intended.

  9. Irony is that humans truly believe that there is a dream by which they will rise from the bottom to the top and that the top is not rolling shit downhill. Ever try to run on shit? You don't make it very far and are very quickly covered in it. After awhile the smell goes away and you get used to it until they start rolling the next wave downhill at you saying how great it is for you. Sigh, wake up humtards, its the only way that you are going to fix it for everyone including yourself.

  10. "Oh Charlotte," said Wilbur, "God gave me one mouth and two ears so that I may better speak over you than listen to you trying to save my life. Maybe now you can write me one of those great words in you web so that I can become the best bacon that the farmer wants me to be!"

    1. Man that Wilbur, he's short on ears and long on mouth but then again aren't all pigs.

  11. 청력이 청력만큼 좋지 않고, 청력이 보는 것만 큼 좋지 않다는 것을 알고, 보는 것이 행동만큼 좋지 않다는 것을 아는 것만 큼 좋지 않습니다. 진정한 학습은 그것이 실천 될 때까지 계속됩니다.

  12. Humans do not realize that they are the same as a tree. The more that they seek to rise up into the sky, to find new heights, new ways to shine, the more vigorously their roots begin to struggle on Earth as they delve deeper downward into the dark and and deep, distancing their branches from their roots. Some would say - well trees are going to tree but the most solid trees don't aspire to reach the sun and keep their roots grounded in the earth around them instead of delving deeper and deeper.

  13. A vitrum aquae in nomine Christi exaggeratus plus quam omnes divitiae, per abusus hominum adversus homines. Vos non potestis Deo servire et mamonae

    1. I always preferred... the sound of... Arabic or Greek...

    2. TheMinistryOfOneAndAllFebruary 4, 2018 at 11:24 AM

      Come now, you rich, weep and howl for the miseries that you feel. Your rotted riches, your garments of silk that are dirty and frayed slightly. Your gold and silver minutely tarnished. Your food that is bountiful but ever so lukewarm.

      Oh, how I yearn for the day that your riches have rotted and your garments are moth-eaten. The day that your gold and silver have corroded, and their corrosion will be evidence against you. The day that the corrosion will eat your flesh like fire. You have laid up treasure in the last days, living in luxury and in self-indulgence. Yet in the end it shall be your undoing and once undone you will rely on the mercy of the very people you defrauded. Hope and pray that they are more merciful than you have been. That Mother Earth is kind and gentle after all of your abuse.

      Yet ware thee well the people of the earth that you do not aspire or fall to the same condition of the wickedly rich lest you shall suffer the same in the end.

  14. No one is a saint,
    If the hustle pays the bills.
    What if the hustle pays the bills,
    But everyone else is billed?
    Does that pulpit feel righteous?
    As you exploit all thin’?

    No one is without flaw,
    If the graft feeds mouths.
    What if we eat and don’t starve,
    While everyone else doesn’t eat and starves?
    Does that stage feel righteous?
    As you profit from all thin?

    No one is the bearer of blame,
    If the fraud makes sweet victory!
    What if making sweet victory makes it for us,
    While making sweet victory makes it for no one else.
    Does making it feel righteous?
    As you beguile all thin?

    What is a world wanting from those that bear no blame as they fraud, graft, hustle, and beguile,
    A world devoid and wanting of mercy for those who are not without any flaw or blame,
    A world where sainthood is gone and replaced by the saints righteous in their fraud, graft, and hustle,
    As they idolate on the righteousness of the money, the gold, the fame, and power in the world,
    Yes, the work of this world is working entirely as intended and there ain’t nothin broken here.

  15. Cats, Dolphins, and Whales all know that there is nothing that deserves no mercy like fraud, hypocrisy, and tyranny. And humans are the, "master race." Maybe we all should read Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy again.

    1. A !@#$ing PSA: Please remember to wear !@#$ing helmets when riding a !@#$ bike.

    2. Or at least... share the pharma...

  16. Does the secret of free will die at the hands of the secret of tyranny? Are they not the same just delivered differently? Postulate this - The Chicken Wing. That wing was rich to the taste as delivered by the Narcissistic Boobs Collaborators but in reality was nothing more than putrid innards. It was neither rich nor powerful but rather a confused mess of dissonance that was packaged as the opposite. Think - the very people know calling for the end of the fat and discolored wing are the very same people that put the Wing on the menu. And therein lies the secret to tyranny and to mutually assured slavery - the corporations, the media, the government, the rich, and yes, the poor - keeping each other ignorant and stupid enough to care less about the truth but more about being fooled into thinking that they can one day have it all too. God, how I miss the simple tyrannies of yonder year like the Reign of Terror... At least there was a quick escape from the realty of the times we live in.

  17. Those who have the greatest cause for guilt and shame are the quickest to besmirch, tarnish, and destroy the names of those that try to speak the truth. Does not one wonder that by talking with such ill will about another's flaws, indiscretions, and character that said people are doing nothing more than camouflaging their own transgressions and character.
