Monday, April 20, 2020

The Hypothetical Parrot King

What if, what if, what if.

What if your leader relies on "instincts"?

Which begs the question - isn't self-interest an "instinct" - the "instinct" of self-preservation - never mind the price or the cost?

Needless to say - if neither such self-interest nor such self-preservation are your self-interest or your self-preservation - what price and what cost are you paying for the interest and the preservation of your leader?

The Hypothetical Parrot King

It's simple.

I'm not speaking to you.

You parrot.

You tool.

You puppet.

What would be the point of speaking to you? Parrots and tools and puppets aren't listeners. They're yes people. Show me a yes person who "listens" and I'll show you a pretender. Because parrots and tools and puppets are company people. Do you beg to differ?


You must think I'm some kind of stupid.

Speaking to you is a waste of breath.


So - are all of us preachers, preaching to the choir?

Can I hear an "Amen!" from the choir of parrots? And an "Amen!" from the choir of tools? And an "Amen!" from the choir of puppets?


As if preaching to the choir is what ads are for. What briefings are for. What tweets are for. For parrots and tools and puppets to be preached at. Because preaching at loyalists is what preaching is for.


You must believe you're some kind of genius. With some kind of genius "instincts" that are genius facts. To be a yes person and to be a company person and to think - your "Amen!" is not the "Baaa!" of a sheep "Baa-ing" in a synchronous flock of "Baaas" in a monotonous chorus of "Amen-ing" loyalists.

No wonder none of us are saying, saying to us -

when "Amens!" from choirs is what preaching is for -

what is listening for?


Is listening our vestigial tail?

Of inconsequential utility? Except insofar as patriots who "listen" are vassals that do what they're told the betterThe better to sing and dance and mimicry and clap and praise on cue?


That's right.

Righter than

listening is not for not listening.


It's simple.

I'm not speaking to you.

You parrot.

You tool.

You puppet.

Because you are not listening to me. You are listening to yes people. And company people. And great pretenders pretending to be "listeners". Who I am not. You are listening to ads. And briefings. And tweets. That I do not author. You are listening to preachers. And choirs. And "Amen-ing" patriots "Baaa-ing" like sheep. Who I am not shepherding.

I'm speaking to the hypothetical.

Because the hypothetical is the possible.


It is possible that parrots and tools and puppets, listen.

But let me put it this way:

even though it is possible that horseshit is not horseshit, no one shovels horse manure and says, "Well horse poop is not horse poop or I am a pigasus!"

So even though it is possible that "Amens!" from choirs is not what preaching is for, no one preaches to the choir and says "Well monotonous choruses of "Amens!" are not the "Baaa-ing" of synchronous flocks of sheep!"

Because no one is that kind of stupid.


So if you're listening to yes people and company people and great pretenders pretending to be "listeners", say, "We're listeners and we're listening!" And you believe this that's said. Then you're some kind of hypothetically stupid.

If you're listening to ads and briefings and tweets, say, "We rely on our "instincts" because our "instincts" are genius facts!" And you believe this that's said. Then you're some kind of hypothetically stupid.

And if you're listening to preachers and choirs and "Amen-ing" patriots "Baaa-ing" like sheep, say, "Our self-interest and our self-preservation are your self-interest and your self-preservation!" And you believe this that's said. Then you're some kind of hypothetically stupid.


Because the hypothetical is the possible, it is possible that you are not some kind of stupid. But if the hypothetical is the possible, then it is possible that

I am speaking to you.



When you are hypothetically lead by a hypothetical parrot king, what is said by said king and said king's ministers, attendants, coteries, and the like, is not always what is true. In other words, what is said by parrots and tools and puppets, that is, said king and vassals of varying consequence and relation of said king, is not always what is true.

Because a hypothetical parrot king relies on you believing what is said is always what is true; because a hypothetical parrot king relies on your hypothetical stupidity; a hypothetical parrot king with some kind of genius "instincts" that are genius facts relies on

          you being the parrot and the tool and the puppet you hypothetically are.


I or Parrot

The easiest thing to say to rally a people is us versus them. Which is the sanitized translation of me versus you.

It is a lot harder to say we're in this together. Why? Because if there is one lifeboat for me, a hypothetical parrot king, and no lifeboat for you, then we are not all in this together, are we? So we're all in this together is a steaming pile of hypothetical shit.

As for how the reality of we're not all in this together is messaged into the sanitized translation of me versus you - this is nothing to do with messaging that is "real" and this is everything to do with messaging that is strategic and opportunistic. In other words, messaging (1) that rallies a people (2) and satisfies the self-interest and the self-preservation of a hypothetical parrot king (3) is messaging that is both strategic and opportunistic.

One fail safe such messaging is we are at war, like so:

Step (1): a hypothetical parrot king seeds a "war" or two or three. Step (2): a hypothetical parrot king declares a "war" or two or three. Step (3): a hypothetical parrot king claims real and imagined "victories". Step (4): all real and imagined blame and all real and imagined losses, are assigned to you, because a hypothetical parrot king is blameless. Step (5): repeat.

Which is to say, to be hypothetically rallied by a hypothetical parrot king who is not in this with you, is to hear:

          a hypothetical parrot king be the real parrot king.


II or Tool

You may believe that the self-interest and the self-preservation of a hypothetical parrot king is your self-interest and your self-preservation.

Or you may not.

You may believe that relying on the "instincts" of a hypothetical parrot king is relying on genius facts.

Or you may not.

You may believe that in exchange for one fine-print-free free ride after another, a hypothetical parrot king is neither asking for a thing nor expecting a thing.

Or you may not.

Which is to say, to be hypothetically pandered to by a hypothetical parrot king who cites hypothetical flying pigs to the sick, the dying, and the dead, is to see:

          you are the means of a hypothetical parrot king - not the ends.


III or Puppet

The ring that pulls you by the nose is neither an "executive order" nor a "recommendation" nor the like. The fuel that inflames you blind is neither a "call" to patriotism or loyalism nor a "duty" of fealty or faith nor the like. The hand that propels you to fray is neither a "theory" nor "invisible" nor the like.

If you believe this that is said, then your hypothetical stupidity is a miracle in the lap of a hypothetical parrot king.

Like bulls, you are taunted.

Like matchsticks, you are lit on fire.

Like pawns, you are played.

Because (1) the ring that says my way of life is worth taking your life and your life and your life and your life; (2) the fuel that says my economy is worth climbing over thousands of cooling bodies for; (3) the hand that says the greater good that I serve is my power and my wealth; (4) are strings that pull your hypothetical heart and your hypothetical mind to serve your hypothetical parrot king.

Which is to say, to be hypothetically commanded by a hypothetical parrot king whose hypothetical keys open neither doors nor economies, is to know:

          a commendation from the lap of a hypothetical parrot king is as bankrupt as the real parrot king.



What ifwhat ifwhat if.

What if there are three futures: one that could be; one that should be; one that will be?

If the hypothetical is the possible -

isn't it possible the future will not be what will be; isn't it possible the future will be

what is possible?


Author's Note

Live for you and your friends and your enemies. Live for the ones you love and the ones you hate. Live for the rest of your life.

Don't die for money or playgrounds or appearances. Don't die for schools or identities or shows.

"Protesters" who speak of "cruelty" and "imprisonment", whose frame of reference is a month or two or three of such "cruelty" and such "imprisonment", don't speak for the sick and the dying and the dead. Now or to come.

What you live for now - is what you will live with forever. Make it more than being a bull, taunted to your death; make it more than being a match stick, lit and thrown away; make it more than a wasted breath.

Which is to say, the real parrot king who goads the "masters of fear" and ridicules the "slaves of fear" and says the real parrot king is your liberator

          neither lives for you nor dies for you.



  1. It is a question no one ever looks upon. The existence of instinctual favorites or predisposition to act in manners that benefit one over all others. I submit it exists. Why else would anyone trust the instincts that are fueled by the defecation of a bird who repeats what it has heard? And not even everything it has heard. How can one base their reasoning on that of a bird with bright colors, dark eyes, and a gluttonous desire for crackers and other gifts? The answer is simple. One does it in the hopes of shaping lands to serve their own interests. Who cares for the cost, it won’t be borne by you – will it? Yet, one person rarely makes anything legitimate or can make it legitimate? To that end, all must band together and find the most gluttonous of the parrots to be their king; never thinking of the unworthiness of the bill turned to laws through a parrot king that mimics only the rumors and never the facts in its desire to rewarded with more and more praise, gifts, and… crackers – for it can fly over all that litters its and your path.

    I weep day by day. I weep because in the end one person placing their material desires ahead of the materiality of another’s very existence is robbing this planet of all of those that are more than a parrot, a tool, a sheep, and a puppet who could make this world into what it could be instead of what it will be and is. Yet to those that walk the path of the king of parrots, following the shit and the rubbish and the grand promises and rumors you should look closely at where the path is leading you. That way you won’t be shocked when you end not at a mansion but rather a dump full of the very bodies you put there.

  2. Each time I read your posts… I wonder what brings me back for more. If we believe that which you have written here is a variation of that which you have written many times before then what is the point of me continuing to read each post? I am by no means a vassal, forced to read that which you write if I wish to stay in your good graces. Your good graces, as evident in your responses, are not idly given based on simply repeating your words or thoughts or producing a number that shows how often you are viewed. I am by no means a tool, just a mechanism, to be used and thrown away after my use is done. Rare is it that you throw anything away and rarest is that you throw anything away that does not haunt you or make you lament that it could not have stayed longer. I am definitely not a puppet – although I dare say to be a puppet of a loving puppet master would not likely be so bad. You cherish freedom and truth in it’s true form and promote it in your writings while you likewise seek to extirpate all that prevents us from being in a what this world was meant to be and maybe, just maybe could still be. You never repeat what others say as your only mean to say what you need to say or to use them to “legitimize” your message. So, what brings me back? Well, sure part of it is to marvel at the command of the language and the ability to message that what is really happening that you have. But I guess the realest of reasons is that much like life… I come back because you are perhaps your harshest critic and you never stop expanding upon your writings, never stop being convincing and making me wish to reach higher and be better. And you never stop being you and helping me to be me. In the end I come back to read life and to understand what could be, might be, and what should be. Thank you!

  3. Ah! To be stupid! To be selfish! Those are two of the three requirements for most to be happy. Good health!?! Who cares if you are able to fulfill on the other two!?! And who cares even more if it’s not your health that is in question!?! So, just keep on that path of stupidity, fueled by selfishness, as all you need to do is repeat what your liberator wishes to be true for it to be so even when you are dying and he is living!

  4. Said the Parrot King to the little parrot
    Do you see what I see
    Way across the sky little parrot
    Do you see what I see
    A boat, a boat
    One for me, none for you
    To save me from the sea
    To save me from the sea.

    Said the Salesman to the mighty Tool
    Do you hear what I hear
    Ringing through the town mighty tool
    Do you hear what I hear
    Wings, Wings
    Of A Flying Pig
    You are my means, not my end
    You are my means, not my end.

    Said the small girl to the Puppet
    Do you know what I know
    In your four walls of a home
    Do you know what I know
    A person, a person
    Expels wasted breath
    Lit on fire, you are played
    Lit on fire, you are played

  5. My condition is torn. Every day I dispense of existence of the past. I see the face of suffering each day – different, yet the same as the last. The face has not changed in the eons of my existence. Suffering remains ancient, older than time. Remaining distant. Far enough way I cannot end it but close enough to remind me every moment it is there. Fierce as it always has been. Bowing and cowing to nothing. My therapist tells me that my torn condition is straightforward. I am tired of life because I am mortal: human. The remedy, pills and to stop believing that I am something more than just human. The television tells me that I am torn because I need to be liberated, to be saved from isolation that is destroying all that I am. I need bars, I need tans, I need gyms. I need to spend money and I will feel less torn: human. Yet – is it not possible that I am really torn because I am something more than human. That I am torn and weary by the constant images, words, and speeches of those that want the liberty, life, and love promised by the almighty Baal and Secret knowing that these are nothing more than the illusions and empty words of a Parrot King. Yes, I believe that is it. I am tired of being the very thing that we have made into something that it was not meant to be. I cannot love human as it exists today where loving it means treating yourself to the easy self-congratulation, approval seeking, and need to be certain that you are on the right side, your side, as espoused by the King of All Parrots.

  6. Pezzo interessante. Così tanti significati racchiusi in così tante parole. Parli di non essere ascoltato e di non parlarci. Con chi parli? È un trucco per farci leggere di più? Credo di si. Ho letto di più. Mi rendo conto che questo non deve essere per me. Ma ho letto di più. Sicuramente non fa per me. Come un bambino. Voglio sapere per chi è e perché non è per me. Arrivo alla fine. Mi rendo conto che non fa per me. È pensato per me che potrebbe essere.

  7. The King of Parrots or just a parrot. No, better stated – is he just the king of pigs or just a pig? We all desire to look life as there is the grand life (King) and there is the not-so-grand life (not the King). The life of ambition fully achieved (King) and the life of porcine failure (Not the King).
    What are we truly learning here? That life is a choice between murdering our way to the throne or slopping through puddles mindlessly to avoid the reality of being a parrot (pig), tool (pork), or puppet (Wilbur). Are you okay with walking over the cooling bodies deceased through your ambitions or playing in puddles made small so to torment you to seek more? I am not a genius but I think both of these lives are pretty shit which should drive all to seek more. Just be careful that you don’t change the Parrot for the Pig for the Snake for the Scorpion.

  8. AlphaCentauriOrBustApril 25, 2020 at 1:23 PM

    Be careful what you ask for you might just get it….

    The would-be, wanting to be king who the people elected only wanted to have, “parrots,” around him. He mandated that everyone must mask themselves as parrots otherwise they could not be part of, “his,” kingdom. They must only say what he wanted to hear, and in turn encourage not only those around them but those around those and so on become parrots to him too.

    A nation of parrots! Yes! A world of parrots! Even better! The Universe! Oh, the joy of Liberation! Yes! Yes! That is what I want!

    No one though should say anything that he did not want to hear. Parrot talk is the only thing that is music to his and his own’s ears. Do not worry about striking that discordant note though as he and his will tell each of you parrots what he would like to hear and what you should tell others. It is vital to the economy and the security of the nation – nay, the world – that everyone be kept informed what parrot song to sing and when. If you do not sing it, well then, you aren’t one of us, are you? You piece of sacrilege you! You non-parrot you!

    And it is most vital to the nation – nay the world – that the parrot king be allowed to say and do all those dreams that come to his head. For is he not the dreamer amongst us all!?! His dreams are pure gold and each one will bring us closer to the land we want to call home. As for other dreams, from other people? Those are not necessary – in fact, it is better that you do not dream at all. Your dreams do not bring wealth, prosperity, drive the economy, or make any real progress. And do not worry about those ups and downs – have faith in the parrot king and his dream as everything will be all right no matter how bad it gets. In fact, on that note – let us sing our praise to the parrot king right here and right now! Make sure thought all of you are singing it exactly the way that the king wants it – perfect unity – that is the key to it all.

    Chorus of parrots – mass choirs if you will – of parrots singing in perfect union and harmony of the perfect message! Let these be true of every corner, in every branch, and tree. In the bars! In the tanning salons! In the gyms! Let the religious men lead all in singing the parrot king’s perfect songs. Let the teachers teach the students these perfect parrot lessons and songs so that the children – yes, the children – sound like parrots too! And the best grades will go to those that best sing these parrot songs of the parrot that would be king of us all. No stories about less than perfect parrot songs can go through the boob tube or the printed, high gloss magazine if they do not have the right song and the right message. If they do then well – they are not perfect – they must be fake, and we do not want that hurting our perfect parrot nation, do we?

    The parrot king just wants us to be happy – one happy parrot nation with beautiful and perfect parrot masks and songs. The king just wants us to not suffer, starve, poor, or die by not following his perfect little parrot wishes and secret. Why would you bring that on yourself, the withholding of all that he has, by disagreeing with his perfect little message? The king wishes that not for you but that is your choice is it not? So, why disagree, the king wants happiness at his price and his means, who cares if it is your end? Who cares if the price of his song is your life? For in the end is not the life and well being of the parrot king more than the parrot?
