Sunday, October 29, 2023

The Not-Mystery of the Basic B$tch

I cannot say what makes a mystery...

or doesn't...

except to say: 'formulas' are not 'mysteries'.

The Not-Mystery of the Basic B$tch

There are no mysteries. You know: unknowns. There is only (a) what's known, hidden from you, (b) by a stranger or a someone not a stranger (c) or a you, yourself.


So there's a woman knocking at the door. Why? Why not no one? Why is there a stranger at the door?

But I don't ask the someone at the door: why. Because I know something the stranger doesn't: she won't tell me the truth. Not because the truth is unknown. Not because the truth is a 'mystery'.

Because the someone knows. Why she is knocking at my door.

I don't ask because the truth is her secret. Withheld from me to keep me in the dark. As if darkness is hers to impose.


So there's a man who sits accused in a courtroom. Why? What's happened? What compels a man to be so publicly addressed?

Who's to say? The accused? I don't ask the accused: why. Because I know what everybody knows: the accused won't tell anybody the truth. Not because the truth is unknown. Not because the truth is a 'mystery'.

Because what's happened, happens: not by everybody squeezing their eyes shut; not by everybody tying their hands to their sides and fixing their feet to the ground; not by everybody zipping their lips with tossed invisible keys.

Because see-nothings and do-nothings and speak-nothings do not exist except insofar as fictions that secret the truth behind nothings.


So there's someone who starts 'it'. Why? Why not no one? Who, after all, starts a war?

It's unjust and terrible and of all wretched human acts, the worst. Every. Single. Time. Still: why? why? why? we ask.

Not because the truth is unknown. Not because the truth is a 'mystery'. Because life is fragile and cheap. As for sacred:

What's sacred about molecules? Their mere existence? Still: we profess 'our truths' like knives of blamelessness at each other's throats. As if grace forgives us... our dishonesties.


There are no mysteries. You know: unknowns. There is only (a) what's known, hidden from us, (b) by a stranger or a someone not a stranger (c) or an us, ourselves.


I am, on the one hand,

disappointed that The Not-Mystery of the Basic B$tch is not a familiar 'story', much less a 'formula' 'mystery'. 

But I am, on the other,

not confounded.

By the time its audience appreciates the thrill of its puzzle: not only is it the case that a familiar 'story' was never a 'mystery', not really, afterwards, it will never 'again', dumbfound its audience.  


Such that what we enjoy

is not-mysteries after all.


But life, unlike a genre or procedural or category, doesn't present not-mysteries as 'formulas'. A woman. A man. A someone. A knock. A trial. A war. The telling that entertains

is make believe.

In reality, to know what's known, hidden from us, by a stranger or a someone not a stranger or an us, ourselves -

is our not-mystery to solve.


The not-mystery of who to trust. With ourselves. With our honesty. With being kind.

The not-mystery of who to vote for. Because lives worth living are not created by human beings who don't give a f*ck, sh!t, or d@mn.

The not-mystery of who to stand with. As if standing 'as one with our own' without a moral compass... is who we are and what we do.

Because the 'formula' for 'basic' is, in the end, unoriginal and...





(i) The title of this post is The Mystery of the Basic B$tch. However, I appreciate that such title is, in a sense, misleading. With that in mind, the published title of this post is The Not-Mystery of the Basic B$tch.

Note that my title references Lisa Jewell's None of This Is True: A Novel for reasons that are plain and self-evident. 

(ii) The not-mystery of the 'basic b$tch' or 'normative @ssholery' isn't why.

Id est: (a) ignorance, delusion, and rejection doesn't make conventional antipathy, hostility, and wrongdoing not exist; (b) blaming everything and everyone but oneself and one's own doesn't make oneself and one's own right and everything and everyone else objectionable; (c) deciding final solutions are the only way to act doesn't make such decisions the only legitimate means to acceptable ends, etc. 

Which is to say, the not-mystery of the 'basic s$gma' or 'prescriptive @ssholery' is what. we. make. so.

(iii) My 'truth to power'

to the powerful who are teeming masses is: there are truths to be told; to the powerful who are inheritors of aristocracy, who govern institutions and legacies is: there are truths to be told; to the powerful who are extremists, who employ cruelty and malice is: there are truths to be told

because power is not above truth.

My 'truth to power'

opposes the reasoning that there exists an inherent 'right' to power through (a) a so-called 'divine right' that abuses the conditions and exploits the loopholes of representative government, (b) corruption and contempt of truth, and/or (c) the 'will' of make believe, whether such make believe is a so-called 'privilege' of (i) 'ideology' or (ii) 'faith' or (iii) so-called 'right' to lie with bona fide 'impunity'.

(iv) There is no 'mystery' to a future that furthers goodness; there is plainly:

action that advances such future or action that ensures such future is dead-on-arrival or inaction that robs the future of its potential to be more than
