Saturday, January 16, 2016

Cowardice in Search of Chivalry

Who has courage?



Does it take immeasurable courage to overpower the weak... to shackle them to prisons for eternal immurement?

Does it take extraordinary courage to expropriate the helpless... of their minds, their agencies, their freedoms?

Does it take prodigious courage to subject the powerless... to abject terror and unfathomable tyranny?

So much courage... indeed... that such acts of nobility warrant untold riches, astonishing power and influence, and of course, incomparable acclaim. To whom better to award medals of bravery, tokens of honor, and remuneration in the millions of dollars... than such paragons of gallantry and virtue.

Verily... this is courage. Is it not? For isn't this, the courage of war?

Generals and commanders, Kings and aristocracy... play with people and their lives, like so many worthless cardboard pawns on expendable cardboard chessboards... for amusement, for avarice, for conceit. And lest we forget... that life is not a game... wars kill people.


What about pawns...

Who gracefully submit... to eternal imprisonment?

Who lovingly relinquish... their minds, their agencies, their freedoms?

Who joyfully endure the most abhorrent, contemptible, and brutal subjection... of their bodies, their hearts, their souls?

All for the vanity, the prestige, the aggrandizement... of Generals and commanders, Kings and aristocracy.


Of pawns and Generals, of toys and Kings... who are the heroes in search of magnanimity, dignity, and grace... and who are the cowards in search of hollow illusory chivalry?


The real hero stands....

The real hero speaks....

The real hero frees....

all of us...

...from a game that indiscriminately toxifies the godfull and the godless... miring all of us in an interminable cycle of agony and despair... that spares no one treachery.

In the end:

Who has courage?



Or are we all... bad and good, dark and light, big and small... fated to this unremitting Tartarus on Earth for time immemorial?


  1. Age of the pawns begins... now.

    1. Your 15 minutes of fame are already over.

    2. Does that mean yours are too?

    3. Nope...

      The Game is all about the King.

      Btw, I loved the episode of you camping...

    4. Typical.

      Great post AM!

    5. As I loved you in the episodes of Scrooge McDuck...;)

  2. We all are complex creatures who need to acknowledge all of our sides to do good in the world. Great post!
