Alas! The brave! Silent! While hearken among fools! Upheld! Isms anew!
Oh! Fools! Turnt by ignorance! Seduced by absolutes! Fey tyranny!
But! The light of truth! For sakes! Vanished! Vanquished 'fore hatred of ever!
Alas! The isle of soul! Illusory utopia of homogeneous myopia! No sun rises! There!
'Fore isle of darkness! Ever shadow! Night of day severed from morrow!
Isms FOR - and - Isms AGAINST -
Are - BOTH - Isms
In the end - isms serve ignorance - intolerance - hatred -
isms - do not - serve truth -
nor - do isms serve - justice -
For - isms for - no more transforms isms into nobilities - than isms against transform isms into legitimacies -
In very deed -
this is but the transformation of the catastrophically immoral stance of ends justifying the means - via isms -
Is it not -?
Yet - no ends justifies any means that reduces our humanity - into isms -
of whether our ism is for -
or - whether our ism is against -
of whether their ism is for -
or - whether their ism is against -
For isms are lens that NEVER see truth nor justice -
as evidenced -
by eons of failed truth and failed justice - via policies, theologies, ideologies, dogmas, mores, norms, institutions, systems, governments, societies, etc. - crafted via lens vis a vis isms -
For - isms for - no more transforms isms into nobilities - than isms against transform isms into legitimacies -
In very deed -
this is but the transformation of the catastrophically immoral stance of ends justifying the means - via isms -
Is it not -?
Yet - no ends justifies any means that reduces our humanity - into isms -
of whether our ism is for -
or - whether our ism is against -
of whether their ism is for -
or - whether their ism is against -
For isms are lens that NEVER see truth nor justice -
as evidenced -
by eons of failed truth and failed justice - via policies, theologies, ideologies, dogmas, mores, norms, institutions, systems, governments, societies, etc. - crafted via lens vis a vis isms -
There fore -
in so far and in as much -
as - truth and justice - matter more - than - ignorance intolerance hatred -
that - humanity - matters more - than - ends -
as - truth and justice - matter more - than - ignorance intolerance hatred -
that - humanity - matters more - than - ends -
should we not eschew isms as false saviors - incapable of saving any one - much less all of us - ?
Myths of 'Good' Isms
There are so many myths of 'good' isms - the most endemic - being:
to avoid the horrors executed in the names of isms past - we must endlessly relive and revive atrocities - through a million and one per mutations - via histories and documentaries and arts and inspirations - told through the lens - of isms -
and -
to scaffold the psyches of wounds inherited through generations - we must endlessly strive to buttress the lives and the well-beings of those wounded - overtly and indirectly - institutionally and microscopically - by isms past and isms future - via extraordinary dispensations - through the lens - of isms -
regardless -
of context and nuance -
perspective -
mercy and forgiveness -
mutuality -
and -
the paradox of fixing (eradicating) isms by perpetuating (instituting) isms -
(among many others) -
We can't see -
what isn't there -
But -
if - the lens by which we see -
is - our creation -
then -
what do we see - ?
The Truth - ? Or -
a reality we define vis a vis lens we create - ?
If - the lens by which we see -
is - our creation -
or - their creation -
then -
what reality - do we see - ? do they see - ?
Is it not possible - that if we trade our lens - for the lens of an other - we might see a reality that differs from our own - ? Is it not possible - that if they trade their lens - for the lens of ours - they might see a reality that differs from their own - ?
Therefore -
is it not possible - that - by creating lens by which we see - we also create realities - that differ - between our selves and each other and between us and them - ?
Verily -
is it not also possible - a reality that is - lens free - is truer - than a reality experienced vis a vis lens of our creation - ?
What if - the lens by which we see -
is - none other - than - our isms for and our isms against - ?
What if - this - is - what we see - ?
What if - the lens by which others see -
is - none other - than - their isms for and their isms against - ?
What if - this - is - what they see - ?
If so -
are we really so different - from them - than them - after all ?
Are we not -
doing the same - ?
By creating lens by which we see -
we see -
not through lens that are ism free -
but through lens - that are isms -
Therefore -
are lens of our creation -
ever good - or just - ?
Moreover -
are lens that are isms -
ever valid - or legitimate - ?
In very deed -
are not all lens and all isms - fraught with solipsistic specificity - ? that reference - not THE reality nor THE truth - but a singular reality and a singular truth - of one not all - ?
Hence -
when this is the measure of reference - and history - and science - and data (collection, aggregation, analysis) -
when this is the measure of reality - and truth -
when this is the metric - the rubric - the parameters - the defining point - of policies, theologies, ideologies, dogmas, mores, norms, institutions, systems, governments, societies, etc. -
when this is unimpeachable - immutable - irrefutable - sacrosanct -
how - exactly - is truth and justice - served - by this -
lens - ?
Much less - this -
sight - ?
Instead -
to the extent that isms serve - ignorance - intolerance - hatred - first and foremost -
and - to the extent that - humanity - matters more than - ends - ever and always -
is it not possible -
that the only path - from ism to truth and justice -
is the path absent of ism - ?
Via our agendas to better our world - to avoid reliving the consequences of isms rampant and unchecked - verily horrors - to prevent the tyrannies of isms perpetuated within institutions and systems - verily atrocities -
how exactly -
does - constructing institution by institution - justifying law by law - legitimizing anecdote by anecdote - via and vis a vis - defending here, there, every where - isms for and isms against - isms of ours and isms of theirs - etc. etc. -
fix - much less eradicate - isms - ?
In fact -
does not such vehemently scaffolded and fortily buttressed monstrosities of suspect actualization - further entrench and endemify - further endorse and maintain - if not intensify and amplify and magnify -
isms - ?
For isms -
make allowances for - context and nuance - perspective - mercy and forgiveness - mutuality -
on the basis of exceptions and exceptions alone vis a vis extraordinary burdens of proof of exceptionalities and exceptionalities alone -
while maintaining rigid absolutes -
including -
that -
ends matter more than humanity -
ignorance - intolerance - hatred - in the name of isms - serve the righteous - the unimpeachable - the inviolable -
my ends via my isms - are just - (likewise - the corollary) -
the lens of my creation - is the truth - the whole truth - the one and only truth -
truth and justice - is truth and justice - if and only if - such truth and such justice - serves me and my ends via my lens and my isms -
etc. etc. -
Yet -
what truth - what justice - is this - ?
Is this - not - in fact - the 'truth' and the 'justice' - of despotism and tyranny - ? transformed to sate and fulfill the egregiousness of unbridled ego and hubris - ?
That - the ends always justify the means - ?
For do not despots and tyrants - always - assert the rightfulness and legitimacy - of absolutism vis a vis absolute autocracies - ? Except - of course - with respect to their selves - who need not be just - in order to claim such an epithet - ? And - their acts - which need not be just - in order to be 'justified' - ?
That - solipsistic specificity is - never - myopic narcissism - ?
For do not despots and tyrants - ever - assert the validity and sanctity - of reducing the humanity of all human kind - ? Except - of course - with respect to their selves - who need not be champions of humanity - in order to claim the epithet 'humanitarian' - ? And - their acts - which need not be sacrosanct - in order to be 'sanctified' - ?
Therefore -
Truth - and - Justice -
removed from the stalwart commandment and unswervingly necessary condition - to resist per mutations vis a vis isms -
ultimately devolves into injustice - pursuant to fictions of isms -
and -
advocates of such truth and such justice -
removed from the stalwart commandment and unswerving necessary condition - to uphold Truth and pursue Justice - sans isms -
ultimately devolve into despots - who perpetuate tyrannies of isms -
such that -
ever and always -
one ism oppresses an other - until the other oppresses the one - and the corollary and vice versa and the reverse - in cycles that never cease - because devisers of lens of isms eschew disavowing the fictions of isms -
including -
that -
truth and justice for some - is more noble - than truth and justice for all -
Verily -
regardless of how an ism is defended - justified - legitimized - sanctified - or nobilified -
an ism is an ism -
and isms for and isms against -
are always and for ever -
isms for hatred and isms against mutuality.
Context and nuance -
perspective -
mercy and forgiveness -
and -
mutuality -
have long since given way -
to ends justifying means -
lens -
and -
isms -
However -
even so -
truth and justice - informed by - context and nuance - perspective - mercy and forgiveness - and - mutuality - is, has been, will be - ever more true and ever more just - than the utterly indefensible - unjust - abhorrent fictions of isms - upheld by tyrants of 'truth' and 'justice' who are but farces of real champions of real truth and real justice -
Agendas of lies - that seek to pervert policies, theologies, ideologies, dogmas, mores, norms, institutions, systems, governments, societies, etc. - for some and against others - serve no cause - of nobility - much less - of legitimacy -
For truth and justice is truth and justice - sans lens - sans isms - sans agendas of lies - sans fictions of isms -
and truth and justice and mercy and forgiveness and hope and mutuality - will prevail - for all kind - every kind - across every granverse - every where - every when - so long as -
the isle unravelling - stands - for novus societas mutuorum - for all -
- M
It is too easy -
too convenient - by far -
that -
we insist - nay demand - that - next time - next year - next century - next eon -
is the time for change -
that - now - is the time - to stay the course -
blindly and stead fastly -
because we must -
because events necessitate our course - (personal, social, political, economic, local, national, world, etc.) -
because the alternative(s) is(are) - too terrible, too monstrous, too inconceivable -
But -
every one of these 'reasons' - are - verily -
rationalizations -
excuses -
justifications -
to not change -
to not eschew ignorance and intolerance and hatred -
to not chart a course towards novus societas - mutuorum - totorum -
to -
keep drumming on drums of war - expecting peace -
to -
keep endorsing discord - expecting unity -
to -
keep pointing fingers at every else but our selves - expecting every else to shoulder all the blame and all the responsibility for change -
to -
keep attacking every other and every them - expecting every other and every them to repudiate their defenses, to surrender, to sacrifice every thing and more for peace -
while -
we -
rationalize - excuse - defend - justify - legitimize - sanctify - nobilify -
all we do -
incite rancor - elevate hatred - inflame enmity - weaponize narcissism - preach fear -
for our ends for our isms for our lies for our fictions -
because -
we are the righteous - the unimpeachable - the inviolable -
therefore -
our ends via our isms - are just -
because -
the lens of our creation - is the truth - the whole truth - the one and only truth -
for -
we matter more than all of humankind -
To insist - nay demand -
that - tomorrow - is the time for change -
is to condone - horrors and atrocities - in the name of and on behalf of - our ends via our isms - today -
Until -
the isle unravelling stands - for all are one -
us - one - them - one - all - one -
as interchangeable as reciprocal as mutual as pawns on a vast chessboard the breadth of the granverse - aequum qua mutuus - vivere qua mutuus - liber qua mutuus -
this age -
will continue to be the Age of Fear -
and - peace - will continue to be the promise of a lightless morrow -
for without peace today - there is no peace tomorrow -
In very deed -
'fore isle of darkness - ever shadow - night of day severed from morrow -
- M
to avoid the horrors executed in the names of isms past - we must endlessly relive and revive atrocities - through a million and one per mutations - via histories and documentaries and arts and inspirations - told through the lens - of isms -
and -
to scaffold the psyches of wounds inherited through generations - we must endlessly strive to buttress the lives and the well-beings of those wounded - overtly and indirectly - institutionally and microscopically - by isms past and isms future - via extraordinary dispensations - through the lens - of isms -
regardless -
of context and nuance -
perspective -
mercy and forgiveness -
mutuality -
and -
the paradox of fixing (eradicating) isms by perpetuating (instituting) isms -
(among many others) -
Isms Are Lens -
We Create
We can't see -
what isn't there -
But -
if - the lens by which we see -
is - our creation -
then -
what do we see - ?
The Truth - ? Or -
a reality we define vis a vis lens we create - ?
If - the lens by which we see -
is - our creation -
or - their creation -
then -
what reality - do we see - ? do they see - ?
Is it not possible - that if we trade our lens - for the lens of an other - we might see a reality that differs from our own - ? Is it not possible - that if they trade their lens - for the lens of ours - they might see a reality that differs from their own - ?
Therefore -
is it not possible - that - by creating lens by which we see - we also create realities - that differ - between our selves and each other and between us and them - ?
Verily -
is it not also possible - a reality that is - lens free - is truer - than a reality experienced vis a vis lens of our creation - ?
What if - the lens by which we see -
is - none other - than - our isms for and our isms against - ?
What if - this - is - what we see - ?
What if - the lens by which others see -
is - none other - than - their isms for and their isms against - ?
What if - this - is - what they see - ?
If so -
are we really so different - from them - than them - after all ?
Are we not -
doing the same - ?
By creating lens by which we see -
we see -
not through lens that are ism free -
but through lens - that are isms -
Therefore -
are lens of our creation -
ever good - or just - ?
Moreover -
are lens that are isms -
ever valid - or legitimate - ?
In very deed -
are not all lens and all isms - fraught with solipsistic specificity - ? that reference - not THE reality nor THE truth - but a singular reality and a singular truth - of one not all - ?
Hence -
when this is the measure of reference - and history - and science - and data (collection, aggregation, analysis) -
when this is the measure of reality - and truth -
when this is the metric - the rubric - the parameters - the defining point - of policies, theologies, ideologies, dogmas, mores, norms, institutions, systems, governments, societies, etc. -
when this is unimpeachable - immutable - irrefutable - sacrosanct -
how - exactly - is truth and justice - served - by this -
lens - ?
Much less - this -
sight - ?
Instead -
to the extent that isms serve - ignorance - intolerance - hatred - first and foremost -
and - to the extent that - humanity - matters more than - ends - ever and always -
is it not possible -
that the only path - from ism to truth and justice -
is the path absent of ism - ?
Truth and Justice -
Are Ism Free
Via our agendas to better our world - to avoid reliving the consequences of isms rampant and unchecked - verily horrors - to prevent the tyrannies of isms perpetuated within institutions and systems - verily atrocities -
how exactly -
does - constructing institution by institution - justifying law by law - legitimizing anecdote by anecdote - via and vis a vis - defending here, there, every where - isms for and isms against - isms of ours and isms of theirs - etc. etc. -
fix - much less eradicate - isms - ?
In fact -
does not such vehemently scaffolded and fortily buttressed monstrosities of suspect actualization - further entrench and endemify - further endorse and maintain - if not intensify and amplify and magnify -
isms - ?
For isms -
make allowances for - context and nuance - perspective - mercy and forgiveness - mutuality -
on the basis of exceptions and exceptions alone vis a vis extraordinary burdens of proof of exceptionalities and exceptionalities alone -
while maintaining rigid absolutes -
including -
that -
ends matter more than humanity -
ignorance - intolerance - hatred - in the name of isms - serve the righteous - the unimpeachable - the inviolable -
my ends via my isms - are just - (likewise - the corollary) -
the lens of my creation - is the truth - the whole truth - the one and only truth -
truth and justice - is truth and justice - if and only if - such truth and such justice - serves me and my ends via my lens and my isms -
etc. etc. -
Yet -
what truth - what justice - is this - ?
Is this - not - in fact - the 'truth' and the 'justice' - of despotism and tyranny - ? transformed to sate and fulfill the egregiousness of unbridled ego and hubris - ?
That - the ends always justify the means - ?
For do not despots and tyrants - always - assert the rightfulness and legitimacy - of absolutism vis a vis absolute autocracies - ? Except - of course - with respect to their selves - who need not be just - in order to claim such an epithet - ? And - their acts - which need not be just - in order to be 'justified' - ?
That - solipsistic specificity is - never - myopic narcissism - ?
For do not despots and tyrants - ever - assert the validity and sanctity - of reducing the humanity of all human kind - ? Except - of course - with respect to their selves - who need not be champions of humanity - in order to claim the epithet 'humanitarian' - ? And - their acts - which need not be sacrosanct - in order to be 'sanctified' - ?
Therefore -
Truth - and - Justice -
removed from the stalwart commandment and unswervingly necessary condition - to resist per mutations vis a vis isms -
ultimately devolves into injustice - pursuant to fictions of isms -
and -
advocates of such truth and such justice -
removed from the stalwart commandment and unswerving necessary condition - to uphold Truth and pursue Justice - sans isms -
ultimately devolve into despots - who perpetuate tyrannies of isms -
such that -
ever and always -
one ism oppresses an other - until the other oppresses the one - and the corollary and vice versa and the reverse - in cycles that never cease - because devisers of lens of isms eschew disavowing the fictions of isms -
including -
that -
truth and justice for some - is more noble - than truth and justice for all -
Verily -
regardless of how an ism is defended - justified - legitimized - sanctified - or nobilified -
an ism is an ism -
and isms for and isms against -
are always and for ever -
isms for hatred and isms against mutuality.
- Preface - is a poem I composed for this post - Isle Unravelling - 8/2/16 -
- 'fortily' (in Truth and Justice Are Ism Free) - is a word I derived from 'fortis' (Latin) - another variant I use, is 'fort' (adj) -
- 'endemify' (in Truth and Justice Are Ism Free) - is a word I derived from 'endemic' - it is not 'indemnify' - (note - 'endemic' as I use it here and elsewhere - lacks an accurate definition via most (if not all) online dictionaries -)
- etc. etc. -
- M
Context and nuance -
perspective -
mercy and forgiveness -
and -
mutuality -
have long since given way -
to ends justifying means -
lens -
and -
isms -
However -
even so -
truth and justice - informed by - context and nuance - perspective - mercy and forgiveness - and - mutuality - is, has been, will be - ever more true and ever more just - than the utterly indefensible - unjust - abhorrent fictions of isms - upheld by tyrants of 'truth' and 'justice' who are but farces of real champions of real truth and real justice -
Agendas of lies - that seek to pervert policies, theologies, ideologies, dogmas, mores, norms, institutions, systems, governments, societies, etc. - for some and against others - serve no cause - of nobility - much less - of legitimacy -
For truth and justice is truth and justice - sans lens - sans isms - sans agendas of lies - sans fictions of isms -
and truth and justice and mercy and forgiveness and hope and mutuality - will prevail - for all kind - every kind - across every granverse - every where - every when - so long as -
the isle unravelling - stands - for novus societas mutuorum - for all -
- M
It is too easy -
too convenient - by far -
that -
we insist - nay demand - that - next time - next year - next century - next eon -
is the time for change -
that - now - is the time - to stay the course -
blindly and stead fastly -
because we must -
because events necessitate our course - (personal, social, political, economic, local, national, world, etc.) -
because the alternative(s) is(are) - too terrible, too monstrous, too inconceivable -
But -
every one of these 'reasons' - are - verily -
rationalizations -
excuses -
justifications -
to not change -
to not eschew ignorance and intolerance and hatred -
to not chart a course towards novus societas - mutuorum - totorum -
to -
keep drumming on drums of war - expecting peace -
to -
keep endorsing discord - expecting unity -
to -
keep pointing fingers at every else but our selves - expecting every else to shoulder all the blame and all the responsibility for change -
to -
keep attacking every other and every them - expecting every other and every them to repudiate their defenses, to surrender, to sacrifice every thing and more for peace -
while -
we -
rationalize - excuse - defend - justify - legitimize - sanctify - nobilify -
all we do -
incite rancor - elevate hatred - inflame enmity - weaponize narcissism - preach fear -
for our ends for our isms for our lies for our fictions -
because -
we are the righteous - the unimpeachable - the inviolable -
therefore -
our ends via our isms - are just -
because -
the lens of our creation - is the truth - the whole truth - the one and only truth -
for -
we matter more than all of humankind -
To insist - nay demand -
that - tomorrow - is the time for change -
is to condone - horrors and atrocities - in the name of and on behalf of - our ends via our isms - today -
Until -
the isle unravelling stands - for all are one -
us - one - them - one - all - one -
as interchangeable as reciprocal as mutual as pawns on a vast chessboard the breadth of the granverse - aequum qua mutuus - vivere qua mutuus - liber qua mutuus -
this age -
will continue to be the Age of Fear -
and - peace - will continue to be the promise of a lightless morrow -
for without peace today - there is no peace tomorrow -
In very deed -
'fore isle of darkness - ever shadow - night of day severed from morrow -
- M
There comes a point in time where everybody needs to start looking at the bigger picture and search for the real truth not distorted by the lens of beliefs distorted by lies, half-truths, omissions, and narcissism. You can't have followers of isms give you the truth, falsified by the interests of that group as they seek to promote their agenda at the cost of all others.
ReplyDeleteI miss the world I lived in... One with real leaders and real people that were willing to pursue "the" truth to promote mutuality, justice, and equality for everyone and be willing to let go of the past to get there. What's missing here... Real Leadership, real convictions, and real belief. Instead we are left with people who without a lens look like they just slid out from under a rock trying to propose ideas, institutions, and thoughts that are not based on truth.
I am grateful that there is at least one person out here that is trying to get the truth out there and to persuade people to take off their glasses and see the world for what it really is; and then... choose a world of peace, equality, kindness, mercy, and forgiveness instead of hatred, intolerance, division, war, retribution, vengeance, and never letting go.
Keep fighting... There are those of us who support you... Those of us... that want you to know that you are not alone.
Demon, Angel, Saint, Sinner: We all benefit from all that you (and your sister) fight for and champion. Thank you!
This is amazing and reminds me of another great speech:
ReplyDeleteAll this is simply to say that all life is interrelated. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality; tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. As long as there is poverty in this world, no man can be totally rich even if he has a billion dollars. As long as diseases are rampant and millions of people cannot expect to live more than twenty or thirty years, no man can be totally healthy, even if he just got a clean bill of health from the finest clinic in America. Strangely enough, I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. You can never be what you ought to be until I am what I ought to be
I always liked, "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly."
DeleteI liked mine better...
DeleteIn the end... I think we... can agree that... she is an amazing truth... that deserves our... complete attention... and focus as she... wants nothing more than... peace and unity... like the person that... spoke our favorite... quotes...
Ahem... Not a contest of whose quote is better.
DeleteThis isn't about you. It's about steering a ship safely into port and getting the turn that the world so desperately needs at this point.
And MLK is always a great person to quote... correctly and in the right context and nuance.
As I read your posts, I am constantly amazed by the thought that you are writing down what we should have always known except that for whatever flaw in the human condition we are seem to have never thought it before in a conscious way. Some would say that this is highly unnerving, however I find comfort in that you continue to write these things and have not gone stark raving mad at the futility of trying to convince humans that their blanket of isms is not good for them; and has never been good for them.
ReplyDeleteI can think of no finer writer to read and to have in this time and age to convince people to not let the world burn in hatred thus ending it. Well, maybe there is one other... She is quite the writer too since it seems to run in your blood!
How can the world get better if we don't revisit the past; and learn from those mistakes?
ReplyDeleteOne of the myths of history is that revisiting the past is crucial to not making the same mistake twice. Never revisit the past, it's dangerous for the very reasons she spells out so clearly. Move on, if you don't, you will never be able to move on as you will be stuck in sins of the past that so few have anything to do with now.
DeleteWe are One
ReplyDeleteDream as One
Laugh as One
Love as One
Gaze at stars as One
Look upon moon as One.
Support as One
Care as One.
Cross path as One
Journey as One
Listen as One
Excite as One
Encourage as One
Understand as One
Wonder as One
Know as One
Deserve as One
Doubt as One
Guide as One
Motion as One
Serve as One
Share as One
Act as One
Are Blessed to be One.
I am proud to call myself All Kind and One with You.
I am proud to be your mirror, and you mine.
I am proud beyond grandverses to be part of you and for you to be part of me.
I am most proud of your heart, soul, and mind; and that I have the honor of being your sister.... and friend... and a piece of your soul as you are mine.
I miss you over each mile between you and me.
With a massive eeee..... hug.... and love, know that we are all basking in the brilliance and beauty of your truth and love.
PS... I love the Lucy but the Lucy did not love me back; nor the girls; but Lars looked great in it...:)
That is just not right on any level.
DeleteThere... are certain things... in life... one does not want... to ever... imagine....
DeleteYou continue to be an inspiration to us all, even those of us who are falling short in this race of humanity.
ReplyDeleteI for one am glad that you have such strength as you are capable of forgiving those that stray whereas the weak are incapable of forgiving or moving on.
DeleteIronic? How?
DeleteIronic - in the fact - that you ask for forgiveness - but you never change. You never grow - and you never actually make things right.
DeleteBravery - you use that word for many others - but real bravery is this woman - this woman who lives her life full of mercy, forgiveness, understanding, and seeking unity - without any profit or desire for profit - rather wanting to see All Kind existing in a meaningful coexistence. Yes - she is brave. Yes - she is strong. It's a shame - you are weak. It's a shame - you are cowardly. You should be - helping her. You should be - being with her - but yet you are not.
I am harsh - as I am not her - but I am also truthful in my silence and thunder.
Great post dear!!!! Your truth is my truth - as is the truth espoused by another lovely creature!
All traditions, all texts, and our base spirit carry the same capacity for love, mercy, and unity.
ReplyDeleteNo matter how far you might have strayed from the path, all of us can return to the path of All Kind because its inside of us all.
Find that path, and fulfill the real mission of the human race.
Don't wait for tomorrow though, as it's already come and gone. Besides, its our duty to solve these problems here and now rather than defer them to the next generation. The more we do that, the farther from the path we get and the more others have to fix what we broke and the problems we created fro them.
In the end we all just need to remember that at this time and place we are full of !@#$ in the same exact way even though we think we are full of !@#$ in our own special way. Just like !@#$ing snow flakes that crash to the !@@#ing earth and look exactly !@#$ing the same regardless of what we looked like in the air. Of course, given the level of bull!@#$ in us all about isms, we are more like that !@#$ing dirty snow that your neighbor's kid took a !@## and a !@#$ in. Dirty !@#$ing snow is all that we all... So, let's clean up our acts so we can all be happy as clean !@#$ing snow dancing across the universe in gleeful !@#$ing happiness.
ReplyDeleteYou seem to like to cuss.... alot....
Delete!@#$ you and the donkey you are !@#$ing.
DeleteI look forward to the day that a meadow, a park, a stadium, a Earth are full of all kind standing together in the pursuit of the truth and a life that is deserving of a soul like yours.