Is the Truth the Truth.
Is the Truth belief otherwise. Is the Truth fact otherwise. Is the Truth proof otherwise. Is the Truth knowledge otherwise. Is the Truth faith otherwise.
(Testament of) Act
Will is... act.
Free Will is... (1) act that wrongs and (2) act that rights.
Without strings.
Not without price. Nor without cost.
To live as... one of free will... is to pay the price exacted by the cost of... (1) acts that wrong and (2) acts that right.
Acts of wrong and acts of right are... 'seen'/'unseen'; 'known'/'unknown'; 'deliberate'/'accidental'; 'purposeful'/'random'; 'motivated by virtue'/'motivated by vice'; etc.
One such price is... waiving intercession.
After all.
Intercession is... by definition... the suspension of free will. And. Intercession is... by definition... the dispensation of 'favor'... per the will of intercessors.
(usage note: note that 'favor' conveys the intent of the petition for intercession; as for the intent of dispensation and the will of intercessors, 'favor' is profoundly imprecise)
(usage note: note that 'favor' conveys the intent of the petition for intercession; as for the intent of dispensation and the will of intercessors, 'favor' is profoundly imprecise)
One such cost is... some of free will exercise their freedom to limit the freedom of others and themselves. For example. Contracts. Agreements. Directives.
Likewise... some of free will relinquish their freedom to limit the freedom of others and themselves. For example. Civilization. Government. Assembly.
Some of free will... belief... fact... proof... knowledge... faith... that... without such limits upon freedoms, such as, contracts, agreements, directives, civilization, government, assembly, etc... some of free will... act that wrongs.
Some of free will... empowered... limit the freedom of all but the some of free will like the empowered.
Transforming free will into freedoms allotted and forfeited, such as, rights, liberties, etc., at the exclusive favor of the empowered.
Indeed. Free will is without strings. But. Not without price. Nor cost.
continued from (Testament of) War (tvfs), Testament (tvfs)
a letter of good
If... you were empowered...
to act that wrong
to act that right
how would you... act?
are we the empowered who wrong to favor our selves (and our kind)?
to act that wrong
to act that right
how would you... act?
If... you were empowered...
to relinquish the freedom of yourself
to limit the freedom of others and yourself
to limit the freedom of others and yourself
how would you... act?
If... you were empowered...
to limit the freedom of all but you and your kind
to transform free will into freedoms allotted and forfeited
(at the exclusive favor of you and your kind)
(at the exclusive favor of you and your kind)
how would you... act?
To act... without strings... is the freedom that we enjoy... that betters and that worsens... our lot and our world.
such freedom is exploited... to empower acts that wrong...
what price exacted by the cost of such act... is enough to empower acts that right?
enough is enough... for acts that right to prevail?
enough is enough... for acts that right to prevail?
are we the empowered who wrong to favor our selves (and our kind)?