Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Red Badge of Cowardice

How was your All Saints Day? You know, the day after Halloween. That is, the Hallow in Halloween.

I get it.

It's a day that means nothing to many of you. After all, no one's a saint is the motto of the human who wears not being a nice guy like a red badge of courage.

Except: some ones are.

And the day after Hallow Eve is for remembering: there are humans who wrong and there are humans who good.


Notwithstanding, every human who wrongs, pronounces their wrong: good; as if the power to make wrong, good is the power to speak.


Of course to speak is power.

To say: Will you do me a favor? is power. And to say: Yes, yes! is power.

And to say: Are you loyal to me? is power. And to say: I am, I am! is power.

Never mind the carrot stuffed with cash that dangles from the string of favor and loyal and me. Never mind the stick that looms should a grovel whisper instead of clap like a wind-up mechanical monkey. (Ingratitude is the worst, right?)

Because why speak, if not to make wrong, good?


And every day, Hallow Day withal, is a day in a time of War. And in a time of War, to not speak, is to not stand. Whether the stand is speech or symbol.

As in Flag Waving.

Because Flag Waving is speaking. It's saying: Patriot! And Hero! And Proud! Even if by proud you mean self-righteous meritless self-praise. And by hero you mean the purchase and the display of decorations on the theme of pretending to be something you're not. And by patriot you mean false valor.

Even on Hallow Eve.

Because what is said without words, including stands that are symbolic, are as spoken as stands that are speech.

I hear you.

No one's a saint is a mantra as compelling as what happens in you-know-where, stays in you-know-where. A siren song that excuses rule-breaking. Rules are meant to be broken, right? Forgives sin. Sin is fun, right?

Normalizes wrong. You're human, right?

But: no one's a saint isn't true.


Is it worth it?

To be human? To sin for fun? To break the rules?

Is it worth it to live by no one's a saint? Is it worth it to live by a lie?


Yes, yes!

After all, your Hallow Eve is pretending to be something you're not. And your Hallow Day is the exchange of one face for an other. There's: I'm one of you. And Best! Better than you! And I'm the same different as you. And Winning! Boss! Whatever that means.

In other words, pretending to be someone and something you're not is a costume. Whether you wear it on Hallow Eve or Hallow Day or a day in a time of War.

As in Party.

I mean, what's a carousel of faces to wear, without a Clan or Tribe or Nation or, better yet, Party to carouse with?

No man is an island, right? And you don't want to be an island, do you? That's what thinking for yourself gets you. (So true, right?)

You join a Party where thinking for yourself is no, no you don't. And parrot the Catechism. And duly submit to a pat on the head and a crumb. In exchange for your Voice and your Vote.

Unlike vampires and werewolves, the no man is an island costume is all-in human. So what's not to love? You're human, right? 

I see it.

The all-in human costume. It speaks without speaking. It says: I'm not alone. And Validation. And Legitimacy. And Right.

Even if by speaking without speaking, you're saying: persuasion that wears the face of friend and neighbor and brother and one of you; and force of nature more powerful than moral compass; is peer pressure that makes the unwilling, the willing.

Our Party doesn't force you to do anything. Buuut. If you don't do what you're told, you're a traitor. Aaand. You're not a traitor, are you?

Look away, knowing that not seeing is unworthy of validation and legitimacy. Bury your doubts deeper than your secrets.

Because this costume's piece of resistance is a straw brain and a tin heart and the courage of a stuffed plush. (The better to get up and get out with, right?)


Of course there's a reward; because, duh.

A reward that makes boot-licking for table scraps worth your while. A reward that makes attaboys, crowns of Glory. A reward that makes -

Um. Not to mince words. But. What the fuck?

If the price of not being an island is to be a spineless coattail-clinging coward, is this worth your Voice and your Vote?


Surely there's a story, a cautionary tale, that says to you who believe your Voice worth so little:

trading your Voice for a pat on the head and a crumb won't spare you from paying the price.


Humans speak because they can. Even when humans are not speaking, they're speaking without speaking. 

Amidst all the noise are reminders:

there's more to power than what it can get you; there's more to live by, than lies; and there's more to being human, than being the least you can be.


To humans who wear the red badge of cowardice to say: wreck-it-righters deserve medals and in the spirit of the horror of the Allhallowtide season,

says the Lord,

no more shall you or your descendants sit upon thrones; your corpses shall be meat for the beasts of heaven and for the beasts of earth; and that which you have built by unrighteousness and injustice shall become annihilations;

for you say: I will not listen.

Further Reading

The End (Daniel Handler as Lemony Snicket)

Jeremiah 22 (at Biblehub)




(i) it goes without saying that the red badge of cowardice is a reference to The Red Badge of Courage (Stephen Crane);

(ii) the omission of the possessive Saints in All Saints Day is deliberate; also the omission of the possessive Hallow in Hallow Eve and Hallow Day;

also the use of the singular Hallow in Hallow Eve and Hallow Day is deliberate;

(iii) I'm aware of the "positions" passionately held fast regarding what Halloween is and isn't; nevertheless, I say:

celebrate or observe; for secular frivolity or religious solemnity; but to dismiss a some or a whole of Allhallowtide based on your ownership of the rules is to forget: you don't own the rules;

in other words:

so-called "rules" that protect and serve you and yours to the exclusion of others, are nothing to do with what is and isn't right and everything to do with what is and isn't wreck-it-right;

(iv) while Will you do me a favor? and Are you loyal to me? are references to a specific inquiry of misconduct to impeach a President of the United States, they also represent the language of the powerful and the influential and wannabes across political borders and epochs who wrong with impunity;

after all, a President of the United States is not an inventor of a con as old as a history of humankind; to whom that honor belongs, has long since been forgotten;

(v) what happens in you-know-where, stays in you-know-where refers to a tourism slogan;

(vi) no man is an island is a reference to Meditation XVII from Devotions upon Emergent Occasions (John Donne), that includes: "never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee";

(vii) duly submit to a pat on the head and a crumb refers to (i) the reenactment of a "rite" at the Last Supper called the Eucharist or Communion; (ii) to the miserly distribution of rights and goods by the powerful and the influential and wannabes across political borders and epochs; (iii) to the intangible and tangible rewards for coattail riding that are realized (versus promised); (iv) to the casual, thoughtless, and indifferent manner by which animals employed by humankind, i.e. milk cows, pack mules, hunting dogs, are paid for their loyalty and service (which is not so different than humans employed by humankind);

(viii) a straw brain and a tin heart and the courage of a stuffed plush is a reference to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (L. Frank Baum), wherein a Scarecrow wants a brain, a Tin Woodman wants a heart, and a Cowardly Lion wants courage;

(ix) the story, the cautionary tale is a reference to "The Little Mermaid" (Hans Christian Anderson);

notwithstanding the temptation to mishear self-serving as selflessness throughout this story, this cautionary tale, if the reward of an "immortal soul" for the little mermaid is achieved only upon "selfless" acts and unceasing suffering while alive and 300 years of "good deeds" while dead, what does it say about humankind that the reward of an "immortal soul" is achieved upon nothing more than "being human";

(x) wreck-it-righters deserve medals is a reference to Wreck-It-Ralph (Disney);

(xi) says the Lord etc. is a reference to and is modified from Jeremiah 22;




Author's Note

I know, I know. Enough. You get it. You see it. Blah, blah, blah.

But that's it, isn't it?

It's not enough to get it; it's not enough to see it; it's not enough to do nothing as if doing nothing changes everything.

Do something. Because while you are doing nothing, Clans and Tribes and Nations and Parties are making a real world, a wrong world, dedicated to the proposition that humans who wrong are right, for

Wrong is the One True Eternal Right.

Wrong bless you and Happy Rightmas.


Friday, April 26, 2019

Time's Tale Isn't a Vanity Memoir

A captain of a Titanic is not going to say, much less declare vis a vis "real" media accounts,

'I am a unsinkable ship wrecker walking!'
After all 
a captain whose privilege is answerable to no one 
King, Tyrant, and God.

An architect of a Hindenburg is not going to say, much less dictate vis a vis written statement,

'Conflagrations of hot air are conflagrations by design!'
After all 
the idon'tgiveadamnism of 'Hot air don't care!' 
the idon'tgiveadamnism of engineers who engineer conflagrations figurative and literal.

A prophet of a Jonestown is not going to say, much less testify vis a vis surrogacy à la mouthpiece,

'My Kool Aid is poison! Whose Kool Aid? My Kool Aid!'
After all 
the messiah and the savior of the not see who believes






The Titanic is not the only "unsinkable" ship captained by wanna be Kings and wanna be Tyrants and wanna be Gods who answer to no one;

yet the doubling down heard around the world is still

'My ship is unsinkable!'

The Hindenburg is not the only "conflagration" of hot air that architects of idon'tgiveadamnism engineer before audiences of witnesses and media;

yet the doubling down heard around the world is still

'I know my truth!'

The Jonestown is not the only "project" that evangelizes the "real" "honesty" of fakers in the business of fakery vis a vis surrogacy à la mouthpiece;

yet the doubling down heard around the world is still

'They're fake! I'm real! Who's fake? They are! Who's real? I am!' 







Either time's tale is decades and centuries and millennia of one-offs or time's tale is decades and centuries and millennia of fools and asses and idiots.


Speaking of 'not sees who believe'

fools and asses and idiots

arrogate privilege and immunity (also known as prerogative), engineer idon'tgiveadamnism (also known as idon'treallycareism), trumpet fake salvation vis a vis messianic proclamations (also known as hot air

not only because they get away with it (heaven forbid consequences that deter wrongsowing and wrongdoing be worth fearless pursuit solely per the merit of the principle that the asphyxiating despotism of autocracy shall not be suffered without challenge and defiance)

but also because time tells the tale of total victory and absolute vindication of foolery and asininity and idiocy.







Time's tale isn't a vanity memoir. 


Author's Note

To extrapolate why 'Titanic' or 'Hindenburg' or 'Jonestown'; or why 'captain' or 'architect' or 'prophet'; or why 'unsinkable ship wrecker walking' or 'idon'tgiveadamnist' 'conflagrator' or 'unimpeachable' 'messiah'; etc. is to not only make believe you "know" me, but also, to make believe you "know" what I "know", what I "care" about, my "motives", and my "intentions".







Only not sees who believe, believe I "welcome" phony schemes to be "seen" and "heard"; "tolerate" ugly mockery of me and mine; "yield" to whatyougonnadoism and arrogance and spite;

yet the doubling down heard around the world is still

time tells the tale of total victory and absolute vindication of you fools and you asses and you idiots who believe you "know" me, and also, what I "know", what I "care" about, my "motives", and my "intentions".







I don't shut the fuck up or sit the fuck down,

because I speak for speaking and I stand for standing;

I'm not speaking for vanity masquerading as "history" and I'm not standing for greed masquerading as "reality";

I'm speaking for not welcoming phony schemes to be "seen" and "heard"; not tolerating ugly mockery of persons and beings; not yielding to whatyougonnadoism and arrogance and spite;

I'm standing for not making believe you know persons and beings you do not, including what they know, what they care about, their motives, and their intentions.


In others words


Titanic is the truth not visible to the "naked" eye is no less the truth; Hindenburg is witnesses who witness, don't know the truth; Jonestown is "the truth" without transparency is fraud;


Titanic is what sinks the "unsinkable" is what's not visible to the "naked" eye is no less real; Hindenburg is what dismantles the "future" is to not see the two faces of hot air is to witness nothing; Jonestown is what fells the "infallible" is trickle down paradise is a "Potemkin village";

time's tale is neither the "history" you make believe nor the "reality" you not see.



Friday, March 15, 2019

The Prerogative of Fakery

The covenant of the producer of reality entertainment is

not justice

nor truth

nor integrity

nor courage.


The covenant of the producer of reality entertainment is

lies and fictions

dressed up as "honest" and "authentic" "truths" and "realities".



the producer of reality entertainment is not in the business of nonfiction.


the producer of reality entertainment is not in the business of documentary.

Which is to say:

the producer of reality entertainment is not in the business of science or history or news or information, etc.


the producer of reality entertainment is in the business of fakery.



the prerogative of such fakery is abundantly not exclusive.


To the extent that all of us exploit lies and fictions to pretend to be "honest" and "authentic" across social media, for example,

the covenant of the producer of reality entertainment is

all of ours

as producers of social media

neither in the business of nonfiction nor the business of documentary.



as producers of social media

the price we pay

the covenant, if you will, we make

with ourselves and each other is

nothing less than the erosion of honesty and authenticity.


Nay, the vow, if you will, we avow

to ourselves and each other is

nothing less than not giving a damn.


Needless to say

it is therefore colossally unsurprising that shams of justice and truth and integrity and courage are donned like the emperor's new teflon by producers of reality entertainment and producers of social media

as honest and as authentic as fakers in the business of fakery.

See also the Ides of March and Memento Mori


Tuesday, March 5, 2019

The Great Claptrap, Again

There is a blindness in the face of hardship and misfortune and mortality that avows:

     the past is no begetter of now

     and hardship and misfortune and mortality therein

     the past is salvation of now!

There is a blindness that avows:

The Great Claptrap, Again

How is the past salvation of now?


If the past is salvation of now

what did our progenitors avow as salvation of now... decades ago? generations ago? centuries ago? millennia ago?

     The past?



did our progenitors summarily avow:

     the past is no begetter of now

     the past is salvation of now?



after millennia and after centuries and after generations and after decades of avowing the past as salvation of now

     what begot now?



what begot now of millennia ago? now of centuries ago? now of generations ago? now of decades ago?)


If the past is no begetter of now


(much less now of millennia ago and now of centuries ago and now of generations ago and now of decades ago)

     what is?



If God begets now and hardship and misfortune and mortality therein


(and now of millennia ago and now of centuries ago and now of generations ago and now of decades ago)

while that which humankind begot in the past is no begetter of now (and hardship and misfortune and mortality therein); that which humankind begot in the past is salvation of now

     then God is apologism.


For how is this God, this consecration of blame shifting, this convenient deus ex fabricatio

     to blame

for now and hardship and misfortune and mortality therein

(much less now of millennia ago and now of centuries ago and now of generations ago and now of decades ago)

while the salvation of now and hardship and misfortune and mortality therein is the past

     (begot by we who beget no now)?


To see the salvation of now as the past

is to not see the unbroken road from the past to now.


Though thousands of years have passed since our progenitors avowed: we are faultless; now and hardship and misfortune and mortality is God

to not see the unbroken road from the past to now is to avow decade after decade, generation after generation, century after century, millennia after millennia: we are apologists; now and hardship and misfortune and mortality is the broken road;

after all: the past is no begetter of now; the past is salvation of now!


Are we as jejune as our progenitors...? Millennia after millennia and century after century and generation after generation and decade after decade... ?



if the past is salvation of now

     what past is salvation?

For every past and every hardship and every misfortune and every mortality therein without exception was once



Now after now after now after now after now

there is a blindness in the face of what's working as intended that avows:

     the great claptrap

again after again after again after again after again.



There was never a time when vagrancy was encouraged. When mischief was praised. When disorderliness was welcome.

Censured and rebuked by societies and neighbors, the reason was this:

respect is the currency of civility and civility has stood the test of time.

Needless to say, while tendering respect is entitled to respect in return, tendering vagrancy and mischief and disorderliness is not tendering respect. It's rude.

Moreover, such deficit of respect merits redress and amend.


Not surprisingly

debtors of the currency of civility who are apologists

apologize not

and demand instead

entitlements and privileges from the very societies and neighbors to whom they owe redress and amend

with the fake righteousness of teflon.


Like civility, this deficit of integrity has stood the test of time.



There was never a time when moral washing was not encouraged and praised and welcome. For moral washing was how believers consecrated:

     God is apologism.


Though thousands of years have passed since the first consecration of God is apologism, the unbroken road of believers who are moral washers is well trod with the avowal:

to avow

temptation is God's purpose; transgression is God's will

is to avow

forgiveness and deliverance are entitlements and privileges

owed to we

who exploit the establishment of religion and the exercise thereof.


Not surprisingly

moral washers who consecrate moral washing

apologize not

and demand instead

entitlements and privileges from the very societies and neighbors to whom they owe reformation and restitution

with the fake piety of the emperor's new transparency.


Like apologues, this deficit of honesty has stood the test of time.



Now after now

we the fake righteous and we the fake pious

who heil makers on the take

owe no redress, no amend, no reformation, no restitution

to societies and neighbors who denounce deficits of integrity and honesty

again after again.



Though thousands of years have passed since the first exhortation to Carnival

do we indulge ourselves for Shrovetide

as if joy is the point?


do we abstain from joy for Lententide?

As if acts of indulgence and acts of abstention

signal virtue

like fair weather cocks flapping like flags on flagpoles.



To not see claptrap working exactly as intended is to not see willful blindness and covenants thereof stand the test of time

millennia after millennia and century after century and generation after generation and decade after decade and
