Friday, March 15, 2019

The Prerogative of Fakery

The covenant of the producer of reality entertainment is

not justice

nor truth

nor integrity

nor courage.


The covenant of the producer of reality entertainment is

lies and fictions

dressed up as "honest" and "authentic" "truths" and "realities".



the producer of reality entertainment is not in the business of nonfiction.


the producer of reality entertainment is not in the business of documentary.

Which is to say:

the producer of reality entertainment is not in the business of science or history or news or information, etc.


the producer of reality entertainment is in the business of fakery.



the prerogative of such fakery is abundantly not exclusive.


To the extent that all of us exploit lies and fictions to pretend to be "honest" and "authentic" across social media, for example,

the covenant of the producer of reality entertainment is

all of ours

as producers of social media

neither in the business of nonfiction nor the business of documentary.



as producers of social media

the price we pay

the covenant, if you will, we make

with ourselves and each other is

nothing less than the erosion of honesty and authenticity.


Nay, the vow, if you will, we avow

to ourselves and each other is

nothing less than not giving a damn.


Needless to say

it is therefore colossally unsurprising that shams of justice and truth and integrity and courage are donned like the emperor's new teflon by producers of reality entertainment and producers of social media

as honest and as authentic as fakers in the business of fakery.

See also the Ides of March and Memento Mori



  1. The concept of the producer of reality entertainment is interestingly enough similar to that of a benevolent dictator, a noble thief, or an honest whore. All of which are nothing more or less than meaningless fantasy meant to justify the destruction of justice, truth, integrity, and courage.

  2. Should one stop following a producer of reality entertainment, would that person amount to nothing more than a speck of dust?

    Should one stop consuming reality entertainment, would that which is fake matter more than ash?

    Should one stop obeying the decrees of the emperor wearing new teflon, would they have any power whatsoever?

    In the end if we abstain from following, consuming, and obeying would we not see that the producers of reality entertainment and social media would just shade away?

    Wouldn't that be something?

  3. Viking bønder nå og for alltidMarch 16, 2019 at 3:32 AM

    Det er den nåværende smådynte diktatorene som vil gi det neste settet av smådiktige diktatorer deres makt.

  4. Today there will be speeches, there will be stories, and there will be virtue washing around loyalty, courage, and doing our duties. All will seek commendation for following, obeying, and doing what we are supposed to do. But - is it commendable to be a loyal, obedient follower when those who lead are at best mis-directed and at worst fakes? Or is it commendable to be disloyal, insolent, and radical as a form of resistance? Hopefully your answer is tied not to the points that you are given from unseen swipers.

  5. AlphaCentauriOrBustMarch 16, 2019 at 4:51 AM

    The king and the pauper share the same truth that both are mortal and will be judged at the gates of heaven not for their fame, power, or wealth in the unreality but rather by justice, truth, integrity, and courage demonstrated pure of heart and without deceit in the real world. Now - much like then - Hell will be full of kings and paupers as they continue to chose the prerogative of fakery over the freedom of truth.
