Thursday, November 25, 2021

The Curse of Crocodile Gratitude

i feel your

crocodile life

belly low slung, swaying

conquest trophy

i feel your

crocodile lie


of Crocodile Gratitude

Is a sorrow, a sorrow, if the tears are crocodile tears? Is a courage, a courage, if the heart is a crocodile heart?


I should tell a story.

That accomplishes what?

A play? A script?

How doubtful, a medium of crocodile tears to answer the question of crocodile tears.

A speech!

At a microphone, is there a difference between a speech by the author and a speech by the author of the author?

Of course, a poem. Surely, a song.

So a narrative isn't a narrative, when it's not in narrative form?


What about a letter? An interview? Or a post? How all the rage, a medium of crocodile hearts to answer the question of crocodile hearts.

What about a headline? An account? Or a testimony? How vive du jour, a crocodile crocodiles in statements witnessed.


It is effortless, crocodile tears that say: I weep, I weep. It is painless, crocodile hearts that say: I bleed, I bleed.

To spot the crocodile is to spot the hay in a haystack.

Do you know? Which hay is the crocodile in a haystack? Do your peers, your so and so, your own know? Which haystack isn't a haystack at all?

I should tell a curse:

more power to you.

To be the hay in a haystack means to be like all the others but only skin deep. Taught by life in childhood that acceptance and fairness is skin deep: How long before every child's acceptance and fairness is skin deep too? How long before swaths and masses, communities and civilizations, are populated and colonized by haystacks that are crocodilestacks? How long before the hay that is the crocodile is yourself and everyone else because that's what it means to be like all the others?

The Curse

On this season of gratitude, I'm grateful for crocodile tears, crocodile hearts. I'm grateful for drip drop, tick tock. I'm grateful, skin deep.

For anything but would rob me

of how good, how good, how good it feels to drip drop crocodile tears, to tick tock crocodile hearts, to skin deep gratitude.



The Curse of Crocodile Gratitude is the curse of appearances.

Of what's sacrificed, when what matters isn't substance, when what matters is trivial. That is, when what matters is the appearance of civility, what's lost is the point. For the point of civility is not fake politeness or fake friendship or fake kindness, though this is the kind of politeness and friendship and kindness that is taught to every child and practiced. The point of civility is mutuality.

Such that when what matters isn't mutuality, when what matters is the façade of mutuality, what's missing is sincerity.

This is what you and I feel.

When every degree of superficial difference between us is experienced visibly and palpably, we feel insincerity, whether the difference is across our politics, religion, gender, income, or so on.

We often criticize such insincerity as hypocrisy, even as we exercise hypocrisy too.

After all, is every one of you authentic with everyone? That is, do you feel a mutuality with every human being on the other side of every degree of superficial difference between us? Do you feel a humility?

Or is what you and I feel, good that a pretense of dignity is good enough? That, but for performative respect, as heartfelt as playacting, we would be at war?

The Curse of Crocodile Gratitude is the curse of what's not special.

Differences aren't what's special about us. What's special about us is our capacity and will to recognize and acknowledge that differences don't matter, not really. 


When differences are our everything, from our identity to our pride, we reject our obligation to shrug off visible and palpable realnesses of differences to cooperate. Never mind, what is there to cooperate towards together, when we feel no humbleness towards the different? Never mind, differences are no more accepted and fair, than realnesses of differences are visible and palpable.


To the extent that the future is the consequence of our cooperation or lack thereof, directing our energy, resources, and bandwidth towards what's not real and what's not true, robs us of tomorrow to satisfy the present and we who seize lanes and appropriate flagpoles with the impunity of make believe.


The Curse of Crocodile Gratitude is not the curse of enemies.

It's the truth that reaping what we sow isn't specific and judicious. That is, the covenant that forgives all doesn't spare believers of such covenants from tomorrow. In other words, what we don't cooperate towards today, will bear fruit that engages hostilities tomorrow.

Such that, should we wish for a tomorrow that fulfills hope for something more real than make believe, the seeds we plant cannot double down on fictions that feel too good, too good, too good to be true.



Author's Note

Love is not a solution. Not when love is for the loved and hate is for the hated. Not when what is coveted is crocodile life and what is despised is all that repudiates greed and pride and vanity.

 For greed and pride and vanity are what crocodiles live and lie and love for.



  1. This season is a drag. Love more, give more, and give up more. Blah Blah Blah. News Flash for you silly bipodal rabbits – none of these things are the answer. They don’t conquer all and make this world a better place. Few if any of you truly understand what it is to love, to give, to sacrifice so if you lack the basic understanding of what it is then how can you possibly understand how it could be a solution. Instead, you use the phrases and words in idolatry of crocodile wishes, tears, and gestures. They are catch phrases for you saying, “love me more,” “give me more,” “sacrifice only what I don’t want,” “me,” “me,” “me.” It’s all about you and be damn that anything gets in the way of your fake gestures meant to broaden your influence, your wealth, your power; or that of yours and ours. What do I want this Christmas, a curse on all those that fantasize about all that is not real, that is fake, that is meaningless? And look! My wish has been granted in you. Merry Christmas to the mirror of my heart, mind, and soul!

  2. Darkness. You know there is a difference in darkness between the immortal and the mortal. One sees evil, sees darkness and acknowledges the existence of it in themselves, in others. The other is too busy trying to cover it with veneer to hide it not only from others but from themselves.

    Sin. Immortals know sin, they don’t hide when they are doing it or that it exists around them (even when it feels like 15 ton on their soul). Mortals, you fall victim to the fabricated house of illusions and mirrors that you concoct to hide your sins.

    Beauty. Those of everlasting know that they are beautiful, like the sirens of old sitting on rocks being cooled by the mist of an ocean wave while they eat flesh and bone without regard for their appearance. Those doomed to die though weave spells of manipulation in cauldrons supplied in ready numbers from hell so that they might wrap themselves in the purity of truth while all the while wearing a wig to hide the greyness of their soul and façade.
    No. Mortals do not understand what it means to be immortal – for they spend so much time acting like it that they fail to see that the path is not an act but rather something else that is to hard to describe to those whose only truth is their lie.

  3. Swirling, whirling, dancing goes the mind in this masquerade, a lovely procession of the masks that few shall ever grasp so caught up in a show of horror. Each glad to settle for impressions of falsity if it will only last a bit longer and captivate they and theirs from the very thing that would set them free.
