A predictable and unsurprising reality of a people consumed by contests and challenges and competition is an expedient collective leaning into adversarial mindsets, incoherently circular justifications, normalized callousness, etc. Which is to say,
a people who cultivate fights should not be surprised by a people who fight dirty.
Imaginary Guardrails
Relying on guardrails to safeguard what's worth fighting for is like operating under the delusion that people who grip symbols of worship within iron fists -
are saints.
Contests and challenges and competition do not mint 'fine' individuals.
Or 'resilient' people.
Or 'ingenious' societies.
Much less enshrine a 'good' world.
I mean, seriously? What drivel! Adversarial mindsets, incoherently circular justifications, normalized callousness, etc. -
are miles and miles and miles from
nobly inspired.
As though beneficiaries of immunity, for example, donning luxuriously phony 'good faith', earn their make as honestly as 'made families'.
Needless to say, fail-safes
are not what they promise -
'certainties against uncertainty'.
Promises of 'faithfulness', 'patriotic fervor', and 'solemn oaths affirmed' are not safeguards against fraud, treachery, and imposture.
Still, we testify and witness
Our people, our representatives, our leaders are not only paragons of 'faithfulness', 'patriotic fervor', and 'solemn oaths affirmed' -
but these, let's be honest, purest of driven snow virtues, are why our rationalizations, our justifications, our legitimizations are without a shadow of doubt -
As if what's right or what's wrong is whether we or they
so swear.
Their people, their representatives, their leaders not only flaunt a contemptible absence of reverence, unapologetic weakness, repellent venality -
but these, let's be honest, imperious character assassinations, are why their rationalizations, their justifications, their legitimizations are absolutely
Notwithstanding other
'certainties against uncertainty'.
Campaigns of 'control' to 'nullify variables', diligent 'indoctrination', ceaseless inducements to shrivel within meek 'fear-based' lives do not insulate tyrannies from right-doers who deliver
freedom and liberty for all.
Still, we persist;
we proclaim beasts must be reproduced and used up and thrown away,
because that is what individuals and people and societies
are for.
As if what's right or what's wrong is whether we or they
are victors
chosen to decide the fates of right-doers and wrong-doers like immortals and Gods answerable to no mortal marvel of
I mean, seriously? With hollow patter whirled like candy floss at a county fair - we the people consent to omnipresent policing, glorifying groveling submission, intimidating condemnation of right-doing, etc.
As though this fever dream is
divinely inspired. As in
frothed winners' champagne is for soaking
pretty pennies and pocket lint.
Sure. And
anybody can be a pretty thing shining with disposable currency, at the mercy of deep pockets that generously amass fluff,
destined to be baptized by fire.
A thorough addressal of imaginary guardrails could be fascinating
and lengthy.
neither above nor below
are exhaustive.
(i) The corrosive consequences of "a people consumed by contests and challenges and competition" are plain and real.
From athletic matches to televised asks 'to vote' for 'winners' to fictions pretending to be 'real non-fiction' - we are frothed to care about what doesn't matter at the expense of bandwidth and wherewithal to care about what does.
Invariably "contests and challenges and competition" of measurable relevance to real life - from fighting for limits to health-care-industry-profiteering to gainsaying the 'fairness' of tip-wage-pay-offering to denouncing medical-care-denials on the basis of 'conscience' as unconscionable, etc. - become absurdly distorted by what's trifling and what's really consequential be damned.
(ii) Case in point: "a people who fight dirty".
Outright lies do not 'inform' people 'doing their own research'. Outright lies deceitfully alter the reality, the lived experiences, of people who demand to be addressed as
people who 'can handle the truth'. It goes without saying, real world consequences of such imposture include wins by ruse, etc.
As in:
every 'pitch' that confidently pretends that exempting 'wages earned by tips' from wages that are taxed will not result in a shortfall that will be paid for from the reduction of or elimination of services or benefits that people, tip-wage-paid and otherwise-paid, value and/or depend on, etc.
(iii) The belief that "contests and challenges and competition" are the foundation or the cornerstone of ambitious, innovative, growth-mindset, etc. "individuals", "people", "societies"
is a quasi-motivational-axiom cultivated by beneficiaries of (i) because beneficiaries of (i) measurably and materially benefit from (ii). Moreover,
beliefs that lie (iii) enrich beneficiaries of (ii) because duh.
(iv) Case in point: "immunity".
That "luxuriously phony 'good faith'" is a feature of a narrative that '"'made families'"' "earn their make" "honestly"
is an example of (ii). Furthermore, "immunity" is not about protecting "good faith" per se;
"immunity" is about protecting wrong-doing while arguing that such protection is constitutionally guaranteed for wrong-doers. Because of course it is.
(v) The "fail-safes" of II (above) would we, people, be pacified by "promises", which is to say, "certainties against uncertainty". As in:
testifying and witnessing "faithfulness" certainly ensures piety, reverence, authentic observance of religious dictates, etc.; "patriotic fervor" certainly ensures honor, valor, transpicuous courage in the face of genuine dangers and serious threats, etc.; "solemn oaths affirmed" certainly ensures demonstrably concrete vows to dutifully obey unwritten and written laws, rules, codes of conduct, part and parcel to an actual commitment to decency, etc. -
absolutely compel public-servants-to-be to "restore", "save", "venerate", etc. "virtue", "dignity", "pride", etc. (see The Backbone Estate (November 24, 2024) for reference)
Notwithstanding innumerable unmentioned "fail-safes", as in:
testifying and witnessing "contrived" "popular" "momentum" certainly ensures public-servants-to-be are unquestionably for us, real people, rather than for "power, influence, wealth, status plainly improbable without promises, promises, promises", etc. (see The Keys to the Kingdom and Other Nonsense (September 27, 2024) and The Backbone Estate (November 24, 2024) for references)
Because everybody knows
purity promises issued by public-servants-to-be are fail-safe fail-safes as verifiably trustworthy and rigorously scrupulous as nuclear fail-safes.
(vi) The "fail-safes" of III (above) would states and nations be appeased by "promises", that is, "certainties against uncertainty". As in:
a premise that "campaigns of 'control' to 'nullify variables'" are not only just but necessary to effect control, from broad 'state' sanctioned surveillance especially via personal technology to expansive 'secret' judicial policing to malevolent intolerance of 'independent' media and 'independent' private opinions, etc.;
that "diligent 'indoctrination'" is not only necessary but vital to effect control, from tactical smear campaigns against 'independent' media and 'independent' private opinions to directives that glorify submission to power through 'state' enforced themes couched as 'uplifting' and 'revelatory' to brittle strangleholds on the publication of information and 'content', etc.;
that "ceaseless inducements to shrivel within meek 'fear-based' lives" are not only vital but inescapable to effect control, from threatening directives to vague sermonizing to soft encouraging haloing to chilling incentives to see or say or do nothing or else, etc.;
If "guardrails" are imaginary boundaries - that ignore paranoia-based, reign-of-tyranny-based, villainous-main-character-energy-narrative-based tyrants-in-waiting - as mere exercisers of duly and constitutionally secured privilege - then victory is answerable to nothing.
(vii) Though "beasts must be reproduced and used up and thrown away" is self-explanatory, see Beasts Fell and Lawless (October 6, 2024) for reference.
(viii) Beyond (i), the poisonous consequences of "contests and challenges and competition" include "adversarial mindsets, incoherently circular justifications, normalized callousness",
manifestly evident in apologetic and callous "fail-safes" (v, vi) that promise "pretty pennies and pocket lint":
"winning no matter what" or "a lie". (see The Keys to the Kingdom and Other Nonsense (September 27, 2024) for reference)
The fight "to safeguard what's worth fighting for" is rarely as effortless as
leaning on imaginary guardrails to steel the spine of the backbone estate. (see The Backbone Estate (November 24, 2024) for reference)
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