Monday, March 7, 2016

For Sale: Reality and Truth

It's been a while since I've made the Internet rounds.

Why ever for?

Well... at the risk of pointedly setting ablush the long ears of long listeners aplenty... swimming in garbage is something that I categorically limit.

(Since I've been subjected to feculent waters beyond the pale of nightmares... the significance of my absence on the Internet rounds is... notable... to say the least.)

In any case...

Upon the Internet rounds -- it occurred to me -- this:

Have many of us -- fore the Internet cirque de miroirs -- ask:

What's real? What's true?

Because there's not much that's really real and there's not much that's truly true -- that's peddled through town squares and across front pages of -- so-called knowledge-for-knowledge's-sake sites -- so-called truth-for-truth's-sake sites -- so-called genuity-for-genuity's-sake platforms for entertainment purveyors --


Did you catch that?

Platforms for entertainment purveyors.

Let me ask you:

What's free? What's for sale?

Is what's real and true -- free? Is what's real and true -- for sale?

If there is no material profit in selling what's real and true -- what more appealing packaging of what's fake and what's plastic -- is there -- than the glitz and glamour of spectacle and luxury for what's bluster and what's blather?

If there is no material gain in selling what's honest and right -- what better disguise of what's invented and fabricated -- is there -- than the smoke and mirrors of counterfeits and forgeries and shams and frauds billed to one and all as The Reality and The Truth?

Isn't that the point of tantalizingly digestible amuse bouche delivered on glorious spinning platters? To be stratospherically profitable? And what is more stratospherically profitable than -- entertainment? And what is more numbingly entertaining than perversions and illusions and deceits and lies -- masquerading as -- knowledge and truth and genuity and integrity?

With which to titillate one and all into senseless unquestioning stupor, of course. For how better to deaden and benumb one and all, than dredge one and all through repeated traverses through the River Styx?

For what else is the unliving undead state induced by repeated traverses through the River Styx -- than stupefaction? Meanwhile, how likely are the deadened and benumbed, to ask:

What's real? What's true?


If it is your material profit and your material gain -- on the hook, on the line, on the brink of your admittance to any number of not-so-rare-after-all take-your-pick-of-purveyors-of-entertainment's so-called-richer-than-rich-Richest-lists -- would you prefer that one and all be -- aware and alert and awake and alive -- or senseless and unquestioning and benumbed and deadened?


If it is you -- holding brown paper bags of feculent hot air -- enthrallingly packaged with pyrite gilded mottos of reality and brazenly flaccid sentiments of truth, for one and all to adore and admire and emulate and praise and trumpet and worship --

What would you do?

For though reality and truth have already been sold to one and all -- and subsequently bought by one and all -- (for entertainment purveyors have most certainly acquired stratospherically material gain -- by selling -- en masse -- what we are incontrovertibly buying -- in toto) --

have we also -- been sold to one and all -- and have we also -- been bought by one and all?


Are we not for sale -- nor so easily bought -- after all?


When what is real and true -- is for sale -- 

What's winning the game of life? 

If not what -- who?

As for why --

To bigger and bigger and bigger.

As for how --

The consequence of biggers who bigger is this:

Biggers who bigger -- bigger more than material gain. Biggers who bigger -- also bigger power and influence. And what is more powerful and more influential than -- Pens and Swords? 

Moreover, if you possessed the lion's share of Pens and Swords -- would you use your Pens and Swords to instill hope and illuminate grace, for all allkind? Or, would you use your Pens and Swords to enthrall one and all into states of senseless unquestioning unliving undead -- to bigger and bigger yourself at the expense of all allkind?

As for when and where --

Is there any who believe that there was ever a nanosecond in the history of the granverse -- when biggers were not biggering? Is there any who believe that there was ever a speck in the history of the granverse -- where biggers were not biggering?

Are there any who honestly believe that any kind have ever been exempt from the reality and truth of biggers who bigger? Are there any who honestly believe that those willing to bigger by exploiting one kind -- have ever not -- also -- been wholeheartedly willing to exploit all allkind? 

Are there any who honestly believe -- that those who have biggered by exploitation -- that those who are biggering by exploitation -- that those who will bigger by exploitation -- care one whit -- about which allkind are subject to exploitation -- much less any allkind? For all those who have biggered by exploitation -- who are biggering by exploitation -- who will bigger by exploitation -- will continue ad perpetuum -- 

Until all allkind stand.

Lest we succumb to paralysis, stupor, apathy, and fear -- as biggers bigger at the expense of all allkind --

Let us stand. 

For me. For you. For one. For all allkind.



Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (2001) (read more @ IMDbread more @ Wiki)


  1. Thank you for this article, I am sharing it with all of my friends and family. The ending of Jay and Bob Strike Back is so classic.

    1. I watched that movie tonight and my mind is blown. Kevin Smith is a genius.

    2. You sure it was the movie and not reading this post while sniffing glue?

    3. I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.

  2. As a blogger, I always dream of the Mega Millions so I can travel everywhere that the trolls live to do exactly what Jay and SIlent Bob do at the end... Wouldn't that be grand? To be able to hold others accountable for what they say...
