Wednesday, March 2, 2016

II: The Pen, The Sword, and The Might of Pillars

Continued from I: The Pen, The Sword, and The Might of Pillars

Abbreviated Tales of The Pen, The Sword,

and The Might of Pillars

(Or Pillars Home)


Said The Pen to The Sword: Who are you?

Said The Sword to The Pen: What?

The Pen: Who are you?

The Sword: I am The Sword.

The Pen: Are you?

The Sword: What do you mean - 'are you'?

The Pen: What if The Pen has determined that you are The Dagger? What if The Paper agrees? Now - any being that looks like you, walks like you, talks like you, thinks like you - is The Dagger. Now - are you still The Sword?

The Sword: Of course I am! That's ridiculous!

The Pen: What if you come across a Club of Swords, a Society, if you will, among whom you keenly desire to affiliate. But when you ask The Secretary for admittance, The Secretary oozes unfettered disdain: 'Our Society is for Swords only'; with pity, The Secretary adds quietly: 'The Society for Daggers is over there.'

The Sword sputtered: But... but...!

The Pen: What if you come across an exciting Experience, an Opportunity, if you will, extraordinarily alluring to your heart and your soul. But when you ask to speak with The Giver, The Doorkeeper replies with haughty reluctance: 'This Opportunity is for Swords only. There are no Opportunities for Daggers at this time'; with pity, the Doorkeeper adds quietly: 'There are Opportunities for Daggers over there.'

The Sword sputtered: But... but...!

The Pen: Do you still contend, that you are The Sword?

The Sword sighed, deflated and confused: If I am not The Sword... who am I?

The Pen: The Dagger of course.

The Sword protested plaintively: But I'm not! I'm The Sword!

The Pen: If you look like The Dagger, walk like The Dagger, talk like The Dagger, think like The Dagger - are you not The Dagger? For are not truths and realities of one and all - determined by Pens and Papers?

The Sword retorted, indignantly ferocious: Why do Pens and Papers decide... who I am?! What gives them the right... to say that I'm The Dagger?!! I'm The Sword!!!

The Pen: Do you not do the same... when you call me... The Pen?

The Sword replied with increasingly burgeoning unease: Aren't you?

The Pen: Am I?


Said The Pen to The Sword: There is a tale called Power.

Said The Sword to The Pen: Really? Tell me more!

The Pen paused... silent; before The Sword, The Pen appeared visibly... inexplicable...

The Sword: What's wrong? Why won't you tell me about the tale called power?

The Pen: Because -

The Pen sighed... and started again: Because -

The Sword gazed with gentle understanding before The Pen: Is it me?

The Pen nodded... breath bated... on the precipice of enigma...

The Sword declared emphatically: Then I will seek all that is real and true - until I am ready!

The Pen exhaled... and hugged The Sword: I love you, Dear Friend. When you are ready - we will leave nothing unsaid about The Might of Pillars.

The Sword heartened by The Pen's warmth and affection, proclaimed: I love you, too, Dear Friend. For no Truer Friend, have I, than you... for no other listens as you... no other inspires as you. Thank you... for the gift of You.

The Pen rejoiced with infectious elan: You are Very Welcome. Thank you... for the gift of You.



The abbreviated tales of The Pen, The Sword, and The Might of Pillars - are exactly that - abbreviated. For it would be quite meandering indeed - to be a fly aperch - for every curious conversation - between two whose friendship runs as real and true - as The Sword and The Pen. 


- M.

~ ~ * * ~ ~ * * ~ ~

Said The Sword to The Pen: Of tales yet untold, and, in particular, of The Might of Pillars... while our healthy respect for intolerance, condemnation, and vilification of illimitable curiosity... is no insignificant matter, by any rubric... what more is left to say?

Said The Pen to The Sword: Indeed, for is not the inimitable pursuit of all that is real and true... the true and real Might of Pillars?

~ ~ * * ~ ~ * * ~ ~

Said The Sword to The Pen: Concordia semper et perpetuum...

Whereupon... The Sword paused expectantly...

Thereupon... continued The Pen: Harmonia caritas et fidelis...

Whereupon... The Pen and The Sword, ventured forth, together... joyful in their amicus, humble in their mutuus, content in their sui et qua alius...

Thereupon... birthed a nova societas amicorum of allkind.

~ ~ * * ~ ~ * * ~ ~


  1. A magnificent point and even better story!

  2. I wish I had taken more Latin! Still, my favorite one is the one about Power. It's quite divine.

    1. One can get to familiar with Divinity, one should just not get that familiar with it.
