Sunday, March 27, 2016

Thank You

for making me laugh ~

for making me cringe ~

for making me blush ~

for making me sputter ~

for making me cheer ~

for making me duck and run, too ~

for every anonymous ~ for every userid ~ for every pseudonym ~ for every string of vowels consonants letters characters symbols and so on and so forth ~

for every faceless face in a crowd ~ here ~ there ~ every where across the granverse ~

Thank You

for taking the time ~

to think ~ to read ~ to explore ~ to discover ~ to realize ~

for giving me a moment of your life ~

even if but ~ just here ~ just now ~ just this once and no further ~

Thank You

for choosing to make me matter ~ even if but for one exhalation in the span of eternity ~

what greater gift ~

for someone such as myself ~

from someone such as yourself ~

than your moment ~

Thank You

for your generosity ~

for your compassion ~

for appreciating me ~

for remembering me ~ with kindness ~ with care ~ with genuity ~ with sincerity ~

Thank You

for you ~

each one ~ each all ~ each every ~ each kind ~

i am truly humbled by the warmth ~ the goodness ~ the humility ~ the wonder ~

of you ~

Thank You

you matter ~

to me ~ to one ~ to all ~ to every ~

here ~ there ~ every where across the granverse ~

all matter ~

this day ~ every day ~ this where ~ every where ~


thank you for caring enough to share ~

it has been such a treat for me to read the comments sent a'flitterin' and a'flutterin' through cyberspace ~

from the bottom of my heart ~ i'm tickled beyond pink ~

as for those who care ~ whose comments yet hang unfettered a'waitin' a seat in an audience that is but standing room only ~

i wonder ~

what value the masks ~ what value the silence ~ of the few ~ the many ~ the proud ~ the brave ~

alas ~

methinks we are not so far removed ~ in this time ~ from times past ~ when the power and the control of things was not yet the immaculation of the internet of things ~ 

affectionately yours ~

a m


'Wind Beneath My Wings' (@ RHINO on YouTube)


  1. Thank you for such a message of hope and gratitude on a day of hope and second chances. This is a much better message than the "leaders of faith" have given.

  2. Thank you for showing what gratitude really looks like... Your message of gratitude is the best I have ever had the pleasure of reading. My hope is the idiots out there war mongering read this instead of trolling the forums screaming for vengeance.

  3. ItAllStartsWithOneIdeaMarch 27, 2016 at 12:57 PM

    Thank you! This made my day and I wish you a happy Easter.

  4. 작고 힘든 주셔서 감사합니다. 당신의 년 유령 포수의 전체 수있다. 우리는 당신의 감사의 얼굴에 겸손입니다.

  5. Ver så god! Du er veldig snill. Godt natt og drøym søtt

    1. Some of us don't speak Russian, how about in English? Because you know she wrote this in English... j/k, but I would like to know what was said because well... I like to understand things and I am not married to a Viking.

    2. It's not Russian. And you like to sleep with reindeers.

    3. Can you try again in English? I don't speak Italian. Or maybe Spreche sie Deutsch?

  6. This gives us hope that with gratitude and kindness that we can liberate the oppressed on earth and strive to create the world that brings us together instead of apart. Thank you! May your days be full of love and happiness.

  7. Thank you for you... and forgetting the bottle thing... :)

    1. Umm... If it's the bottle I am thinking of... I don't think she has forgotten or forgiven...

    2. Champagne Bottles... Never meant for that...

  8. Armand de Brignac Brut Rose Champagne FTW...

    1. Perfect for a Champagne brunch with no kids around.

    2. Or a Champagne Picnic in a favorite San Francisco park.

  9. It's refreshing to find a blogger who writes for others not to increase their own self worth. Thank you.

  10. Thank you for making this universe grand again; and for showing us how to be humble.

  11. AlphaCentauriOrBustApril 2, 2016 at 10:29 PM

    Ingen barn noen gang hatt en bedre mor enn deg.

    No child ever had a better mother than you.

    1. I was so thinking the same thing!
