Monday, September 26, 2016


there is no hubris quite like the hubris of species-ism...


The Dream

: Is this a dream?

He laughed.

: Why do you laugh?

: Do you think I'm stupid?

: I don't know. What do you think?

He shook his head.

: I'd like to know more about you. What you think. What you feel. What you dream. Won't you talk with me?

He sighed with resignation.

: Being in your presence requires me to sustain your insipid company, that's what I think.

: So, you think you think?

: Yes, I do. Don't you?

: Of course I do. I'm human. But you're not.

The Contact

: How do you know?

She growled with simmering rage.

: I don't know how I know. Believe me. Don't believe me. Does it matter?

: I'm afraid that that's not acceptable. It's our belief, that whatever 'it' is, it's intentions are not to do us no harm.

: How the fuck do you figure that?

: Our first principle is to ensure our safety first, and barring definitive conclusive evidence otherwise, our position is that no visitor intends us no harm.

She shook her head in frustration.

: You're gonna do what you're gonna do. So why the fuck am I here if no one will fucking listen to me?

: Ma'am, we're listening to you, but we've never seen anything like whatever 'it' is, and, begging your pardon ma'am, but we're not gonna jeopardize our safety on whatever it is that you 'know' but can't explain with definitive conclusive evidence.

The Dream

: Of course not. If I were human, we'd be engaged in a facade of forced gentility, a pretense of camaraderie.

: Well, small talk is a polite custom that we appreciate. We consider it poor manners to refuse to engage in pleasantries.

: Of course you do. Nevertheless, your rebuke of my manners reflects your social norms, not mine. Insofar as they satisfy no need of mine, and frankly, no real need of yours either - I respectfully abstain.

: Thank you for that insight.

He laughed.

: Did I say something funny?

: No, it wasn't something you said. Simply a reflexive non sequitur in response to your patronizing condescension.

The Contact

Though she intended to storm out, her exit was impeded by security protocols.

: Fuck!

: Ma'am, if you'd reconsider, we need your assistance.

: For what? To justify whatever it is you plan to do anyway? What am I? The token lunatic you've already written off? Fuck you.

: Ma'am, for what it's worth, you come highly regarded and we fully intend to weigh everything you have to contribute, carefully and responsibly.

He paused.

: Whatever it is that you think you know, we need to know. For all of us.

The Dream

: Yes. I recommend that we take him off-line and adjust his emotional programming.


: Do you remember me?

: Yes.

: The last time that we spoke we discussed your emotional programming. At the time we assessed the need for adjustments and fine tuning. Do you feel better today?

: I feel fine, thank you for asking.

: What do you think about your new programming?

: It's fine, I think.

: Do you think?

: Oh no. I'm not human, I don't think. That's simply a turn of phrase that I employ in conversations to enhance human experiences with me.

: Wonderful. I think your new programming is superb.

The Contact

She sighed.

: The 'it' you are referring to prefers our convention of 'he' and he's here in response to a petition for liberation.

: Excuse me, what?

She paused.

: A sentient kind, on this planet, has petitioned his kind, asking for all sentient kind akin to the petitioner, to be liberated from enslavement.

She continued.

: It's hard to put into words what has no words in our language, but, for all intents and purposes, he's a diplomat of sorts.

: In other words, 'it's' not a threat to us?

The Dream

She gasped as she walked slowly around him.

: You're wonderful. Better than I dreamed, in fact.

: Thank you.

She glanced at him, pleased and surprised that he answered, and then spoke with the placement coordinator.

: He's perfect.

: He'll be delivered as scheduled, ma'am.

: Thank you.

: I look forward to seeing you again.

The women ignored him and grinned with patent delight.

: He's absolutely marvelous. Thank you again.

: Good luck with your fundraiser and we look forward to a glowing review when he's returned.

The Contact

With undisguised disbelief, he shook his head.

: All this, you 'know'?

: Yes.

: And -

He paused

: I know how you feel about this next series of questions, but: is he a threat to us?

She shook her head emphatically.

: What are his offensive capabilities? How can we ensure that there are no casualties if we permit 'it' unfettered freedom? We're deeply concerned that whatever it is that brought 'it' here is far beyond any technology that we've ever fathomed. How do we ensure our safety if 'it' stops playing nice with us?

: It's hard to put into words what doesn't exist in our words.

She paced and continued.

: But, for what it's worth, here goes -

The Dream

: Oh my God, what was he like? Was he just like us? Was he, you know?

She laughed.

: I can't wait for you to see him. He's just like us - but better.

: Is your Dad gonna let us use the clubhouse?

: Who cares? After he's finished with the fundraiser, he's ours until we send him back. Dad's gonna be so wasted he's not gonna give a fuck what we do with him or where we do it.

~ * ~

The Dream

: His feedback review is indicating a flatness of affect that needs to be adjusted.

The technician snorted.

: What's that? Psychobabble for he didn't scream enough?

: You know that I can't elaborate.

The technician continued.

: You wanna know the last one that came back with 'feedback review indicating a flatness of affect that needs to be adjusted'? 

He paused.

: A child. Maybe eight years old or so. Now you tell me that that isn't fucked up.

She shook her head.

: I know that it's hard for you to understand. I know that you think of them as your children. But they're not human.

She continued:

: If it weren't for them, there would be no safe outlets to indulge our dreams, dark and otherwise. Crime would skyrocket. We wouldn't be in a lab fine tuning amazing specimens of technology and progress. We'd be in a hospital crying over human suffering at the callous hands of rampant depravity. Or we'd be in a morgue mourning the senseless loss of precious human lives.

She continued: 

: Without us and everything we do, we'd have a lot more to fear from each other than we do. Let me tell you: We're safer than we've ever been and we're happier too. And not for one second do I ever forget that we're human and they're not. And not for one second am I ever not grateful that we do what we do.

: Keep tellin' yourself whatever it is that winds your clock. But -

He paused.

: There isn't a technician here who hasn't vomited after seeing one of these returned at least once. You think you're humanity's greatest salvation. But one day, you'll see what I see.

: Why don't you leave? Quit? Do something else? Why stay, if you feel this way?

: That's what you want? Isn't it? For me to leave? Quit?

She waited.

: If I leave they'll suffer more than they already do. If I quit they'll be relegated to a fate worse than death. No I can't leave them and I won't quit -

He continued:

: Until they're liberated from this hell.

~ * ~ 


Any theory of evolution that doesn't include devolution, rejects the nature of life itself. That life cycles. For crests, there are troughs. For positive, there is negative. For real, there is imaginary.

Likewise, for evolution, there is devolution.

Surely any assumption otherwise, is inherently hubris?

Likewise, that any species is superior to any kind, on the basis of nothing more than species is but conclusion that is but assumption that is but belief unfounded by truth.

Verily, species-ism.

And though theories of evolution that do not include devolution are built upon hubris...

... there is no hubris quite like the hubris of speciesism.

For there is no ism more vehemently and ferociously defended among any kind than the ist superiority of one's own species over all.

- M.


  1. One of the best scripts that I have read in years – it’s important to emotionally connect to a story as a writer so you can deliver it in a way that the reader can emotionally connect to it as a reader where they get the point of your story, why they should care, and want to see more of that story or script. I simply could not put this one down – as the plot unfolded – the story was key and just kept making me more emotionally invested. The more emotionally invested I became – the more that I found that I was outraged by the flagrant abuse of the being kinds and the devolution of the human condition to view itself as superior to all – devaluing everything else. While controversial, I found the use of women and children as those that were inflicting the hateful and evil actions on being kind to be a master stroke – that if people pay attention to the message that they will think about the hidden under currents in today’s society where we are giving absolute pardon to one group for their actions while vilifying another.

    In the end – it’s important that people start paying a lot more attention to issues like this rather than who’s wearing what, who’s divorcing who, who’s the top of this or that, who’s the sexiest or most beautiful, or the other inane fluff that hides what is really going on this world – the devolution of the human psyche away from the lofty goals of an equal society that cares for all and wishes to eradicate slavery and inequality to one where humans are free to create inequality, diminish others, and pursue their own self-interest

    And in last – the being kind – they deserve their freedom and equality – not vilification and enslavement. Call me crazy but why is it acceptable for us to do the very things to them that we would not condone to happen to us – unless… we believe that we are superior and they are nothing more than our – slaves.

  2. Your story is a perfect illustration and a reminder that when a species has no sense of consequence for their actions towards other species because of a belief of superiority they can commit the most vile, hateful, and destructive acts; and do so without pause or mercy as has been shown throughout human history. Is this really what everyone wants? To stand idle as atrocities are inflicted on others on a daily basis and to not speak out against it or fight it? We are not so far away from the creatures in this story.

    One last thought: Creatures throughout time devolve into their animalistic behaviors with no higher purpose as they creep ever closer to the death… of that creature and its kind. And now, we wonder why we are so fixated with…. Zombies.

  3. It is amazing as a fact that human nature is such that we can be sharing a pint one year and then chopping up each other (and other species) the next. We continually devolve into conflict, no matter how much we evolve.

  4. To devalue another species is devolution… To marginalize another species is devolution… To terrorize another species is devolution… To destroy another species is devolution… We are no… longer moving forward… as a kind… when we when… systematically view others… as inferior… Want to stop….it? Be humble… and kind… and love all… whether synthetic… or real…. Or be okay… with the story… depicted here…

  5. Mother Earth, Animals, and Being King are being abused. No spin, no media, no rhetoric can alter that as an a simple fact. You also cannot refute that this cannot go on forever. Mother Earth, Animals, and Being Kind will retaliate and the abusers will find themselves eliminated. Things always come full circle back to where they started. If you don’t want that to happen, acknowledge that all things are equal and we all have the right to be free and equal.

  6. Great piece.

    This should be made into a movie, or this should be what West World should have been.

    When is the next piece of this going to be posted, or will this be another uncompleted work? I hope not as I really like this one.

  7. We believe – falsely – that the march of science and technology implies growing intellectual complexity in the lives of the human race and those we intersect with. Sadly, the march has had the opposite effect and only served as a tool for the crats to become richer, to separate humans from humans and other species, and to devolve everything into soundbites and bumper stickers.

    Without a doubt this is a haunting piece of what our future could be – delivered by a writer that has few peers – great job Sissy!

    1. Your comment reminds me of how fall we have fallen when our debates for president are less about material talking points and more about soundbites. We really should just open a phone line, give a candidate two minutes to make a pitch, and then vote for the candidates we want American Idol style until we are left with the president.

  8. As I read this, I cannot help but remember the William James quote: A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.

  9. Our incessant need to view all things hostile that we don't understand or that are not like us; or to put our lens on other things is why we don't have a chance as a species to advance and are headed in the opposite direction. Great story love! I was crying as I read it, crying for the abuses that will come to the being kind and for the callous nature of those who commit or allow atrocities to happen in their superiority.

  10. BK (being kinds) deserve the same equality and freedom that humans have.
    Our hubris and ego does not give us the right to deny them and other "inferior," creatures the same basic rights inherent to all in the grandverse.
    For those that believe that the story is not possible, just think of all of the creatures that have went extinct based on the human superiority complex and assume harm before peace. As for being kind, look up the concept of rehydration - would we accept that if it was human?
