Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The Angel and The Prophet

a tale beyond time...

The Angel and The Prophet

: No one believes in you -

: I could say the same about you -

They sighed.

: True -

: Verily -

Before them, blue and clouds and space and stars, a grandverse beyond imagining, spun the slow steps of a joyous dance.

: I wonder -

: A shift -

: Of perspective -

: It's something -

: But -

: It's been tried -

: Already -

: Failed -

: Utterly -

They paced.

Each wrapped in thoughts that spun cocoons of ponder.

: What if -

: That too -

They sighed.

: You know -

: Indeed -

~ * ~

It's not up to us.

Your world is not ours.

Our destiny is ours.

Yours. Yours.

Our hands weave no life. Of yours.

Our hearts weave no purpose. Of yours.

Our souls weave no fate. Of yours.


If this life, is your one life, is this life the life of your choosing?

If this purpose, is your one purpose, is this purpose the purpose of your choosing?

If this fate, is your one fate, is this fate the fate of your choosing?

Be. Love. Hate. Consume. Loathe. Covet. Fly. Dream. Hope. Despair. Rage. Joy. 

All choices. Good. Bad. Neither. All choices.

Ours is hope.

Ours is dream.

For ever our hopes weave matter. For ever our dreams weave time.

Ours is immortality.

Yours. Mortality.

Choose. For ever choice is yours.

~ * ~

we are inexplicable

far beyond the ken of water bears are we

beyond the stars eternities of sail have we

lonely ever the despair of havoc and ruin across a tapestry like dissonant chords thread run of color all shot

white black

white all colors black all colors

perplexed the sightless who fantasias and maias in lieu of truths affirm

evil good

evil all kind good all kind

mindless loops of errors enigmas of entropy and chaos

~ * ~

: What is -

: None -

They sighed.

: Will it -

: Never -

Before them, stars and rocks and caves and seas, a grandverse beyond fathoming, spun the slow murmurs of a languid requiem.

: I can't -

: I won't -

: I don't -

: How -

: Who -

: What if -

: Alas -

They paced.

Each wrapped in reverie.

: Until gloam -

: Ever mare -

They sighed.

: If -

: Of -

~ * ~


: Reveille -

: Love -

: Neither -

: Either -

: Trying -

: Doing -

: What -

: Why -

: There is -

: Here is -

: Writ -

: Done -


~ * ~


Make of this... whatever you so make of it...

... like angels and prophets... 

... what we believe and what we know... are often far removed from the truth...

- M.


  1. I make of this a wonderful marvel, much like the author. It's important for us to remember that divinity, spiritual leaders, great all kind, and all others are not the ones choosing where this planet will go - it is you, it is I, it is our choices that matter, and then what we do with those choices that will determine the future. The future that we are... accountable for.

    1. I saw a... great video... yesterday.... of a horse.... named... Frederick the Great... any relation? ;)

      I concur... This piece... is one of the... best pieces... well... forever...

      Oh, how I.... yearn for that... view... It is beyond... compare... like you...

    2. I saw a video the other day where a man's head was stuck in a horse's ***, was that you?

      Great post love! The sci-fi element to this has me hoping that someone will make this into a movie - let's just hope that its not the same person who made Wars in Stars.

  2. TysonBreakingTheSpaceBarrierSeptember 24, 2016 at 10:42 AM

    It's not in the stars to hold our destiny. It's in ourselves. Don't blame the stars for your bad choices, hey made theirs and that is why they shine so bright.

  3. The beauty of this post and of you is that you are always looking for us to connect to a better future - to guide us there.

    Our destiny is a lot of connect the dots. You can't connect the dots moving forward (unless you have a six second rule), but you can most certainly connect the dots looking backward. Then its a matter of trusting that those dots and your actions will somehow connect in your future. In the end we all must believe in something whether it be your destiny, karma, or a gut feeling. A beautiful woman taught me that once and its never let me down - and has made all the difference in my life.

    How I miss the shores of Greece, the years of life with someone who, made me better.

    1. And... the rumors... begin....

    2. Of a man whose head is stuck in a horse's ...

    3. Or a prince so entitled that he....

  4. Let not angels - nor prophets make your path.

    I farm. The first thing I learned that my father taught me is that to harvest is to reap more than you sow. Sowing is an act that reaps a habit. Sow yourself a habit and you will reap more than grain, you will reap a character. Sow, or build a character and.... you reap a destiny for the world worth harvesting.

  5. Angel - Prophet - Demon - Deity - Planets - All of these have their own destiny - but all chose to pursue that destiny - in line with the greater good - in line with serving and supporting the grandverse. Their destiny is not your destiny - not your choice - you choose your destiny - and by that choice - you either move closer to home - or you move farther - but it is your choice - not theirs.

    Destiny is fickle - follow the path of something self interested - take the path that leads to you - not getting what you want in the end - and depriving everyone else of their destiny. Follow the path - where you hope and dream for something more - your destiny becomes that of the grandverse - rich and noble - and a destiny that will be something more -

    1. While I am very young, I have learned that the best years of my life have been the ones in which I decide that my problems are my own - not someone else. I don't blame them on my family, the environment, my genes, or anyone else. The realization that I control my own destiny has liberated me - has made me now seek to fulfill a destiny to the earth, to the universe, and to the greater good, not just myself.

      Of course, I am fortunate to be the daughter of the bear - the child of the sun and friends to the moon and elk.

  6. I try to not be a sycophant, but find it hard to not do so with you - great post as usual.

    This makes me think that if we all spent more time adapting ourselves to the things among which our lot has been cast and love sincerely the fellow all kind with whom destiny has ordained that we shall live with - that maybe, just maybe we would have a destiny for this grandverse full of promise of hope, peace, and equality instead of despair, war, and inequality.

  7. All Kind seldom let you down if every kind understand that every kind's destiny is in each other's hands and vice versa; and not in the hand of those whose destiny is no longer tied to ours.
