Is that why you... forbid it?
Is that why all of us hide it and veil it and call this deliberate obscurity of our natural morphology... appropriate, respectable, pious?
But what do hiding and veiling our physical forms... have to do with appropriateness, respectability, piety?
For are not appropriateness, respectability, piety... virtues of the mind and the heart and the spirit?
Such that when we subsequently hide and veil our nudity... do we not do so with the very opposite of appropriateness, respectability, piety?
With garments that exact manifestly reprehensible tolls on our lands, our waters, our skies, our enslaved labor... for vanity and conceit... with apparel that bray our gender, our socioeconomic status, our religion, our nation... so as to set us apart from each other... with dress that hail conformity and compliance... to whatever ethos of personal expression we patently adhere... including those dogmas of sexism, racism, religionism, nationism, socioeconomic statusism, classism, sexual orientationism... that we fervently deny... yet embody in our costumes and vestments of work and play and love and worship...
Is it not a tragedy... that born naked... ever after our nudity is censured... by communities, by societies, by nations, by religions...
For what... really?
Because... physical form... offends you?
Because... natural morphology... evokes something within you?
Because... nudity... incites you?
Are bears incited by the nudity of bears?
Are fish evoked by the nudity of fish?
Are hawks offended by the nudity of hawks?
Are trees scared by the nudity of trees?
Do we forbid nudity... of other living beings?
Are our babies... just born... less appropriate, less respectable, less pious... for presenting themselves to us... naked?
But alas... from then on... we shame our selves and each other... and smother our marvelously natural forms... in illogic and departures from reason...
... until we believe the most intolerant, the most vicious, the most ist... fictions and myths and propaganda and dogma... about our selves and each other... on the basis of that most superficial superficiality... on the basis of dress...
... such that we forget...
... we are not what we wear...
... skin is skin deep...
... and that which lies beneath... within the mind, within the heart, within the soul... is what really matters.
Such that we judge, prejudge, misjudge... our selves and each other... with the myopic solipsism of the vapid and the narcissistic and the self righteous and the sanctimonious...
... instead of the integrity and the nobility of truth.
What need have we... of regulated garments, of designated apparel, of appropriate dress, of respectable costumes, of pious vestments...
... who we are is so much more than what we wear...
... what we wear is not the truth of who we are...
... nudity is the physical form of who we are and nudity is the natural morphology of who we are...
... thus nudity is not inherently nor intrinsically nor inviolably inappropriate, disrespectable, impious... despite zealous and vehement regulation and designation so...
... before the eyes of God, Allah, Jehovah, Buddha, Shiva, Gaia, Powers that Be, our selves and each other...
... the sin of nudity is not that we hide it and veil it in shame and fear... the sin of nudity is that nudity is not our uniform...
... for nudity is the uniform of all living beings on this planet and across the granverse and our shame and our fear is but our shame and our fear of that which is the truth.
Clothing is a convention.
We decide what it means.
Such that we decide that this and that means that and this.
Such that they decide that that and this means this and that.
Such that we and they... justify and condone... isms on the basis of dress.
Such that they and we... legitimize and sanctify... hatred on the basis of wear.
Such that they decide that what we decide... is utterly irrelevant.
Such that we decide that what they decide... is utterly irrelevant.
Because the only decisions that matter to us are ours.
Because the only decisions that matter to them are and theirs.
Such that clothing... is yet one more expression of disunity and disharmony and misunderstanding and intolerance and ignorance and prejudice and pride and hatred and violence and tyranny.
In the end:
My wear does not give you permission to hate me.
My lack of wear does not give you permission to exact violence upon me.
My costumes and vestments of work and play and love and worship... do not give you permission to tyrannize me.
My garments, apparel, dress... and lack thereof... do not give you permission to disregard what they, and lack thereof, mean to me, in favor of what they, and lack thereof, mean to you.
My nudity is not an invitation.
My nudity is my natural morphology, my physical form, my uniform.
If it repels you, if it disgusts you, if it satisfies you, if it excites you... you have decided with absolute disregard to me, that my nudity is what it means to you.
Indeed, when you and your decisions and your conventions... matter more... than me and my decisions and my conventions...
... such that your decisions and your conventions supercede mine...
... is this just?
Indeed, when you and your decisions and your conventions... adhere to malices of sexism, racism, religionism, nationism, socioeconomic statusism, classism, sexual orientationism...
... is this just?
Indeed, when us and our decisions and our conventions... bray our gender, our socioeconomic status, our religion, our nation... so as to set us apart from each other... with dress that hail conformity and compliance to blatant isms...
... is this just?
Verily... the only uniform that is just... is truth.
Thus... the only uniform that is just... is nudity.
- M
I considered and reconsidered... whether or not to post this post... since it was not written as a post for tvfs, per se... so much as a cfam (commentaries from a m), which I've missed writing of late...
As such... it feels private... and unfinished... in that way of endless poetry and literature that I cannot bring myself to publish for being so inexplicably personal...
Nevertheless... in the wake of our unrelenting mire of gloams of isms of always and of late... this topic feels woefully apropos...
- M
Clothing is a convention.
We decide what it means.
Such that we decide that this and that means that and this.
Such that they decide that that and this means this and that.
Such that we and they... justify and condone... isms on the basis of dress.
Such that they and we... legitimize and sanctify... hatred on the basis of wear.
Such that they decide that what we decide... is utterly irrelevant.
Such that we decide that what they decide... is utterly irrelevant.
Because the only decisions that matter to us are ours.
Because the only decisions that matter to them are and theirs.
Such that clothing... is yet one more expression of disunity and disharmony and misunderstanding and intolerance and ignorance and prejudice and pride and hatred and violence and tyranny.
In the end:
My wear does not give you permission to hate me.
My lack of wear does not give you permission to exact violence upon me.
My costumes and vestments of work and play and love and worship... do not give you permission to tyrannize me.
My garments, apparel, dress... and lack thereof... do not give you permission to disregard what they, and lack thereof, mean to me, in favor of what they, and lack thereof, mean to you.
My nudity is not an invitation.
My nudity is my natural morphology, my physical form, my uniform.
If it repels you, if it disgusts you, if it satisfies you, if it excites you... you have decided with absolute disregard to me, that my nudity is what it means to you.
Indeed, when you and your decisions and your conventions... matter more... than me and my decisions and my conventions...
... such that your decisions and your conventions supercede mine...
... is this just?
Indeed, when you and your decisions and your conventions... adhere to malices of sexism, racism, religionism, nationism, socioeconomic statusism, classism, sexual orientationism...
... is this just?
Indeed, when us and our decisions and our conventions... bray our gender, our socioeconomic status, our religion, our nation... so as to set us apart from each other... with dress that hail conformity and compliance to blatant isms...
... is this just?
Verily... the only uniform that is just... is truth.
Thus... the only uniform that is just... is nudity.
- M
I considered and reconsidered... whether or not to post this post... since it was not written as a post for tvfs, per se... so much as a cfam (commentaries from a m), which I've missed writing of late...
As such... it feels private... and unfinished... in that way of endless poetry and literature that I cannot bring myself to publish for being so inexplicably personal...
Nevertheless... in the wake of our unrelenting mire of gloams of isms of always and of late... this topic feels woefully apropos...
- M
False advertising is... always the best... way to get people... to read great works... of art... I wonder... how many people... clicked here... hoping for pictures!