Friday, October 14, 2016

Choosing Sides Is Choosing War

There is only one side.

Therefore those who divide us into sides -

Repudiate the truth of one side -

For the lie of war.

Choosing Sides Is Choosing War


Though I have been exploited - many times over -

I am not for the side of the misused.

Though I am no saint - by any stretch of generosity, whatsoever -

I am not for the side of the errant.



Because peace matters more.

More than persuasive reason and emotional appeal.

More than entitlement and privilege.

More than the sake of one side over the other.

More than right and wrong and which side is which.

Because -

War never actuates peace.


Lest we find our selves a hair's breadth away from barbarism -

Let's reconsider sides -

Lest we find our selves plunging into the determinism of nihilism -

Let's reconsider divisiveness -

Lest we find ourselves hurtling towards the certain devastation of mutual assured destruction -

Let's reconsider war -


By whatever shred of dignity remains within the mettle of human kind -

Despite all that we have wrought -

Upon all -

Let's find something to hold fast -

Abreast this tumult of wretched depravity -

This corrupt wasteland of self anointed -

Upon platforms girded by astounding hubris.


For me -

That something is truth above all.

In lesser measure -

That something is also - hope and trust and faith -

That truth will prevail - that justice will prevail -

In merciful measure -

Semper et perpetuum.


For all -

Lest the temptation to champion crusades of fanatic adherence to extremism -

Beckon like sirens whose promises swell forth, beguiling and irresistible -

The compelling temptation to mete 'justice' with brutal fervor -

Is savagely indifferent to peace for all.


There is no truth -

There is no justice -

Without mutuus et aequum -

Without vivo et liber -


Such that truths sans mutuus et aequum, vivo et liber -

Are lies and fictions - myths and artifice.

Such that justice sans mutuus et aequum, vivo et liber -

Is tyranny and injustice - totalitarianism and despotism.


Verily - experiences of exploitation and mistreatment -

Confer no special dispensation of automatic authenticity or inviolable credibility - 

Regardless of whether the misused avow one side, as the side of the unassailable -  

While the other is vehemently denounced as that of the accused reprobate.

Verily - approximate sainthood or lack thereof -

Confer no unequivocal legitimacy or illegitimacy - 

Regardless of whether the unimpeachable proclaim one side, as the side of the infallible -

While the other is vociferously condemned as that of the deplored profligate.


In the end:

Sides are not the truth.

Sides are arbitrary positions -

That we condone -

That we sanctify -

To justify and defend - divisiveness and war and discord and conflict -

On the basis of sides -

Rather than truth and justice.



Truth and justice - are indiscriminate - with respect to sides.


Every side for sides -

Is neither for truth nor for justice.

Every side for sides -

Is for war.


Insofar as war deprives all of mutuus et aequum, vivo et liber -

War advances no truth and furthers no justice.

Insofar as war advances no truth and furthers no justice -

War actuates no peace.

Insofar as war actuates no peace -

War actuates narcissism.

Whereby endemic solipsism and virulent fanaticism -

In the name of me me me and my side over them them them and their side -

Stand for war against peace for all


Every one is choosing sides.

Here, there, every where. Now, then, every when.

Because this battle. Because that war.

Advances this platform. Furthers that position.

Uplifts the miserable here. Elevates the tragic there.

But -

In the clamor of bombast and vitriol -

Will truth prevail?

Will justice prevail?

If no one chooses the truth?

- M.



In our zeal for 'justice', we determine guilt and innocence. Often sans the whole truth. Often per 'sides'.

Even though the whole truth often inconveniently illuminates how imperfectly human all of us are, regardless of 'side'.

Which is the point of the whole truth.

Because partial truths invariably skew our perspectives vis a vis different lens, that differ based on which truths are known and which truths are omitted or obscured (i.e. vis a vis context and nuance), for example -

Such that partial truths inexorably evolve (or devolve) into lies, fictions, myths, artifice, etc. -

That all too often serve agendas (of entitlement and privilege, for example).

We further judge human intersections and execute justice. Per nothing less than our qualifications of fairness and infallibility. Often sans credence. Often per 'sides'.

Except, insofar, as our credence is self conferred per self conceit.

Which is no credence, at all.


When we choose 'sides', and subsequently determine guilt and innocence, based solely on 'sides' -

When we choose 'sides', and subsequently judge each other and mete justice, based solely on 'sides' -

Rather than acknowledge -


That - we do not know the whole truth.

That - we are not infallible.

We vehemently insist our truth is the only truth and vociferously demand our justice as the only justice.

As if -

The right to do so is ours and ours alone.

Because - we ourselves have been exploited and misused.

Because - we ourselves have inexpiably erred.

Because - our experiences are the only experiences that matter.

Much like our truths are the only truths that matter.

Much like our justice is the only justice that matters.

As if -

We and we alone - are the measure of truth and justice - for all.

Even as - we obstreperously object - to measures of truth and justice by mobs of vigilantism - when justice is exacted against us and truths are exposed against us - by mobs of vigilantism that are not our own.

Such that -

Even truths -

Even justice -

- are manipulated, distorted, perverted - to serve agendas - of others as well as our own.


Which begs the question -

Does such zeal for justice really serve truth and justice - much less us?

Or does our thirst for truths that are facilely manipulated and effortlessly distorted - as well as our appetite for justice that is guilefully perverted - serve other agendas as conveniently as those that are ostensibly ours?


So long as scripts are written - scripts serve agendas.

Such that - scripts of demands for 'justice' by mobs of vigilantism - serve agendas, too.

Not unlike - scripts of side mongering that pit 'sides' against each other like entertainers in rigged wrestling dramas.


What agendas are served by all the scripts aforementioned?

Surely the crows who feast on war profiteering - at our expense, no less - are not wholly idle, to leave their fattening to chance.

Especially when our expense is eagerly and wholeheartedly contributed in service to agendas of our own.

- M.


  1. Ignorance often makes people see life as black or white - that you must choose sides - and so the world around us that is so full of colorful gradients goes without admiration or is destroyed in the endless wars of black and white. So, why choose war? Why choose profit? The world is so much more vibrant with peace, with charity.

    1. GamersUniteAndThroughTheGateOctober 16, 2016 at 9:36 AM

      I will choose piece when you are laying on your back giving the world that goodiness. Until then, we know that you are nothing more than talk like all of your family.

    2. And you are nothing more than a pimple-prone zealot living in their parents basement and have never enjoyed the world around them. She is a vibrant soul that wants a better world without labels - and without hate - which one of you two is worth the breath they take.

    3. I would suggest... you look elsewhere Gamer... there are people... her grandfather and father... who would not take kindly to your... innuendo... and that is not... even counting... her mother... and aunt... who make us look civil...

  2. Have we not moved past the belief that the world is 2-D - flat as a piece of paper? Last I checked - the world is round - and being that it is round - there are no sides.

  3. TysonBreakingTheSpaceBarrierOctober 16, 2016 at 9:46 AM

    Too many things have taken on a hard line dimensions. That's odd to me because I don't see people choosing sides over the theory of relativity or gravity or other fundamental facts. Maybe we should all take a lesson about that when it comes to peace and the truth.

    Great article! When I look up at the sky I see endless possibilities, largely in part to the prose you put forth in the hopes of a better tomorrow!

  4. We are not too far - from an age where you enter one place - are judged based on that neighborhood - and enter another - and are judged there. Each neighborhood will have its own form of public execution - where the mob decides your fate - or each citizen in that area can be your judge - jury - and executioner.

    The fact is that we are - already doing this - metaphorically and virtually. Don't believe me - take off your Zed Lens - and see the world for what it has become - because we choose to take sides - and attack anyone not on that side.

    In the end - I want to be remembered for living for a dream that wouldn't die - a dream of peace - of unity - where we all can be.

    We need more heros - that come from the age of innocence and peace - not those from guilt-driven agendas and war.

  5. This is what is destroying the world: people saying that there are no sides. Well, I tell you, there are sides. It's as simple as good versus evil. And those that say that we should do away with sides are nothing more than evil-doers bent on making this world Hell on Earth, ruled by Lucifer.

    1. You woke up... on the crabby... side of the bed... this morning... didn't you?

    2. Some - myself included - believe that inside each of us is a seed that is both good and evil. We are struggle with which one will win - however it is foolish to think that one can exist without the other. Striving to do away with one - will land you exactly where the other was.

    3. @HillsOverIgnorant: You have yet again missed the point of the post - choosing instead to spew your garbage - in halls of purity. Want proof? Look to nature - nature has no principles - Nature does not make a distinction between good and evil - so why should we?

    4. Careful what you ask for - when choosing sides - as you may find that you are going to be judged for the evil hidden in your soul - without mercy granted by accepting that we are all one - and have our flaws.

    5. Be careful of your desire to be Madam Mao - it did not end well for her love.

      And last I checked one side has probably committed more evil acts under the name of good whereas the other - well I don't think the other side has done the same? Have they?

    6. People like to say that the conflict is between good and evil. The real conflict is between truth and lies. Remember that when you stand in front of the only two people truly allowed to judge our kind.

    7. ABigMindInAShortBodyOctober 16, 2016 at 11:22 AM

      When one murders to conceal their lies - is that good? Be careful of casting that stone around good and evil - it might just bring down your house built on lies and sins.

  6. LifeIsABoxOfChocolatesOctober 16, 2016 at 11:33 AM

    Now back to the good stuff, her post, not the troll living under the hill. In the end - the question of sides is not about whether god or the universe is on your side but whether you are on God and the Universe's side.

  7. There are no sides in heaven - there are no sides in hell. When you die - there are no sides. So why must we live obsessed with sides and not focus on what really matters in this universe. If you focus on that you will find life to be - a day on the beach with the one you love - where time is meaningless.
