Friday, April 1, 2016

In the Mood for Ghosts

In the Mood for Ghosts

~ told in three poems ~

Poem I ~

through what dark and desolate traverse
dothst this soul pass
shadows that reach
wisps that cling and stifle
clutching abreast
despair and deceit and darkness without light
always and forever
interminable chill and
effort in vain
for what matters
in a land of ghosts
but darkness beyond night
that begins nor ends naught
but for starless skies

Poem II ~

how dothst thy candle burn bright
whenst before thee
ghosts shame a'timorous
the champion brave and dear

how dothst thy candle burn true
whenst before thee
fell beasts lurk within shades
send a'quaking
the stalwart soldier

how dothst thy candle burn fair
whenst before thee
fearsome bulwark of uncertainty
sends a'halting
the firm tread of the honored captain

how dothst thy candle burn fierce
whenst before thee
bloats the prison of mortality
the hopes of the few and the proud

oh! render them helpless
the pitch of the new moon

beware the candle bright and true
beware the candle fair and fierce
for while ghosts and beasts are fearsome indeed
no ghost nor beast - more insidious be
than uncertainty and mortality

Poem III ~

burn flame, thy smolder
sunders mooring too fragile
by far, doth I live

burn flame, thy smolder
ashens caritas too mean
indeed, doth I die


Sylvia Plath (selections of poems @ Wiki)

Edgar Allan Poe (@ Wiki, selected works @ Poe Stories (which may be easier for some to navigate than Poe @ Project Gutenberg))

Edna St. Vincent Millay ('First Fig' @ Wiki)


Andrews Sisters 'In the Mood' (@ YouTube)


  1. We should all live by this poem. And remember to do big acts of kindness lest our divine spirit dies by just doing none or small acts.

  2. Listening to the Andrew Sisters before reading this poem again changed the whole mood of it! You are a maestro.

  3. When you are a Poe you are a Poe, Poe, Poe! Masterfully done

    1. She is more than just a Poe. So much more!

      I hope that a You Tube channel is coming soon. I would love to hear this and your voice!

    2. Your roots are literally showing.

      Wonderful idea!

    3. No more than yours is.

      I love the haiku the most. It's so artfully done.

  4. The only way to live your life is in kindness without the fear and uncertainty of dying; otherwise we all just slowly die off.

    This is a great poem; and I love that I get to be alive to read it in its time. Keep up the great work.

  5. I am in the mood for some Quantums and Bulgogi!

    Nice to see that some people can speak the proper English.

  6. I am beside myself in happiness for you for this post!

    Also green with envy!

    And its nice to see the winds stop howling!

    Hope to see more of these.

  7. AlphaCentauriOrBustApril 2, 2016 at 10:17 PM

    Another great one! The little ones loved it! I had to read it four times.

    1. It is indeed a great one.

      And it is best to start them young with the lesson here so that they are not too intractable with age.

    2. Kind of adult for little kids under the age of 15, don't you think. Maybe start them with Casper? ;)

  8. ItAllStartsWithOneIdeaApril 3, 2016 at 3:32 PM

    Best post I have read yet.

    It reminds of a proverb that said Death is Life, one should die as they lived. If you add this onto that it means live without the fear of dying and the unknown.

    1. Unless she is a pirate, not sure she needs a pirate.... Arggh!!!

  9. Great post. Much gratitude have I for you for sharing this piece of art.

    I am reminded of a saying although the I remember not where it came from as I read this. May it help you and those near you who need guidance:

    Merciful Father, I have squandered my days with plans of many things. This was not among them. But at this moment, I beg only to live the next few minutes well. For all we ought to have thought, and have not thought; all we ought to have said, and have not said; all we ought to have done, and have not done; I pray thee God for forgiveness.

    1. Nice quote... from... the... 13th warrior...

    2. Great movie. Would have been better with the above poems.

    3. A Bridge Too FarMay 3, 2016 at 3:57 AM

      Agreed. Still... That scene may have been one of the best ever.

    4. SifIsLovingNorwayMay 3, 2016 at 3:59 AM

      Best in that movie, yes.

      Best ever, hardly.

      I think one of the above though would have made it one of the best ever.
