Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Tricks and Sticks Won't Break Me, But Your Souls Will

The truth about truth telling is...

Tricks and Sticks Won't Break Me, But Your Souls Will

I know you.

But you don't know me.

Oh, but you think you do. You think you know me well. Like a book with words splayed upon pages in pristine clarity, I am there. For you to examine and probe and discuss and critique. As if. Any of that matters. Because. You see. I am not there.

I am here.

Where. There are no words. No symbols that delimit what is known. No confinement of what is, for your convenience. For I am nothing. If not. Inconvenient.

I am disturbed. In that way that deep pools are unhinged by frightening nightmares of depths that lay untouched, unwoken. In that way that fell woods are haunting and darker than pitch. I am that shadow, that nightmare, that demon of eternity that seeks judgment for the damned.

Oh, but I am light too. That beam of soft caress that falls upon heavy shoulders, as thunderous clouds break to gasp alight, amidst the gloam. Indeed. I am that warmth of hope, that fire of inimitable courage, that pours into hearts and souls, steadfast against the tumult of life miser and brutal.

Nevertheless. The price of me is beyond the pale of ken. Too steep by far for the humble. So, who pays? Who pays this unfathomable price for the immaterial me?

Me. I pay. Over and over and over and over, I pay.


Myself. I own nothing but myself. So I pay. Over and over and over and over. With. Myself.

You think... such payment... easy?

You think... such payment... sweet?

Alas. No one pays for easy. No one pays for sweet. For easy and sweet are worthless in this world that spins on axes of ego and greed. Indeed. The me that is worthful in this world that spins on axes of malice and avarice, is hardly trustworthy or virtuous. For trust and virtue are worth nothing.

Nothing at all.

So, how do I pay?

By being the only currency of value, among the greedy and the insatiable, among the predatory and the rapacious, among liars, among deceivers, among all who belong immured in immortal ice and eternal inferno. Over and over and over and over.

Until the immaterial me detaches from mortality like a kite flung upon the event horizon... Sundering from my heart and soul... purity, virtue, hope, faith, trust, good.... and memories of all that was, all that is, all that will be... Berefting me of me.... Stranding me amidst deep pools and fell woods and the tumult of life miser and brutal.

Such a price, for truth, I wish, no one. Notwithstanding that such a price, for truth, irrevocably denies heroism, nobility, sainthood; such a price, for truth, incontrovertibly denies inviolable sacrosanctity; such a price, for truth, undeniably revokes authenticity, via truth seeking, truth speaking, truthing... does it not?

For who trusts me... to speak the truth...?

The shameless sinner.
The profligate reprobate.
The impostor. The fraud. The hypocrite.

Am I indeed...?

Tricks and sticks have yet to break me... but, your souls, oh your souls, have, do, will... over and over and over and over...

For no trick nor stick is as repulsively vile nor as loathsomely repugnant... as the souls... who bought me, who ravaged me, who sold me, who plundered me... with contemptible joy and abhorrent delight and ruthless untenable pleasure... For the only currency of value, among the greedy and the insatiable, among the predatory and the rapacious, among liars, among deceivers, among all who belong entombed in immortal ice and eternal inferno... is the depraved exploitation of the noble and the virtuous.

Now... do you know me?

Because I know you... and your heroism, nobility, sainthood... your inviolable sacrosanctity... your authenticity via truth seeking, truth speaking, truthing...

... belong as much immured in immortal ice and eternal inferno... as your shameless sins... your profligacies, your reprobacies... your frauds and your hypocrisies...

... as verily as I speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.


The truth is nothing, if not, inconvenient.

... the more that we insist - that liars cannot be truthers - and - truthers cannot be liars... 

... the more that we fail to seek, much less seethe whole truth...

... no truth seeker, no truth speaker, no truther - is a paragon of virtue, much less, authenticity - by denying the whole truth...

... there is no heroism, nor nobility, nor sainthood, nor sacrosanctity - in masks that malign, disparage, vilify - our selves and each other on the basis of symbols that arbitrarily delimit inconvenient truths - in service to convenient truths...

... not only are convenient truths that obfuscate the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth - in fact - lies by omission...

... truthers who lie... also fabricate, manufacture, deceive, distort, etc.

Needless to say, it behooves us all to see the whole truth.

... because obscuring the whole truth, ultimately satisfies no agenda of justice...

... regardless of whose - liar or truther - agenda such obfuscation ostensibly serves...

... for the obfuscation of the whole truth is inherently unjust...

... notwithstanding that the obfuscation of the whole truth is ever a tactic of tyranny and despotism in service to regimes of absolutism and intolerance...

... which is exactly how systems of law and order - as well as societies, as a whole - devolve... when societies eschew truth seeking for... agendas of injustice.

- M.

~ * ~

Just Desserts

that sweet nectar
          of revenge
          drips from my pen
          oh that justest of just desserts

that heady aphrodisia
          of blood
          clings to hands
          that judgeth man
                    my hands
                    my hands
                    my hands, indeed

how divine
          of throats 'neath my sword
          that executeth by mightest of righteousness

oh depravity
          it hungers
          it devours
          it sates unfathomable desire
                    licking drips of vengeance
                    drinking blood that clings
                    sucking swords of sanctity

no dessert is more just
          than hubris and hypocrisy
          rampant, unbridled, pious

I am but slave
          to addiction
          to ecstasy
          to conceit
                    what more irresistible temptation is there

until 'fore beckon
          implacable certainty
          of eternal reckoning
          for which no man receives mercy
          thus dessert is ever just
                    for he who savors it
                    too much

~ * ~


See also Corruption (tvfs) and Robert Frost 'Fire and Ice' (wiki)

round and round
upping down
sword and pen
truth upend

from Upping Down (poem, tvfs)


  1. Wow... Straight to the point... And spot on... We are all... good... and bad... We are all... more than... or less than... We all... should seek the truth... And allow... others to do so...

  2. Great post. If this country and society is to survive then we must protect our ability to seek the truth no matter how inconvenient or controversial it may be. To not do so is to give in to tyranny of the flavor of the week.

    1. Cake of the week is delicious but tyranny of the week is not.

  3. Great post! Color me green with envy. You are the best!

    1. Agreed! The world needs more truth and people not afraid to look for it even when it feels like you are paddling upstream without a paddle.

    2. Cool me purple in pride and hope. Our lives are more than our labels and the truth is more than a single fact viewed in abstract of all else.

      I hope one day I can write poetry with such passion and meaning.

    3. I think... You meant Color me... And I am sure you will... pedigree and all... but don't despair if... if you don't... We all have unique gifts...

    4. If you can think it, write it, and want it... you can be it...

      Awesome post, dripping with honest, passion, and worldly good. I hope that this "letter" gets read and forwarded on as it's what the world needs instead of the letters seeking fame and endorsement.

  4. Finally someone who is willing to call out that heroism, championing, and "doing good" based on greed, hate, fame, and other things is nothing more than greed, hate, and vanity. Now if only others can see it.

  5. Your poem: Wow! Words fail to do it justice. It is a masterpiece of our time.

  6. Desserts are the best but gluttony is bad for everyone at the table.

    1. Have you ever met... a dessert... you did not... like?

    2. Flour less cake... And are you one to judge? He who must have the whole cake without sharing?

    3. AlphaCentauriOrBustJune 15, 2016 at 6:14 AM

      Sharing is caring!

      Not even in Europe can they save flour less cake.

    4. You snooze... you lose... and guilty... as charged... but it does not... mean I have not shared... all the time...

  7. Your words, amazing. Your zeal for the truth, unique. Your soul,archangelic. Please keep being you, the world and I are better for it.

  8. Grrr... You... Grrr... You speak of truth... yet where is yours...

    1. Have I done something?

    2. The more... appropriate response... might be... Have I done... someone?

    3. There are not words for what you did and with... a troll!?! A two bit egocentric serial dating troll!?! Grrr....

    4. Grabs... popcorn.

    5. Anyone smell toast...

    6. One does not "Shake it off" with that one.

    7. Is your career and desire for that such that you are a farce? Please say that it's not so.

    8. The irony of this conversation on this post is not lost on me.

    9. I do not feel the need to justify me to you or a singular reported action to you.

    10. Would that be five plus one is six or would you like the Viking math... That's similar to her tramp like ways... and not, not adorable like Tramp...but still a dog.

    11. Sigh. A fake is a fake. What else can I say. I know my truth and I would not demean an angel for a lieve of coal

    12. While approach is wrong, data supports a fake is a fake.

    13. Taps foot impatiently... We are not done bub...You know what you should be saying.

    14. Man... toast...

    15. Now is not the time to be a Blank Space.

    16. Wow. I wonder if there is some Bad Blood here.

    17. I can say my feelings have not changed.

      I did not ask for this and it changes nothing for you two. My world would be less without the brilliance and harmony that you bring to me even when apart. Why would one settle for a rock when one could have the moon and sun? No offense to the rock.

      I am sorry for my glib comments and shallow commentary.

    18. Stop responding within the context of your trade, renown for the obfuscation of the truth, and just explicate yourself.

      Also be forewarned that others have agendas too and when you knowingly lie through omission you tacitly support their agendas over those that care for you. Or maybe your ivory education did not teach you to spot a four flusher.

    19. Four flushers are the worst. So wasteful.

    20. That one is the worse... Her works... always getting flushed... with the... well you know... down... a... toilet. Reluctantly I must... agree... with... Sneaker... Although I could have.... said it.... more elegant...

    21. Sneaker just dropped the mic and pwned at the same time.

    22. Let it go... Let it go... Sneaker just pwned your !@#$% !@@.. Let it go! He doesn't have time for your !@#$ anyway....

      Masterfully done.

    23. I have a song too... It uses sock puppets.

    24. Really? Can we hear it?

    25. Look inside
      Look inside that lying mind
      Now look a bit harder
      We're sick and tired of the BS you harbor

      So you say
      It's great to read our say
      Well I think you're just full
      Of yourself and your rotten lay
      Your point of view is nothing but lol

      !@#$ you
      !@#$ you very, very much
      'Cause we loathe what you did
      And we detest your fake brunch
      So please don't stay in touch

      !@#$ you
      !@#$ you very, very much
      'Cause your words don't translate
      And it's getting quite late
      So please don't stay in touch

      How is that for starters....

    26. Wow... Like... Wow

    27. That is one of my two fine @## poets. Well deserved to the target of her choice. Keep free styling desert princess of the north.

    28. Before someone responds and makes the Marianas Trench deeper, think before you post.

      This is not about a simple apology or deflecting blame. Nor is this about something as simple as whether something is staged or fake. It's deeper than that and you should respond as such.

    29. I am still not sure what is happening here. Am I not free to live my life in the manner that is best for me? To pursue my dreams? To seek my truth?

    30. I must say that my respect for you was never that high. You always struck me as a person that was a bit too high on himself and his potential. Someone more interested in his personal fame than bettering the world. While you are proving me right, it's at the cost of people who wanted to believe in you, put so much into your career and life with no gain to themselves only for you. It's that which makes me the saddest.

      You are probably still wondering what is going on here. Why such vitriol towards you. Here is it put most simply that your ivy education will understand... People loved you for you; not your fame, your money, or status. They gave you their love freely and without condition. They wanted you to be all that you could be. Now here's the most important part... pay attention... You misled them. You acted as if they mattered. You gave them sweet platitudes and acted like they mattered to you as a kindred and loved soul. Yet, they didn't... All they were to you was a stepping stone for your personal aggrandizement. You were willing to go along with them when it benefitted you but the moment that you found a different path, you spurned all that they stood for (all that you said that you did too) for the arms of someone who will just use you for their gain. Maybe you will get the fame you want from this... Maybe you will be like every other person on the list, a shell that is left to find their way. For me I don't care as I see you for you. So will the others that care. In the end though, the greatest measure of all of us versus that "original garbage pail bitch," will be our willingness to forgive you and continue to wish for your best.

    31. I looked up to you and now I don't. Fame is not more important than truth and love. I hope you are happy in your loneliness until you see the light.

    32. AlphaCentauriOrBustJune 17, 2016 at 6:54 PM

      Swift is the departure of a soul tailored to deceit and false glory.

      Tailored is a suit that is fake and swiftly made.

      You could have gold but you chose the easy path to pyrite.

      You could have had love but chose lust for A more.

      The Seventh level awaits you... while she will take all you hold dear...

      As she is a user, and you fell for it.

      Side note, I love my mom and aunt beyond the stars. I would gladly take any pain that they feel unto myself. Go away troll and stay gone until you look in the mirror and see a man, a real man. You do not compare to my father, or yours... And no matter how much fame or money you accrue, you will always be less than those two.

    33. I thought you a brother, you are not that. I will be here for you when you land on your feet but until then, I cannot go where you are going.

      For the twins of my heart. Know that you are not alone. There are many, myself included, that love all that you are and all that you think. We follow out of love, selfless and grand. Maybe less than what you give unto the Earth and us but still we love you without condition or gain.


    34. Poor actors act poorly. Real actors act with reality. Think on that with where you are going my friend @ACaptain.

      Lastly, fame is not greatness. It's just fame.

    35. I say we put the troll to rest and move on. My sister is the best! Keep writing Sissy, you are the one that I consider to be my idol even though you are but a few minutes older.


    36. Drat... I have to grow a beard... now

    37. She said her main men. :)

    38. Is there...anyone... more main... than me!?!

      I heard... that the... Earth moved... today... on the East... Coast....

    39. Probably because the tectonic plates couldn't support your ego on the West Coast.

    40. Damn... Those Plates are HUGGGGEEEE!!!

    41. Something... is... huge... and it is not... the plates...:)

    42. Nobody is perfect, but life is about choices. I like the choices that this little princess is making. Shame her so called Captain is making choices that are greedy, selfish, and all about the fame and glory without the work. One day you'll realize that you don't have an image that you are trying to portray. You are just being you. Shame that you don't see it bro. But don't worry the real folks who have their back will be right here for them. Have fun with your garbage pail kid while we enjoy the real sick beats of two women who can put the world on fire with their jams.

    43. @TheRealKW: Why must everything devolve into that. We know you are proud of it but theres more to life than that. Besides its how you use it.

    44. I am sorry. Without condition and without caveat.

      When I look in the mirror I see the choice I made and the purity of that choice is nonextant as the choice I made was selfish, forsaking those that have stood with me.

      I want to say more but it would be muddled. It would be apologetic and demean the very apology I am trying to make. Therefore, I stand just with I am truly sorry for not being honest, for using a gift in ways it was not meant to be, and for demeaning the thoughts of those that love me by accepting the contrary in a bid for personal aggrandizement. I know this is but a drop in a millennium but it does not change what I did.

    45. An apology is a start but mere words and partial truths won't rectify this. I wish you the best on your path and sincerely hope you see the whole truth one day and see it soon.

  9. A last thought on this and then I am going to go back to celebrating the creative genius of Ajeeh....

    The way that you discover a person's seriousness about a cause is how long they stay with it when the spotlight is not on it. You see a lot of wannabes switch gears, transition to where the light is. They go from environment to children's rights to animal sanctuaries to where ever to build their personal fame instead of making the world better. I have no respect for that. Be who you are.

    It's easy to be me. I have two women in the world that show me each day what it means to be all kind, the right way.

    1. StarshipsHoopyHoopJune 19, 2016 at 8:43 AM

      All kind all way bringing charity back
      All those liars don't know how to act
      So we are going to teach them smack
      Until they get on the right train track

  10. StarshipsHoopyHoopJune 17, 2016 at 7:43 PM

    God gave men .... larger than dogs' so they wouldn't hump women's legs at cocktail parties.

    1. Apparently... he forgot... to...give you... a reply... button....:)

    2. StarshipsHoopyHoopJune 17, 2016 at 7:57 PM

      "She" forget to give you... a brain... to go with that other thing of yours. I guess that's why she loves her Viking so much...:)

    3. Opinions vary... but point well... taken...

    4. StarshipsHoopyHoopJune 19, 2016 at 8:31 AM

      Interesting way to phrase that.

      Is the point taken... or is it "taken." For sakes sake I hope it's the former.

  11. ShuttingUpToDriveAMonsterJune 17, 2016 at 8:02 PM

    I found love, and truth in words from a Princess.

    @Captain: You found the clap and lies, in words from the original bitch.

    Keep hammering girl! You are making us that remember what you have done and will continue to do proud. Never will forget who helped me get where I am.

  12. ABigMindInAShortBodyJune 19, 2016 at 7:50 AM

    Another masterpiece. I can't wait for another addition to the collection. Your commentary on our social condition is without peer!

  13. In a time that needs meaningful social commentary, you inspire all kind to get off their @$$ and do something.

    1. She does, doesn't she.

      Now ponder why the Fake Oranges and actors are the ones we follow instead of her and the ones like her. Things that make you go hmmmm....

  14. StarshipsHoopyHoopJune 19, 2016 at 8:12 AM

    I wish more would search for the truth. Happiness doesn't come from money or fame. It comes from a life of truth without struggle.

    1. Is there ever truth without struggle for everyone?

      Some might not know the truth or their truth without fighting for it internally or externally.

    2. Hence her articles... that the truth is... inconvenient...

      A truth that... is convenient... is a truth... yet to be... investigated...

    3. Captain Obvious Ftw?

    4. Did Maria forget to give you your sugar with your oatmeal this morning or is this that you want...

      Happy Father's Day to the ones who are the best Daddys!

    5. Thank you... That is what I wanted...

    6. StarshipsHoopyHoopJune 19, 2016 at 3:25 PM

      And here I thought that someone !@#$$ed in your cornflakes.

  15. WithoutReservationJune 19, 2016 at 8:22 AM

    Context and memory play powerful roles in all whole truthes within one's life.

    Just one thing for you to ponder @ACaptain: If anything is good for pounding humility into you permanently, it's the truth without filter.

    1. WithoutReservationJune 19, 2016 at 3:10 PM

      Me thinks... your profile name... should be... without filter...

    2. WithoutReservation or... Without filter? Or maybe... ToFilterOrNotToFilter?

  16. I am a Buddhist, therefore I should not be collecting anything - however, I try to collect the truth and as such I have a lot of truths.

    1. Are you supposed... to be... keeping those truths... or letting them... fly free?
